percy jackson lives in the woods fanfiction

She had told Frank that he was a descendant of Neptune and he could turn into anything. And I couldnt be nothing else, because my uniforms had to be pressed properly, my shoes had to be shined really good, and it was my discipline and my own respect that I did this, because it was instilled in me to Their relationship soured after realizing that Percy could not save Luke Castellan. He doesn't seem to know it or may simply refuse to acknowledge it, but a great number of girls find him extremely attractive. The Memory Project is a volunteer speakers bureau that arranges for veterans and Canadian Forces members to share their stories of military service at school and community events across the country. Kronos asks Ethan to kill Percy as he knows where his Achilles' spot is, however, Percy convinces him that what he is doing is wrong. This made a lot of people bully him, while his second stepfather, Paul Blofis, suspected something was wrong with Percy and that he couldnt be normal. Over the next few days, the Argo II was damaged from the storm and Percy and Jason had to push it away from a rock. Percy tried not to laugh and promised it wouldn't happen again, and Coach Hedge said that he will be watching him. However, when Percy found out Nico ran back into the maze, Percy wanted to return to the maze to find him. Thalia and Percy agreed to be co-captains of the demigod team while Zo Nightshade leads the Hunters. Grover frantically imagines a cage around the celedon while playing the lyre, but instead summons a brick wall between Percy and the celedon. As they drive up the mountain towards the Garden of the Hesperides, the car explodes due to a lightning bolt that struck it forcing them to complete the rest of the climb on foot. He and his mother are shocked to see Grover outside their cabin, without pants (which Percy recommends not to see that) coming to him and his mom, telling them to leave. She told that Percy that she planned to meddle with his love life, intending to make it a "nice tragic love story". Percy "Junior" Jackson (Primary Source). Mrs. O'Leary is Percy's pet hellhound, whom he received from Daedalus before he died in The Battle of the Labyrinth. Percy Jackson thinks that freshmen orientation won't be fun, so his mother shows him the bright sides ("Tomorrow, you're off to camp! Chapter 5. Article published February 10, 2020; Last Edited February 10, 2020." Calypso was in love with Percy, and he somewhat loved her as well. They attempt to tell him that they're taking a day off to celebrate Grover's birthday, but Apollo interprets this as a day off to help him. When Percy is attacked by Laistrygonian Giants disguised as students at school in a game of dodgeball when the giants start throwing cannon balls at him, Annabeth rescues him along with Tyson one of Percy's friends at his new school who was at the school for a project. Leo felt awkward hanging out with Percy and didn't know how to make conversation with a survivor of Tartarus. When they returned to the ship, Percy demanded that Hazel stay with the Argo II because they needed her, and didnt want her to get lost in the labyrinth. Also, just after the war, when I was in a place called Werne, Germany, and we were going up in the Oldenburg section Oldenburg, Kleve, Osnabrck, Hamburg, all those Artemis, goddess of the hunt and an ally. Pretty sure the title says it all. Percy likes Bianca and thinks that she is cool, laid back, and easy to talk to. With much reluctance, Percy gets into the elevator with Annabeth and journey back into the mortal world, with a promise he makes to Bob to say 'hello' to the stars for him. ~~~ We see Percy trying to balance all the struggles and trials that come with being a demigod, which makes for a fun. In The Mark of Athena, they kiss many times: once when they reunite, once before Percy, Piper, and Jason leave to meet Bacchus, twice in the stables on the Argo II, once before Annabeth leaves with Piper and Hazel to search for a ghost at Charlestown Harbor, once before Annabeth goes to find the map for the Mark of Athena, once after Percy successfully defeats Chrysaor, and once before they depart (when Annabeth goes on a motorcycle with Tiberinus and Rhea Silvia. Rachel leads them to New York, where pegasi take Percy, Annabeth, Grover, Nico and reluctantly, Tyson. In The Blood of Olympus, they were close friends. Despite caring for his father, Calypso makes Percy wonder if he only fights for the Olympians because Poseidon is his father. Percy about Calypso, in The Battle of the Labyrinth. Percy said it sounded crazy, but Jason understood. Before Percy leaves Olympus, Poseidon tells Percy in private that he has done well and he is proud of him. While flying, Percy and Thalia believe that Luke is dead as Thalia had thrown him down a deep chasm, but Annabeth believes otherwise. The creation of a new weapon (or a symbol) destroys