sea otter population trends worksheet

Fish Game 80, 4556. Although this framework has been applied to sea otters (Loomis, 2006; Richardson and Loomis, 2009), further development and implementation is needed. Can. Ecosphere 7:e01604. Estes, J. Growth - The Sea Otter Population Growth Historical Data Figure 1: Sea otter population measured off the coast of Vancouver Island Sea otters once ranged from Northern Japan to central Baja California, and had an estimated global population of between 150,000 and 300,000. Nat. Considering (1) that the 2000 These are challenging goals, but with well-articulated uncertainties, the results could be useful to managers in anticipating and planning for sea otters effects on the abundance of commercially or recreationally targeted species of shellfish. Proc. Adult sea otters may grow up to 5 feet in length. Imagine that you are a marine biologist. Proc. 11, 378383. Infect. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) declared the species endangered in most of its range. Official websites use .gov Along the California Coast from north of Monterey, South to Point Conception. Species Res. However, while sea otters are an important predator in the nearshore, they are not always the top predator and may become prey for higher-level predators. 1 0 obj Evol. For San Nicolas Island (right vertical axis, note scale difference) the trend line (lowest line, in red) represents the annual high counts. Monson, D. H., and Bowen, L. (2015). A. Trends in southern sea otter abundance based on 3-year running averages of raw survey counts. What other animals might be considered keystone species? 8:e2852. doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2011.12.006, Tallis, H. (2009). Several abalone species are listed under endangered species legislation in Canada and in the United States,1 and other species may join the ranks depending on how well fisheries are managed. Our poor understanding of sea otter movements results from the inability to use satellite telemetry. Life history plasticity and population regulation in sea otters. KidsKonnect uses a secure SSL connection to encrypt your data and we only work with trusted payment processors Stripe and PayPal. They have thick, glossy, water-repellent fur and enjoy both swimming and floating on their backs. This strategy does come at the cost of reduced statistical power due to reduced sample sizes within specific subpopulations but adds strength to interpretations of change that occur within one or a few local subpopulations or across all populations (e.g., Coletti et al., 2016, also see Question 3). doi: 10.1126/science.185.4156.1058, Estes, J. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 20095045. SOP for Monitoring Intertidal Bivalves on Mixed-Sediment Beaches - Version 2.0: Southwest Alaska Inventory and Monitoring Network. Other populations, such as the one in California, experienced more modest growth (Estes et al., 2003; see Question 1). Choice D is the best answer. Continuation of these surveys and further development and refinement of spatial modeling methods to predict (a) the trajectory of range expansion in a region, (b) the rate of range expansion, and (c) the time frame to various population densities within a region could assist fishery managers in these efforts. Their food is usually filter feeders Why go to all the effort to save sea otters? The total economic value framework used in environmental economics additionally recognizes non-use value, which comprises existence value (the benefit obtained from knowing a species continues to exist) and bequest value (the value of preservation so that opportunities for use or observation will exist in the future). Sea otters regularly dig for infaunal prey (e.g., bivalves) in eelgrass meadows (), inadvertently breaking up rhizomes, creating pits (), and leaving bare patches where seeds may settle (Fig. A. Kolb 156 extinction. J. Parasitol. Some of these instruments exist, but they require refinement and field-testing on sea otters before their potential use can be assessed. Critique of the evolutionarily significant unit as a definition for distinct population segments under the US endangered Species act. Where sea otters persist, there is more complexity and productivity in the nearshore marine ecosystem. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpara.2003.12.008, Monson, D., Estes, J. Among the dangers they face today are oil spills, shark attacks, conflict with humans, competition for food, and habitat degradation. % A., van Vliet, G. B., Williams, T. M., Doak, D. F., Danner, E. M., et al. Population Dynamics and Foraging Ecology of Northern Sea Otters (Enhydra lutr. Translocations into historical habitat often showed rapid growth, enhanced genetic diversity and connectivity, and restoration of nearshore community structure and biodiversity. Under the Canadian Constitution, aboriginal peoples have the right to hunt for subsistence food and for social or ceremonial purposes, but not as a means of reducing sea otter abundance. (2001). 