reghdfe predict xbd

It will run, but the results will be incorrect. Cameron, A. Colin & Gelbach, Jonah B. Note that e(M3) and e(M4) are only conservative estimates and thus we will usually be overestimating the standard errors. are available in the ivreghdfe package (which uses ivreg2 as its back-end). Note that group here means whatever aggregation unit at which the outcome is defined. Multicore support through optimized Mata functions. "Robust Inference With Multiway Clustering," Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, American Statistical Association, vol. notable suppresses display of the coefficient table. With the reg and predict commands it is possible to make out-of-sample predictions, i.e. Adding particularly low CEO fixed effects will then overstate the performance of the firm, and thus, Improve algorithm that recovers the fixed effects (v5), Improve statistics and tests related to the fixed effects (v5), Implement a -bootstrap- option in DoF estimation (v5), The interaction with cont vars (i.a#c.b) may suffer from numerical accuracy issues, as we are dividing by a sum of squares, Calculate exact DoF adjustment for 3+ HDFEs (note: not a problem with cluster VCE when one FE is nested within the cluster), More postestimation commands (lincom? The following minimal working example illustrates my point. I'm doing a postmortem below, partly to record this issue, and partly so you can know why it happened (and why it's unlikely to have affected other users). Some preliminary simulations done by the authors showed an extremely slow convergence of this method. The goal of this library is to reproduce the brilliant regHDFE Stata package on Python. "Common errors: How to (and not to) control for unobserved heterogeneity." If you have a regression with individual and year FEs from 2010 to 2014 and now we want to predict out of sample for 2015, that would be wrong as there are so few years per individual (5) and so many individuals (millions) that the estimated fixed effects would be inconsistent (that wouldn't affect the other betas though). This issue is similar to applying the CUE estimator, described further below. Already on GitHub? "Acceleration of vector sequences by multi-dimensional Delta-2 methods." "A Simple Feasible Alternative Procedure to Estimate Models with High-Dimensional Fixed Effects". do you know more? iterations(#) specifies the maximum number of iterations; the default is iterations(16000); set it to missing (.) I've tried both in version 3.2.1 and in 3.2.9. A novel and robust algorithm to efficiently absorb the fixed effects (extending the work of Guimaraes and Portugal, 2010). "The medium run effects of educational expansion: Evidence from a large school construction program in Indonesia." Slope-only absvars ("state#c.time") have poor numerical stability and slow convergence. On this case firm_plant and time_firm. In that case, it will set e(K#)==e(M#) and no degrees-of-freedom will be lost due to this fixed effect. Census Bureau Technical Paper TP-2002-06. tolerance(#) specifies the tolerance criterion for convergence; default is tolerance(1e-8). I am using the margins command and I think I am getting some confusing results. summarize (without parenthesis) saves the default set of statistics: mean min max. Still trying to figure this out but I think I realized the source of the problem. Valid values are, allows selecting the desired adjustments for degrees of freedom; rarely used but changing it can speed-up execution, unique identifier for the first mobility group, partial out variables using the "method of alternating projections" (MAP) in any of its variants (default), Variation of Spielman et al's graph-theoretical (GT) approach (using spectral sparsification of graphs); currently disabled, MAP acceleration method; options are conjugate_gradient (, prune vertices of degree-1; acts as a preconditioner that is useful if the underlying network is very sparse; currently disabled, criterion for convergence (default=1e-8, valid values are 1e-1 to 1e-15), maximum number of iterations (default=16,000); if set to missing (, solve normal equations (X'X b = X'y) instead of the original problem (X=y). reghdfe requires the ftools package (Github repo). Moreover, after fraud events, the new CEOs are usually specialized in dealing with the aftershocks of such events (and are usually accountants or lawyers). Even with only one level of fixed effects, it is. fast avoids saving e(sample) into the regression. Since the categorical variable has a lot of unique levels, fitting the model using GLM.jlpackage consumes a lot of RAM. display_options: noomitted, vsquish, noemptycells, baselevels, allbaselevels, nofvlabel, fvwrap(#), fvwrapon(style), cformat(%fmt), pformat(%fmt), sformat(%fmt), and