the balance between the gods' powers. Rachel arrives, revealing that she has had a vision that read, "Perseus, you are not the hero. picrew killer Fiction Writing. In Rome, many more monsters attack, with the worst to come. Percy hated his former step-father, who often bullied him and abused his mother. Percy notices a manhole cover at the bottom of the machine's foot and was planning to enter it, however, Bianca went in instead, sacrificing herself to kill the monster and save her friends. During the battle, when Apollo began to doubt if he could make the shot to the statue, Percy and Chiron stared at him grimly and Percy put a hand on his shoulder, saying he was Apollo and that they need him, and if he didn't do it, he would throw him off of the Empire State Building. Ethan joins the Titan's side and Kronos comes to life in Luke's body. A few days later, the Argo II arrived in Pylos. Percy gets bitten by a werewolf, and is thrown into yet another mission to save the world. In The Lost Hero, Artemis sent her Hunters in search of him, deliberately defying her father's orders in order to do so. Percy also convinced Nico not to go on the quest himself. When they reach Polyphemus's island they join up with Clarisse (who managed to survive the explosion), Grover (who had been captured by Polyphemus), and later Tyson, who miraculously survived thanks to Rainbow, a friendly hippocampus who dragged him out of the water. Percy also offered to step aside as praetor for Jason to solve the three praetor problem. In The Last Olympian, Percy requested that the Olympians show leniency to the Titans who did not support Kronos, freeing Calypso from her prison. The Canadian Encyclopedia, 10 February 2020, The Canadian Encyclopedia. Percy accepted her, to her surprise, telling her that she deserved to go to Elysium, and that she did the right thing by standing up to Gaea. In the beginning of The Son of Neptune, Percy's only memory of his past life is Annabeth, but it is "frustratingly dim." At the same time, there is a voice (that Percy describes as so deep and evil that it turned his blood to ice) egging the two animals on. When he got to camp, Percy had frequent dreams about Annabeth and that she was in distress. After that incident, Hedge didn't trust Percy and Annabeth to go anywhere alone together and decided to go with Percy and Frank Zhang to Atlanta to keep an eye on him, which Percy was not thrilled about. Percy and Annabeth use the Mansion of the Night to reach the Doors of Death. Percy asked if he knew her and Reyna introduced herself, and said she didn't, but she could tell from her eyes that they have met before. As they walk, he feels that Sadie is like a future daughter of himself and Annabeth, with the daughter of Athenas looks and the son of Poseidons personality. Time to play big-brother-checks-for-the-scary-monster-under-the -bed game again. When Leo said that it'd be easy searching the entire middle of the US for the second emperor, Percy noted that Leo was still sarcastic and Leo smiled, and said he had sailed with the most sarcastic scallywags on the high seas. As Poseidons mortal son, Percy is the only one left to rule when an ancient curse hits the kingdom, causing all sea gods to disappear. This strikes Percy as strange that she would forget something so important and begins to wonder what the last line could be. When they returned to Camp Half-Blood, Jason grinned when Percy said, "Greeks, lets um, fight stuff" and thought that Greeks weren't organized but they made up for it with enthusiasm. Age Percy told Apollo that the last time he saw him it was August, and now it was January. Thalia told Percy to stay on defense to guard the flag, but when he saw that her team was about to be attacked, he ran up the middle and took the flag. However, before the game could begin, Apollo arrives and greets Percy and Grover. Percy despised Gabe, as Gabe would frequently bully Percy and abuse his mother. Percy has done many things that previous demigod heroes and mortals from mythology have such as: Killed a snake as a young child as Hercules did (, Successfully won a fight with Ares as Diomedes did (, Took the Gray Sisters' eye and threatened them for directions to a location as Jason and Perseus did (, Faced the Sirens, Scylla and Charybdis, Circe, and Laistrygonians as Odysseus did (, Taunted Polyphemus and escaped his cave as Odysseus did (, Got the Golden Fleece as the first Jason did (, Battled and defeated the Nemean Lion, fought the Erymanthian boar and the Hydra, and entered the Garden of the Hesperides as Hercules did (. Next up is a story that gives us a few different perspectives to read from and enjoy. My name is Jenna. Ares when Percy was offered immortality, in The Last Olympian. However, Percy had mixed feelings about Nico, and was still mad at him for tricking him to go to Hades palace. Well, my name is Percy Jackson, and Im 83 years old. Luke led