lane 1q vs bca

Lane Limited BCA Pipe Tobacco (Black Cavendish) has been the best-selling black Cavendish in the United States for decades. When I weighed the bags on a postage scale I was relieved that they didn't and saved myself what would have been a very embarrassing phone call. The flavor to me is not a whole lot. There is no discernible nicotine but that is a fair trade off as there is no bite. I really liked it. It looks and tastes different. The description says fire cured which may be misleading. This one is a real wife pleaser! The flavor was sweet but it did not burn like many aromatics do. So i strolled down to Little Anthony's tobacco shop at the heart of Auburn University to give this one a second try. On its own, BCA provides anise liqueur notes , vanilla, and a mild creaminess. I am in my mid 80's and I want to take a package or 2 with me in case they do not have any good tobacco at my final resting place. Similar Blends: Lane 1Q, Stokkebye Nougat. This was my first pipe tobacco. This is a handy piece of information because it is a lot cheaper online than it is in my local tobacco shop. Let sit for 90 days, Nirvana. As stated above, this is a very mellow and cool smoke. Babylonia was billed as a balkan with some black cavendish. Considering the S/RN/T rating I was not expecting special effects, but I wanted something more. Ashy flavor. I can't quite nail it down. Definitely some moisture even from that. Burn = 8; When I do, just give me a good black cavendish. I don't think I could smoke this all day, but I wouldn't want to do without it when I'm in the mood for it. |Pipe Shows, |Pipe & Tobacco Reviews You might be surprised how it will become a staple in your smoking stable! 9/1/07 I recently have gotten back into smoking pipes and find that this has a very pleasing room note(my wife loves the aroma) and to me a very nice taste to it. What else do you need in an aromatic? |Join While shopping for a new pipe (ended up getting a used estate Tilshead while there) I packed a bowl of this dark stuff and it sure made shopping fun! It also does not have the ?typical? Learn to pack well and it will not bite or burn fast. This is one I will definitely come back to and can't see myself blending further to improve. BCA or Bobs Blend is a good smoke. Start out with premium aged leaf and flavoring, Aim for a 4 plus rating. It tastes like creamy brandy. Please try this if you haven't yet! Sweet, but not artificial. $234.80 Lane Bulk Black Raspberry 5 LB. Top choice so far. Strength: Room Note: Taste: We apologize, but this item is temporarily out of stock. If you pack it loose you won't get that soap taste many complain about & I used to taste when I packed with a heavy hand. This is a very pleasant tobacco. This to me is one that I keep returning to. The one thing I have to add with BCA, is that it is a nice condiment ( I believe) if you like to experiment with blending. I haven't found a better black cavendish, It could be used as an all day smoke it's that smooth and cool, (it would probably eventually get boring though). If you are new to pipe smoking, try this. This along with Black Cordial and Butternut Burley are my aromatics standbys. Better than some tined tobaccos. The odor and smoke had a nice balance, nothing too overpowering, and the light vanilla sugar was always present to the very end. It's also thick and sticky but doesn't need to sit and dry out (unless you'd like to) but your bowl will need relighting. This is really a pleasant blending tobacco, and I recommend it for that purpose. At 1.99 an ounce I bought 22 ounces. Open air drying helps. I have also used this to blend with cherry pipe tobacco to cut down on the bite. What an eye-opening experience! Flavoring is mild to medium, with notes of chocolate, sugar, liquor, and vanilla. It's sweet, but nothing else can satisfy that sweet tooth like it without being sickly sweet or tasting artificially sweet. Nice smoke, very mild and not ooomph at all. In that sense, no relights will be required just start toking again & you've got fire & could easily win a slow smoking contest with this blend. I've just enjoyed so much a bowl of it today that I thought "this deserves a review". Its Lane Limited 1-Qs older brother. Not good to my taste buds or tongue; some bite. I do not enjoy using it as a stand alone blendaroma is too cloyingly sweet for my senses and there is not much in the tobacco flavor or nicotine department. Overall it's a good blend that I'd highly reccommend to aromatic smokers. 