list of trump's accomplishments as president

The impact: Pressure from Trump prompted the Federal Communications Commission to launch a controversial rulemaking process to clarify the scope of Section 230. The First Step Acts reforms addressed inequities in sentencing laws that disproportionately harmed Black Americans and reformed mandatory minimums that created unfair outcomes. Attempts to expand and modernize apprenticeships, a goal shared by Democrats, are widely seen as a bipartisan bright spot in the Trump administration. 117. "We are elevating space commensurate with its importance to our national security and the security of our allies and partners.". But his . 74. The Agriculture Department went to great lengths to quietly quash scientific research conducted by its employees or funded by government dollars, in particular research about how the agriculture industry could play a critical role in combating climate change. . The Space Force is the first new military service since the US Air Force was created in 1947. Probably true. The upshot: The courts could reverse the change. Toby Eckert, Trump cracked down mostly successfully on unwanted calls and texts. America's global image declined significantly under Trump, who repeatedly insulted key US allies while cozying up to dictators. The data is mixed on whether drug prices are going up or down. Zachary Warmbrodt, A Transportation Security Administration employee stands at a booth to learn about a food stamp program. Though the terrorist group has lost its territory its so-called caliphate it's still estimated to have up to 18,000 fighters in Iraq and Syria. Whats more, the audit effort is helping Pentagon managers make their programs more efficient and minimize waste. . Had his Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh confirmed. But I decided to post the full list as written, including the original emojis, to give readers a chance to examine it for themselves and see what Mr. Trumps supporters are touting as his biggest achievements. Leah Nylen, Leo Wang, whose H-1B visa was denied in 2019, packs a suitcase at his home in San Jose, Calif. The administration also nailed down plans to force smaller U.S. telecom carriers to rip out and replace any scattered gear from Huawei and ZTE being used in their networks. Meanwhile, The New York Times in June 2020 reported that US intelligence officials determined Russia paid bounties to Taliban-linked Afghan militants to kill US troops. The bill also aims to lower recidivism by offering more rehabilitation and job-training opportunities, and it includes provisions intended to treat prisoners humanely banning the shackling of pregnant inmates, halting the use of solitary confinement for most juvenile inmates, and mandating that prisoners be placed in facilities within 500 miles from their families. Companies signed on, to much fanfare. Trump issued an Executive Order prohibiting the U.S. government from discriminating against Christians or punishing expressions of faith. To many, Trump has been the most controversial and divisive president in modern US history, but he still enjoyed a remarkably steady approval rating thanks to his staunchly loyal supporters. The highest closing record of the Dow Jones industrial average, the index of 30 top U.S. companies, was reached in February, after investors appeared to be encouraged that the trade wars initiated by Mr. Trump were being resolved. 61. If anything, the biggest critics of the rules want them to be tougher and go into effect faster. True. It has limited powers to solve the problems of the veterans who call in from around the country. True. The Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces rule also barred companies with federal contracts of more than $1 million from requiring that workers address claims of sexual harassment or sexual assault in private arbitration, taking away their option to sue in court. Trump was impeached in the House of Representatives on December 18, 2019. This was true before the coronavirus pandemic struck. Federal agencies seeking to end Chinas dominance of the drone market, amid concerns that equipment could be used to spy, have looked for ways to bolster domestic production. Trump imposed sanctions on the socialists in Venezuela who have killed their citizens. It also created a new tax credit for other dependents. These efforts built on work already underway at the FCC and among state attorneys general to ward off the unwanted calls and crack down on the perpetrators, many of whom were slapped with record-setting fines in recent years under FCC Chair Ajit Pai. As a candidate Trump promised "insurance for everybody" and a more immediate replacement to the nearly decade-old ACA. Public health experts have cited Trump's nonchalant approach to the virus and tendency to reject science as one of the primary factors in why the US emerged as the epicenter. | The hotline identified 16,862 potential human trafficking cases. Finalized new trade agreement with South Korea. As a result, weapons-usable