royal rife documentary

have a medical problem see a licensed physician. Little reliable published information exists describing Rife's life and work. Dr. An analysis by Electronics Australia found that one typical 'Rife device' cost AU$105 for a rudimentary circuit that simply produced a tiny pulsed electrical current (at a single fixed frequency of about 40kHz). All optical elements in this microscope were made of block quartz, which permits the passage of ultraviolet rays. Royal Rife designed and built the most magnificent microscope ever! When she died in 1940, she left Dr. After a BBC team started filming Royal Family in March 1968, the duke himself chaired a committee of TV executives charged with approving or refusing each piece of footage that the BBC's head of . Rife wanted to discover its MOR in hopes of eradicating the disease. Dr. You might like - Advertisement - Follow One News Page Facebook . Required fields are marked *. Dr. Royal Raymond Rife - Rare Documentary, The Rise and Fall of a Scientific Genius is a. The original Rife ray-beam device utilized aradio transmitter to excite a gas plasma (helium) formed within a vacuum glass tube. [3][7] Rife claimed to have documented a "Mortal Oscillatory Rate" for various pathogenic organisms, and to be able to destroy the organisms by vibrating them using radio waves of this particular frequency. many infectious diseases. The science behind this is the resonant frequency in light wavelengths. When it first aired, the film immediately became the most-watched program in the U.K. Aside from highlighting Middletons rise to popularity, the doc also features rare footage of the duchess during the recent coronavirus pandemic. the moth lays eggs that become worms that develop into moths). The Royal Rife Story is a definitive documentary about the life and work of Royal Raymond Rife who was a genius in optical engineering and coordinative resonance technology. For instance, he reported that under certain conditions typhoid bacteria changed into a much smaller form,[5][6] and claimed that most cancerous tumours contained a microbe that had no less than five forms, one of which was indistinguishable from E. coli while another resembled a fungus. Need to brush up on your history? The film recounts Queen Victoria's complicated life, including her journey to the throne and her seven (yes, seven) assassination attempts. The average person might think that Elizabeth and Philips decades-long romance was a fairytale from the start, but that wasnt the case. An analogy of this phenomena is that of an opera singer who uses his/her voice to shatter a crystal glass. He patented theTapered Roller Bearingin 1898 and established theTimken Roller Bearing Axle Company. It was the first controlled application of a new electronic treatment for cancer: the Beam Ray Machine. At the turn of the century (1903-1905), Dr. Johnson had beena founder (and the 2nd President) of the Automobile Club of Southern California - he was alsoa driving force behind the development of the Rife ray-tube machine. Rife was named a Fellow of the Andean Anthropological Expedition, an Institute for Scientific Research based in Phoenix, Arizona. The two-part series focuses on Queen Elizabeths little sister, Princess Margaret, who was known as the rebellious sibling due to her carefree lifestyle and many romances. Speculation has been rife as the pair were even spotted together at the festival, with Kendall receiving a sweet whisper in her ear from Bad Bunny when the rumored couple showed some PDA at Coachella. In December 1953, with Cranes encouragement and with increasing confidence as he saw his work being revived, Dr. Rife's work in a positive article entitled Copyright 2023 Rumble. (Frequency Healing - Energy Medicine) Royal Raymond Rife (May 16, 1888 August 5, 1971) was an American inventor known for his belief that he could observe and render inert a number of viruses which he thought were causal factors in several diseases, most notably cancer. Rife talks about his life and achievements. [15] Rife devices are currently classified as a subset of radionics devices, which are generally viewed as pseudomedicine by mainstream experts. ALt. According to the San Diego Evening Tribune in 1938, Rife stopped short of claiming that he could cure cancer, but did argue that he could "devitalize disease organisms" in living tissue, "with certain exceptions". , infrared and ultraviolet imaging. Stan also hosts the "Rifers" listserver which is most suited for hardcore technical discussions of Rifing with no off-topic posts allowed. [13] A Mount Vernon couple Donald and Sharon Brandt, who operated a clandestine health-care clinic[14] based on Rife's inventions has been convicted for a short imprisonment period. In the 1920s and 1930s, Royal Raymond Rife developed special microscopes. Whereas the accepted science of that time believed only in, monomorphism, Rifenoted that the BX virus wasactually, (itchangeditsformbasedonitsterrain). [12] In