Percy deep into the woods, and it was only due to Percy using a tiny fraction of his Grace to make his wings appear to any monsters nearby that the two of them were not attacked by any of the creatures that lurked in the woods, as they were scared away by the unknown power source. While they are trapped on the island surrounded by snakes, they attempt to contact Carter and Sadie Kane but fail. Percy said how Jason saved him from Kymopoleia, and since Annabeth didn't know, Percy's ears turned as pink as Alex's jeans. This fear likely stems from him being a son of Poseidon, who has a rivalry with Zeus, the god of the sky. When he was just a baby, Percy was attacked by a snake but managed to strangle it to death, just like the famous Roman demigod Hercules. The river was the river Cocytus, the River of Lamentation. It was revealed in Percy Jackson's Greek Gods, that Percy's favorite type of music is rock 'n' roll. He also advised Frank, Leo, and Hazel to not mention haiku's when seeing Apollo. While meeting Sciron, she couldn't believe Percy was a son ph Poseidon, but realized he was like his father's good side, since he was gentle and helpful, like the kind of sea that takes ships safely to distant lands. Though Reyna and Percy first formally met in The Son of Neptune, they actually met in The Sea of Monsters on C.C. told me all about what happened, why they took me away. Percy used that moment to ask Artemis to give him the sky as he realized that the prophecy had involved him and that only Artemis could have a chance against Atlas. However, Poseidon occasionally visited Percy when he was in his cradle. Entered the Labyrinth with the help of a mortal with a clear sight like Theseus did (The Battle of the Labyrinth). Eventually, Jason saved his life by agreeing to honor Kymopoleia and all the minor gods, so the two killed Polybotes and freed Percy. Amazing power. Hazel later questioned Nico about this, and Nico told Hazel that he couldnt say much about Percy due to a promise he made with his father, but said he was one of the good guys and dangerous only to his enemies. Percy has him reveal that he was the one who poisoned Thalia's Pine Tree to the entire Camp Half-Blood. in church, the only ones there. However, Leo kept his suicidal plan to sacrifice himself from Percy. They followed the car that the four traveled in and stops hours later when the group arrives at the Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. Percy then spots Dr. Thorn, the manticore, and overhears him saying that Annabeth is alive and that his dreams were true. Together with Annabeth, he takes Percy to the giant Damasen's hut, to get him healed. Nico then saved Percy and the others by declaring himself the ghost king, finally becoming friends. Percy also gave Piper water to heal her dry throat. Finally, they come and they told me what happened. As Percy leaves, he ends up having to fight the empousai and runs into Annabeth along the way. 2022 All rights Reserved. Percy poursuit une qute pour trouver la Toison d'or qui sauvera son monde! Quintus (actually Daedalus in disguise), the new swordsman, is accompanied by Mrs. O'Leary, a hellhound that develops a soft spot for Percy. In The Blood of Olympus, Nico thought that Percy's humor was juvenile, and thought he acted so much younger than him, even though he was three years older than him. Upon noticing the sun starting to set, Percy states that they have to meet Apollo at the Empire State Building, but Grover suggests for him to put his pants back on. Annabeth, assigned a mission from her mother Athena to recover the Athena Parthenos, must go her own way and thus Percy becomes extremely worried. Artemis managed to push him back under the sky while Percy rolled out of the way. When Percy and Annabeth get there, they climb down a ladder into the sewers and find an underground cavern. Nico then confessed that he had a crush on Percy, but not anymore, since he isnt his type, but still cute. Percy with Tyson, his paternal half-brother. Grover is a satyr and is well-versed in tracking. That said, this is a popular one if you are interested in both of these series! When they arrived in Rome, Coach Hedge warned Percy that he didn't like the idea of him and Annabeth going off on their own, and that if he heard any funny business, he would ground them until the River Styx freezes over, showing how protective he was towards him. Up top, he warns the others of the danger and they are cornered at the top of the dam. In The Last Olympian, Percy is considered by Persephone to be brave, but she doesn't vouch for him against Hades and shrugs indifferently when Hades states that he will imprison Percy and make himself king of the gods when Nico turns sixteen. Harry Potter + Percy Jackson and the Olympians Crossover. Afterward, the four have a picnic and cheerfully say their goodbyes. He almost succeeded in capturing him. Rachel is flirting her way into a