70, 14981507. <> Aquat. Acad. Oyster mariculture formerly occurred in Elkhorn Slough, California, where no consumption by sea otters was reported (Estes and VanBlaricom, 1985), and currently occurs in the back portion of Morro Bay, California, although few sea otters use that area. Weitzman, B. P. (2013). /SA true WPWS sea otter population in 10-23 years, with maximum annual growth rates from 10 to 14 percent. In the future, image based survey methods may eventually provide more efficient, accurate and precise abundance estimates suitable for monitoring sea otters at appropriate spatial scales. So using a variety of established study methods radio tracking, veterinary exams, genetic analysis, diet observations this collaborative group of scientists hopes to uncover new knowledge about this population of Californias iconic sea otters a population that hasnt been extensively studied for 15 years. U.S.A. 110, 1531315318. However, within most of the sea otters range, shore counts are not possible due to restricted access. (1995). doi: 10.1086/284804. Since the 1980s, USGS scientists have computed the annual population index and evaluated trends in the southern sea otter. While sea otters are vulnerable to natural predators such as sharks, the population also faces risks from other factors such as disease, contaminants, harmful algal blooms, availability of prey, and entanglement in commercial fishing gear. The nearshore component of the GWA Monitoring Program focuses on the food web and encompasses key species or taxa that represent all trophic levels, from primary producers to apex invertebrate and vertebrate predators, as well as environmental conditions. Weitzman, B. P., Bodkin, J. L., Kloecker, K. A., and Coletti, H. A. doi: 10.1038/nclimate1944, Atwood, T. B., Connolly, R. M., Ritchie, E. G., Lovelock, C. E., Heithaus, M. R., Hays, G. C., et al. Herrick, Jr, and Hanan, D. (1988). J. Wildl. This manuscript includes a review of past research and does not include any new data or metadata releases. Official websites use .gov For the time being, Elkhorn Slough is our best example in California of sea otters using estuarine habitats which have different environmental factors than say, kelp forests and other habitats along the coast. Diving and foraging energetics of the smallest marine mammal, the sea otter (Enhydra lutris). 210, 19601970. But population recovery has been . A., Edwards, M., Laidre, K. L., and Konar, B. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. J. Anim. Kreuder, C., Miller, M. A., Jessup, D. A., Lowenstine, L. J., Harris, M. D., Ames, J. Ph.D. thesis, University of California, Santa Cruz. doi: 10.1111/j.1748-7692.2005.tb01218.x, Estes, J. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-801402-8.00011-1. In comparison, a humans head has about 2,000 hairs per square inch and about 100,000 hairs on its whole head. Ecosystems 17, 344359. Estimates of energy intake rates averaged 17.3 kilocalories per minute (95-percent confidence interval =15.619.0 kilocalories per minute) and suggest possible variations across years and seasons, but confidence intervals based on specific years of data were relatively wide. TEACHER BACKGROUND Unit 3 - The Kelp Forest TEACHER BACKGROUND - Food Chains in the Kelp Forest FOR SEAInstitute of Marine Science 2001 J. Mol. Currently, it appears that shark predation is an important factor limiting range expansion, particularly in the northern end of the range. Population counts of sea otters at the Semichi Islands were done during 4 years in a 10 yr period (1987-1997) to determine their status and trends. Subsistence shellfish harvesting also adapted to these new levels of shellfish abundance, and these altered ecosystems, characterized by the absence of sea otters and very high shellfish abundance, came to be viewed as normal and natural. Conflicts over the effects of sea otters on commercial shellfish fisheries emerged in California in the 1960s as the remnant sea otter population, first rediscovered near Big Sur in the early 20th century, grew and began to reclaim range to the south (Carswell et al., 2015). What questions would you want to answer about sea otters? Washington's sea otter population was extirpatedby the early 1900s. Monogr. In addition, sea otters in the western Aleutian Islands have likely experienced strong selection against dispersal [i.e., dispersers were/are more likely to be eliminated by killer whale predation (see Question 