nolstretch; see [R] estimation options. Sign in It is equivalent to dof(pairwise clusters continuous). Discussion on e.g. For additional postestimation tables specifically tailored to fixed effect models, see the sumhdfe package. The community-contributed module -reghdfe- allows two options for calculatind predicted values (from its helpfile): Code: xb xb fitted values; the default xbd xb + d_absorbvars If you go with the latter, in your code, you'll obtain the right residual value. That is, these two are equivalent: In the case of reghdfe, as shown above, you need to manually add the fixed effects but you can replicate the same result: However, we never fed the FE into the margins command above; how did we get the right answer? You can check that easily when running e.g. The following suboptions require either the ivreg2 or the avar package from SSC. margins? To be honest, I am struggling to understand what margins is doing under the hood with reghdfe results and the transformed expression. In addition, reghdfe is build upon important contributions from the Stata community: reg2hdfe, from Paulo Guimaraes, and a2reg from Amine Ouazad, were the inspiration and building blocks on which reghdfe was built. Note: Each acceleration is just a plug-in Mata function, so a larger number of acceleration techniques are available, albeit undocumented (and slower). Another case is to add additional individuals during the same years. its citations), so using "mean" might be the sensible choice. I use the command to estimate the model: reghdfe wage X1 X2 X3, absvar (p=Worker_ID j=Firm_ID) I then check: predict xb, xb predict res, r gen yhat = xb + p + j + res and find that yhat wage. Some preliminary simulations done by the author showed a very poor convergence of this method. nofootnote suppresses display of the footnote table that lists the absorbed fixed effects, including the number of categories/levels of each fixed effect, redundant categories (collinear or otherwise not counted when computing degrees-of-freedom), and the difference between both. to your account, I'm using to predict but find something I consider unexpected, the fitted values seem to not exactly incorporate the fixed effects. Abowd, J. M., R. H. Creecy, and F. Kramarz 2002. Ah, yes - sorry, I don't know what I was thinking. This option requires the parallel package (see website). Each clustervar permits interactions of the type var1#var2 (this is faster than using egen group() for a one-off regression). reghdfe runs linear and instrumental-variable regressions with many levels of fixed effects, by implementing the estimator of Correia (2015) according to the authors of this user written command see here. predict (xbd) invalid. It's downloadable from github. 3. Also invaluable are the great bug-spotting abilities of many users. prune(str)prune vertices of degree-1; acts as a preconditioner that is useful if the underlying network is very sparse; currently disabled. to your account. If that is not the case, an alternative may be to use clustered errors, which as discussed below will still have their own asymptotic requirements. Going further: since I have been asked this question a lot, perhaps there is a better way to avoid the confusion? It looks like you want to run a log(y) regression and then compute exp(xb). one patent might be solo-authored, another might have 10 authors). One thing though is that it might be easier to just save the FEs, replace out-of-sample missing values with egen max,by(), compute predict xb, xb, and then add the FEs to xb. Gormley, T. & Matsa, D. 2014. 6. Have a question about this project? Not as common as it should be!). How to deal with new individuals--set them as 0--. The IV functionality of reghdfe has been moved into ivreghdfe. Now I'm unsure what the condition is with multiple fixed effects. I see. Note: The default acceleration is Conjugate Gradient and the default transform is Symmetric Kaczmarz. If you want to perform tests that are usually run with suest, such as non-nested models, tests using alternative specifications of the variables, or tests on different groups, you can replicate it manually, as described here. none assumes no collinearity across the fixed effects (i.e. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and Agree that it's quite difficult. "A Simple Feasible Alternative Procedure to Estimate Models with High-Dimensional Fixed Effects". For instance if absvar is "i.zipcode i.state##c.time" then i.state is redundant given i.zipcode, but convergence will still be, standard error of the prediction (of the xb component), degrees of freedom lost due to the fixed effects, log-likelihood of fixed-effect-only regression, number of clusters for the #th cluster variable, Number of categories of the #th absorbed FE, Number of redundant categories of the #th absorbed FE, names of endogenous right-hand-side variables, name of the absorbed variables or interactions, variance-covariance matrix of the estimators. In the case where continuous is constant for a level of categorical, we know it is collinear with the intercept, so we adjust for it. The algorithm used for this is described in Abowd et al (1999), and relies on results from graph theory (finding the number of connected sub-graphs in a bipartite graph). reghdfe is a generalization of areg (and xtreg,fe, xtivreg,fe) for multiple levels of fixed effects (including heterogeneous slopes), alternative estimators (2sls, gmm2s, liml), and additional robust standard errors (multi-way clustering, HAC standard errors, etc). Careful estimation of degrees of freedom, taking into account nesting of fixed effects within clusters, as well as many possible sources of collinearity within the fixed effects. You can use it by itself (summarize(,quietly)) or with custom statistics (summarize(mean, quietly)). Other example cases that highlight the utility of this include: 3. Note that tolerances higher than 1e-14 might be problematic, not just due to speed, but because they approach the limit of the computer precision (1e-16). For nonlinear fixed effects, see ppmlhdfe(Poisson). Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. In that case, line 2269 was executed, instead of line 2266. This will delete all variables named __hdfe*__ and create new ones as required. For instance, in an standard panel with individual and time fixed effects, we require both the number of individuals and time periods to grow asymptotically. Memorandum 14/2010, Oslo University, Department of Economics, 2010. It addresses many of the limitations of previous works, such as possible lack of convergence, arbitrary slow convergence times, and being limited to only two or three sets of fixed effects (for the first paper). Estimate on one dataset & predict on another. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: The problem with predicting out of sample with FEs is that you don't know the fixed effect of an individual that was not in sample, so you cannot compute the alpha + beta * x. Future versions of reghdfe may change this as features are added. cluster clustervars, bw(#) estimates standard errors consistent to common autocorrelated disturbances (Driscoll-Kraay). Fixed effects regressions with group-level outcomes and individual FEs: reghdfe depvar [indepvars] [if] [in] [weight] , absorb(absvars indvar) group(groupvar) individual(indvar) [options]. Sign in If you use this program in your research, please cite either the REPEC entry or the aforementioned papers. privacy statement. In that case, allowing out of sample estimation would give misleading results. For a more detailed explanation, including examples and technical descriptions, see Constantine and Correia (2021). (This only happens in combination with the xbd option, Clarification: A previous issue i filed (#137) was related but is different and was merely because I used an old version of reghdfe. For the third FE, we do not know exactly. poolsize(#) Number of variables that are pooled together into a matrix that will then be transformed. To save a fixed effect, prefix the absvar with "newvar=". Note that this allows for groups with a varying number of individuals (e.g. continuous Fixed effects with continuous interactions (i.e. continuous Fixed effects with continuous interactions (i.e. from reghdfe's fast convergence properties for computing high-dimensional least-squares problems. If individual() is specified you must also call group(). Singleton obs. However, with very large datasets, it is sometimes useful to use low tolerances when running preliminary estimates. to your account. 3. Note: The default acceleration is Conjugate Gradient and the default transform is Symmetric Kaczmarz. Journal of Development Economics 74.1 (2004): 163-197. reghdfe is a generalization of areg (and xtreg,fe, xtivreg,fe) for multiple levels of fixed effects (including heterogeneous slopes), alternative estimators (2sls, gmm2s, liml), and additional robust standard errors (multi-way clustering, HAC standard errors, etc). Requires ivsuite(ivregress), but will not give the exact same results as ivregress. If you run "summarize p j" you will see they have mean zero. as discussed in the, More postestimation commands (lincom? It is useful when running a series of alternative specifications with common variables, as the variables will only be transformed once instead of every time a regression is run. this is equivalent to including an indicator/dummy variable for each category of each absvar. Communications in Applied Numerical Methods 2.4 (1986): 385-392. 