9. It smells a lot better once lit, and the lingering aroma is very welcome in my house. The taste is simple but enjoyable without any of that chemical flavor. The most blissful aromatic of any manufacturer that behaves in my Duhill's and my cobsno sticky gooey mess. Bag 8 oz. In colour the blend appears exceedingly dark: black. Lane buys all the leaf grown in the Green River Valley. My wife smokes and enjoys both as well but gives a slight preference to BC-A. I suppose this could be an all-day smoke due to how mild it is, but why would you pick it over anything else? If you like aromatics with a little more kick, put some of that in your pipe & smoke it! But I don't see BCA being a match for CB Cherry: BCA is all black cavendish and doesn't taste or smell like cherry at all. I used to smoke this in my early days before I knew how to smoke and pack a pipe correctly. Please check back with us in a few days. I looked at the actual multi-pound bags, and they do indeed have two different names. It's just like smoking sweetness itself. It was purchased with the intent to blend it with other stronger tobaccos, but it is a very good aromatic by itself. Strength Mild Flavoring Mild to Medium Taste Mild to Medium Room Note Very Pleasant Favorite Of 17 Users 3.0 123 reviews Reviews 4 star: 45 3 star: 45 i think these two tobaccos compliment each get a creamy caramel, dark chocolate,vanilla can`t go wrong smoking a caramello chocolate bar (with zero calories)as far as i`m concerned.if you like a good mild vanilla tasting aromatic tobacco give this one a try.if you want to kick it up a notch add the autumn evening or blend it with one of your favorite tobaccos and see what you get.this is a great black cavandish tobacco with a nice light casing.its my all day tobacco. It burns dry and cool, even my pipe does not get as hot as a lot of other blends. It is called 50/50. I read alot of reviews on here about Lane's BCA, and since I'm usually a big fan of Lane's tobaccos, I thought I'd give it a try. Flavoring is leading with Cavendish supporting. YOU CANNOT MAKE THIS BITE!!!!! This tin is headed for hybernation. of tobacco, I get a good double sealed plastic baggie. There is no dominant vanilla or any aromatic that will overwhelm a pipe. It's that good. Rated Percentage = 77%; BAG Save $ 56 02. The aroma is sweet with prominent fruit and a lesser caramel note. It came relatively dry, but still somewhat "dry sticky" to the touch. If I had to describe the general flavor, I'd say its build on a firm foundation of vanillanot boring vanilla but a rich, complex vanilla. Commercially it is sold as Captain Black Royal. It is guaranteed to please you and the people around you while smoking it. Our Little River, SC showroom, Low Country Pipe & Cigar, is open 10am-7pm US/Eastern Monday - Saturday at 2 Hwy 90 East, Little River SC, 29566. Got a couple ounces based on the smell. The more you smoke it the more the flavor grows. BCA can get a bit wet and goopy, but even then, the flavor doesn?t change dramatically and it still doesn?t nip. Note: I have bought some of this (probably an impersonator) from a shop that was really finely ground up like coffee. This is really becoming my new favorite go-to! This can be bought at most retailers by the ounce, and it is reasonable priced-$5 per 2 oz average. This is my go to smoke. Great black Cav. In my quest to find a nice aromatic, once again, I have been pleasantly surprised to find this one. Years ago I really enjoyed BCA but I just can't enjoy the last batch I purchased. Make sure you let it dry out on a plate for at least a half-a-day if you do not want to go through a box of matches keeping it lit. Has kinda got a smoky undercurrent to it. Policy | Terms carver Part of the Furniture Now Mar 29, 2015 625 3 Belgium Sep 3, 2016 #3 I've heard it's sold often under other names by brick and mortar stores, but I picked mine up online. The B&M has been in business for almost 40 years, and the owner jokes that the Whiskey and BCA ( called "Old South" on their bar ) have been sitting next to each other all these years, and he never thought to try blending them! I think it's one of those you either love it or hate it tobaccos. This is the smoothest tobacco I have ever smoked in my life. A pleasant, mild and enjoyable tobacco all the way around. Room note is very pleasant, and aftertaste is good. This is my "go to" aromatic blend. Smooth and a touch sweet. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength . I mostly use it for a mixer. Yeah, right here.". This is my criterion aromatic. This stuff was much better than I thought it would be! A nice smoke. It won't bite even if you have to puff more frequently. Yes, it's a gooey aromatic and smokes wet. I would recommend this aromatic to anyone, but what do I know? Purchased From: California Tobacco; California, MD, USA. Nothing special but when a mild, tasty and bite free, outdoor all day smoke is called for, Lane tobaccos like this one, IMO are hard to beat. If you like aromatics with sweetness & a little more kick, stoke some of this in your pipe & smoke it! McClelland's VBC is much better. Lane Limited from Payless Cigars & Pipes always discounted pricing and the best selection of Bulk Pipe Tobacco. 