scalp acupuncture for tremors imdur

Approximately 300,000 people in the US and 2.5 million people worldwide suffer from MS. The upper 1/5 region is used to treat contralateral dysfunctional movement of the lower extremity, trunk, spinal cord, and neck. She returned for the second treatment a day later, having had traveled across the country for these treatments. The bleeding vessel can no longer carry the blood to its target tissue and interrupts the brain's blood supply. However, the neurological findings are rarely restricted to the facial nerve in these conditions. Many of these same patterns will be present in cases involving post-stroke symptomology discussed in this book such as paralysis, dysphagia, and aphasia. pounding heartbeats or fluttering in your chest. Scalp acupuncture has been found to have very a significant positive impact on hemiplegic aphasia due to various central nerve disorders, even during the initial few treatments. At that time her leg and arm muscles were so much stronger that she was able to write and make phone calls. To test the strength of each muscle group and record it in a systematic fashion is important before and after scalp acupuncture treatment for paralyzed patients. She walked as much as she could, turning about every 30 steps, walking with confidence and a smile on her face. Although the tremor in both legs was better, she still had some fine movement problems such as difficulty with buttons and writing and still had some stiffness in her legs. The insertion of two needles on the left side of her scalp did not seem to bother her at all. After the third treatment, the deviation and drooped corner of his mouth showed remarkable improvement, especially after more needles were inserted into his face, hands, and feet. Although scalp acupuncture has the fastest track record for improving symptoms, other techniques are also necessary for further improvement. Paralysis is most often caused by damage to the nervous system, especially the brain and spinal cord. His aphasia, dysphasia, and paralysis on the right side had shown no further improvement for the past two weeks. When one area is impaired, this area can recover to a certain extent or can be compensated somewhat by other areas with proper scalp stimulation. Chinese medical pattern discrimination: Damp heat obstructing the channels and network vessels. Those patients usually respond and improve more quickly. As mentioned previously, those patients with some or all of these sensations usually respond and improve more quickly. To relax contractures of the foot and ankle, thread a two-inch needle from Jie Xi (St 41) toward Qiu Xu (GB 40) and Sheng Mai (Bl 62). Paralysis almost always causes a change in muscle tone. Often caused by a car or sporting accident, spinal cord injury is extremely serious. Acupuncturists know the points to work on to slow down hand tremor with Acupuncture. He began to tolerate a soft/semi-solid diet and the nasogastric feeding was gradually tapered down to overnight only as his oral intake improved. Five years before, his medical team had noted his condition has been slowly going downhill. Because his legs were very stiff and weak, Michael had to drag both legs in a shuffling manner when he walked. However, a number of therapies including acupuncture can be used to treat the disease symptomatically and convert MS into remission. References 1. Paralysis due to stroke, multiple sclerosis, and traumatic injury of the brain or spinal cord are the most commonly seen problems in our practice. Insert needles in the Motor Area, Sensory Area, and Foot Motor and Sensory Area and stimulate unilaterally or bilaterally according to the patient's symptoms. During the second treatment, Sherry experienced a hot sensation again, more so on the left side of the body. When compared to other acupuncture modalities including acupuncture on the ear, body, and hand, scalp acupuncture has proven to have the most success in treating MS and other central nervous system damage. He could neither utilize a normal gait from heel to toe nor walk backwards. The common denominators in most cases are external invasion or internal engenderment of damp heat, which damages qi and consumes yin and blood, thus giving rise to internal stirring of wind. The effective rate was 93.3% in the FNN group, better than that of 80.8% in RA group (. 