professor emeritus edmund gordon quotes

A: You know, oddly enough, I have been very much consumed with the pandemic in terms of my own health and that of the people around me. Gordonis an AERA Fellow, was the inaugural speaker in 2004 for the AERA Annual Brown Lecture in Education Research, and received the AERA Distinguished Contributions to Research in Education Award in 2000 and the AERA Relating Research to Practice Award in 2010. One of the things weve been exploring in the commission is the relationship between the affective and situative domains in relation to the cognitive domains, says Gordon, describing one study. Your email address will not be published. We get to look back at what his thinking has been, what it is presently and work with him to predict what education will be.. In this case, he charged the commission with producing a new vision for assessment and argued that educators could use assessment to measure new areas, such as human agency. Im 91 now and trying to do things I would have much rather tackled at 60.. And what has happened in our society and to many societies is that there are classes of people who the decision-makers and the society do not identify as being essential, and their wholesome development is not essential to the society. since 1948. Thanks to Dr. Gordons work, we have the foundation for all educators to understand the role that student agency plays in educating our most historically marginalized students, and the work that we need to do to help students persevere and advocate for themselves with authority., Dr. Gordons lessons focus on how school systems can and must do better for learners and families. He is the author of more than 200 articles and over 20 books. University of Missouri, St. Louis. They wanted to see Dr. Gordons kids move ahead, because they thought we belonged. He is also Sir Louis Matheson Distinguished Visiting Professor at Monash . Du Bois, a world-renowned author, activist, and co-founder of the NAACP. He is former Director at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the co-founder and Executive Director of the National Association for Urban Debate Leagues. Gordon's distinguished career spans professional practice, scholarly life as a minister, clinical and counseling psychologist, research scientist, author, editor, and professor. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Edmund W. Gordon (born 1921) is an African-American psychologist and an expert in child development who has worked throughout his career on the issues and challenges of underprivileged and minority students in American education. So lets stop doing the accounting and lets start doing the developing. The kind of language thats used in the ghetto wont get you very far in school. He stressed the point that if you didn't know the context and the history and know what other ways of looking at this thing were like, he said you don't know it. (53) D. , an emeritus research scientist at the University of Michigan's . Educators and scholars at Brooklyn LAB appreciate the chance to hear from those who are applying Dr. Gordons work and have ideas on how to apply his thinking to contemporary conversations around the future of education when it comes to justice, fairness, and humanity. For this reason, the 100th anniversary of his birth is a moment when I and countless others must give thanks for all that Edmund W. Gordon has done, personally and professionally, to advance education and justice., Pedro A. Noguera, Emery Stoops and Joyce King Stoops Dean, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California, Ed Gordon is an intellectual, spiritual, and physical force of nature. Follow Diverse: Issues In Higher Education. 3. Barack Obama is the emeritus President of the United States. Q: And is there value in using it as an accountability tool, which is what theyve been doing, with consequences for schools with low scores? Edmund W. Gordon is the John M. Musser Professor of Psychology, Emeritus at Yale University, Richard March Hoe Professor, Emeritus of Psychology and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University and Director Emeritus of the Institute for Urban and Minority Education at Teachers College, Columbia University. The title of Honorary President recognizes Gordon for his pioneering scholarship on the gaps in education opportunities and supports for children of color and low-income students.. Author and/or editor of over 15 books and over 175 articles Gordon is a psychologist and expert in child development who has worked throughout his career on the issues and challenges of underprivileged and minority students in American education. A research scientist, author, professor, civil rights leader, former minister, and psychologist, Dr. Gordons mentorship and ideas have shaped Brooklyn LAB practitioners approach to their work, particularly in student assessment. adj. So Im almost ready to say that, if anything, we ought to use the pandemic as the excuse for raising the standard of living for everybody, raising the floor under which kids exist. A: No, it is time for me to run. Currently, Professor Gordon is the Senior Scholar and Advisor to the President of the College Board where he developed and co-chaired the Taskforce on Minority High Achievement. In 2000, they co-founded The CEJJES Institute in Pomona, New York on route NY 45 in Rockland County, New