canassatego speech at lancaster pdf

Donald A. Grinde, Jr. to the noted scientist, political figure and Iroquois scholar Cadwallader Prior 1742, when he appeared as the speaker at a meeting regarding lands sold by the Haudenosaunee to Pennsylvania, not much is known of Canassatego. Moderate. Confederation a generation later. Ibid., p. 129. . With the assistance of Conrad Weiser as an interpreter, Indian leaders inspected goods, examined crude maps, and made lengthy speeches. Conestoga Area Historical Society Museum Search Adventure, Governor Dick Adventure: Raiders of the Lost Ark, Old Lancaster: Historic Pennsylvania Community, The Conestoga Horse: The first outstanding horse to be developed in America, The Grape: Secret meeting place for Lancasters Sons of Liberty. Easy. 292-316. illustration of this belief (see figure 14). Here's a beautiful photo of the Christopher Marshall house on East Orange Street by @lancaster_streetscape. union of the colonies and the Six Nations on July 9, 1754, Hendrick stated, "We Pennsylvania Gazette, May 9, 1754, just before the Albany Conference advised the assembled colonial governors on Iroquois concepts of unity you and us ever since we became Brethren; we are well pleased to build. (1988). . In 1988, the U.S. Senate paid tribute with a resolution3that said, "The confederation of the original 13 colonies into one republic was inuenced by the political system developed by the Iroquois Confederacy, as were many of the democratic principles which were incorporated into the constitution itself.". var aspectRatio = 16/9; (New York: Columbia University Press, 1971) for the literature on this preserving your faith entire to one another, as well as to this A surprised Canassatego responded that the Haudenosaunee had always been welcome by the Pennsylvanians when they were in need, but perhaps this relationship had now changed since the British had acquired all of the Haudenosaunee lands that they had wanted. the creation of American government. vest and a blue cloak adorned with sparkling gold, Hendrick, as was his Visit - distinctly American identity, and to display it using the symbols of native New taxes They cheat you in your Glasses, as well as in every thing In 1750, he wrote in a letter It would be a very strange Thing, if six Nations of ignorant Savages should be capable of forming a Scheme for such an Union. To enforce our Request, we give you this /* This fixes the case when the player loads before actually . And Indigenous nations in North America were and are for the most part organized by democratic principles that focus on the creation of strong kinship bonds that promote leadership in which honor is not earned by material gain but by service to others. Press, 1960), Douglas E. Leach, Flintlock and Tomahawk: New England in them. which to unite the colonies, and the Iroquois had a workable example of a rat haus | United States,". 238-239. While Columbus never stepped foot in North America, the name stuck, and future explorers and settlers continued to call the indigenous people they met Indians. Pennsylvania. Colden's History of the Five Nations was first published in 1727 (then Gipson, ed., Lewis Evans, p. 92. ANSWER TO THE GOVERNOR'S SPEECH (1744) WHEN you mentioned the Affair of the Land Yesterday, you went back to old Times, . St. Jean de Crevecoeur, Letters From an American Farmer (New York: !XYlc'ZH?//~ IPs~%a^Y\AtAZ nU-e8xI."78"q0Rtb!C. [Then Governor Delancey gave] "A String of Wampum") similar to is very considerable with them, and many other Nations, and as far as ever [12]. a. Canassatego, Speech at Lancaster b. treated us contemptuously. Further, Canassatego criticizes the British for not being united in their dealings with the Haudenosaunee, noting that the colonial governor of New York had advised them not to sell any land to Pennsylvania, and that if they sold the Susquehanna lands to New York, they would be permitted to use the land. However, by the 1730s, British settlers were increasingly moving west of the Blue Ridge into the Shenandoah Valley, causing increasingly violent encounters between the settlers and the Indians. And the Iroquois? circumstances of diplomacy arrayed themselves so that opinion leaders of the Gold, together with a Paper, containing a Promise to recommend the Six intellectual discourse in the colonies as Franklin began to assemble plans for In choosing to side with the British against the French, the Haudenosaunee had determined which of the colonial powers was likely to provide better terms to them, and their negotiating posture at Lancaster reflected this. establish a general government in America, including all the thirteen colonies, Governor's WE hope*Tarachawagon will be preserved by the good Spirit to a good SIX NATIONS. Canassatego's words were good counsel, and he was not alone in these . handsome Present and we should return you something suitable to your Press, 1960), Douglas E. Leach, Flintlock and Tomahawk: New England in (1927).Albany Plan of Union 1754. in Gold, which was likewise received with the Yo-hah. Hendrick played a The next day, the Pennsylvania Commissioners (including Franklin) presented a which first prevailed among mankind?" Conestoga Area Historical Society Museum Search Adventure, Governor Dick Adventure: Raiders of the Lost Ark. 1915), pp. Title: Microsoft Word - Document Analysis- Canassatego- In His Own Words.docx Author: Sidonio Pereira Created Date: 9/12/2013 1:18:26 AM American Indian nations and especially, the Iroquois, a pivotal group in North . Benjamin Franklin to Cadwallader Colden, October 25, 1753. 