1 Answer. Use the savefe option to capture the estimated fixed effects: sysuse auto reghdfe price weight length, absorb (rep78) // basic useage reghdfe price weight length, absorb (rep78, savefe) // saves with '__hdfe' prefix. For instance, vce(cluster firm year) will estimate SEs with firm and year clustering (two-way clustering). In this case, consider using higher tolerances. By default all stages are saved (see estimates dir). See workaround below. However, computing the second-step vce matrix requires computing updated estimates (including updated fixed effects). Note: More advanced SEs, including autocorrelation-consistent (AC), heteroskedastic and autocorrelation-consistent (HAC), Driscoll-Kraay, Kiefer, etc. matthieugomez commented on May 19, 2015. It will run, but the results will be incorrect. maxiterations(#) specifies the maximum number of iterations; the default is maxiterations(10000); set it to missing (.) MAP currently does not work with individual & group fixed effects. If none is specified, reghdfe will run OLS with a constant. Interesting, thanks for the explanation. I can override with force but the results don't look right so there must be some underlying problem. You signed in with another tab or window. reghdfe is a Stata package that runs linear and instrumental-variable regressions with many levels of fixed effects, by implementing the estimator of Correia (2015).. 5. Stata Journal, 10(4), 628-649, 2010. For the fourth FE, we compute G(1,4), G(2,4), and G(3,4) and again choose the highest for e(M4). what do we use for estimates of the turn fixed effects for values above 40? nosample will not create e(sample), saving some space and speed. Now we will illustrate the main grammar and options in fect. -areg- (methods and formulas) and textbooks suggests not; on the other hand, there may be alternatives. Valid values are, categorical variable to be absorbed (same as above; the, absorb the interactions of multiple categorical variables, absorb heterogenous intercepts and slopes. Larger groups are faster with more than one processor, but may cause out-of-memory errors. absorb() is required. You signed in with another tab or window. If the first-stage estimates are also saved (with the stages() option), the respective statistics will be copied to e(first_*). In an i.categorical##c.continuous interaction, we do the above check but replace zero for any particular constant. mwc allows multi-way-clustering (any number of cluster variables), but without the bw and kernel suboptions. allowing for intragroup correlation across individuals, time, country, etc). The suboption ,nosave will prevent that. For instance, the option absorb(firm_id worker_id year_coefs=year_id) will include firm, worker, and year fixed effects, but will only save the estimates for the year fixed effects (in the new variable year_coefs). tol(1e15) might not converge, or take an inordinate amount of time to do so. For the fourth FE, we compute G(1,4), G(2,4) and G(3,4) and again choose the highest for e(M4). This is potentially too aggressive, as many of these fixed effects might be perfectly collinear with each other, and the true number of DoF lost might be lower. Iteratively removes singleton observations, to avoid biasing the standard errors (see ancillary document). How to deal with new individuals--set them as 0--. this issue: #138. Therefore, the regressor (fraud) affects the fixed effect (identity of the incoming CEO). However, if you run "predict d, d" you will see that it is not the same as "p+j". , twicerobust will compute robust standard errors not only on the first but on the second step of the gmm2s estimation. reghdfe fits a linear or instrumental-variable regression absorbing an arbitrary number of categorical factors and factorial interactions Optionally, it saves the estimated fixed effects. If you want to run predict afterward but don't particularly care about the names of each fixed effect, use the savefe suboption. This will transform varlist, absorbing the fixed effects indicated by absvars. Faster but less accurate and less numerically stable. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. For more information on the algorithm, please reference the paper, technique(lsqr) use Paige and Saunders LSQR algorithm. categorical variable representing each group (eg: categorical variable representing each individual whose fixed effect will be absorbed(eg: how are the individual FEs aggregated within a group. using the data in sysuse auto ). Warning: when absorbing heterogeneous slopes without the accompanying heterogeneous intercepts, convergence is quite poor and a higher tolerance is strongly suggested (i.e. the first absvar and the second absvar). Since there is no uncertainty, the fitted values should be exactly recover the original y's, the standard reg y x i.d does what I expect, reghdfe doesn't. These objects may consume a lot of memory, so it is a good idea to clean up the cache. - However, be aware that estimates for the fixed effects are generally inconsistent and not econometrically identified. Not sure if I should add an F-test for the absvars in the vce(robust) and vce(cluster) cases. commands such as predict and margins.1 By all accounts reghdfe represents the current state-of-the-art command for estimation of linear regression models with HDFE, and the package has been very well accepted by the academic community.2 The fact that reghdfeoers a very fast and reliable way to estimate linear regression If that is not the case, an alternative may be to use clustered errors, which as discussed below will still have their own asymptotic requirements. Larger groups are faster with more than one processor, but may cause out-of-memory errors. This is equivalent to using egen group(var1 var2) to create a new variable, but more convenient and faster. predict after reghdfe doesn't do so. noconstant suppresses display of the _cons row in the main table. You signed in with another tab or window. unadjusted, bw(#) (or just , bw(#)) estimates autocorrelation-consistent standard errors (Newey-West). In general, high tolerances (1e-8 to 1e-14) return more accurate results, but more slowly. Tip:To avoid the warning text in red, you can add the undocumented nowarn option. controlling for inventor fixed effects using patent data where outcomes are at the patent level). privacy statement. dofadjustments(doflist) selects how the degrees-of-freedom, as well as e(df_a), are adjusted due to the absorbed fixed effects. Specifically, the individual and group identifiers must uniquely identify the observations (so for instance the command "isid patent_id inventor_id" will not raise an error). Somehow I remembered that xbd was not relevant here but you're right that it does exactly what we want. Suss. privacy statement. residuals (without parenthesis) saves the residuals in the variable _reghdfe_resid (overwriting it if it already exists). Additional methods, such as bootstrap are also possible but not yet implemented. However, given the sizes of the datasets typically used with reghdfe, the difference should be small. Note: Each acceleration is just a plug-in Mata function, so a larger number of acceleration techniques are available, albeit undocumented (and slower). Valid kernels are Bartlett (bar); Truncated (tru); Parzen (par); Tukey-Hanning (thann); Tukey-Hamming (thamm); Daniell (dan); Tent (ten); and Quadratic-Spectral (qua or qs). This is overtly conservative, although it is the faster method by virtue of not doing anything. here. ivreg2, by Christopher F Baum, Mark E Schaffer, and Steven Stillman, is the package used by default for instrumental-variable regression. Another solution, described below, applies the algorithm between pairs of fixed effects to obtain a better (but not exact) estimate: pairwise applies the aforementioned connected-subgraphs algorithm between pairs of fixed effects. Equivalent to ". estimator(2sls|gmm2s|liml|cue) estimator used in the instrumental-variable estimation. " . This package wouldn't have existed without the invaluable feedback and contributions of Paulo Guimaraes, Amine Ouazad, Mark Schaffer and Kit Baum. For instance, a regression with absorb(firm_id worker_id), and 1000 firms, 1000 workers, would drop 2000 DoF due to the FEs. privacy statement. Summarizes depvar and the variables described in _b (i.e. How to deal with the fact that for existing individuals, the FE estimates are probably poorly estimated/inconsistent/not identified, and thus extending those values to new observations could be quite dangerous.. In other words, an absvar of var1##c.var2 converges easily, but an absvar of var1#c.var2 will converge slowly and may require a tighter tolerance. To see how, see the details of the absorb option, testPerforms significance test on the parameters, see the stata help, suestDo not use suest. For debugging, the most useful value is 3. Coded in Mata, which in most scenarios makes it even faster than, Can save the point estimates of the fixed effects (. Example: reghdfe price weight, absorb(turn trunk, savefe). Using absorb(month. It will not do anything for the third and subsequent sets of fixed effects. & Miller, Douglas L., 2011. Sorry so here is the code I have so far: Code: gen lwage = log (wage) ** Fixed-effect regressions * Over the whole sample egen lw_var = sd (lwage) replace lw_var = lw_var^2 * Within/Between firms reghdfe lwage, abs (firmid, savefe) predict fwithin if e (sample), res predict fbetween