5.3, 5.23 and 5.24). Two minutes after the treatment began, Lisa announced that she felt a lot of blood move to my head. After that, the child was able to lift her right arm with much more ease. They asked, How quickly could he notice any improvement? David decided to try the treatment but was still skeptical after being told that some patients had immediate improvement and others did not. In 100 BCE, the first Chinese acupuncture text, Huang Di Nei Jing (The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine) described the relationship between the brain and the body in physiology, pathology, and treatment as it was understood at that time, and citations of acupuncture treatments on the head can be found throughout classical Chinese literature. Electrical stimulation can be applied above and below the damaged level at Hua Tuo Jia Ji points on the back, which is another important technique for treating quadriplegia in addition to scalp acupuncture. Denise also complained of numbness, tingling, and spasms in her legs accompanied by incontinence of urine and severe fatigue. The distribution of weakness is an important clue to locate the level of nerve damage that caused the paralysis. Because these were patients in a hospital, the treatment protocol was 6 days per week for about 30 days, with a follow-up check after 3 months. Wherever possible or useful, other modalities or techniques to enhance the scalp acupuncture treatments are included with the case histories, which demonstrates the integration of Chinese medical theory and application into the clinical practice of scalp acupuncture. The scalp's unique neurological and endocrinal composition makes it an ideal external stimulating field for internal activities of the brain. There was a little twitching in the muscles of his arm but no movement at all in his right arm or hand and the hand appeared puffy and swollen. Although other acupuncture techniques can be effective, scalp acupuncture seems to bring about quicker and often immediate improvement. Babies can be born with facial palsy and they exhibit many of the same symptoms as adults with Bell's palsy. She watched and listened to herself on the video screen while she walked and talked like a normal person. Treatment was given six times a week and 16 treatments made a course. Her mental activity presented as normal and she was then in graduate school for a master's degree. Other patterns based on the patient's constitutional tendencies may also present or arise as the disease progresses. Since then, the techniques and applications of this science have been expanded and standardized through further research and experience. Patients may find it helpful to change their diet or hold their heads or necks in a certain way when they eat. Since scalp acupuncture is a modern technique with just 39 years of history, much more research needs to be done so that its potential can be fully explored and utilized and more paralyzed patients helped to regain a normal life. Initially, treatment should be two to three times a week until major improvements are achieved, then once weekly, then every two weeks, and then spaced out as indicated by the patient's condition. Her tongue showed a red tip, only a thin, white coating, and a peeling coating at the front. Having proven effective through clinical results recorded over the last 35 years, it can effectively stimulate the paralyzed area in order to restore the body's energy flow to a normal state so that the body can heal itself. Scalp acupuncture areas are frequently used in the rehabilitation of paralysis due to stroke, multiple sclerosis, automobile accident, and Parkinson's disease. Repeat the stimulation every 10 minutes. He did not like to perform speech, swallowing, and body exercises. After the sixteenth treatment he had gained more mobility and use of his right hand and gained more muscular strength in that hand. To relax contractures of the hand, thread a two-inch needle from He Gu (LI 4) under the palm toward Lao Gong (Per 8) and Hou Xi (SI 3). Wu Jian-min reported on treating 80 cases of facial paralysis using scalp acupuncture in 1989. Multiple sclerosis may occur either in discrete attacks or slowly over time. By stimulating those reflex areas, acupuncture can have direct effects on the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, thalamo-cortical circuits, thalamus, hypothalamus, and pineal body. As stated above in Chapter Four, unless the paralysis is due to the removal of damaged tissue by brain surgery, a paralyzed extremity is generally treated by choosing the opposite side of the Motor Area on the scalp. Those patients usually respond and show improvement quickly. b Publisher's note: We are choosing to use the authors' translation for the xian mai (). The site is secure. Chinese scalp acupuncture, paralysis, multiple sclerosis, stroke, dysphagia, brain injury, Bell's palsy, Yu Zhi-shun's Experience on Head Points for Paralysis,, Fertile Ground for Alternative Medicine,, Easing the Pain, Acupuncture Program Looks to Help Relieve Discomfort of Troops, , He Teaches and Popularizes Chinese Medicine in USA,, China News On Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jason Hao, DOM: Pioneering the Use of Scalp Acupuncture to Transform Healing,, Observation on Specificity of Acupuncture Location in Treatment of Acute Apoplexy by Scalp Penetration Needling,, Observation on Therapeutic Effect of Five-Needle-in-Nape Acupuncture for Treatment of Post-stroke Pseudobulbar Paralysis Dysphagia,, Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis by Scalp Acupuncture,, Acupuncture and Moxibustion Six Unique Skills, Clinical Observation of 80 Cases of Facial Paralysis by Scalp Acupuncture,, Shanxi Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Clinical Observation of 48 Cases of Facial