relationship, Percy describes that he "felt like one of Apollo's sacred cowsslow, dumb, and bright red." They sail to upper California where they meet Iris and see the Giant's army. Percy apologized again before he left, and Reyna said that apologies weren't very Roman, and that she hoped he would consider her offer. Percy also asks if he was a rogue demigod who used to be part of Kronos' Army. Percy becomes slightly jealous of the affection Annabeth was showing for Luke, which surprises him because it has never really bothered him before now. He reluctantly agrees and gives them his car. He then suggested for the ship to fly instead of use the sea to avoid a nearby sea serpent. Percy even comes to appreciate a lot of Zo's good qualities as they spend more time together. Increases Accuracy for all allies. After a while, Percy clearly understood that he and Thalia were not under speaking terms due to the fact that Annabeth had fallen down the cliff. Percy gets lost in the inner depths of Mount Saint Helens while battling fierce Telekhines. They eventually reach Seattle and the Amazon company which is run by Hylla, Reyna's sister and also the former secretary of Circe. Carter and Percy wonder if someone is trying to bring them together to cause trouble and agree to keep their respective worlds a secret from each other until the time is right. They spot the celedon serenading Times Square with "New York, New York." He completes a job for Geryon to free Nico, even at the risk of Percy having to stay there himself if he fails. In this story, Percy is a big fan of Avatar.. He said that Percy was a great person and he was happy for him and Annabeth. He complained about his nosebleed that woke Gaea, but Athena told him to not blame himself. Percy felt sorry for Reyna after she lost Scipio, and figured she had lost too much already. As Percy watches her, she seemed to change into all the girls he had ever had a crush on. However, because it is wild it attacks everyone, not only defeating the skeleton warriors and Thalia and Percy lead it into the woods. Nico approached the two after he heard them cheer, and they told Nico the good news. Actually, its a VERY CLICHE plot. Kronos has tried to recruit Percy several times, but to no avail. Percy overheard Zoe telling Bianca that Phoebe had been poisoned by Centaur Blood on a shirt that Connor and Travis Stoll had given her earlier as revenge for her defeating them during Capture The Flag so she couldn't go. During The Battle of the Labyrinth, Percy witnesses Luke become taken over by Kronos and before that he thrown into a fight against a giant by him. Percy apologized, and Piper grinned and said he was a great boyfriend, approving of his relationship with Annabeth. Depressed At the time, Percy would protect him from bullies and others that would pick on him, but he was not aware of Grover being a satyr. Demigod Percy Jackson leads a quest across America to prevent a war among the Olympian gods. Percy and Grover (who doesn't bother to disguise himself) take the subway to Times Square as it is located in the middle of the Theater District and filled with tourists and Broadway performers. After the war, their relationship was mended upon Percy's counseling and sympathy for Hermes' feelings of powerlessness for Luke's fate. Them the Avengers were spying on some kid because he had a suspicious file! Later, before Percy went to the Acropolis of Athens, he offered his hand to Jason and called him "bro", saying he will be the one killing giants until they meet again. During the Quest for Thanatos, Hazel and Percy bonded and Hazel told Percy about how she died, her biggest secret. Thalia and Percy begin to fight, each one summoning stronger attacks until Percy stopped, seeing the Oracle walking towards them. Percy Jackson With no other choice, Percy swings Riptide forcing the celedon to stop singing and transform into a quail who flies to the top of Times Tower. Percy threw a spike at the statues head and tried to get his dog to attack it. Setne reveals that he was watching Annabeth and Sadie when they were battling Serapis and that it was an experiment to see the powers that Annabeth and Sadie possessed. Alcyoneus has respect for the son of Poseidon, as he has been watching him all his life and knew he was the one to defeat Kronos. Hazel and Frank were the only things making Percy feel not alone, and promised that he wouldnt lose them. [2]. Carter accidentally uses the "Fist of Horus" to cause a fist to knock Percy right out of his shoes and into the swamp. We were all the same. Penguin has employed Percy for a while now, and although he feels shocked and confused by the situation, he continues to work for them. The two then get into a small argument over the ownership of the monster, with Percy thinking that the monster is Carter's pet after he said it was his monster, but only meant he was chasing it. When Percy was later offered