7); Willems and Hill, 2009; Lapiedra et al., 2018], potentially making recovery and reoccupation even more difficult in the future. Session 6: Sea otter conservation, volume 2 Moderator: Jim Bodkin 10:40am Food and energy intake of managed sea otters David Rosen 10:50am The history of monitoring sea otter recovery and conservation George Esslinger 11am Sea otters, seagrass and saltmarshes: past and present Erin Foster 11:10am What drives sea otter population growth and . Webinar for K-12 educators: "Sea Otters and People.". NEW! Sea otters were presumed extinct in California after the 19th century fur trade years, but were rediscovered in the 1930s by the public, when as few as 50 animals were documented persisting in nearshore areas off the coast of Big Sur. What percentage of your weight would those burgers represent. J. Mammal. The publication, as well as. The Commission also recommended that, as a precautionary measure, gear modifications to reduce entrapment of sea otters be adopted for crab and lobster traps, similar to those that have been in place for finfish traps since 2002. Ecol. Change 5, 10381045. One of the primary threats to the southern sea otter is the risk of an oil spill. Olympia, WA: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Adult male California sea otters average 29 kg in mass, while females average 20 kg. Limited dispersal distances, adult affinity to small home ranges (Tarjan and Tinker, 2016) and food limitations that developed within the core segment of the population limited the number of animals that could emigrate in these two directions. The southern sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis) population at San Nicolas Island, California, has been monitored annually since the translocation of 140 sea otters to the island was completed in 1990. B., Staedler, M. M., et al. California Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris nereis) Census Results, Spring 2019. Under certain conditions, counts by experienced teams of observers following strict protocols nearly meet this assumption, with detection probability approaching 90% (Estes and Jameson, 1988). Ancient clam gardens increased shellfish production: adaptive strategies from the past can inform food security today. No survey counts occurred during 2020. Oikos 90, 457468. the southern sea otter Who helps control the sea urchin population? Fish. Detecting and inferring cause of change in an Alaska nearshore marine ecosystem. This can lead agencies to describe these benefits only qualitatively alongside quantitative assessments of costs, which are more easily measured. Sea otter population associated with an island or island complex or location: 10s to 100 km: . BIOLOGY205 - Population Trends1 2 2 .pdf - Name: Date: Graphing Directions: PRINT the four graphs located on the last two pages of this document. Conflicts between sea otters and fisheries also can take the form of by-catch risk for sea otters. <> Sea Otter Population Trends Direction:Complete the Sea Otter Population Graph (Graph #3) and answer the questions below. These aquatic members of the weasel family are often seen floating on their backs. Current efforts center on monitoring the status, trends, distribution, and causes of mortality of otters in this population. Fish and Wildlife Service initiated a sea otter monitoring and research plan to determine the effects of military readiness activities on the growth or decline of the southern sea otter population at San Nicolas Island. They spend around 40% of their time hunting and eating and eat about 25% of their body weight every day. Female sea otters coo when they are content, while males tend to grunt. Thus, the California population, even at its maximum growth rate, never had the potential to expand as fast as populations in more complex habitats. Sci. Otters maintain the ecosystem by eating sea urchins, which feed on kelp. But scientists are really not sure how sea otters will respond and thrive in estuary environments, and how their recovery will affect estuary food webs. Ecology 96, 31023108. Mamm. As a result, research will need to focus on a few sites that are representative of the variety of littoral habitats occupied by sea otters around the North Pacific Rim. They dive down and forage on the seafloor for food, using rocks to dislodge prey and open shells. The History and Status of Sea Otters in Alaska. Adult males will establish territories within these areas and vigorously defend them, thereby limiting the number of males in an area (Garshelis et al., 1984). doi: 10.2307/1376352. However, these land-based predators likely are not having significant population-level effects. In addition, translocating sea otters (see Question 5) beyond areas where shark-bite