some cases cancer patients who ceased chemotherapy and instead used these devices have died. This article is meant to shed light on the science behind cancer and how four men over a period of 100-plus years discovered how to destroy it. was a brilliant and gifted man, a true humanitarian, whose life purpose and work were finding a cure for diseases. "There are no real Royal Rife generators commonly available for sale. Dr. Royal Rifes technologyposed a huge threat to the cancer industry and medical institutions in general who, according to statistics, get most of their revenue from oncology. The book also claimed that his cure for cancer was suppressed by a conspiracy headed by the American Medical Association. Rife was frustrated by the limitations of conventional light microscopy. Rife, thenalmost73,andunabletohandlemorestress, John Crane and John Marsh were criminally indicted. Dr. Rifes unique microscope design and his discoveries of organisms photon emissions brought him fame in the inner circles of the scientific community. This biography is an attempt to portray the amazing life and work of one of the greatest humanitarians of the 20th century, Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, Jr., Ph.D. Because his father, a mechanical engineer, worked 14-16 hours a day, the young Rife was put in the care of his aunt, Nina Colber Rife Dryden, who raised him as her own. Association for Research and Enlightenment, Electromagnetic therapy (alternative medicine), "Movie New Eye of Microscope in War on Germs", "Bacilli Revealed by New Microscope; Dr. research: Dr. Arthur Kendall of Northwestern University in Chicago and Dr. E. C. Rosenow of the Rochester, Minnesota Mayo Clinic. Dr. [7] In a 1931 profile, Rife warned against "medical fakers" who claim to cure disease using "electrical 'vibrations'", stating that his work did not uphold such claims. Very few of the machines hadbeen built (ca. Dr. Technology. In 1954, Allied Industries applied for a research grant. The remarkable story of Royal Rife, inventor, designer, researcher.Royal Rife designed and built the most magnificent microscope ever!He also was involved in creating what became known as the 'RIFE MACHINE' which was manufactured for a short while under different names.Most remarkable however was he discoveries of destroying virus's, including cancer, using his non-invasive 'RIFE MACHINE'.But, as is the case so often, a great discovery and invention is stopped, because of greed, fear, ignorance and avarice, as was the case here.This amazing documentary will make you think again when you hear that there is 'no cure' for cancer and other diseases.and this story is not the only one. A tragic and lengthy lawsuit ensued. that unfolds is intriguing.". Rife $50,000 to continue his work. 2007 BioMed | Advertise Rife soon discovered that organisms have a natural range of refraction to various light environments. Using a special medium Dr. Kendall had developed for culturing virus, the two men succeeded in culturing the BX virus. Rife they set up a fund to finance a fully equipped laboratory at Point Loma, California. , built in 1933 and shown below, was the "Universal Microscope" which had provisions for polarized, bright field. Rife's microscopes andtreatments of viral and bacterial infections were described and praised by the Smithsonian Institute in an article published in 1944. By 1956, Allied Industries had changed its name to Life Labs Inc. with Crane as President and Dr. It was their job to expertly document the progress of the patients over a 90-day period during treatment. The sentencing judge described them as "target[ing] the most vulnerable people, including those suffering from terminal disease" and providing false hope. After studying the cancer virus, a microbe, Dr. Royal Rife was able to determine several different kinds using a slit-spectroscope. [10], Such 'Rife devices' have figured prominently in several cases of health fraud in the U.S., typically centered around the uselessness of the devices and the grandiose claims with which they are marketed. Alcoholism and valium consumption were implicated as contributing factors - but a broken heart could also be considered probable cause. In 1931, Dr. It was around thistime thatDr. Dr. After studying at Johns Hopkins, Rife developed technology which is still commonly used today in the fields of optics, electronics, radiochemistry, biochemistry, ballistics, and aviation. Rife on the BX cancer virus), accepted almost a quarter of a million dollars to suddenly retire to Mexico. The treatments included short breaks with nutrients to promote lymphatic elimination of the destroyed microbes. By 1960, some 90 Rife ray-tube machines had been built and distributed for use across America, and into England. For a man who once enjoyed a life of unimaginable opulence and the adoration of his people, the former King of Spain's current plight might tempt some to feel sympathy.. The ACS reported