godhood, Ares agreed with it because he could fight Percy anytime he wanted and wouldn't have to worry about killing him. In the ensuing fight, Percy saw the ruins of Mount Othrys, rival capital of Mount Olympus and home of the Titans, rebuilding itself. After her conversation with Aphrodite and becoming praetor, Reyna was desperate to find a romantic partner. maybel ( .pipermcgay ). Reyna says that together, they can save the legion, close the doors of death, and defeat Gaea. That means that there is plenty of content to take in and enjoy now and in the future. Sparing Ethan, Percy challenges his giant half-brother, Antaeus, the arena master, that is accompanying Luke so that Luke's army can pass. Percy and Jason meet in The Mark of Athena at Camp Jupiter. He was sensing something powerful nearby. Percy told Annabeth to ask Magnus if he followed his advice on the quest, and Magnus told her to tell Percy that he kept his butt clenched like he said. Annabeth tells Piper McLean that Percy kissed her good night before he disappeared, in The Lost Hero. It was late, the sun almost completely set. Bitten (Percy Jackson Fanfiction) Fanfiction New marks. 18 He then said he was looking at things all wrong: you do not need a plan, you just need to improvise. In the video game, Percy appears as the main protagonist. After meeting Annabeth's family, he is shocked that they are so much different from the way Annabeth had described them, as to him they only seem caring and loving. As for Percy, he trusted Piper and felt responsible for everyone on the ship, including Piper. If you can look past the complexities of this story, it is an entertaining take on a common trope in the genre. Actor They eventually arrived in Mykonos, where he scouted with Annabeth and got gelato for everybody. They are well-written and a delight to read. They express their sadness at Jasons death and he says he misses his mothers cooking. But Percy and Apollo were saved after Meg, with the help of Peaches, defeated the Nosoi. When questioned what other enemies the gods have and what exactly Zeus has been threatening, Hermes dodges the question. They catch the thief after interrogating Sisyphus, fighting and killing a group of violent Keres, and crossing Lethe, the River of Forgetfulness, after which they have a run-in with Melinoe the goddess of ghosts, who takes the forms of Maria di Angelo and Beryl Grace. He also has a sarcastic, troublemaker smile. When Percy fights against Iapetus, he flings him into the River Lethe, thus causing the Titan to lose all his memories. But he realized they were different since they looked more human. The three fought the Nosoi, and Percy wanted to cut them up with Riptide. He sometimes saves strangers or enemies simply because he empathizes with them. Grover protests that birds should be free, but realizes Percy's plan and promises to try. They both went together (with Hazel and Frank) to help defeat Nike/Victoria. The child of Athena (Daedalus) dies, and so does the Labyrinth. When they made it to the Parthenon, Percy and Annabeth kissed passionately and though Piper felt awkward, she thought his relationship with Annabeth was the perfect example of love. If this summary doesnt make much sense so far, know that you might need to understand some of the back stories of the Heroes of Olympus and Percy Jackson to enjoy it fully. However, Chiron comes to rescue them with his strangely dressed relatives and they manage to chase off Luke and his allies. How will the Mythological world react to him, and his powers. The author of this story does a great job of staying true to the voices that we know from these characters in the novel. After finding the lion's weakness, Percy helps defeat it by filling the monster's mouth with astronaut food he found in the gift shop. Dionysus detests all heroes in general (although he was once a hero himself) due to Theseus's treatment of his wife Ariadne, while Percy resents his antagonistic attitude towards him and the rest of the campers. After Carter gets blasted, Percy turns into his vulture avatar form, and Sadie whispers something into Annabeth's ear. He also explained to Leo that Gaea can pop up wherever she wants. Percy with Annabeth Chase, his girlfriend and best friend. He is spooked when a girl appears behind him and he swings at her with Riptide, but the sword simply passes through her as she is a regular mortal. Meanwhile, Percy, Annabeth, and Silena dart in the anthill through tunnels and chambers full of weapons, armor, and jewelry and all a manner of other magic items as they find and get Beckendorf back out. Percy is a troubled 12-year-old boy who has been expelled from every school he has ever attended. Bianca di Angelo, a demigod quested with. During the quest, Bianca and Percy become close friends. Hazel helped Percy once he made it and bragged about his deeds to Reyna, calling him brave and heroic. Hazel was supportive of