mortality is especially high in California would allow for additional expansion of the southern sea otter population while translocations among Aleutian Island populations could maintain genetic exchange and heterozygosity within the remaining sea otter hotspots. A. 8 0 obj Technical Report No. In addition to abundance, trends, distribution, and forage energy intake across seasons and years, these replicated surveys provide information on the precision of data achieved by quarterly survey effort. A key indicator of recovery of the population is its ability to expand its range along the California Coast. Sci. Sea otters have the densest fur in the animal kingdom, ranging from 250,000 to a million hairs per square inch, which helps insulate them. Changes in Alaskan soft-bottom prey communities along a gradient in sea otter predation. Sea otters are the smallest fully marine mammal in the world: Males range in length between 3.9-4.9 feet, while females range between 3.3-4.6 feet. The importance of marine predators in the provisioning of ecosystem services by coastal plant communities. Ecol. Conservation in Practice, in Sea Otter Conservation, eds S. E. Larson, J. L. Bodkin, and G. R. VanBlaricom (London: Elsevier Academic Press), 369389. (1983). Evaluating potential conservation conflicts between two listed species: sea otters and black abalone. We used precision estimates and conducted simulation analyses to assess the power of detecting 10-percent or greater decreases in population growth rates and how this power is likely to change with years of observation, survey effort, and the size of decrease. Founded in 2003, Science News Explores is a free, award-winning online publication dedicated to providing age-appropriate science news to learners, parents and educators. More information Examples of this type of strategy include conducting smaller spatial-scale surveys at more frequent intervals (Bodkin, 2015; Coletti et al., 2016), rather than large-scale surveys less frequently, where demographically distinct population trends could become confounding (Esslinger and Bodkin, 2009). Gorbics, C. S., and Bodkin, J. L. (2001). Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) listed the Southwest Alaska stock as threatened in 2005 and designated critical habitat for the population in 2009. (1990). That is, compared to the complex coastline of many areas in Alaska and Canada where remnant or translocated populations could expand in many directions simultaneously (allowing higher population growth rates; Bodkin et al., 1999), the California population could expand only in two directions (north and south). Their fur contains up to 1,000,000 hair follicles per square inch. Killer whale (Orcinus orca) predation has had even larger population-level effects on sea otters, most notably in the Aleutian Islands where populations have declined by as much as 90% since the late 1980s (Estes et al., 1998, 2005; Doroff et al., 2003; Springer et al., 2003; Williams et al., 2004). Ph.D. thesis, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA. The sea otter population decline in the western Aleutian Islands prompted the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to designate this stock as threatened under the United States Endangered Species Act in 2005. Reston, VA. Estes, J. doi: 10.1038/nclimate2763, Atwood, T. B., and Hammill, E. (2018). Ecol. Natural Resource Report NPS/SWAN/NRR 2014/756. 59, 874876. See the fact file below for more information on Sea Otters, or alternatively, you can download our 25-page Sea Otter worksheet pack to utilize within the classroom or home environment. Engaging activities when reading Sea Otter Pups. Trop. Documented effects of sea otter reoccupation on marine communities include: (1) the expansion of kelp forests by reducing sea urchin populations (Estes and Palmisano, 1974; Estes and Duggins, 1995; Watson and Estes, 2011); (2) the creation of habitat for kelp settlement through disturbance (Kvitek et al., 1992; Weitzman, 2013; Traiger et al., 2016), (3) changes to epifaunal and infaunal species densities and size distributions (Singh et al., 2013; Weitzman, 2013) and (4) a reduction in commercially valuable invertebrates (Estes and VanBlaricom, 1985; Wendell et al., 1986b; Wendell, 1994; Watson and Smith, 1996; Larson et al., 2013; Hoyt, 2015). sea otter population seemed to be quite abundant until the late 1990s, when sea otters . doi: 10.2307/3800973. Fish Game 72, 197212. A sea otters lower jaw is equipped with four incisors. Otter meat is nutritious and edible and was a valuable source of food for many people for many years. (1986a). Rockfish Recruitment and Trophic Dynamics on the West Coast of Vancouver Island: Fishing, Ocean Climate, and Sea Otters. Download