highly enriched uranium has been removed from sixteen countries. The move: The smallest banks won relaxed mortgage regulations and streamlined capital requirements while escaping restrictions intended to discourage risky bets in bank trading. Through Trumps Anti-Trafficking Coordination Team (ACTeam) initiative, Federal law enforcement more than doubled convictions of human traffickers and increased the number of defendants charged by 75% in ACTeam districts. as well as other partner offers and accept our, Michael Gruber/Getty Images; Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty Images; Samantha Lee/Business Insider, Visit for more stories. So here is POLITICO's list of 30 important policy changes Trump made as president, how they've affected our lives, families and businesses, and the prospects they will survive the. Drew Angerer/Getty Images. Trump has elevated conspiracy theorists and people who've threatened protesters with guns. Trumps DOJ provided grants to organizations that support human trafficking victims serving nearly 9,000 cases from July 1, 2017, to June 30, 2018.. This is bad timing for those companies, since the FAA is getting ready to greenlight new commercial uses, such as drone-based delivery services, which will increase sales. But some of the effect was mitigated when the state of California brokered a deal with five major auto manufacturers to meet standards similar to the Obama-era ones. Among the 11 million new voters rallying to Trump's candidacy were millions of Latinos, as the president split the Hispanic vote in Florida and gained 10 percentage points over 2016 to earn. 109. True. 22. House Democrats complained that Interior, in responding to written questions, would flood the zone with thousands of documents that had little relation to the topic at hand and even include pages containing nothing but Wingdings font. The upshot: The provisions are, broadly speaking, popular and flow from bipartisan work beginning in the Obama administration. By 2019, the Islamic State had lost nearly all of its territory, but the group remains a threat. Congress overrode him. The president routinely flouted public health recommendations before getting infected. African-American and Hispanic-American poverty rates reached record lows of 21.2 percent and 18.3 percent, respectively, in 2017. The former president's rhetoric was often viewed as a source of encouragement by far-right extremist groups, and Trump frequently equivocated when asked to condemn such people. The White House also threw its support behind European efforts to develop global AI standards. VA employees are being held accountable for poor performance, with more than 4,000 VA employees removed, demoted, and suspended so far. Trumps Interior Department set a precedent that, while it may have escaped notice outside Washington, D.C., is almost certain to be influential going forward: It stonewalled Congressional oversight and got away with it. Authorities have had the website in their cross hairs since at least 2016. But he didn't deliver on that as president. Polls showed the tax bill was never very popular, with the Democrats doing a good job of convincing voters it mainly benefited the wealthy. A post shared thousands of times on Facebook lists nine alleged achievements credited to President Donald Trump. Some argue that a similar program that existed previously under the Food and Drug Administration was less risky. He wrote, "The fact is, in his first two years, Trump has compiled a remarkable record of presidential promise-keeping." The list: Economic Growth 4.2 percent growth in the second quarter of. During his last year in office, he took his most aggressive action yet to shorten that flow chart and, potentially, shortchange the environmental and community protection benefits embedded in it. Another upcoming accomplishment to add: Trump signed the first major anti-robocall law in decades called the TRACED Act (Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal Enforcement and Deterrence.) The Education Department estimates that the Trump policy will reduce federal loan forgiveness by hundreds of millions of dollars each year. Trump directed the Education Secretary to end Common Core. The bill passed with overwhelming bipartisan support in Congress. As America turns to President-elect Joe Biden's plan for his first 100 days, the Trump White House has finalized and released its list of over 600 "accomplishments . But his four years as president also changed real American policy in lasting ways, just more quietly. Trumps biggest legislative achievement was arguably the $1.5 trillion tax cut package Republicans pushed through Congress, which he said would super-charge the economy. Israel-UAE Peace Deal The White House played host the signing of a. The Trump rollbacks, finalized in August, were considered so out of the norm that even oil companies such as BP and Shell publicly spoke out against them. Trump signed a law ending the gag orders on Pharmacists that prevented them from sharing money-saving information. But the Trump administrations National Defense Strategy stands out as one of the most important defense policy shifts of the last generation, reorienting the American military to confront rising and increasingly aggressive powers Russia and China. Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, two days after announcing an exploratory committee for president, brought his . The all-time high for the Consumer Confidence Index is 144.7, which was reached in January and May of 2000, according to Lynn Franco, director of economic indicators and surveys at the Conference Board, which puts out the index. That drop was followed by two more record-setting point drops. Officials now predict the Defense Department wont be able to pass a full audit until 2027 at the earliest. The data suggest an increase of about 6 percent in federal appropriations, grants and contracts from the 2016-2017 academic year to 2017-2018, the most recent year for which such data is available. In 2018, President Trump signed into law a $2.4 billion funding increase for the Child Care and Development Fund, providing a total of $8.1 billion to states to fund child care for low-income families. But there are bright spots: for example, the first time around the military pay system, an enormous stream of dollars, came back clean. Here are some of President Trump's other accomplishments so far: Sanctity of Human Life Spoke live via satellite at the March for Life in DC, a first for any sitting U.S. president. 57. 5. Domestic oil production has been expanding since 2010, predating the Trump administration. | 7. A number of large lenders escaped Federal Reserve rules targeted at the biggest systemically important banks. raised the risk of violence against journalists. His response also typified his controversial record on race relations and white supremacy. True, but tribal leaders credit bipartisan efforts in Congress for those bills. Even as world leaders began to congratulate Biden, a major sign of Biden's legitimacy, Trump continued to deny reality. The move: Trump officials muzzled scientists and civil servants at the agency and crafted narrow approaches to assessing chemicals dangers that have massive loopholes. The impact: Not much, yet. | Mr. Trump has not kept that promise. 23. . People across the world expressed negative views on Trump. This appears to be true. If he were serious about doing so, he would push Republicans in the Senate to pass the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act, which Democrats passed last year. Mr. Grenell has said that Mr. Trump supports this effort, though its existence appeared to take Mr. Trump by surprise. Under Trumps leadership, in 2018 the U.S. surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia to become the worlds largest producer of crude oil. The impact: Some changes including those that narrow the definition of a specialty occupation and that require employers to pay foreign workers more were expected to reduce the number of approved H-1B visa petitions by one-third. CreditIllustration by Nicholas Konrad/The New York Times; photographs by Getty Images. This appears to have been true at the time. In the absence of a standard, employers have only had to comply with a mix of optional guidelines, able to pick and choose what precautions they take. 1. The attitude flowed down to sub-agency heads as well. Secretary Sonny Perdue was aggressive in reshaping USDA, most overtly by relocating many of the departments research scientists out of Washington to the Midwest. So did the $5,000 dependent care Flexible Spending Accounts. The $42 million is a small amount compared to the $400 million his administration initially proposed to expand charter schools and vouchers for private and religious schools. "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead.". The upshot: Although many expect Biden to take a more multilateral approach, Trumps concerns won bipartisan backing within the U.S. and are likely to keep dominating global and domestic talks. True. Trump also skipped Biden's inauguration. The upshot: Biden promised during his campaign that he would support expanding the number of high-skilled visas available, but after first reforming the temporary visa system to prevent favoring only entry level wages and skills. Thats likely to be a heavy lift; Congress hasnt been able to pass comprehensive immigration reform since 1986. Mr. Trump did say this. reauthorization since 2006, authorizing more than $1 billion for states each year to fund vocational and career education programs. He riled up his supporters in an inflammatory speech, urging them to march on the Capitol and "fight like hell." While Mr. Trump did sign the John D. Dingell Jr. Conservation, Management and Recreation Act of 2019, he has stripped protections from far more land than he has preserved. Trump signed the Save our Seas Act which funds $10 million per year to clean tons of plastic & garbage from the ocean. This was true before the coronavirus struck. More recently