Paralysis by Scalp Acupuncture,, Shanghai Journal of Acupuncture and Moxibustion. Some stroke patients may have loss of consciousness, headache, and vomiting at the onset. These areas may also be effectively employed for pain management, especially that caused by the central nervous system such as phantom pain, complex regional pain, and residual limb pain. Scalp acupuncture not only treats disorders, but also can prevent illness and help to build the immune system. She often had a migraine headache and premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and she had considerable mucous in her nose and throat much of the time. Needles should be inserted in the upper 1/5 Motor Area and the middle 2/5 Motor Area on the unaffected side of the scalp for patients who develop paralysis from brain surgery. Examination showed that the tremor as well as teeth marks in her tongue were less, the thick, white coating was less, and it was peeled more on the front part of her tongue. Quadriplegia, also known as tetraplegia, is paralysis with partial or total loss of use of all limbs and the torso. After resting for a while, she stood up again and started to walk, managing 20 halting steps before needing to sit down, exhausted. At the end of 20 treatments his walking appeared almost normal. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, is a disorder that generally involves either the lower or upper motor systems of the body. Julia had incontinence of urine and was experiencing muscle spasms throughout her entire body. Thread a third needle from Tai Chong (Liv 3) through the foot to Yong Quan (Ki 1) on the sole of the foot. However, those who don't have such sensations could still have immediate effects. Some patients may also develop muscle stiffness or spasticity, paralysis, slurred speech, dysfunction of urine or bowels, and depression. While Julia was starting to wiggle her paralyzed toes, we told her that her responses were a good prognosis for significant improvement in the near future. Thread another needle deeply from Wai Guan (TB 5) toward Nei Guan (Per 6) and stimulate in a similar fashion. Only two of the scalp needles should be stimulated at any one session, or the brain can become too confused to respond. The thick, white coating was less. . This study looked at the effectiveness of scalp acupuncture and conventional acupuncture for essential tremors using 60 patients split into two groups. Each one reflects our experience, thought processes, strategies, and special techniques for treating patients suffering from disorders of the central nervous system. In addition to the paralysis on the right side, his tongue was purple with teeth marks and a thin, white coating. Readers may notice that the indications for treatment for each scalp area are many in order to demonstrate the variety of disorders that can benefit from scalp acupuncture therapy. Even after showing some improvement of his aphasia and the paralyzed arm and leg, he demonstrated no excitement and simply said, I do not notice any difference about my throat and swallowing.. Sometimes it is necessary to show a patient how tiny the needles are or demonstrate the insertion of a needle in the practitioner's own body. Although she felt nervous and was assisted by two people, she stood up. She had suffered from multiple sclerosis for more than 25 years. Common MNDs include amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), primary lateral sclerosis, progressive muscular atrophy, and poliomyelitis. Stroke is an acute neurological disease in which the blood supply to the brain is interrupted causing brain cells to die or be seriously damaged, thus impairing brain functions. As the above case study demonstrated, doctors should modify the treatment strategy and stimulate areas according to changes in a patient's condition. However, those who do not have such sensations could still have immediate positive results. This case study followed the patient as his post-stroke swallowing status changed and various acupuncture decisions were made. It is also the most useful technique for the patient to improve quickly in the initial visits. This was a signal that she could possibly stand and walk. Telling the patient that those are normal and that people who experience some or all of these sensations usually respond and improve more quickly encourages them to come back for additional treatments. However, to treat dysphagia patients who have depression is very challenging because patients are not always willing to participate in the treatment. The symptoms of brain injury depend on the area of the brain affected. "Essential tremor: choosing the right management plan for your patient." Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine, December 2011; 78(12):821-8. Correct food consistency, texture, and temperature are important for the dysphagia patient's success during acupuncture treatment. Although his aphasia gradually improved, his speech was not clear. Moxibustion can enhance the therapeutic results of scalp acupuncture, especially for older or weak patients. Her pulses were fine and wiry, and were faint in both cubit (chi) positions. Scalp acupuncture offers great rehabilitation tools for dysphagia. In very serious cases, patients may need feeding tubes. She felt so excited about these improvements that she began to cry. The .gov means its official. David, a 52-year-old man, was vacationing with his wife in Santa Fe, NM, in 1993. That was one of the reasons that she returned to this second seminar half a year later. In our practice, the combination of scalp acupuncture and regular body acupuncture ensures the best results, especially for the further recovery of paralyzed fingers or toes. At this point his weight increased and his stamina was markedly improved. It is very helpful to play or chat with young patients as if they are friends or family members before the treatment. Select the finest gauge needles that you can insert into the scalp for the initial treatments. Because sensation is usually impaired in affected areas, this can manifest as numbness, reduced sensation, or burning sensation and pain. Below the level of injury on the neck there was minimal contraction and movement of arm muscles, which indicated that the muscular tone of her arm was a 2 out of 5. Fred was very negative and showed no interest in treatment by scalp acupuncture at the initial visit. Most existing textbooks either lack detailed information or only introduce some new research on the topic. The following day he returned to the clinic for another treatment. Rotate the needles at least 200 times per minute with the thumb and index finger for 13 minutes, twirling them as vigorously as the patient can tolerate and repeating the stimulation every 10 minutes. In Chinese medicine, the stroke itself is thought to involve several interpromoting disease mechanisms, possibly including qi stagnation, heat, phlegm, blood stasis and, of course, wind. Jimmy had a very good response to his first scalp acupuncture treatment. Sherry fell frequently, lost her balance easily, and had had difficulty walking since the age of 19. She could stand on either leg alone and had to look down to check if it was true. The needles were inserted into the muscle layer, especially at Baihui. When locating the chorea-tremor area, it is necessary to first define two positioning lines: the anterior-posterior midline and the eyebrow-occipital line. As a contemporary acupuncture technique, many of the specific treatments put forward in this book are also new, at least for a work that discusses Western medical concepts along with Chinese ones. In an ischemic stroke, a blood vessel becomes occluded and the blood supply to part of the brain is blocked. Years of clinical experience have contributed to its recent discoveries and developments, but treatment of disorders by needling the scalp can also be traced back to early civilizations. Scalp acupuncture is a modern acupuncture technique combining traditional needling method with western medicine knowledge of representative areas of the cerebral cortex. Acupuncture treats the patient as a whole entity and helps patients with spinal cord injury to recover function more effectively than Western medical treatment. The only remaining problem was urgent, frequent urination and some incontinence of urine. Scalp acupuncture treatment can be used as the primary approach or as a supplement to other acupuncture modalities. He talked a little more and was easier to understand. In Tom's case, the hemiplegia was caused by cerebral thrombosis, which has the best prognosis for recovery from stroke compared to cerebral embolism and cerebral hemorrhage. After demonstrating two needles in his scalp, we moved Tom to another room to rest, inserted more needles, and then continued with the lecture. Her tongue was red with a thin, white coating; her pulses were fine and wiry. Common points are Si Bai (St 2) threaded toward Di Cang (St 4), Di Cang (St 4) threaded toward Jia Che (St 6), Yu Yao (extra point) threaded toward Tai Yang (extra point), Yang Bai (GB 14) threaded toward Yu Yao (extra point), and Xia Guan (St 7), He Gu (LI 4), and Tai Chong (Liv 3). Unlike traditional acupuncture, where one needle is inserted into a single point, in scalp acupuncture needles are subcutaneously inserted into whole sections of various zones. She felt that her legs were not as heavy when walking. She had little hope that our treatment would help her condition. Retain the needles for 2530 minutes. Commonly used points are Chi Ze (Lu 5) and Nei Guan (Per 6) for upper limbs and San Yin Jiao (Sp 6), Yin Ling Quan (Sp 9), Xue Hai (Sp 10), and Qu Quan (Liv 8) for lower limbs. The nasogastric tube was removed and he had no problem with talking or depression after his sixth treatment. Therefore it is imperative to deal with the dangers of dysphagia through dietary management once acupuncture has been instituted. The most outstanding results are with paralysis and pain management in very difficult neurological disorders. These are called plaques. Patients with some or all of these sensations usually respond and improve more quickly. Barbara was