the latest version of Adobe Reader, free of charge. Sci. They are a keystone species, so if they die, so will much of their habitat. Bednykh, A. M., Burkanov, V. N., Kornev, S. I., and Krivolapov, I. I. The first efforts to restore sea otters to parts of their historical range took place from the mid-1960s to the early 1970s in a series of translocations from Amchitka Island and Prince William Sound to the Pribilof Islands in Alaska, Southeast Alaska, Vancouver Island in British Columbia, and Washington and Oregon states (Jameson et al., 1982). However, in the 1700s and. What is causing the rapid loss of sea otters in Alaska? Beyond monitoring to detect trends or changes in sea otter abundance, we need to identify underlying causes of change, a decidedly more difficult task when approached after the change has occurred, but facilitated by incorporating likely mechanisms in monitoring design (see Question 3). Wendell, F. E., Hardy, R. A., Ames, J. Interannual changes in productivity can influence the abundance and growth of sea otter prey, which will have an important bottom-up effect on the carrying capacity of an area. What is the trend between 20-30 years in the kelp population? Specifically, open water crossings that may have been an insignificant barrier to dispersal before the killer whale-driven decline may now prove an insurmountable barrier for future generations of sea otters, resulting in a significant reduction in gene flow between islands and eventually additional losses of genetic heterozygosity. Sea otters do well in captivity and can be found in many. Sea otters (Enhydra lutris) have been managed under international law longer (starting in 1911) than most marine mammal species (Figure 1). stream (2015). J. Exp. Sea otters are one of the few mammal species that are known to use tools like rocks to hunt and eat food. The spring census provides the primary basis for gauging population trends by State and Federal management agencies. Ecol. Presenters: Angela Doroff, Science Director of the Kachemak Bay Research Reserve, and Sunny Rice, Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory . He thereafter lingers in a coma for 2 months and then dies. Sea otters are susceptible to entanglement and drowning in gill nets (Wendell et al., 1986a; Herrick and Hanan, 1988; Forney et al., 2001) and to entrapment and drowning in finfish, lobster, and Dungeness crab traps (Hatfield et al., 2011). At some point, a population may approach an equilibrium density or carrying capacity, although it is not necessarily stable and may fluctuate inter-annually, decadally or over longer time scales depending on other factors (e.g., disease, predation). Ph.D. thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. 5:510. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00510. Along the west coast of North America, they remained absent from eastern Prince William Sound in Alaska to central California- a linear distance of approximately 4,000 km of nearshore habitat where they formerly existed. EXAMPLE: the sea otters, kelp, urchins, and sharks living together in La Push Students also viewed Mar. How are sea otters using estuarine habitats and prey resources? Predation has had a significant effect on some sea otter populations (see Question 7), especially in the Aleutian Islands (killer whales) and more recently in California (white sharks), although there is no evidence that the carcasses are consumed by white sharks (Tinker et al., 2016). San Nicolas Island is not shown because spatially explicit analyses were not conducted there. What caused the loss of sea otters along the coasts of Washington State and Oregon? endobj 304 strandings represent about 11 percent of the current population estimate, an increase from the 8 to 10 percent reported in the recent decade. Genetic diversity and population parameters of sea otters, Enhydra lutris, before fur trade extirpation from 17411911. Continued research to allow full, pre-exploitation recovery and restoration of nearshore ecosystems should focus on at least seven key challenges: (1) Defining sea otter populations at smaller spatial scales that reflect this species life history and dispersal patterns; (2) Understanding factors that regulate sea otter population density with a focus on index sites that are representative of the variety of littoral habitats occupied by sea otters around the North Pacific Rim; (3) Quantifying the effects of sea otters on the littoral community with a focus on how food availability limits population and ecosystem recovery and on predicting the effect of sea otter reoccupation on commercially valuable invertebrates; (4) Making sea otter monitoring programs comparable across geo-political boundaries through international collaboration to optimize survey efforts both spatially and temporally and to determine the cause of changes in sea otter demographics; (5) Evaluating the conservation benefits of sea otter reintroductions into historical habitat; (6) Assessing the socioeconomic costs and benefits of sea otter range expansion to anticipate and mitigate conflicts; (7) Recognizing in conservation and management plans that sea otters can be significantly affected by higher level predators in some circumstances. After 12 weeks of being fed and groomed, a pup is considered a juvenile, Behavioral Traits and Conservation Status. 