that Rife machines were being sold in a "pyramid-like, multilevel marketing scheme". Use the generator for three hours every day with a one hour rest after the . Learn more about Camilla Parker Bowles, one of Britains most private royals, in this candid film. From 1904 to 1908, Rife worked with Hans Luckel, CarlZeissoptical scientist and researcher at Zeiss Optical Works. Rife found that both the plasma tube and the electronics played a crucial role in the ability of the device to create physiologic effects. educational purposes only and are not intended to prevent, diagnose, Well, this semi-virtual tour offers a glimpse inside the world's oldest inhabited castle. The sound can also be felt as a vibration, which is the way people who are deaf can detect sound. builds tubes for Rife devices including the Phanotron and ones made of Pyrex and quartz. Rife turned to alcohol. You're welcome Ani. Dr. Rife called the frequency that destroyed or killed an organism its. THE Earth Disaster Documentary 06/11/2022; WATCH THE WATER 14/04/2022; The world needs you today, not yesterday, . Royal Raymond Rife (May 16, 1888 August 5, 1971) was an American inventor known for his belief that he could observe and render inert a number of viruses which he thought were causal factors in several diseases, most notably cancer. At various declinations of the refracted and polarized ray, normally invisible bodies would become visible in a color peculiar to their structure or chemical make-up. Fortunately, Dr. Gruner of Canada, who had worked with Dr. video documentary woven from restored audio tapes, records, . Rife's ideas and ingenuity. Dr. Royal Rife's story is filled with intrigue and drama; a message of hope for people afraid of cancer or suffering from cancer. Rife found that more frequent sessions did not allow the lymphatic system enough time to remove the toxins releasedfrom the destroyed virus and remove them from the body. One of the first was the tuberculosis bacterium (Mycobacterium tuberculosis). The other 2 took 20 days longer. Fishbein continued to use his power within the AMA to halt any further scientific evaluation or studies of Dr. They were not aboutto let that happen. [6] Rife claimed magnifications of 17,000 or more for some of these microscopes. Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, Jr., Ph.D. was born in Elkhorn, Nebraska on May 16, 1888. After several years of tracking these cancer virus, Dr. Royal Rife developed a technique referred to as the RIFE Frequency. Their company wascalled Allied Industries. Dr. Rifes microscopes were unique in their high magnification and resolution capabilities - which allowed Dr. Within 70 days, the USC team declared 14 of the patients clinically cured. Rife had successfully researched and documented the MOR frequencies of numerous pathogens. research conducted by Royal Raymond Rife. Rife went there to help install it. This BX virus can be readily changed into different forms of its life cycle by the media upon which it is grown. in 1920 on an optical bench like a lathe bed. Rife provided a sworn deposition to assist with Cranes defense. During that same year, he married Mamie Quill. See the staggering discoveries and work of Roy Rife which led him to a cure for [3] [4] [5] He also built microscopes that included polarizers. Dr. Royal Rife (1888-1971) was an amazingly intelligent microbiologist with a passion for truth and healing. Dr. The Royal Rife Story Documentary. [5], Some of the observations Rife claimed to have made with his microscopes are, however, contradicted by modern findings. AC-Dual Fully Automatic Machine, Recovery and Recharge of R134 and HFO1234yf. At that time - and even now - tuberculosis was a huge global killer. They feature the Phorle model PERL which was rated as a Class II medical device in Canada. Get to know Her Majestys beloved mother in this detailed documentary on the famous royal, which discusses her upbringing, her family and her reign as queen. Dr. Royal Rife's character was destroyed, his microscope was dismantled and key parts were stolen. by Townsend Letter :: Review by [5], Rife also reported that a 'beam ray' device of his invention could destroy microbial pathogens. And in keeping with The Truth About Cancers message of hope, it is my intention here to bring hope to those suffering that itispossible to conquercancer. 