the Commerce Department added China-based manufacturer DJI, which is the largest civilian drone manufacturer in the world, to a trade blacklist, citing concerns about the companys possible involvement in human rights abuses by the Chinese government. And she created new protections for faith-based campus organizations at public universities. With that in mind, Mr. Trump's accomplishments through December 2017 include at least the following 82: John Dean: Trump's Incredible Shrinking Base Bannon's Silence Before Congress.. The move: The 2018 strategy rewired the Defense Departments vast bureaucracy away from a focus on fighting insurgents and terrorists in the Middle East toward a long-term strategic competition with China and Russia. . True. 123. His tax bill included a rollback of the tax penalty for those who did not enroll in healthcare. 73. In addition, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau gave small banks an exemption from data collection requirements that help track racial discrimination in the mortgage market. ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was killed. This is grossly misleading, at best. 44. GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, often one of Trump's fiercest defenders in Congress, at the time said the former president's words were "dividing Americans, not healing them.". In 2017, real median household income rose to a post-recession high. Economic growth last quarter hit 4.2 percent. True. Polling has shown that the vast majority of Black Americans view Trump as racist, and his approval rating with this demographic stood at 14% in late 2020, according to Gallup. The passage of the bill marked the first major legislative win in decades to address mass incarceration at the federal level. The 2016 overhaul of the Toxic Substances Control Act, supported by both Democrats and Republicans, had given EPA new teeth to go after well-known dangerous chemicals, like asbestos and methylene chloride, in a bid to boost public confidence in the safety of consumer products. The upshot: The Biden administration is facing pressure to quickly rehire scientists to get USDA research agencies back to full capacity, and they are expected to boost spending on research studying threats facing the food system, including climate change. True. 4.) Since the election, 4.6 million Americans have been lifted off of food stamps. | He later said there were "very fine people on both sides.". Trumps DOJ and the Board Of Prisons launched a new Ready to Work Initiative to help connect employers directly with former prisoners. NATO allies increased their defense spending because of his pressure campaign. 95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future the highest ever. 1. The Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit (CDCTC) signed into law by Trump provides a tax credit equal to 20-35% of child care expenses, $3,000 per child & $6,000 per family + Flexible Spending Accounts (F.S.A.s) allow you to set aside up to $5,000 in pre-tax $ to use for child care. In January of 2020, there were about 152 million nonfarm jobs in the country about seven million more than existed in January of 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Republicans defended the decision by saying the burden on companies struggling to stay afloat amid the recession would be too great. Here are some tips. The impact: The vast majority of the aid went to traditional row crop farmers, many of whom were part of Trumps political base. John Hendel. Trumps Department of Health and Human Services provided funding to support the National Human Trafficking Hotline to identify perpetrators and give victims the help they need. Mario Tama/Getty Images. In 2018, they rose again to 526 but then dropped back down again, to 475 in 2019. 26. Such a standard, issued when the Occupational Safety and Health Administration determines workers are in grave danger, would have established immediate and mandatory workplace safety rules employers must follow to protect employees from exposure. In particular, Trump shifted the United States toward a more nationalist trade policy characterized by an aggressive use of tariffs and sharp criticism of China, the European Union and the World Trade Organization. According to the Tax Foundation, this is an accurate description of the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit, but its important to note that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act did not directly change the rules for the credit. He's the only American president to be impeached twice. Trump exiled climate scientists from Washingtonliterally. List of the president's accomplishments the media is not talking about Initiated the biannual Nuclear Security Summit to address the global threat posed by nuclear terrorism and advance a common approach to strengthening nuclear security. If the Biden EPA leaves the laxer evaluations intact, its subsequent regulations will not be able to limit certain ways people are exposed meaning Americans may not get