most wanted death battles

And Bowser vs Ganon is one of my least liked episodes ever so all the better. Why I want this: It's honestly just really fun. And Mob is a big "why?". Okay, here's a little known fact about me, this has been one of my most wanted for a long ass time, ever since I first heard about this idea, I've been in love with it ever since. Thoughts on alternatives: Chie VS Saki from Arcana Heart is good, but I know jackshit about that series since my only exposure is with Heart herself in BBTAG. Like it just is. Boruto feels like spite, Homelander is a thing, Saitama makes sense, but I feel he has better, and Hibiki has connections but suffers from downright bad animation potential and I already went over why Kasumi is a better matchup for her. Thoughts on alternatives: Rex VS Agent Washington is also a really solid matchup, but I feel this would suit Rex more. And Cinder's other opponents either all stomp her or have better opponents. Likeliness: 9/10 Lack of competition and it being a Community Battle really help it's chances, what keeps it from being a ten however is lack of official conformation. Cover Art: Axl's guns in front of the Green Chaos Emerald. Connections: Villains who use fear based powers to disturb there foe's before killing them and both were portrayed by Robert Englund at some point. Winner: Kaneki, he just takes the stats and everything else. Likeliness: 7/10 It seems to be the most requested for both, Connections: Mask wearing, red blade wielding, antagonists that are responsible for crippling the main protagonist. And Loka already explained why he thinks Sailor Moon VS Pegasus Seiya doesn't work (links broken lol). Now the connections are a bit simple in some areas but the manage to knock it out of the park so well it doesn't really matter, but there's also plenty of stuff to lover here as well, tons of good animation potential with some real destruction in there as well, Saiko smacking away grenades as shit blows up would be a real treat to watch, good music potential, mixing Darkest Hour with anything would instantly make me splooge, but what really sells it for me is the banter potential, hoo lordy, I thought the music potential was something to make me splooge, lemme tell ya, Saiko and Nora's personalities play off of each other so goddamn well it's not even funny, it might be one sided as all get out, but it's still a great matchup through and through, and I couldn't be happier of it being my most wanted SMG4 fight. Why I want this: Welcome back to "Pit convincing me that this is the best matchup for both part 2" we have this, Pit, you've won once again, this matchup seems so stupid at first glance yet actually makes a hell of a lot of sense just utterly baffles me, from solid as hell connections, to some great animation potential, great music potential if Emerald Heroes and Chaos Unraveled are anything to go by, then we could get an utter banger of a track, some fun as hell interaction potential, you have a matchup that's just downright fun in almost every orifice, and I couldn't be happier that I like it. Saiko Bichitaru VS Nora Valkyrie (SMG4 VS RWBY), 8. Hello everyone! And some of my original points don't hold up all that well. Thoughts on alternatives: I get the appeal of Marx VS Skull Kid and Loki VS Kefka, but they don't interest me at all, and while Kefka VS Piedmon is okay at least, I feel like Marx would make a more fun episode imo. Thoughts on alternatives: Naofumi's alternatives never interested me all that much, and Cao doesn't have anyone else so Likeliness: 3/10 Naofumi has a ton of requests, and Cao isn't exactly one of them. Why I want this: Why does this idea make sense? Thoughts on alternatives: Yuno VS Rena is fine, and it does have good potential, and I'd be down for it. Titan VS Mech suit is enough to sell this matchup for me, so me likey. They also work alongside a team of other fantasy heroes with varying morals, with one of their teammates in particular being madly in love with them and always ready to fight and die for them (Albedo and Escanor respectively). Winner: Seth, Taskmaster might be fast, but Seth hits far harder and is way tougher. Why I want this: This matchup is underrated, I know it has it's flaws, but I honestly don't really mind all that much compared to other JoJosona matchups cough Naoto VS Mista and Morgana VS Iggy cough but compared to those two, this one is mostly harmless, connections and themeing are solid, animation potential is decent, music potential is golden (pun not intended), banter could be fun especially if they start the fight with Yu making an off remark about Josuke's hair, and while it's not a stomp, it's still pretty clear cut. Likeliness: 2/10 Sion being obscure, Mista, and a variety of other factors make this one very unlikely, Connections: Teenage heroes of the next generation that mainly use sound. Likeliness: 6/10 Would've been lower if Mewtwo VS BWG hadn't shot back up in popularity as of late. Winner: Rena, Emerald can't really get past the suit and her illusion abilities are much better. Cover Art: Sesshomaru's sword priercing the Shraingan. Likeliness: 8/10 It's the most requested for both and it works pretty well. Okay, but seriously, these two are so similar it's not even funny. 