• Let Christ be lifted up (and lowered down)
    Leaving Grutas Tolantongo, we stopped at two unusual sites today.  The first was Templo y Ex Convento de San Miguel Arcángel (Ixmiquilpan) where the 16th century church’s walls are covered in bright fresco murals depicting figures from Otomí mythology in costumes that predate the Spanish conquest, something that was forbidden after Spanish conquistadors decimated the… Read more: Let Christ be lifted up (and lowered down)
  • Visiting the world’s youngest volcano
    Yesterday we went to visit the volcanic ruins of the San Juan Parangaricutiro church. On 20 Feb 1943 a new volcano (the world’s youngest), Parícutin, was born. It took a year for the lava to reach the church and the adjacent village (so even the slowest managed to escape unharmed), burying all but the church tower… Read more: Visiting the world’s youngest volcano
  • The Devil’s Spine
    Today we rode Hwy 40 from Durango to Mazatlan, which includes the section of road known as “El Espinazo del Diablo”. Hwy 40D, the toll road between the same two points, handles more traffic and is a faster route between these two cities.Thought to be one of the most dangerous roads in the world, Hwy… Read more: The Devil’s Spine
  • A near miss riding through the Copper Canyon
    Last night we were in Cerocahui without any wifi. It was a very dusty ride from Chinipas Del Almada. The road was generally less challenging yesterday, but Michael went down twice, once trying to climb a hill thickly covered in that light, powdery, slippery dust and once when a pickup was passing a dump truck… Read more: A near miss riding through the Copper Canyon
  • Being wise with our money
    I owe a shout-out to @aviatorsoverland. Fellow Canadians who have spent their fair share of time in Mexico, they steered us to Wise, a virtual financial institution that they testified works well for travellers. It’s cheaper, they said. It’s easier, they said. Their logo is cool, they said. Well okay, they didn’t say that… Anyhow,… Read more: Being wise with our money