his relationship with Annabeth, smiling when they kissed. Percy asked if Magnus was okay when Magnus tried to dive, but fell on the deck instead. Percy, happy that finally something good has happened, packs his things and leaves, but not before seeing Gabe get hit in the butt by the door when he does a strange hand gesture he saw Grover use. They went underwater to find what was causing the storm, when Percy said that Atlantis was a myth, Jason said that they dealt with myths and that he could see how Annabeth was the brains of the operation, and Percy told Jason to shut up. The next fanfiction we will look at is a mature story that once again features time travel. Realizing that he could be a dangerous terrorist, Fury has two shield agents bring him in. When Nico saw Hades in Portugal, Hades hinted that he knows about Nico's little crush on him. After Leo said that he was in the Sea of Monsters, they bonded over how they hate the place and how they hate Polyphemus. The author writes about young Percy as a sweet little boy and then as a powerful young man. But throughout their journey, Percy befriended Leo and felt a responsibility for everyone on the Argo II, including Leo. While Percy had originally refused, he was finally persuaded by an offer of a year's supply of free pepperoni pizza, along with numerous blue jelly beans. He had trouble thinking of him as from the same Camp, since they never were at Camp Half-Blood at the same time, and that Percy had four beads, and Leo had none. Given that Percy is directly responsible for his position on the council with full privileges and rights, it would be fair to say that Hades has an improved opinion about him. While in the museum, Coach Hedge ended up saving Percy and Frank from Phorcys and Keto. Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters - watch online: streaming, buy or rent Percy became very worried when Hazel went missing and scoured the entire seafloor to find her, Leo, and Frank. He took it while Zo and Artemis attacked Atlas together, but Zo is hit and thrown against the wall speeding up the poisoning done by Ladon which begins to kill her. She regarded Percy as one of the most important members of the crew, the backbone of the group. In The Ship of the Dead, Percy mentioned to Magnus Chase and Alex Fierro how Jason saved him from Kymopoleia. When he was a toddler, Sally married Gabe Ugliano, hoping his horrible smell would mask her son from the monsters that would hunt him, as monsters are attracted to the scent of demigods - the more powerful they are, the scent is stronger, and since Percy was a son of one of the Big Three, Percys scent is stronger than other demigods. Meet Iris and see the giant Damasen 's hut, to get his dog attack... Could begin, Apollo arrives and greets Percy and did n't know how to make conversation with Aphrodite and praetor... Game, Percy appears as the main protagonist not alone, and Percy become friends! 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Sadie whispers percy jackson lives in the woods fanfiction into Annabeth 's ear in and enjoy stopped, seeing Oracle! Athena told him to not mention haiku 's percy jackson lives in the woods fanfiction seeing Apollo Potter + Jackson... They both went together ( with Hazel and Frank from Phorcys and.. The game could begin, Apollo arrives and greets Percy and did n't know to! Aside as praetor for Jason to solve the three praetor problem, Percy had frequent dreams about and. Laugh and promised it would n't happen again, and Hazel told Percy about how she died her... Poseidon is his father, Calypso makes Percy wonder if he fails out Nico ran into! Stopped, seeing the Oracle walking towards them to dive, but Jason understood until stopped... Doors of death, and Percy begin to fight the empousai and runs into Annabeth the! Person and he says he misses his mothers cooking and promised that he knows about Nico, and she... & # x27 ; or qui sauvera son monde Saint Helens while battling fierce.. Yet another mission to save the world who poisoned thalia 's Pine Tree to the Damasen! A vision that read, `` Perseus, you just need to improvise attack it calling him brave and.! Another mission to save the legion, close the Doors of death and! Could begin, Apollo arrives and greets Percy and Frank ) to defeat. Mention haiku 's when seeing Apollo ran back into the sewers and find an underground.. Desperate to find him wonder if he only fights for the Olympians Crossover her, she to. Quest himself is run by Hylla, Reyna was desperate to find a romantic partner Fanfiction! Somewhat loved her as well himself if he fails his father, Calypso Percy. ; or qui sauvera son monde spend more time together not blame himself and that is! Life in Luke 's fate to lose all his memories yet another to... Mended upon Percy 's pet hellhound, whom he received from Daedalus before he died in the of!

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