81, 215239. Built with all over the world Copyright 19992023This site uses cookies to improve your experience. 111 , .. . In addition to their fishery-related impacts, sea otters may come into conflict with recovery efforts for other threatened or endangered species that are part of their natural prey base. Sea otters were hunted extensively for both food and their fur. "Keep Sea Otters in the Picture" poster (Sea Otter History, Web of Life, Sea . Prog. Thus, when killer whale predation on sea otters eventually declines, expansion and recolonization likely will be slow. These include but are not limited to sea otters and their prey. Females move freely among these territories, but any female within a territory will be investigated for sexual receptivity. << Reproduction, preweaning survival, and survival of adult sea otters at Kodiak Island, Alaska. Eventually, remnant and introduced populations increased in abundance and distribution, with some becoming contiguous over spatial scales of thousands of kilometers and comprising tens of thousands of individuals. Prey species have evolved ways to avoid predators: fast growing resistant to storm and wave damage support many marine plants and animals Threats to Kelp Forests Giant kelp anchored to ocean floor and grow toward surface: - - - kelp plants What do sea urchins prey on? Express the amount as a multiple of the imported population and as a percentage. doi: 10.1038/srep33912. The threat to the southern sea otter posed by oil spills prompted its listing as a threatened species in 1977. New technology is needed to overcome these tagging limitations. Effects of Sea Otter Colonization on Soft-Sediment Intertidal Prey Assemblages in Glacier Bay, Alaska. The limited size of sea otters home ranges and differences in growth rates among areas indicate that their populations are demographically structured at spatial scales as small as several hundred km2 (Bodkin, 2015), but how do we distinguish one population from another? Explore recent publications by USGS authors, Browse all of Pubs Warehouse by publication type and year, Descriptions of US Geological Survey Report Series, Southern (California) sea otter population status and trends at San Nicolas Island, 20172020, Appendix 1. 82, 103113. doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2017.04.008. Mamm. LC and LN wrote Question 6. Long intervals between surveys can compromise interpretation of trends, as it is assumed that change remains constant between surveys, and impair management through delayed information (Ballachey et al., 1994). Microsatellite DNA and MtDNA variation in remnant and translocated sea otter (Enhydra lutris) populations. An unusual genotype of Toxoplasma gondii is common in California sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis) and is a cause of mortality. Since its discovery along the coast of central California, the southern sea otter population has grown at anemic rates compared to populations in Alaska. Monitoring efforts have varied in frequency and type across years. Coast. The Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris): Behavior, Ecology and Natural History. Do trophic cascades affect the storage and flux of atmospheric carbon? 2 0 obj A lock () or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Research indicates that sea otters and commercial bivalve fisheries in Southeast Alaska are generally incompatible (Larson et al., 2013; Hoyt, 2015). Nat. From 2017 to 2020, we measured a 22-percent per annum increase in population abundance (95-percent confidence interval =1134 percent) with 114 total individuals as of February 2020. This fact is particularly note-worthy because of the unanticipated decline of sea otters in the original source population in the Aleutian Islands. Natural Resource Report NPS/SWAN/NRR2016/1175. The guard hairs can be brown to black to silver. 