how to make a pan flute

3 years ago, 3 years ago Also on a side-note, I found an online free tuner for flutes and similar woodwinds, also works great for fine-tuning panpipes ;) Link is:, Seems I ran into a snag of some sort when calculating the pipe lengths, I'll work the formula step-by-step for the pipe above the A @ 440, hopefully you can spot my screw-up. Intro How to make a PAN FLUTE! Im here to guide and assist you on your world flute journey in any way I can. Please write me at: Hi! You should also notice that this is a fractional dependence w.r.t semitones. As you blow across the straw, the air in the straw vibrates. take about ten straws and cut them all at a different lengths as shown if you have 10 straws than make the cuts about 1 cm difference. If you want to know how to retrive all measurement, or even to customize your pipes, then proceed with next step. The inner diameter of the tube influence the speed of blow needed to make the sound audible: smaller diameter means less blow, greater diameter means more blow. KSU iTeach 670 subscribers Subscribe 19K views 2 years ago Learn about vibration and pitch by creating a PAN FLUTE! Make minor adjustments to your embouchure and the flute's positioning so that you achieve the sound you want. A few words concerning the proper degree of arch or curvature of the pipes are in order here. In my experience, I have found that a curve that is congruent and consistent with that of a circle whose radius is 12 to 13 inches (30 to 33 cm.) Step Eleven: Tuning the Pipes I'm kinda strange guy. Check out my book. amzn_assoc_title = "More Fun Stuff"; and a Panflute You'll need to have in general: A drill. Try to play some notes. No. When used, it empowers nearby players and the user with the Resource Consumption Chance II empowerment . I like really zillions of things, very different one another. How we can do that? Did you make this project? This is how we made our straw pan flutes, although you don't have to make them exactly as we did. So what you are actually hearing is the air inside of the straw, not the flute itself. Later I will explain how to dispose everything even better. You can use it "as is", or you can change the speed of sound to a value you think it's more appropriate for you. If you don't mind me asking, may I please have your full name so that i can use this information in an essay I'm writing? or slightly heavier placed over the top of the arch to flatten it. Thick, heavy books also work well as weights. While the pipes are being trussed or weighted down, as the case may be, the gluing of reinforcement strips should be done to the inside curve for the former and the outside curve for the latter. Then the curvature or arch of the pipes is set, and the rest of framing can proceed as normal., There is a considerable degree of flexibility to which the various sub-steps of framing the pipes can be arranged, within certain limits and considerations. The first goal of the framing process is to remedy and set the correct arch or curvature of the pipes if marked or significant warping has occurred since assembly. The second goal of the framing process is to provide sufficient strength and structural reinforcement to the arch of the pipes and their curvature, so they are set. A highly recommended first step in framing the pipes is the laying down of two to three layers of epoxy and fiberglass sheets on the very bottom of the instrument; often, this alone is sufficient to set or stabilize the arch or curvature of the pipes after they have been weighted or trussed. However, the gluing of the front strip(s) in the case of a tight warping or the back strip(s) in the case of a wide warping is also recommended to set the arch or curvature even more firmly., To cut the reinforcing strips of wood for the front, back and bottom sides of the frame, I have found that taping a sheet of heavy brown paper, like from a shopping bag, to the front and/or back of the instrument and tracing the curve of the bottom of the pipes onto it, then cutting out that curve with a pair of scissors, works very well. You use the same exact curve for both the top and bottom edges of the same strip(s), with merely a wider distance between the two edges at the bottom than at the top. For example, a distance of 3 cm. The Shop features a special 15-pipe Starting Package that includes our 15-pipe pan flute, a 100 page instruction book with videos, and a CD of some of Brad's music for you to enjoy. Take the 8-tubes and the 2-tubes pan flutes and lye the latter on the first (see first image), lowering the accidentals by 1-2 cm. Lay them out next to each other, with the top edges lined up. 6. You can even give your song a name. Since it seems there is a shortage of willingness about find out the tubes length on your own (it sounds bitter, right? But we can take advantage of physics! Here is the process that will bring us to an almost perfectly tuned pan pipes. After you have bought a bunch of bamboo poles of different sizes, the next step is to rough cut them into lengths that are somewhat longer than the length you will finally be using once the pipe is precision cut down to size. The cardinal rule here is to always cut substantially longer than the final length youll wind up using because its always easy to cut bamboo off, but not so easy to put it back on. Generally speaking, the best bamboo for Pan Flute pipes comes from the middle of the bamboo stalk, or culm there, the walls are usually not too thick and not too thin, but just about right, and the bore diameter is the most steady and constant throughout. And in the middle of the stalk, there are usually none of the annoying grooves or indentations in the cross-sectional profile of the bamboo that are caused by the branches, which usually branch off only at the top nodes of the culm. All we need to do is take the frequency of the pipe, double it two times and calculate the value of L. For example, the D4 has a frequency of 293.7 Hz, so the D6 has a frequency of 1174.7 Hz. Pretty simple, uh? If you hear 2 notes when you play the C, D or E tube, then lower the 2-tubes group. The disposition of tubes, in my opinion, is not so good, because of my lack of memory. Probably the difference is due to the fact that the speed you used is slightly different from the one I used. Cut two strips of cardstock to 7 inches x 1.5 inches. The Pan Flute is a hand crafted musical instrument, and one that will test the craftsmanship and carpentry skills of even the finest artisan. The Pan Flute is also a perfect fusion of Nature and Art, in which the artisan works with natural materials, usually bamboo, and precision crafts them into a fine musical instrument. And so, making a Pan Flute is usually a very labor intensive process, and one that can test the patience and perseverance of the flute builder. That is why I have, in tongue-in-cheek fashion, called Pan Flute making a twelve step process. The other reason is that I have broken down the whole process of Pan Flute making into twelve discreet steps, as follows:. 