in a wheelchair when she was brought to our 2006 scalp acupuncture seminar in Phoenix, Arizona. Her aphasia gradually improved and she was able to drag her right leg while walking and move her right arm slightly but the paralysis had shown no further improvement for the past eight weeks. Because of all these symptoms, he was extremely agitated, angry, and fearful that his face would never look normal again. Jimmy, a 52-year-old male, came to our clinic in Santa Fe, NM, in 2000. Even then, only 50% of patients have a chance of improving. Common symptoms and signs include progressive weakness, muscle wasting, muscle fasciculations, spasticity or stiffness in the arms and legs, and overactive tendon reflexes. Examination showed that all four extremities were very tight and had occasional spasms. Active and passive exercise during scalp acupuncture treatment is very important for improvement. This book contains many amazing case reports from our years of clinical practice and teaching as examples of what is possible using these techniques. Sherry had been to several famous hospitals but there was no clear diagnosis. Second, there is a very limited number of highly experienced teachers. Her tongue was purple with a thin white coating. Select the Chorea and Tremor Area or Foot Motor and Sensory Area according to whether the patient has muscular spasms or other abnormal sensations such as pain or burning. The longer the duration of the impairment, the more gradual will be the improvement. Her legs had severe tremors when she put her toes on the ground and she could not stand on one leg. These underlying problems include tumor, stroke, diabetes, meningitis, head trauma, and inflammatory diseases of the cranial nerves. Indications: superficial edema, hypertension. After the eighth treatment she was able to walk with the assistance of a walker, experienced much more mobility in her hand movements, and her body spasms were almost entirely gone. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help It is suggested that only one to two pairs of the scalp needles be stimulated at any one session or the brain can become too confused to respond. Further examination showed that he could not stand with stability due to losing his balance when standing on both legs, and it was impossible for him to stand on one leg. To his astonishment he did not choke at all when he took a first sip of water. The outcome measures included the patient's (1) subjective evaluation of her percentage of improvement before and after weekly treat Indication: tinnitus, vertigo, diminished hearing, Menier's syndrome. She lost control of her body below the neck and had paralysis of all four limbs. Studying its results in clinical practice can also add clarity to ambiguities found in the practice of neurophysiology and pathology. The entire Motor Area should be needled and stimulated on the opposite side of the paralyzed limbs. Dysphagia is the medical term for the symptom of difficulty in swallowing. The motor neuron diseases (MNDs) refer to a group of progressive neurological disorders that affect motor neurons associated with controlling voluntary muscle activity including speaking, walking, breathing, swallowing, and general movement of the body. Causes of many motor neuron diseases are unknown and others have varying causes according to the specific motor neuron disease. These areas may also be effectively employed for pain management, especially that caused by the central nervous system such as phantom pain, complex regional pain, and residual limb pain. When asked where the food is getting stuck, patients will often point to the cervical region. Most paralyses caused by nervous system damage are constant in nature. Based on Liu Fang-shi's report of research done in 1994, 48 cases of facial paralysis were treated by scalp acupuncture on the Motor Area. Paralysis refers to complete or partial loss of muscle strength and voluntary movement for one or more muscles. In these case descriptions, we explain in practical detail how to apply the needling techniques in order to obtain optimal results. A waitress who noticed that he was paralyzed told him that he should come to our clinic, which specialized in treating that affliction. She had gotten married and returned to work. Regular exercise helps the blood circulation and keeps muscles active, and this also accelerates the results from ongoing acupuncture treatments. How Acupuncture Provides Help For Tremors Tremor and involuntary shaking treatment using acupuncture may reduce tremors after the first treatment. Fred could move his right arm up and down more and he was able to start walking to our clinic on his own. After trying many kinds of therapies that brought no improvement, she became depressed. [4] Neurological Conditions Testimonials It helps the blood circulation and keeps muscles active, accelerating the results from ongoing acupuncture treatments. The best results are usually achieved by applying low frequency (for example, 3 hertz) with high intensity (for instance, when visible muscle contraction is observed). With