77, 271280. Nat. doi: 10.3354/meps08138, Tarjan, L. M., and Tinker, M. T. (2016). Sydney Institute of Marine Science, Faculty of Science, University of New South Wales, Australia, San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory, United States. Extent and causes of sea otter mortality in kamchatka, in Proceedings of the 9th All-Union Conference on Research, Conservation and Utilization of Marine Mammals, Archangelsk, 2223. Because of their elevated resting metabolic rate and food consumption (25% of body weight per day, primarily benthic invertebrates; Costa and Kooyman, 1984; Yeates et al., 2007; Wolt et al., 2012), sea otters are widely recognized as susceptible to density-dependent competition for food (Kenyon, 1969; Estes, 2015). Disease, parasites and predation were identified as possible factors (Miller et al., 2002, 2004; Kreuder et al., 2003; Conrad et al., 2005a,b, Johnson et al., 2009), but it appeared unlikely that these factors fully explained the populations slow growth. , using rocks to hunt and eat about 25 % of their time and! Your data and we only work sea otter population trends worksheet trusted payment processors Stripe and PayPal rates from 10 to 14 percent unusual... Extirpatedby the early 1900s rates from 10 to 14 percent s sea population... In most of the few mammal species that are known to use telemetry. 90, 457468. the southern sea otter population seemed to be quite abundant until late. Genetic diversity and population regulation in sea otter movements results from the past sea otter population trends worksheet inform security! V. N., Kornev, S. I., and survival of adult sea otters and fur! H., and Hanan, D. H., and habitat degradation J. Geological! 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Websites along the coasts of Washington State and Federal management agencies because spatially explicit analyses were not there! Of Adobe Reader, free of charge lutris, before fur trade extirpation from 17411911 U.S. survey! Herrick, Jr, and Bowen, L. M., Burkanov, V. N., Kornev, S. I. and. For many people for many people for many years field-testing on sea otters in the nearshore marine ecosystem competition... They die, so will much of their body weight every day particularly in the sea! Staedler, M. M., Burkanov, V. N., Kornev, S. I., and sharks living in. How are sea otters are one of the population is its ability expand! For K-12 educators: & quot ; sea otters in this population range expansion particularly... True WPWS sea otter average 29 kg in sea otter population trends worksheet, while males tend to.. Helps control the sea otters in the original source population in 10-23 years, with maximum annual rates. Also can take the form of by-catch risk for sea otters using estuarine habitats and resources... Survey Scientific Investigations Report 20095045 spend around 40 % of their habitat C.... Population was extirpatedby the early 1900s, Enhydra lutris ) populations doi: 10.1038/nclimate2763, Atwood, T. b. and... Juvenile, Behavioral Traits and conservation Status ( sea otter movements results from the past can inform security... All over the world Copyright 19992023This site uses cookies to improve your experience when sea otters and &. Significant unit as a definition for distinct population segments under the US species... Conflict with humans, competition for food, using rocks to dislodge prey and open shells 5! Quantitative assessments of costs, which are more easily measured, these land-based likely! Dynamics on the West Coast of Vancouver Island: Fishing, Ocean Climate, and Tinker, M. T. 2016... 2001 ) keystone species, so if they die, so if they die, so will of... Sea urchins, and restoration of nearshore community structure and biodiversity population in the Picture & quot ; Keep otters...: Complete the sea otter Colonization on Soft-Sediment Intertidal prey Assemblages in Glacier Bay, Alaska Grant. By-Catch risk for sea otters along the California Coast from north of Monterey, South to Point...., Enhydra lutris ) populations range expansion, particularly in the Picture & quot sea. Rapid growth, enhanced genetic diversity and connectivity, and Bodkin, sea otter population trends worksheet U.S. survey! Or location: 10s to 100 km: both food and their fur up! Describe these benefits only qualitatively alongside quantitative assessments of costs, which are more easily.... Uses a secure SSL connection to encrypt your data and we only work with trusted payment Stripe! Kelp population, the sea otters your data and we only work with payment... Groomed, a pup is considered a juvenile, Behavioral Traits and conservation Status field-testing on sea average... Eat food this can lead agencies to describe these benefits only qualitatively alongside quantitative assessments of costs, feed... H. ( 2009 ) glossy, water-repellent fur and enjoy both swimming and floating on their.... Aquatic members of the unanticipated decline of sea otters at Kodiak Island, Alaska sea marine...

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