York to serve the African Diaspora. A: Im not sure I handled it well, and Im not certain that I handle it well now, but this is still a problem. [17], On June 28, 2010, he was awarded the 2010 American Educational Research Association (AERA) "Relating Research to Practice Award. Examples of Emeritus in a sentence. And the second charge to the industry would be to learn how to build assessments into the teaching and learning transactions in ways that make the assessments more informative of learning behavior and teaching behavior. Department of Philosophy. Professor Gordons research is broadly interested in the development of diverse students. He has served as visiting professor at City College of New York and Harvard. Youve got some people who are scrounging day-to-day. But the role that its played in our society for the masses of our kids has not been pro-development. I very much favor schools and want to keep them as one of the central institutions, but I think it has so underplayed its hand that it may not contribute as much as it is given credit to the development of children. Theres considerable debate about how school and other institutions can help children thrive. Yet, to talk about profoundly important figures and influences on Edmund W. Gordon without talking about his late wife, Dr. Susan G. Gordon is to miss likely the most important one. Throughout his long distinguished career, Dr. Gordon has demonstrated a deep commitment to using his scholarship in service of justice and the betterment of society. Areas of Interest. A: I think we could determine how well schools perform in a much less expensive way than the mass assessment. From a public policy point of view, what would you do to address that? Dr. Edmund Gordon is a professor of psychology whose career work has heavily influenced contemporary thinking in psychology, education, and social policy. Enter your email to get our weekly What If? 2023 Cox Matthews and Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Rice says that because of The Professors influence and reach, the work of the Gordon Commission could be the academic communitys best bet at bringing about some lasting change. Gordon has brought in reformers including Resnick, who led the influential New Standards Movement of the 90s to investigate the failures of previous efforts. Dr. Gordon is a role model and an exemplary human being., Dr. Gordon cites his happy marriageto his wife, Dr. Susan G. Gordon, as the crowning achievement of his life. I sometimes complain that the opportunity came to me at the second weakest point in my life, second after childhood. This month, Teachers College celebrated his legacy with a conference that explored topics such as better use of educational assessments for learning. Throughout, Dr. Gordon insisted that the measurement sciences can and should be of greater service to teaching and learning,and that developments from science and technology will both demand and enable progress. She was the recipient of the Childrens Champion Award, given by the Early Child Consortium of Rockland County, New York, in 1999. We often look at students of color from low-income backgrounds with a deficit lens, without acknowledging the wealth of experiences and potential they bring to us, said Jean-Claude Brizard, CEO of Digital Promise. Dr. Edmund W. Gordon was born on June 13, 1921 in the segregated town of Goldsboro, North Carolina. If the pandemic has taught us anything, its that we need to celebrate life and cherish loved ones. They come from a very privileged family in fact, a history of privilege of Black people. As a professor of psychology, he had a tremendous influence on contemporary thinking in psychology, education and social policy and the implications of his work for the schooling of marginalized youth and children of color, in the United States . He was also awarded the Masters of Arts degree (honorary) from Yale University and the Doctor of Humane Letters degree (honorary) from Yeshiva University and Brown University. More details University of Missouri, St. Louis. At a moment while much of the field had been deeply suspicious and critical of the dominant use and social consequences of assessment, specifically in a policy context of accountability testing, where standardized testing have been the driving neoliberal mechanism of curriculum, teaching, learning, and the context and culture of schooling. About Dr. Edmund Gordon Edmund Gordon is the John M. Musser Professor of Psychology, Emeritus at Yale University, Richard March Hoe Professor, Emeritus of Psychology and Education and Founding Director of the Institute of Urban and Minority Education (IUME) at Teachers College, Columbia University. These include Carol Lee, Haki Madhubuti (whom I believe will share spoken word poetry), Howard Everson, Veronica Holly, Paola Heincke, and Ernest Washington. In that effort, the commission has produced studies in emerging areas of assessment science, represented in two dozen white papers. And, how does heterogeneity in ways of knowing become affirmed and pedagogically engaged rather than violently cancelled out by forces that seek to homogenize human variance? We have an extensive variety of listings for both academic and non-academic positions at postsecondary institutions. We named the school after Dr. Gordon, who is celebrating his 100th birthday today, to honor his singularly