9 Facts about Dr Raymond Royal Rife: The man who used Electro - Magnetic Frequency Therapy. Sheordereda permanent injunction against them, and forced theAMA to print the courts findings in the, Enter Morris Fishbein -Secretary of the American Medical Association (1924-50) and Chief Editor of the, Journal of the American Medical Association. Scientific Genius: The Forgotten Story of Royal Raymond Rife, Order for $39.95 | The couple announced their engagement on Tuesday and fans have since gone . This was decades before the physics discoveries of the 1970s by. Rife, Philip Hoyland, and a ray-tube machine (1930s). What do you think about this documentary? and researcher Mike Tewksbury. Rife realized his ray-tube devicewas too large and needed to be made moremanageable. Then Dr. Royal Rife used the color wavelength (spectroscopic signature) to make them visible under the virus microscope (Universal Microscope). full review), Order by Phone: Written, Produced Dr. Johnson had come to California in 1893 to start up the Alhambra (CA) hospital. Countless millions of lives have been lost due to Make yourself indispensable and be a willing workhorse - if anything comes up, chances are you will be first and foremost in their minds as a possible candidate. More specifically, Dr. Royal Rife used a two-frequency generating machine to send a carrier frequency (high radio) and a low frequency that matches the microbes (cancer virus) signature frequency into the body. Hepartnered with an engineer named John Crane, as well as with Crane's supervisor atConsolidated Aircraft Corporation (Convair) in San Diego, John Marsh. The Royal Rife Story Jeff84651 757 subscribers 187K views 15 years ago This film covers the amazing story of Royal Raymond Rife's life and his cure for cancer using his frequency instruments.. In light of these incredible results, Dr. Johnson insisted it was time to try the ray-beam on humans. Commander USNR, he worked with the United States Navy before and during World War I. the Zeiss firm,Dr. His mother died when he was just eight months old. It sounds complicated, but basically, it is a crystal that shines light through an instrument that can split the light into individual wavelengths. Just as operations were becoming promising again,tragedy struck Dr. The first of the six episodes takes viewers all the way back. The doc shows how the late royal redefined what it means to be a modern princess. Rife in the 1930s, had a circuit diagram of Hoylands Rife ray-tube instrument and sent Crane a copy. hopelessly corrupt American Medical Association, which did not and still does not want you Can you imagine it costing under $5,000 dollars to reverse the diagnosis from terminal cancer to cancer free? to know his astonishing story. Rife discovered that a simple electromagnetic wave was not enough to destroy a microorganism - but a radio frequency wave was readily accepted by the body if it was emitted by a gas within a glass tube. Dr. Royal Rife also realized that the cancer virus takes on different shapes as it goes through its lifecycle, similar to how insects change form through their lifecycle (i.e. Calling all Kate Middleton stans! [11] The sentencing judge described them as "target[ing] the most vulnerable people, including those suffering from terminal disease" and providing false hope. signed off by the attending doctors as cured. These two bacteriologists used Rifes Universal Microscope to confirm his theories. Dr. Whether youre curious to know more about Kate Middletons humble beginnings or need a refresher on Her Majestys seven-decade reign, these insightful docs will help you brush up on your royal history. Then they regained their appetite and the body began to restore itself. Rife may have at one time given some assistance to John Crane's marketing of function generators using square wave audio frequencies, but Rife's beam ray device was an analog RF plasma tube generator that was probably driven with a sinusoidal waveform. He would sometimes work for as long as twenty hours at a time to get a virus in focus. :: Review full review), The New Zealand Medical Journal (read It consisted of a nine-volt battery, wiring, a switch, a standard 555 timer chip and two short lengths of copper tubing meant to act as handheld electrodes, delivering a current which the author estimated at 1 milliamp at most. Royal Rife was never even mentioned in her papers. Royal Rife's Cancer Cure and Suppression Fact: Royal Raymond Rife developed a technique called "coordinative resonance" in the 1930's that was apparently able to destroy cancerous tumors as well as viruses. After publication, a variety of devices bearing Rife's name were marketed as cures for diverse diseases such as cancer and AIDS.From Wikipedia. Americans nationwide read of Dr. This is important because invisible and visible light is made up of wavelengths that can be measured. Moreover, Dr. Stafford, microbiologist Michael Coyle, radio engineer Bob Haining, This telling documentary focuses on Prince Philip, Prince Charles, Prince William and Prince Harry. Microscope was dismantled and key parts were stolen and even now - was! 1904 to 1908, Rife worked with the United States Navy before during! Factors - but a broken heart could also be felt as a subset of radionics devices which... Try the ray-beam on humans by 1956, Allied Industries had changed its name life! 1956, Allied Industries applied for a Research grant as a vibration which. In hopes of eradicating the disease ray-tube Machine ( 1930s ) however, contradicted by findings! 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