3. From this we can determine all other frequencies using the second formula (second pic, obviously). Take the thing you want to use to close the end and close the end. Write the note on each one to easily found them and to avoid swapping pipes. So the hole center must be 7.06 cm from the open end. Make 2-3 turn, then knot the end and trim the exceeding yarn. First, if we make a single hole, its size doesn't matter. Zamfirs law of slatting states that the maximum slatting depth between adjacent pipes can never be deeper than that which would produce a minimum distance separating adjacent pipe bores that is narrower than the average wall thickness of either of the adjoining pipes. For example, if two adjoining pipes have an average wall thickness of 3.0 mm., then the narrowest distance between the bores of these two adjacent pipes cannot be shorter than 3.0 mm. Any narrower than this, says Zamfir, and you run the risk of having the sound of one pipe leak or bleed over into the next. Slatting and fitting the pipes can also be tricky around the middle of an instruments total span, or the top of its curve or arch; extra care needs to be taken here to make sure that the slats are cut and fitted correctly. Fanning is something that results when the slats of multiple consecutive pipes are not cut to a uniform depth or width from the tops to the bottoms of the pipes. Most typically, the pipes are fanned outwards towards the bottom; the remedy is to cut the slats deeper at their bottom ends and refit the adjoining pipes. If you make a large hole (like 5 mm of diameter), the approximation will be better than a smaller hole. This should be down with a small saw or knife. The n is the number of semitones between the note we want and the A4. Other Flutes | Bio | Links | Contact, QUESTIONS, COMMENTS AND FEEDBACK WELCOME! Press down firmly. Add 1/4" to 1/2" to these lengths when cutting your material. Variables: L - length of pipe - wavelength d - diameter of pipe Calculation: L = /2 - (0.4) (d) #3 Measure and cut your straws the length of the eight wind columns ( L) you calculated. Pan Flute. Once done the first row, we need the accidentals row. Walkthrough for pan flute in Little Alchemy 2 water + water = puddle fire + fire = energy earth + earth = land earth + fire = lava air + lava = stone puddle + water = pond earth + land = continent pond + water = lake fire + stone = metal continent + continent = planet stone + stone = wall Im trying out a new project for the winter. apart, and take a piece of thin, bendable plastic that is an inch or two longer than this and curve it between these two rows of nails. So thats it a basic run-down of the twelve step process for making a Pan Flute. May it serve you well! The same tube opened will produce an A5 (880 Hz). I wonder what physics stand by this bending technique. From what you see on the left above to what you see at right above only takes a couple days of relaxed labor to produce. Please make sure that you can cut all pieces from your pipes because it may be difficult to join two pieces together without compromise the sound. Is there any tips you can give us?Thanks,Julian, 4 years ago We placed them on the tape in this order to better space them out equally, but it might be easier for younger kids to just put them on the tape from longest to shortest and not really worry about spacing. Since it's is too generic saying "I want to play an E", we must specify also the octave. 1. Step 2: Tracing Treat Injuries Immediately Please check this carefully and don't wear your pipes since although this is a cool representation of wave physics, I don't want you ruining your panflute :). I used to play pan flutes. You can change the pitch by changing the length of the straw. amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; The semitones could be made by bending the panpipes for about 60 degrees - this makes note sound a semitone lower than normal, so you don't need tube for each tone - 22 tubes is enough :). Again, the answer came from physics. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Enjoy the next hour of learning what it takes to put one of these together. Also make sure to add a millimeter of between section, because the handsaw is less precise that a tube-cutter. If you want to add two or more holes for each tube, than the things became complex. Now you should have three partial pan flutes: one with 8 tubes, one with 2 tubes and one with 3 tubes. As a math student I love Mathematica, so I will use it. Finally repeat with the 3-tubes pan flute. But, if you want to create a proper scale, youd want to create your pan pipe with 8 straws using the following measurements: Do = 17.5 cm But what if we want a note higher than a C6? This is the perfect activity to accompany a lesson on the science of sound, our five senses, or music. Engineering:Kids have the opportunity to build and design their own instrument. However, "my" frequencies are 261.6, 277.2, 293.7, 311.1, 329.6, 349.2, 370, 392, 415.3, 440, 466.2, 493.9, 523.3 rounded to first decimal digit, measured in hertz. While making the pan flutes (sometimes called panpipes), theyll have the opportunity to use both math and fine motor skills, while also building and creating. Allow to dry. Read More. So, finding a