wide and deep influence on the fields of education and civil rights. Prof Emeritus Psychology Edmund W. Gordon is the John M. Musser Professor of Psychology, Emeritus at Yale University, Richard March Hoe Professor, Emeritus of Psychology and Education and Director of the Institute of Urban and Minority Education (IUME) at Teachers College, Columbia University. Du Bois. Even though she was no longer a teacher at our school, I still called the emeritus professor by her title. Q: You said that the biggest determinant of child well-being is family structure and stability. As we join with Dr. Gordons colleagues, former students, family members, and educators to salute a centurys worth of his accomplishments and celebrate his 100th birthday today, its striking how important and relevant his lifes work continues to be as we devote ourselves to building back education following the global COVID-19 pandemic. Not only has Dr.Gordontransformed the fields of education research, practice, and policy through his groundbreaking scholarship, but hes been a lifelong mentor, colleague, and friend to countless numbers of researchers, teachers, and students, said AERA President Shaun R. Harper, Provost Professor in the Rossier School of Education and Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California. Sign up to receive our weekly innovations in learning email newsletter: Eric Tucker is the co-founder and Executive Director of Brooklyn Laboratory Charter Schools. Q: But to the extent that we also have a policy to make and judgments to reach around our K-12 education system, if you could do one thing in terms of education policy, what would be the one thing that you would do? Gordon was struggling to succeed at Howard University when Locke helped to encourage him and keep him on track. Dr. Gordon's conceptual and applied research contributions include "compensatory education," "affirmative development of academic ability," and "supplementary education," His impressive breadth of academic engagement is complemented by a profound depth of insight. A: I do wish I knew. Few thinkers of the past century match Dr. Gordons intellect, energy, and humanityor his impact on learning and development. [22], Archives have been established to catalogue Gordon's publishing and community engagement at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture[23] in 1990 and at the University of Texas at Austin in 2018. This meant a rethinking of topics such as pedagogy and the diversity and plurality of human subjects that education and social policy are supposed to be responsive to; a retooled conceptualization of the necessity of guided human development in order to enable the possibilities of human agency; a reconceptualizing of equity that is not synonymous with the necessary equality of educational opportunities, but rather equity as a particular focus on social justice and pedagogical conditions; a cultural psychological focus on experience, identity, and pluralism and their implications for human learning and development; a move from compensatory to supplementary to comprehensive conceptions of education that understands education not as that which is particular to the place of schooling but rather as a social process that is ubiquitous to being human; and, with a greater focus in more recent years on the evaluation and assessment not of education but for education. In his own words: I have tried to re-conceptualize a widely accepted notion concerning equality of educational opportunity. A: Well, I didnt learn much about being a humane person from him. Ill say its access to resources of power. Du Bois as the mentors that influenced him throughout his studies. Its incumbent on educators to apply Dr. Gordons lens and rethink our mindsets, approaches, and systems so that we can move away from teaching and learning as the transmission of knowledge. In 2000, Professor Gordon and his wife Dr. Susan G. Gordon, created the CEJJES Institute and its Charles White Gallery of Art, in Pomona, New York. A: Yes, Im all for that. The CEJJES Institute is a cultural, educational, and research foundation dedicated to improving the educational and social conditions for all disenfranchised people. They dont care about their development, so they dont invest in them. I would greatly enrich the schools capacity to compensate for what should have been happening at home. For Edmund W. Gordon, the focus on the education and human development of diverse and marginalized learners is not about any sort of Enlightenment ideal toward some form of consciousness or freedom, but rather a much more politicized process toward enabling human agency and possibility. As we do that today, celebrating the life and work of Dr. Gordon, we invite you to contribute your own tribute in a document Brooklyn LAB will collate and share with Dr. Gordon and his family. Gordon, TCs Richard March Hoe Professor of Psychology Emeritus and Founding and Emeritus Director of the Colleges Institute for Urban & Minority Education, is the first person in AERAs 105-year history to receive honor. Distinguished professor educational psychology City University of . Professor Gordon was recognized as a preeminent scholar of African-American studies when he was awarded the 2011 Dr. John Hope Franklin Award from Diverse Issues in Higher Education magazine at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the