6. But it's still a really close match. Why I want this: It's a really fun fight, and I have been really getting into Persona lately and seeing more of them in DB would be a treat, the connections are really good, animation potential is great, music potential is godly (Have you listened to Throw Away Your Mask? Why I want this: Because it's Adachi, need I say more? Noob Saibot VS Reaper (Mortal Kombat VS Overwatch). Why I want this: This is so stupid and I love it. He's one of the most interesting parts of the Kirby series, and seeing him in DB would be interesting, even if he dies. Likeliness: 4/10 It's lost a lot of it's steam as of late and the team wanting to branch out of Mighty Morphin for now really hurt it's chances, but it still has it's fans so it's not too terribly unlikely. Why I want this: This is honestly such an interesting idea and I can't help but love it. Yoruichi VS Tsunade (Bleach VS Naruto), 91. Winner: Terumi, Sinestro takes the stats by a wide margin but Terumi's stupid hax should allow him to come through in the end. Connections: Two blonde, hot-headed, explosive protagonists from popular franchises. My most wanted MUs of all time part 1/2. Bumblebee VS Metabee (Transformers VS Medabots), 39. Like with Harley I think we can all agree that Magneto is long overdue for an episode at this point, he's such a chad and it's a shame as to how he's never gotten on at this point, and to be quite real, this by far, is his best matchup, from the seriously solid connections, to some great animation potential, which is basically Mob VS Tatsumaki on crack, throw in some great music potential and interactions, a more obscure series getting repped, a unique franchise combo, you got yourself a downright amazing matchup worth every single piece of praise it gets, and I couldn't be happier. Antasma VS Darkrai (Mario VS Pokemon), 42. Plus, the music and banter could also be pretty good as well. Why I want this: Because it's more Persona on DB and that's pog. Join. Connections: Video game gods who are based on mythology (Greek and Hindu) that go on a rampage against their worlds respective gods to get back at them for the death of their families. Why I want this: Honestly, if I can be honest here for a second, I used to really not like this idea, I wasn't against it happening per say, it was just at the time I felt like Crono and Axl would be more interesting, looking back however, yeah I can safely say this is the best matchup for both, from the solid connections, to the amazing animation potential, given how well they could utilize their powers, to the fantastic music potential, but really, any matchup that involves a Sonic character is bound to have good music potential, to the fantastic banter potential, and ma boi Silver getting repped against his best matchup would be poggers af. Connections: Scientific creations that are based off of someone else (Jenova and Mega Man X, respectively), who became high ranking and highly respected officers in military groups (SOLDIER and the Maverick Hunters, respectively). Why I want this: Well, it's a fun fight with good connections, animation potential, music potential, good interaction potential, and has a really great analysis potential. Cover Art: Medic and Richtofen's weapons clashing with the CoD:Z logo with the TF2 logo on the top is in the background covered in blood. The bloodiest battle with the most U.S. soldiers killed was the Battle of Normandy / and Northern France (June 6 to September 14, 1944) where 34,137 soldiers were killed trying to gain a foothold in Axis-occupied France. Thoughts on alternatives: Green Goblin VS Joker is shit, moving on, Connections: Yellow colored robots that are based off of bees. Connections: Fighting game family men super soldiers that serve to protect the US. Why I want this: Because it simply has the potential it be one of the greatest fights in all of DB history, the animation potential is great, music potential is fantastic, it's close as hell, and this is one of the most underrated DB ideas I've ever seen in all my life. Likeliness: 9/10 Ever since Thor VS Wonder Woman, this has become Thor's most requested matchup if he ever comes back again. Why I want this: Ace was doomed against Natsu and Tsuna doesn't really have another good options that I know of. They have pretty decent connections and there's some solid animation potential. Why I want this: It's Team Rocket, need I say more? Ironically, certain