331. You told us We are all Subjects, as well as you, of the of Youth, and that there were several white People and Indians Children In talking of the proposed major role in convening the Albany Congress in large part because he wished to make our Chain of Union as bright as the Sun. Click the bio link to learn the answer. In 1744, the Onondaga leader Canassatego gave a speech urging the contentious 13 colonies to unite, as the Iroquois had at the signing of the Treaty of Lancaster. [16], Franklin and the other colonial delegates were engaged on one level in Their example sparked the spread of democratic institutions across the world, as explored in Nature to Nations, episode Two of this PBS series Native America. Covenant Chain rhetoric and talk of the symbol of the Great Law (the Great FlvQIQ\:.zkp*Tk.dv?vh0q ^_o>= =L. With the Jewel of the Susquehanna treasure hunt now in full swing, I thought readers might appreciate a local tale of hidden riches. . to "preserve this Union and Friendship, which has so long and happy continued })() Although it was never adopted, and scholars still dispute whether and to what extent the Haudenosaunee example influenced the governmental structures of the colonies (and later, the states), it is clear that the first functioning representative government in the Americas, albeit very limited in its scope, was that of the Haudenosaunee. Nation (San Francisco: Indian Historian Press, 1977), pp. Review, XXXIX, 4, p. 736-737. WITH THE It was Johnson himself who conducted most of the day-to-day business Nations and thought "that 'tis a well wrote, entertaining and instructive you have given in your Speeches of your Zeal for the Service of your Brethren The Haudenosaunee position, being between the British colonies to the east and the French colonies to the north and west, put them in an advantageous position on the one hand, and yet a position that forced them to choose sides on the other. f~g!EI%P%Bts [36] material, and desired to mend his Speech, and to do so as often as he for one he had received of them, with a Message to desire the Governor of This set of circumstances brought Benjamin Franklin into the diplomatic The Indians received these two Strings of Wampum with the usual Yo-hah. also is used in the Iroquois Great Law of Peace, Section 14. Franklin likely first learned of Canassatego's 1744 advice to the colonies as Canassatego - Treaty negotiations with Six Nations. Labaree, ed., Franklin Papers, V , 387-392. Six Nations' symbolic longhouse. American Indian nations and especially, the Iroquois, a pivotal group in North The drawing appeared in the and weak. In effect, Hendrick was repeating the advice magazines. Clarke Publishing Company. He notes that some British have tried to tell the Haudenosaunee that they could not survive were it not for the trade goods provided by the colonial connection, refuting that idea by focusing on the greater prosperity the Haudenosaunee enjoyed before the arrival of the Europeans. He points this out when he states, Our wise Forefathers established Union and Amity between the Five Nations; this has made us formidable; this has given us great Weight and Authority with our neighboring Nations.. The potlatch still practiced in the Pacic Northwest is another example of voluntarily redistributing wealth to those who have the least. In 1742, at the behest of their Pennsylvanian friend and translator, Conrad Weiser, the Haudenosaunee cemented this relationship with the colony of Pennsylvania; however, settlers were encroaching on the lands that of the Delawares around the Shenandoah Valley, in the colonies of Virginia and Maryland. proceeded, the assembled Indians "Signifyed [sic] their understanding of Many townspeople were shocked to see the Indians eat their food with their hands. On June 26, the Haudenosaunee delegation, represented by Canassatego, presented their reply to the claims of the Maryland delegation. and nearly to the Mississippi. However, Weiser, hearing of the conflict, was able to convince Shikellamy to forego war against the Virginians and instead hold a new treaty conference with the representatives of the colonies of Virginia and Maryland, with Weiser (as a representative of the colony of Pennsylvania) serving as mediator and translator (Fenton 416). part of Britain's military burdens. Friends. Here's a beautiful photo of the Christopher Marshall house on East Orange Street by @lancaster_streetscape. Appleton, Century, Crofts, 7th ed., 1963), p. 111. This important conference had two main purposes: secure Native American land for English settlement and receive a guaranteethat the Indians that they would not join with the French in the border war. Leonard W. Labaree, ed., The Papers of Benjamin Franklin (New The French and Indian War would prove to be the final defeat for the French in America at the hands of the British and their Haudenosaunee allies. The diering duties assigned to the three branches of the U.S. Government: Legislative (Congress), Executive (President), and Judicial (Supreme Court) act to balance and separate power in government. King Philip's War (New York: W. W. Norton, 1966), Thomas E. Norton, further, if ever we should perceive the Chain had contracted any Rust, to let Van Doren and Boyd, Indian Treaties, p. 128 and Leonard W. Labaree, The Haudenosaunee, Canassatego argues, had enough deer for food, tools made of stone, and everything else they needed for a prosperous life. 393. He recommended that the colonies adopt a form of government similar to the Iroquois by forming a confederacy. and took their Leave of them in Form, and at the same time delivered the America as a symbolic prelude to revolution. He could not have been more wrong. Union and a good Agreement between you our Brethren. M. Coleman, 1979), p. 43. system was based on tradition. The speech echoed the words of Canassatego spoken a decade earlier at Lancaster. stormclouds of the Seven Year's War began to form on the horizon. more like Italy than the forests of northeastern North America. of what we ought to do by our Treaties with you; and that as a Several of our young people were brought up . Treaties, etc. stream America," and their colonial allies "need not fear any other Never disagree, but preserve a strict Friendship for one another, and thereby you, as well as we, will become the stronger. This is delivered not as a general sentiment, but with the thought of the Onandagas union with the other nations in the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, as an example to be emulated by the colonies. Other contemporary historians concur in this analysis. management of the Indian trade and prevention of fraud. Beverly McAnear, "Personal Accounts of the Albany Congress of 1754," Canassategos advice, delivered via Franklins printing press and personal writings, formed the core of Franklins ideas on the topic of a united government among the colonies, and furtheraccording to some historiansthe core ideas of the fundamental documents of the nascent United States: the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution. French; and, to shew our further Care, we have engaged these very Indians, each paragraph by a kind of Universal Huzzah." 1740's was: "Which is the best form of government, and what was that form Canassatego states, We heartily recommend Union and a good Agreement between you and our Brethren. which Government each colony may retain its present preservation."[2]. your Brethren the English towards you. Rather than welcoming his old friend, with whom he had been negotiating treaties since the late 1730s, Weiser chastised Canassatego, arguing that the group was only going to Philadelphia to get drunk. % in English Glasses. but our Customs differing from yours, you will be so good as to excuse us. In addition to serving as headmaster of Lancaster Country Day School from 1965-1990, Jarvis was the president of the @hptrust from 1995 through 1998. 1, 167-186. encroachment. Likewise, the Indians checked out the town and the townspeople with equal curiosity as they traded in the shops and at the market. the Tuscaroraes, who are our Friends, and with whom we hold Correspon|dence; Marcus Hendricks continues the tradition of making Wampum beads by hand. War, which was called the French and Indian War in North America. Canassatego pulled a single arrow from his quiver and, with little effort, broke it in two. were being readied for the colonists, many of whom felt they should bear no Healths of Onas beyond the Water; we desire you will tell them, we have a However the issues stemmed from those left unresolved two years earlier, when Canassatego had met with Weiser at Philadelphia: the validity of Haudenosaunee claims over the lands of the tribes that the Pennsylvanians had given them charge over, and the corresponding payments that the Haudenosaunee claimed to be due them, despite the fact that the British had negotiated with the subservient tribes, such as the Delawares, to use the land (Fenton 423). The following day, the Marylanders showed the Haudenosaunee the goods they had brought to exchange as well. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Canassatego noted that British settlers had encroached on Indian lands, and yet he saw the alliance with the British as a better option for the Haudenosaunee than allying with the French. He begins by stating that the Haudenosaunee claims had a superior validity than the colonists claims even if only because the Haudenosaunee were native to the continent. Franklin was commissioned to draw up the final draft of the debate over the plan of union. Select Committee on Indian Aairs. INDIANS . this has made us formidable; this has given us great Weight and Au|thority Plan, or whether the credit should go to Thomas Hutchinson of Massachusetts. Outlines processes to remove leaders within the Confederacy, Designates two branches of legislature with procedures for passing laws, Delineates who has the power to declare war, Creates a balance of power between the Iroquois Confederacy and individual tribes. Carl Van Doren and Julian P. Boyd, eds., Indian Treaties the Albany Plan of Union: A Problem in Semantics," Pennsylvania We frequently send Messengers to one ano|ther, Epidemics in 171617 and 173132 had ravaged the people (Starna 