comprehensive protection. The late GOP Sen. John McCain's iconic "thumbs-down" vote denied Trump a full congressional repeal (even a "skinny repeal") of former President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law. This proposal bears no resemblance to Mr. Trumps 2016 promise to use the buying power of the federal government to negotiate lower prices for drugs for Medicare patients, which would save hundreds of billions of dollars over a decade. In 2017, Trump finally did it through administrative means after the GOP effort to replace the law fell apart and he immediately drew intense outcry from Democrats and policy experts who called the move sabotage.. In 2017, Mr. Trump threatened to terminate the deal, which he said shouldve never been made. But the new version is considered similar to the old version, with a few tweaks. Mr. Obama amended a longstanding U.S. policy not to negotiate with hostage-takers, making it more flexible. The impact: Trump elevated concerns about Chinas trade practices and acquisition of American technology to a new level and helped usher in what many now are calling a cold war between the worlds two largest economies. Ben Margot/AP Photo. And since the pandemic began, between 10 million and 20 million jobs have been lost. "I was proud to be the most pro-gun, pro-Second Amendment president you've ever had in the White House," Trump said to an audience that leapt to its feet, cheered and chanted "U-S-A" when he was introduced. One of the most controversial provisions in the legislation shields small lenders from mortgage disclosure requirements intended to help fight discrimination. He imposed tariffs on more than $350 billion worth of Chinese goods and on billions of dollars worth of steel and aluminum imports. | The Trump administration put national security concerns around 5G in the spotlight, arguing that Chinese equipment used to build next-generation Internet networks posed a surveillance threat to Western countries. 106. Congress also deserves credit for the Friendly Airports for Mothers Act of 2017, which was championed by Senator Tammy Duckworth, Democrat of Illinois, and former Representative Stephen Knight, Republican of California. 45. Liz Crampton, Trump took a big swing at finally fixing health-care technology. 46. Republican campaign ads target many of President Joe Biden's policies on student debt forgiveness, taxes, crime, police funding, Medicare, and energy policy. Under his leadership, ISIS has lost most of its territory and been largely dismantled. True. The administrations most recent rules sought to limit the types of jobs foreign workers can apply for, while also requiring employers to pay them more. The move: Carson scrapped the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule, which threatened to withhold housing funds from cities that fail to take active steps to end segregation. Todd Harrison, who directs the Aerospace Security Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, recently told NPR: "It will create a centralized, unified chain of command that is responsible for space, because ultimately when responsibility is fragmented, no one's responsible.". It was a victory for the nations lenders, which spent years fighting to roll back rules enacted in the wake of the 2008 Wall Street meltdown. 27. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider True. The impact: Perdues contentious decision to relocate hundreds of scientists to Kansas City was among the reasons morale has been so low among department employees, prompting many of them to jump ship, leaving research agencies with a fraction of their former staff. 33. 71. China agreed to increase agricultural purchases by $12.5 billion in 2020 and $19.5 billion in 2021, compared with 2017 levels, but China is under no obligation beyond 2021. | 99. In March 2020, Trump privately admitted to veteran reporter Bob Woodward (on tape) that he was deliberately misleading the public on the dangers of the virus in an effort to avoid inducing panic. The terrorist group's territorial holdings were the basis for its so-called caliphate, and provided it will a major base of operations to conduct attacks across the world. committed $124 Million to rebuild rural water infrastructure. Violent crime has fallen every year hes been in office after rising during the 2 years before he was elected. You can read my piece about what I learned from the experience of fact-checking this list here. An online graphic accurately details President Trump's notable accomplishments during his first four months in office. The impact: Its too soon to tell whether the antitrust actions will succeed in forcing changes at Google or Facebook, but they have sent a signal that there will be more scrutiny of their business practices going forward. Some are misleading and some are absolutely true. Experts disagree about its impact. Unfortunately, people are still getting blindsided by medical bills. Trump's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic will likely go down as one of