aspects of their story are kind of similar. Thoughts on alternatives: I've already gone over why I dislike Kamina VS Mako, but to give you the short story, I wanted to like it, but a certain someone saying that they think people who like Chie VS Mako don't understand Chie turned me off big time, much like a lot of the matchups he makes up. Connections: White colored indie RPG characters that judge the player at the end of their journey. (Note: This has become an official episode, which is very poggers). Garou VS Kenpachi (One Punch Man VS Bleach), 158. Credit to Loka for the connections. Plus, it's also K Rool's most debatable and Blackbeard's best option. Thoughts on alternatives: Nero VS Allen and Rin VS Inuyasha are cringe, moving on. 22 days ago. Connections are shockingly good, animation and music potential is great, the concept is entertaining enough, and plus, we get KND and more FMA on the show which is extra pog. Winner: Neo, if Toga could use Cammie and Ochako's quirks then she could win, but for the sake of a fair fight, they won't be included, so Neo AP stomps and blitzes like it's nothing. Likeliness: 3/10 While MK11 won't be fading in relevancy anytime soon, Mephiles being locked to one of the worst Sonic games of all time, should already give you an idea of how likely this is. Why I want this: It's a really fun idea, with some great connections and animation potential, and the music potential is also amazing, given how much of a banger Blood Re-Semblance was, the interactions could be fun, it's just a really fun and thematic idea and I can't help but love it. Not really. Why I want this: Like with the last two, connections are nothing special, but my lord is it still such a fun idea throughout, the animation potential alone sells this for me, between all the flashy shit these two can pull off and how differently they manipulate water could lead to such a fun animation, especially if it's raining then they can just go all out on it, amazing music potential since Mortal Kombat X Naruto music is almost made to be a banger, some solid interaction potential on top of that and a decent debate, you have a matchup that manages to be something good, good job Rain VS Zabuza, you've gotten on my good side. Thoughts on alternatives: I get EVA VS Strezilla, but I'm don't Darling In The Franxx so and Godzilla VS Cthulhu is fine, but why is Big G VS Bahamut a thing? and my answer is a resounding "NO!" Michelangelo VS Dexter Grif (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles VS Red VS Blue), 198. Likeliness: 1/10 NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICHE! Is it a giant barrel of fun overall? Connections: Nightmare monsters from Nintendo RPG's. Dr. Doofenshmirtz VS Dr. Drakken (Phineas and Ferb VS Kim Possible). Connections: Two icy fighting game characters that are also assassins. Juri Han VS Mileena (Street Fighter VS Mortal Kombat). And can someone explain why Junko VS Light Yagami is a thing?! Cover Art: Raph's sai's piercing Elektra's hood. Connections aren't the strongest, but I still think it could be a fun as hell episode overall. Thoughts on alternatives: Silver VS Axl and Trunks VS Crono aren't terrible per say, they aren't all that good, but I wouldn't call them the worst they have to offer when it comes to these two. Medic VS Richtofen (Team Fortress 2 VS Call Of Duty: Zombies). Sarge VS Soldier (Red VS Blue VS Team Fortress 2), 25. Thoughts on alternatives: Peashooter VS Inkling sucks. Also Astar, you're welcome.. ", connections are strong, animation potential is good, the music potential is superb with how good Scarlet Haze was, it's close, and has tons of good interaction potential. Why I want this: I love both of these franchises, and I'd really love to see them do this, connections are good, the animation potential is great, the music potential is awesome, given how good both of these franchises soundtracks are, have you listened to Dreadwood's theme? Just no. Connections: Sword wielding instructors at a prestigious military academy that specialise in an ancient weapon and possess a psychic link to another individual. Why I want this: Given how we have yet to have a showdown between two knights, why not do this fight? Check! They wield opposing weapons (shield vs sword) and are members of large-scale super-powered organizations where they are highly respected for their skills and professionalism (The Avengers and The Injustice League). Why I want this: And here we have our first SMG4 fight on the list, SMG4 is a series I love and always will, through the good times and that bad, I'm willing to see this series through until the end. Noel Vermillion VS Aigis (BlazBlue VS Persona), 10. Connections: Antagonists filled with hatred for the past that try to destroy it anyway they can. I may not know much about Magi outside of a few clips on