if e (sample), xbd egen temp=sd . For a description of its internal Mata API, as well as options for programmers, see the help file reghdfe_programming. High tolerances ( 1e-8 to 1e-14 ) return more accurate results, but slowly... By default for instrumental-variable regression by absvars transform is Symmetric Kaczmarz ) the. Same as `` p+j '' reghdfe may change this as features are added )! Issue is similar to applying the CUE estimator, described further below so it is a good idea clean! The other hand, there may be alternatives CEO ) and textbooks suggests not ; the! Cue estimator, described further below ( Driscoll-Kraay ) consumes a lot of unique levels, fitting the using! Will not give the exact same results as ivregress a free GitHub account open... But more convenient and faster know what I was thinking n't have existed without the and... Statistics: mean min max already exists ) Delta-2 methods. Estimate with... Parenthesis ) saves the residuals in the instrumental-variable estimation what I was thinking ( including updated fixed effects,... Using `` mean '' might be solo-authored, another might have 10 authors ) the... Nonlinear fixed effects '' what we want that highlight the utility of this method for the third FE, do. Is sometimes useful to use low tolerances when running preliminary estimates ( see ancillary document ) equivalent... Names of each fixed effect, prefix the absvar with `` newvar= '' results, but cause... The vce ( cluster ) cases specified you must also call group ( var1 var2 ) to create new... With High-Dimensional fixed effects for values above 40 reghdfe price weight, absorb ( turn trunk, savefe.. Stages are saved ( see website ), such as bootstrap are also but. Out but I think I am using the margins command and I I!, American Statistical Association, vol compute robust standard errors not only on the second of... Estimator, described further below be alternatives the point estimates of the gmm2s estimation Driscoll-Kraay Kiefer! Just, bw ( # ) ( or just, bw ( # ) ) estimates errors. That estimates for the third and subsequent sets of fixed effects, see ppmlhdfe Poisson. Clustervars, bw ( # ) ( or just, bw ( # ) ) estimates autocorrelation-consistent errors... 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Gelbach, Jonah B one patent might be the sensible choice variables,... ) to create a new variable, but will not do anything for the in! To efficiently absorb the fixed effects ( extending the work of Guimaraes and Portugal,.. I should add an F-test for the absvars in the, more postestimation commands (?! And options in fect, use the savefe suboption exact same results ivregress. Change this as features are added Gradient and the variables described in _b ( i.e of... So it is gmm2s estimation for additional postestimation tables specifically tailored to fixed effect, prefix the absvar ``. Is equivalent to using egen group ( ) is specified, reghdfe will run but!, which in most scenarios makes it even faster than, can save the point estimates the. Debugging, the difference should be! ) incoming CEO ) cluster firm year ) will SEs. Package used by default all stages are saved ( see estimates dir ) functionality. By Christopher F Baum, Mark e Schaffer, and reghdfe predict xbd Kramarz 2002 instance vce! 1986 ): 385-392 `` mean '' might be the sensible choice common as it should be.... The regression good idea to clean up the cache this out but I think I am getting some results... A lot, perhaps there is a good idea to clean up the cache 1e15 ) might not converge or. Think I realized the source of the problem the ivreghdfe package ( see estimates dir ) so!, saving some space and speed the hood with reghdfe, the most useful value is 3 methods. kernel. See website ) ) might not converge, or take an inordinate amount of time to do so very! Somehow I remembered that xbd was not relevant here but you 're right that it 's quite difficult sorry I... But do n't particularly care about the names of each absvar the fixed effect, use savefe. Extending the work of Guimaraes and Portugal, 2010 cite either the entry. None assumes no collinearity across the fixed effect, use the savefe suboption as bootstrap are also possible not... Have poor numerical stability and slow convergence `` mean '' might be the choice., if you run `` summarize p j '' you will see they mean! State # c.time '' ) have poor numerical stability and slow convergence of this include 3... Estimator ( 2sls|gmm2s|liml|cue ) estimator used in the instrumental-variable estimation it if it exists! I was thinking GLM.jlpackage consumes a lot of unique levels, fitting the model GLM.jlpackage.

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reghdfe predict xbd

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