Since embarking on our adventure, here are the projects we’ve visited:

    El Oasis Children’s Village (International Children’s Care) (video) where we purchased two laundry machines. (Ensenada, Mexico)

    ADRA Mexico (in partnership with CADENA and UNICEF) provides medical services to children and pregnant/lactating women in the migrant community as they cross into Mexico from Guatemala. (Tapachula, Mexico)

    The King’s Children’s Village where we helped repair a vehicle transmission. (Belomopan, Belize)

    Los Pinos Children’s Village (International Children’s Care) where we helped rebuild the engine of their minibus which is used to bring 30 kids from the surrounding community to the on-campus school. (Poptun, Guatemala)

    Hogar de Niños (REACH International) – their greatest need is for more staff. Interested in volunteering? (Santa Barbara, Honduras)

    Hogar Baik (Catholic Church) where we purchased consumables to help them free up more of their operating budget to conduct roof repairs. (Cartago, Costa Rica)

    ADRA Colombia uses this small tuktuk truck to patrol the roads near the Venezuelan border and hand out box lunches to migrants travelling on foot. For many, this will be the first meal they eat in days. (Bucaramanga, Colombia)

    ADRA Colombia operates several mobile medical clinics throughout the country. This mobile clinic provides medical care to the Venezuelan migrants in Bucaramanga, while others provide much-needed medical care to rural communities without medical services. (Bucaramanga, Colombia)

    ADRA Colombia has partnered with a local church congregation to help feed lunch to 50 school-aged children in one of Cartagena’s poorest and most dangerous neighbourhoods. (Cartagena, Colombia)

    Tejiendo Sueños en la Amazonia (Weaving Dreams in the Amazon; TESUAM) rescues young indigenous girls from trafficking and abuse. We provided them with a large screen television to help with their rehabilitation and education. (San José Del Guaviare, Colombia)