Adventuring in the Outer Banks, North Carolina

Walking on the beach (OBX)
Walking on the beach (OBX)

Our first motorcycle vacation in a while! Not a vacation from the bikes, mind you, but on them.

We decided to take a few days and head to the Outer Banks of North Carolina. The ride down was uneventful. We even kept to the speed limit and enjoyed the scenery along the way.

At the beach (OBX)
At the beach (OBX)

There are a few things Michael’s trialing in this trip – new luggage, new ear plugs and lightweight sleeves.

We arrived mid-afternoon (the trip was just 90 min long!), so we had time for a stroll along the beach before we went for dinner at a Thai restaurant. Then, back to the cottage for several games of Sequence.

Dining at Thai Room (OBX)
Dining at Thai Room (OBX)

Angela took a commanding lead (she knew the game), but Michael came back from a three-game deficit to tie it up. The evening ended at 6 games to 5. We’ll leave it to you to guess who won their 6th game to break the tie.

2021 OBX

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