the biggest disasters in US history. Many Department of Veterans Affairs employees have been demoted, removed or suspended during the Trump era, although there have been allegations that some of them were being punished for their political affiliations, not poor performance. Trumps presidency may be best remembered for its cataclysmic end. The 25% lowest-paid Americans enjoyed a 4.5% income boost in November 2019, which outpaces a 2.9% gain in earnings for the countrys highest-paid workers. Biden and Congress will now face pressure to provide such clarity. Bryan Bender, Trump goosed the economy with tax cuts that didnt pay political dividends, Activists hold signs during a Tax March D.C. event on the U.S. Capitol East Lawn. Though OSHA has cited some companies for coronavirus-related transgressions, many large corporations received meager fines even in cases where workers died from Covid-19. Referring to the . The Trump administration didn't take any known responses. True. This meant that premiums for these silver plans spiked and as a result, the premium subsidies the government had to pay for low-income enrollees vastly increased. The move: DeVos rewrote the Obama administrations rules that govern when federal student loan borrowers can have their debt wiped out as a result of their colleges misconduct, imposing stricter standards of proof. True. The administration, however, said U.S. employers are abusing the work visa because they want to replace American workers with cheaper foreign labor. Signed welfare reform requiring able-bodied adults who dont have children to work or look for work if theyre on welfare. Trump installed three Supreme Court justices and 226 judges overall to the federal bench all for lifetime appointments. 21. Over 90% of those benefiting from the retroactive sentencing reductions in the First Step Act are Black Americans. Trump's decision to unilaterally withdraw the US from the 2015 nuclear deal in May 2018 has induced chaos throughout the Middle East. The move: Trump signed an executive order in May asking federal agencies to narrow Section 230s liability protections, which Republicans say enable Silicon Valley censorship of conservatives. Issued an executive order requiring the Secretaries of Defense, Homeland Security, and Veterans Affairs to submit a joint plan to provide veterans access to access to mental health treatment as they transition to civilian life. Womens unemployment rate is at a 65-year low. So here is POLITICOs list of 30 important policy changes Trump made as president, how theyve affected our lives, families and businesses, and the prospects they will survive the incoming Biden administration. The impact: Trumps stance was the polar opposite of what China and European countries pledged to do to rein in emissions of a gas considered one of the leading causes of climate change. As a result of the Republican tax bill, small businesses will have the lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years. Their fears were founded: In January 2018, Sessions rescinded the Cole memo, an Obama-era Justice Department guidance that called for deprioritizing marijuana enforcement. After a series of incidents in the Persian Gulf region in 2019, tensions between Washington and Tehran reached historic heights and sparked fears of war. Businesses rely on these workers to fill jobs they say they cant fill with U.S. citizens. With just a week left in office, Trump was impeached for inciting a violent insurrection at the US Capitol. Despite this, Trump repeatedly downplayed the threat of the virus and contradicted top public-health experts, flouting recommendations from advisors on his own White House coronavirus task force. Automakers took advantage of Trumps election to ask for moderate changes to those targets, but Trump instead completely scrambled the regulatory scheme, attacked Californias special regulatory authority and created a schism among automakers. Friday, December 29, 2017. Zach Gibson/Getty Images. 97. Mr. Trump signed that pay raise into law when he put his signature on an omnibus budget bill, according to Jacqueline Simon, policy director of the American Federation of Government Employees. 104. The bill was crafted and pushed through Congress by Representative Ann Wagner, a conservative Republican from Missouri, who thanked Ivanka Trump for advocating its passage. To congratulate Biden, a Transportation security administration employee stands at a booth to learn about a food program. Negative views on Trump the Republican tax bill included a rollback of the COVID-19 pandemic will likely go as! To clean tons of plastic & garbage from the 2015 nuclear deal in may 2018 has induced chaos throughout Middle... Most controversial provisions in the House of Representatives on December 18, 2019 go! Work Initiative to help fight discrimination businesses rely on these workers to fill jobs say. 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list of trump's accomplishments as president

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