2nd 3rd of the bowl is much better. On its own, BCA provides anise liqueur notes, vanilla, and a mild creaminess. This is my #1 go-to tobacco. |Home This is also a great blender. I was expecting it to be soaking wet, I always look on the dark side where aromatics are concerned, but this was great. I also use BCA in some of my own blends. You can make this much more enjoyable by blending it with equal parts Sutliff Vanilla Custard and McClelland Three Cherry Blend. The Five Brothers would pretty much almost vanish after a day or two, soaking up all the black Cavendish flavoring, so I could get a crowd-pleasing aromatic smoke with a touch of nicotine in it! The first time i tried this stuff was 2 years ago when i smoked my first pipe. As I have mentioned in other reviews I have only been smoking a pipe for 2 weeks. If you want a nice treat,try mixing a three to one ratio of BCA and a amaretto or frangelico flavored cavendish or burley. Beginners will enjoy it for its sweet smoke and low maintenance, veterans will enjoy the layers of flavor it has to offer. I've been mixing it to ease into English blends. mix it 50/50 with lanes 1q.these two tobaccos are made for each other.i have read about others that mixed these two together with great results and boy were they right!! I will recommend to aromatic fans, but remember to dedicate a pipe to this blend because the flavor stays in the pipe for a long time. I find it also leaves the bowl of my pipe fairly dry. I like a little more flavor and fullness in my blends, but this would be a great smoke for my largest pipe, because I just didn't get tired of it. No tongue bite and great room note. Still a good tobacco, but I'll definitely be trying something else. Mild, Mild, Mild. I would think you would enjoy either. Mellow in . of STC Holdings LLC. I would recommend this to anyone who is just starting out with pipe smoking, as well as to anyone looking for a very mild tobacco with a barely noticeable nic hit. CB puts them in to preserve shelf life. Kept going out on me. This tobacco is one you can play with by temperature. I absolutely love the fact that even up to three hours later, I was still getting a very pleasant room notes and hints of the wonderful fragrance. It's moist, but lights and burns fine even so. Slight amount of goop in the bottom of the bowl, but just a minor amount. Love it. He knows I am a new smoker so before he mixed me up a blend he said try this. On sale in bulk was you guessed it. Lane's BCA is a blend of fire-cured Cavendish tobaccos discreetly flavored to produce an extremely mellow, slow-burning smoke. Rough cut flake, and somewhat moist but I expected that. I love Black Cavs and this one is the cream of the crop! I smoked this black Cav., heck, I guess for two or three years regularly when I first got into this money sucking hobby. Sure I will give it a chance using it for my per sonal mixtures that need to keep more the humidity. BCA is a must have in your stock. Wonderful aroma for those around the smoker, but more importantly a truly rich and flavorful experience for the smoker. Quick View Wishlist Toggle. I chugged in it and couldn't get it to bite and I am very sinsitive to bite (my mouth blisters just looking at a tin of anything from MacBarens). But I also taste the chemicals in 1Q, BCA, RLP-6, and can't abide any of them, either. So anyway rock on with your tobaccos and enjoy ( what ever the name is )happy puffing! . About every shop has a big jar of this, so it is readily available and inexpensive. You can find this in any tobacco shop that does custom blends. The flavors come through wonderfully in the taste and it leaves a very pleasant room note as well. Bag note is mild vanilla. I know this may cost a little more, but S/P takes care of the customers. It was a very relaxing and mild smoke. That was a really fun time in my life, so I may be biased toward BCA in the same way as toward an old perfume a whiff of which brings back vivid memories of a teenage romance. The strength and taste levels are mild. It has a good roomnote as well as taste. On the rare occasion where I find myself reaching for this, its usually to mix with a codger like SWR. (Which is rather amusing considering that the source of much of the pleasant aroma is the added casing.) But just a few puffs in, you'll realize why. It's capable of so much more than just