American Council on Education. Dr. Gordon is currently the Senior Scholar in Residence at SUNY Rockland Community College, and has a Chair named in his honor at the Educational Testing Service in Princeton, New Jersey. [21], In 2019, Gordon hosted the Human Variance and Assessment for Learning: Implications for Diverse Learners of STEM national conference at Teachers College, Columbia University, convening scholars, policymakers, school principals, and students together to discuss selected models of measurement for the implementation of new ways of generating and utilizing data from assessments. [1] He is regarded as one of the foremost scholars on divergent learning styles and championed supplemental education long before it was popular. Finally, Gordon describes his mentorship with W. E. B. Q: And whats one thing they could do to make up for that deficit? From the first time I met him at Yale University, I was impressed not only by his towering intellect but his warmth, compassion, and humanity. This is a paradigm shift from traditional testing practices of dominate education policy; that is, a shift from the testing of static being of student capabilities to the assessment of student becoming in learning processes; from score generalities for decision making toward more detailed processual information to enable teaching and learning. We reviewed the challenges and opportunities of assessment for English language learners through Kenji Hakutaswork. Q: When you first started talking about the racial achievement gap in school performance, it made some African Americans nervous. But in the 21st century, color is going be replaced by access to resources.. While the town was heavily segregated and African Americans weren't allowed to shop alongside white Americans, the Gordon family was allowed to shop in a department store on Wednesday afternoons because of the strong reputation of Gordon's father.[27]. Some of Dr. Gordons most essential work examines how education can contribute to racial and economic justice through affirmative development of intellective competence and agency. That model is pretty much the model of my mature work. That question of the meanings of something rather than what something is, what I would argue, was a pragmatist line of inquiry, a concern with the practical application of ideas in a universe thats understood to be always changing. Web3 has the potential to rebuild the internet towards more equitable access and ownership of information, meaning dramatic improvements for learners. His colleagues and he viewed the project as not only a child development project, but also a project to influence and improve the lives of families and communities. Drs Susan and Edmund Gordon have expressed pride to have four accomplished and humane children who work to do good in this world. Were covering what edleaders and educators can do about it. . Posted on 2/19/2021. Please send your contributions to us here. The problem of education for us is that weve got great diversity in the cultures, the identities, the lifestyles, the values, the appreciations that kids bring to school. Insights and reporting on the people behind the news, At 100 years old, Edmund Gordon thinks the key to schooling starts at home, Why settling the Dominion lawsuit is so imperative for Fox News, Dominion v. Fox trial delayed for settlement talks, people familiar with the matter say, The Dominion vs. Fox defamation case is finally going to trial. Together they had four children, nine grandchildren (including Jessica Gordon Nembhard[28]) and seven great-grandchildren. So I need to talk to them. Ive got four highly successful kids. Most Promising Places to Work: Community Colleges, Most Promising Places to Work: Student Affairs, City Community College Plan Expansion Allows Boston Residents Tuition-Free Education from Six Community Colleges, Colorado Community College System Announces Transfer Agreements with Two HBCUs, New York State Funds $4 Million CUNY Student Internship Program, Earlham College Senior Selected as Watson Fellow, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Assistant Professor - Institute for National Security and Military Studies, Assistant Professor, Health and Health Education, Meet Dr. Philomena Mantella, President, Grand Valley State University a DOIT certified institution. Please submit the following information and you will be given a link to download our free 20 Invention Opportunities in Learning and Development Report. questions sent to directly to your inbox! What would be your prescription for that arena today? Du Bois, and Alain LeRoy Locke. In 1879 he left Chicago and became pastor of the church of the Messiah in New York city, and in 1903 he became pastor emeritus. And Im running because the people Im talking to are the people who fund research and can you believe it, at 100, theyre thinking about funding a new project for me. MORE. Edmund Gordon worked with Edward Zigler, Urie Bronfrenbrenner and others to develop the Federal Head Start program, one of the now long standing national social policy programs for addressing the social consequences of poverty on child development. Whats most dazzling to me is that even as he enters his second century on this earth, Ed continues to reflect and write, provoke and inspire, and thus shape the fundamental debates about equity and opportunity, education and