YouTube, but this sounds really fun as all get out, so I'll vouch. Why I want this: We need RE back in DB and Nemesis seems like the perfect fit for this show, plus it's very thematic. From solid connections, to amazing animation and music potential, to a very solid debate, throw in some nifty dialogue potential, you got yourself a neat matchup for two neat characters. Is she as requested as Ainz tho? Why I want this: I'll be real here, while Zoro at the time was objectively her best matchup, I just kinda wanna see her take on King Arthur just to see how well it could go. Kazuya Mishima VS Raven Branwen (Tekken VS RWBY). Likeliness: 8/10 Most requested mu for both iirc. Connections: Both are ahem.sons (albeit shirou was adopted) of fighters who were survivors of their respective global wars (The Holy grail War & The Battle of Niflheim respectively) (And Kiritsugu Emiya and Regis Lucis Caelum) that soon got caught up against a war similar to their fathers (With Shirou getting involved in a Holy grail War himself and Noctis fighting against the Niflheim army). Beelzemon VS Lucifer's good tho, but I lack the Megamei Tensei knowledge that Pit has outside of a select few, but I find this to be the more unique option all around the board. Without further ado, let's-a go. Connections: Two master swordsman that are capable if not breaking, but destroying the fourth wall his very comical ways. And Kuwabara VS Orihime pretty sure the Bleach fans wouldn't like the "Whore who killed Ichigo X Rukia in DB in a fight where she more than likely wins" and Yamcha's just lame. Connections: Powerful humanoid comic book sorceresses with major daddy issues. Another season has passed since then. [1] The Americans' bloodiest single day in the Battle of Normandy was the first day, D-day (June 6, 1944) with 2,499 killed. Add on from the solid connections to the great animation potential, given ARCUS does mesh somewhat well with Isis, the solid interaction potential with how these two can be, I've never played Trails Of Cold Steel, don't judge me, and the music potential, but to be honest, if you gave me the words "Persona" and "music potential" I'm allowed by law to nut at it. Paper Mario VS Megaman.EXE (Nintendo VS Capcom), 192. Why I want this: This idea is just so unique and I love it, Brandon's track got me interested in the matchup and I've felt something about it ever since. Thoughts on alternatives: Garou VS Stain could be cool, but it's just a bit too one-sided tbh. Considering Flash VS Sonic made Scourge VS Ebarto redundant and Scourge VS Goku black is Sonic VS Goku. Yes. Winner: Like with Silver VS Trunks, this varies depending on the version of Tari used. 22. r/DeathBattleMatchups. Cover Art: Kenshin's sword surrounded with Hanzo's Dragonstrike. Connections are good, animation potential is great, the banter could also be really fun. Connections: Goofy mad scientists from two of Disney Channel's most iconic shows. 138. Likeliness: 5/10 It's got it's fans, but Seiya and Reimu have pretty much kicked it to the curb in terms of chances, not helped by a member of the research team pushing for Moon VS Supergirl as well, but there is something going for it, the fourth Madoka Magica movie is coming out this year and that raises it's chances significantly. Why I want this: You ever have that one matchup where you never thought would work as well as it does? Baby VS Vanitas (Dragon Ball VS Kingdom Hearts), 106. Likeliness: 6/10 It's getting more popular than Medic VS Mercy so it has a somewhat likely chance of happening. Why I want this: And now we arrive at my most wanted BlazBlue and Persona fight, and a rather obvious one at that as well, yeah I've been kinda getting addicted to Persona lately, but even before then I loved the hell out of this matchup and I still fuckin do, the connections are solid as fuck, Noel and Aigis' stories fit each other to a T and it makes so damn proud of how well the connections are put together, we also have downright amazing animation potential, seriously, you got bullets, swords, magic flying everywhere, it's good shit, lemme tell ya once Aigis' multitude of Persona's come into play and Noel turns into Mu-12 things only get crazy from there on out, music potential is also fairly solid, as like before you can give me the words "Persona" and "music potential" and I am legally allowed by law to nut at it, banter is also pretty great as well, same thing goes for more Persona reps, that just poggers as fuck, now the teams last experience with BlazBlue was bit rough around the edges, but given how hard Yoshi worked to promote this matchup, as well as the DBX, I'm sure they wouldn't mind dipping their toes into BlazBlue once again for this special circumstance. 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most wanted death battles

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