an everyday smoke too. They are a lot of Black Cavendish Tobaccos out there, but this one is truly great. | i later followed the advice of several on this review site and mixed BCA and 1-Q in equal parts--my oh my! Absolutely no bite like your smoking cool water making for a perfect all day smoke. Only Americans would take something as naturally lovely as tobacco and coat it in sweet sticky sh*! Always smokes clean. When I quit smoking 30 years ago, I promised to myself that when I am 70, if my health is good, I will once again indulge in smoking a pipe. Notice | Advertising That is a very good questionfor which I don't have an answer?? On the other hand, it makes a great blending tobacco. First of all I am predominately an English, Oriental, Virginia smoker? Who hasn't at least tried a bowl of this? If you're smoking around someone, they'll appreciate the room note. I will add detail later, but this has become the MOST essential tobacco in my collection. These tobaccos taste great, burn evenly, and are highly rated for their combination of consistently high quality and affordability, all of which make Lane's bulk blends an excellent choice to enjoy all day every day. This is NOT fire cured, but flue cured. The fact is, however, that many people like that kind of stuff and if you are one of them - go for it. Pipe Used: Corn Cob, Briarwood, Pear wood, Cherry wood. The smell of it is delicious, and the room note is so pleasant. Sometime I can taste cherries. --Packing and burning: The tobacco is a bit sticky (even when allowed to dry), but that doesn't inhibit the packing much. This blend does burn a tad hot, but well worth it I would say. The caramel note sans vanilla is what I think I enjoy most of all. Whatever relationship it has to tobacco eludes me. Easy to smoke, tasty, relaxing, contemplative, this is the one I choose on those rare occasions when a big in-your-face Balkan just won't cut it. Finally tried BCA by its self. This smoke is very mild and sweet but one dimensional unless blended with equal parts Virginia or Burley. If you have a favorit tobacconist, and he has a tobacco bar, chances are BCA is on it. I love this tobacco. Us I keep a Savinelli Roma Lucite 315, minus the balsa filters, dedicated to aromatics and Lakelands. I will keep some in my rotation but this is definitely a tobacco that you have to be in the mood for. I recomend trying this blendit's one of the better blacks out there. This is my first review and I have been trying to find a few blends to stock up on. Great stuff! I cannot recommend this highly enough. I keep coming back to blueberry. This is it when I think of Black Cavendish. BCA is moist, but not wet and it will dry out if left to do so. I found this smoke very hot and quite bitter. It is a little cloying in that sense, meaning sweet, a little sticky but not actually drippy, gooey stuff. Stays lit, burns well and leaves a dry residue. Smooth and enjoyably aromatic - as well as painfully classic - LL-7 blends it's natural VA tobacco flavors, nuttiness from the Burleys, and Cavendish sweetness with . Typically when this is purchased in bulk, it's usually quite wet and sticky. This is by far my favorite!!! I'm a one pipe a day smoker, with my morning coffee and the papers, and I recommend BAC. They have a very good company because of the people. Ill definitely grab some more. Great tobacco for beginners. And, yes it is just Black Cavendish tobacco, a blending tobacco worthy of a bowl all to itself. It is very easy to keep lit and I have never had any tongue bite, even puffing way too quickly on it. It burned fine. First bowl and I can tell this is immediately one of my favourites. Also a perfect base for blending mixtures. If that's the case it would be a shame as those were all very good quality tobacco's. Tobacco is a bit wet to start with but what can you expect from a Cavendish blend like this? Good or bad, I tasted my first pipe in the house. I have to be in the right mood for this. Theres a reason why Skand/Lane sells so much of this aromatic. I like the rum tobacco most of all. based on the RATINGS. 2: Also wonderful is about 25% of your favorite vanillia ( I use C&D Green River) this is a soupy blend but awesome. This is a very mild smoke that will not offend anyone. I do not recommend this as it dried out really quick and was very easy to suck through the stem. The aroma and taste are a higher quality, but still typical, black cav vanilla. Yes very one dimensional but we are talking bulk aromatics here. Based solely of the merits of an aromatic blend & my experience evaluating BCA, I'd feel bad about rating this blend with less than 3 1/2 stars. 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