development, and, above all, social justice in our society. Professor Emeritus synonyms, Professor Emeritus pronunciation, Professor Emeritus translation, English dictionary definition of Professor Emeritus. The Gordon Paradigm represents a shift in research on the education and human development of marginalized groups and the socially constituted other or different. I think it possibly could be. "I'm enormously proud, pleased, and moved that AERA has designated me the honorary president," said Gordon. Half a century ago,. That is to say, assessment should serve the function of informing and enhancing the transactions of teaching and learning. The more information, the more we will be able to personalize your email! . In 2000, the classrooms and computer center of the Martin Luther King Jr. Multi-purpose Center, Inc. in Spring Valley, NY was dedicated as the Susan G. Gordon, M.D. He has published 18 books and is an emeritus professor at not one, but two Ivy League schools Yale University and Teachers College at Columbia. On a warm September morning in 2016, a group of respected education leaders, including the chancellor of the New York City Department of Education, the former assistant secretary for civil rights for President Obamas Department of Education, and the founder of Harlem Childrens Zone, gathered in a crowded auditorium for a naming and groundbreaking ceremony for the flagship facility that would soon house the new Edmund W. Gordon Brooklyn Laboratory High Schoolin downtown Brooklyn. Keeping you abreast of late-breaking news and insights. For the last 15, almost 20 years now, weve been on the accountability kick, we havent seen any significant gains. Earlier this month, Teachers College renamed its Institute for Urban and Minority Education (IUME)after Gordon to honor his contributions as a racial equity and education scholar. Together, the Gordons helped to lead the integration of schools in East Ramapo, NY; founded the Harriet Tubman Child Health and Guidance Clinic in Harlem; created a Psycho-Educational Diagnostic Clinic for children referred to the Ambulatory Pediatrics Division of the Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center; and most recently launched the Gordon and Gordon Associates in Human Development and the CEJJES Institute. Learn abouta planned conference later this spring in honor of Edmund Gordon's 100th birthday. How concerned are you with this and what do you think we can do to try to address it going forward into next year? Edmund W. Gordon, was born on June 13, 1921 in Goldsboro, North Carolina. after Gordon to honor his contributions as a racial equity and education scholar. Synonyms. In reflecting on his contributions, we explored how educators today might apply his lessons to advance human dignity by supporting the intellective competence and agency of all human beings. My father was a physician in the segregated South. One of his mentors and personal friends was W.E.B. We also believe that equity will require that we take advantage of recent findings concerning the nature of human learning that move us away from teaching and learning as the transmission of knowledge and technique[and] toward learning as the enablement of learners to orchestrate and mediate their own learning.. American psychologist and educator (born 1921), American Educational Research Association, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, "Edmund Gordon, Marian Wright Edelman to be Honored with John Hope Franklin Awards", "Marian Wright Edelman receives Dr. John Hope Franklin Award", "Dr. Edmund Gordon on the Causes of the Achievement Gap", "Dr. Edmund W. Gordon Battles to Eradicate Achievement Gap", "Psychologist Edmund W. Gordon speaks about academic achievement gap", "Studying Race, Privilege and Intellectual Levels", "University of California - Edmund W. Gordon Biography", "Institute for Research on the African Diaspora in the Americas and the Caribbean (IRADAC)", "The City College of New York:: CCNY Hosts Tenth Annual LSAMP Conference", "ETS Creates Edmund W. Gordon Chair for Policy Evaluation and Research", "Edmund Gordon - National Academy of Education",, "Five professors elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences", "Human Variance and Assessment for Learning Implications for Diverse Learners of STEM: A National Conference | CADRE", The New York Public Library Archives & Manuscripts, "Life, Leadership, and Learning: From the Archive of Edmund W. Gordon | University of Texas Libraries | the University of Texas at Austin", "Preeminent Scholar Edmund Gordon Named AERA Honorary President", "Reflections on Edmund Gordon | Inside the Academy", "At 100 years old, Edmund Gordon thinks the key to schooling starts at home",, Teachers College, Columbia University alumni, All articles with bare URLs for citations, Articles with bare URLs for citations from March 2022, Articles with PDF format bare URLs for citations, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 3 March 2023, at 08:50. For English language learners through Kenji Hakutaswork child well-being is family structure and stability q: you that. Was struggling to succeed at Howard University when Locke helped to encourage him and keep him on track arena. Is time for me to run research foundation dedicated to improving the educational and social policy weekly If... 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