way to open and close the tubes at wish will give us an extended range: for example, if the original range is C4-C5, the final range will be C4-C6. After building their own pan flutes and exploring the science of sound, children will then have the opportunity to write their own songs and record the notes for those songs on the free printable recording sheet. amzn_assoc_asins = "B0771KXDLH,B00II02KM0,B00000IS02,B073R2FBWY,B00005RF5C,B00DQRV6B6,B00K89KG66,B0002F5CQK,B015EV2NZE"; Filed Under: Crafts for Kids, Elementary, Science, Sound Tagged With: homemade instruments, sound, straws, Welcome to Buggy and Buddy! Can you build a pan flute with other materials, making it easier to use or hold? This Instructable is splitted in two parts: theory and practice. Yes, you will have to learn a lot of things such as what vibrato is, staccato, legatos, arpeggios, maneuvering the pan flute, embouchures, tunings, scales, registers, etcetera. Best of all, they're part of our 10-minute ESL/EFL craft for kids, which means that they're super cheap, super easy, and super fun to make. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Your instructable turned up in a search and after a read I realised it was what I've been chasing. They can see how the placement of the various lengths of the straws affects the ability to use the flute. All rights reserved. 4. A short straw produces a high note. If you are good player you can go even three tones lower than the basic tone of the pipe. However, reaching the central tubes with your finger can be difficult, so again finding a way to keep closed all holes and open them simultaneously is a great idea. File also the section to make it planar, especially if you use an handsaw. Blow air into the pan flute. Here is the meaning of various symbols: - L is the length of the tube - v is the speed of sound - f is the frequency Fine. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; Be sure to head over and check out all the other creative ways to encourage a love of science, technology, engineering, art and math in kids! Simple: creating an hole in the tubes. Be sure to print out the free music recording sheet so they can record their very own songs! Knot the end when you are done. Try to play some notes. at the top end of the instrument - and a precisely adjusted wall thickness calibration from top to bottom. In addition to the pipe bore diameters being precisely calibrated, the pipe wall thicknesses should be as well, so that the outer diameter of the pipe above at its top rim should be ever so slightly narrower than that of its lower neighbor and so on up the scale, until you get to the very small pipes up at the top end of the instrument. By making it fractionally longer, you slightly decrease the frequency :). No math, no strange formulas Now we need to find a precise relation between tube length and note pitch. How boring!!! In the twelfth and final step of Pan Flute making, we get to the real finishing touches that are to be put on the instrument, to protect and beautify it. Before this step, the Pan Flute is perfectly playable in every way, so if playing an instrument that is not fully finished doesnt particularly matter to you, then go ahead and play your heart out. But these two final finishing processes, of oiling and painting the pipes, will not only beautify your instrument, but will also protect it and extend its life., Oiling the pipes usually comes first, and can be done periodically to protect the pipes from the moisture of the players breath, and subsequent tendencies for mold and rot to set in. Oiling is done as part of the final stage of Pan Flute making, and then subsequently as part of a cleaning or overhaul process. In this cleaning and overhaul process, the interiors or bores of the pipes are first cleaned of mold and mildew, as well as solidified residue or accretions from the players breath, with a long, thin dowel stick to which a strip of wet cloth has been attached. My teacher, Damian Luca, recommends using just ordinary water for this procedure, in contrast to others, who prefer a stronger cleaning solvent like wood alcohol, which he says tends to overly dry out and damage the bamboo. After the pipes are initially cleaned in this manner, they are then oiled. In the initial making of a Pan Flute, however, we may proceed directly to the oiling process without doing an initial cleaning., Many different types of oil can be used to oil the pipes of a Pan Flute. Zamfirs personal favorite is Almond oil; Damian Luca says that any vegetable oil from the supermarket will do. Oils that I have used include Castor oil, Grapeseed oil, Linseed oil and Olive oil. You can even get elaborate in making your own composite oil blend, or even in making a semi-solid bore wax that includes other protective materials like Myrrh or Propolis resin as well as Beeswax into the mix. The whole purpose of oiling is to protect the wood from moisture and rot. You can prop up the Pan Flute into an upright position, either by taping it to the wall or inserting its bottom end into a wide mouthed jar that has been weighted down with sand, gravel or coins, so that it sands upright in a stable position. Then, using a measuring cup with a beak on it, and maybe a funnel as well, pour the oil into each pipe, from the bottom pipe to the top, until the oil level rests right below the rim. Then, let the instrument sit overnight in this position, soaking up the oil. In the morning, pour the oil out and turn the Pan Flute upside down, rims downward, over several layers of newspaper to soak up the excess oil that slowly drains out over the next several hours. If this seems too messy and wasteful of oil to you, then an alternative method is to apply the oil with a thin, long stemmed paint brush, even using two applications if so desired. . These lengths when cutting your material you used is slightly different from the open.., not the flute & # x27 ; s positioning so that achieve. Making a twelve step process for making a pan flute making a step! Need the accidentals row is that I have used include Castor oil, Grapeseed oil, oil... 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