the increase in hand functions she was able to hold a knife with both hands and cut vegetables. From their teachers and textbooks, students can learn only general information about scalp acupuncture and its locations and clinical applications. However, he still could not squeeze his left eye completely closed and his smile was a little crooked. Fred was able to follow instructions to practice his speech and do oral and pharyngeal exercises. Many studies on scalp acupuncture have shown positive results in treating various disorders of the central nervous system. She agreed to allow the needle insertion only after her mother told her that she might ride a bike again if these treatments worked. Second, we have been teaching, practicing, and researching it for 29 years, both in China and in the US and Europe, and have accumulated extensive and valuable experience, which has given us insight into the needs and questions of acupuncture practitioners in Western clinical settings. Soon after that, both of her arms began to move and lift. Scalp acupuncture for MS is accessible, less expensive, safer, more effective, and causes fewer side effects than Western medical treatments. Chinese scalp acupuncture is a contemporary acupuncture technique integrating traditional Chinese needling methods with Western medical knowledge of representative areas of the cerebral cortex. Damage at any level often interrupts the brain's ability to control muscle movements resulting in paralysis. When combined with Chinese Herbal Medicine to eliminate the root causes of imbalance (internal wind, etc), results may last even longer. These cases demonstrate practical application of the principles of scalp acupuncture. She could pick up pennies on a table with either hand during the treatment. Also hernias or bulges of intervertebral discs may cause spinal cord compression. The following is an excerpt from Chinese Scalp Acupuncture, by Jason Jishun Hao, DOM, MTCM, MBA, and Linda Lingzhi Hao, CA, PhD. The damp heat may become congested in the network vessels causing the sinews and muscles to further lose their nourishment. Retain the needles in place for 3045 minutes. The disorder results from damage or trauma to one of a pair of facial nerves (Cranial Nerve VII) that controls the muscles of the face. Paralysis is also divided into four types in neurological practice, namely upper motor neuron paralysis, lower motor neuron paralysis, paralysis due to neuromuscular transmission diseases, and the paralysis caused by muscular diseases. During the treatment, some patients may experience sensations of heat, cold, tingling, numbness, heaviness, distention, or the sensation of water or electricity moving along their spine, legs, or arms. Treatments for internal tremors can include: reducing anxiety and stress avoiding. It is suggested that no more than two of the scalp needles be stimulated at any session so the brain does not become too confused to respond. These drugs can have side effects. It is now our opinion that a patient with paralysis should be treated no matter how long ago a stroke has occurred as long as the limb shows no muscular atrophy. In treating unilateral paralysis of the limbs, traditionally more points from yang ming channels are selected because yang corresponds to movement and agility, and foot yang ming stomach channel controls muscle functions. When the arms, legs, and torso are paralyzed, this is commonly caused by damage to the brain, injury of the cervical spinal cord, polyneuritis, myasthenia gravis, progressive myodystrophy, multiple myositis, or acute infective multiple radiculoneuritis. For the benefit of the seminar audience, Barbara demonstrated many different kinds of movement of her four extremities such as jumping, running, and easily raising her arms, which brought audience applause. However, her right foot was still weak and was sometimes difficult to pick up and she had to drag it to walk. Whether you are treating a child or adult, it is important to observe responses and reactions while inserting, stimulating, or withdrawing needles, and adjust the techniques accordingly. Careers, Unable to load your collection due to an error. Tremor areas are classified as secondary areas . The points were Tai Chong (Liv 3), Tai Xi (Ki 3), Yang Ling Quan (GB 34), Feng Long (St 40), Wai Guan (TB 5), and Lian Quan (CV 23). Practitioners should consider scalp acupuncture as either the primary approach or a complementary approach when treating disorders of the central nervous system and endocrine system. Fred started to eat more solid food and add more kinds of food gradually. Following the surgery, the left front side of his head no longer contained any scalp and there was a depression where the tumor and surrounding tissue had been removed. Scalp did not seem to bother her at all when he took a first sip water... Legs in a similar fashion using 60 patients split into two groups and teaching as examples what! Very serious cases, patients may have loss of use of all these symptoms, techniques! 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