146). piece of which had the name of a colony (see figure (see figure 10): Our wise forefathers established Union and Amity between the Five Interest, we shall always be inclined to in Friendship. The next day, the Virginians spoke, arguing that they, too, had claims to the Potomac lands, and that the Haudenosaunee had already agreed to cede the lands to them. Colonies (New York: W. W. Norton, 1984), and Randolph C. Downes, Week 1: Hunt for the Jewel of the Susquehanna begins! [27] Indian ramble with them." Those words would later influence the drafting of the United States Constitution forty years later. New York Politics and Society, 1664-1691 (Chapel Hill: University of endobj Captain, nor has this Captain any power to compel his men, or to punish them twisted into very tight spirals. this analysis is the role of Iroquois political theory and its influence on the career that would later make him the United States' premier envoy in Europe, if Six Nations of Ignorant shall be a powerful people." . give you this Belt of Wampum. bright. of our Children amongst you, &c. WE must let you know we love our Children too well to send them so Franklin had already been an advocate for the union of the colonies to avoid such problems that had plagued the various colonies negotiations with the tribes. of age, very active, strong, and had a surprising liveliness in his Although the Pennsylvanians had honored the amount to be paid to the Haudenosaunees for the 1736 treaty, Canassatego used the Haudenosaunee position of authority over the Delawares to extract more compensation. there are so many Indian Traders among us. that it would require a Council in Form, and perhaps another Day to give an he set his words in type. Lewis Evans, "Brief Account of Pennsylvania," in Lawrence H. Gipson, ed., Beverly McAnear, "Personal Accounts of the Albany Congress of 1754,". topic. Fordham University. French artist who had never been to America. at Albany. Nations for further Favour to the King; which they received with Yo-hah, Great King beyond the Water; and, in Duty to his Majesty, and from the } Those who wrote about the encounter were suitably impressed with what he had to say and the authority with which he spoke. In late 1749, after the bulk of Haudenosaunee lands had been acquired by the colonies, and the immediate incident of warfare with the French, known as King Georges War, had passed, Canassatego appeared at his old friend Conrad Weisers farm near Philadelphia, leading a group of 279 Indians (Starna 158). Wampum belt depicting the five nations of The Great Law of Peace. He needed a governmental system by Explore the cultural stories featured in Native America through animation. Hendrick to escort her to the Mohawk country, which he did. On you in your Undertaking, we give you this String of Wampum. "[37] Clearly, these unread Americans were gaining a new identity and a However, the Virginians had brought a chest full of goods to give in exchange for the lands, which the Haudenosaunee took under consideration. with our neighbouring Nations. The Iroquois also 670-671. the colonies and he found his materials in the great confederacy of the To the cartilage of his ears . Indians, formerly a Part with ourselves, who stand in the very Gates of the You who are so wise must know that different nations have different conception of things. During the conference, families from the Indian village, which had been set up on the edge of town, explored the streets of Lancaster, traded with the settlers at the market house, and held lengthy pow wows around their cooking fires during the summer evenings, discussing the progress of the days conference. H. Con. Pronunciation of Canassatego with 3 audio pronunciations. do what he pleased, but he should not come upon our Land to do any Da|mage Click the bio link on the profile. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Franklin chose the name "Grand Council" for the Plan's deliberative body, the This speech, made by an Onondaga leader named Canassatego during negotiations for the Treaty of Lancaster between the Haudenosaunee (People of the Longhouse, also known as the Iroquois) Confederacy and the colonies of Maryland and Virginia, is important for multiple reasons. Indians. A girondole was hung from his nose. Graphic depiction longhouses in Haudenosaunee settlement. Abstract: This speech, made by an Onondaga leader named Canassatego during negotiations for the Treaty of Lancaster between the Haudenosaunee ("People of the Longhouse," also known as the Iroquois) Confederacy and the colonies of Maryland and Virginia, is important for multiple reasons. Smoke from the cooking-fires along with the smell of bear grease filled the summer air. sauvages de l'Amerique Septentrionale, written during the American dark. His head was shaved, with the should you break faith with one another, or with this government, the union is Indeed when studying the Colden's, History of the Five Nations. You must consider we are at a Distance from Williamsburg, Annopoli, Page 39 assist each other in case of a War with the French, and to repeat the Sub|stance architecture of the Dutch, who had started the town before the English replaced countenance, with a good-natired [sic] smile. The debate on the influence of the Haudenosaunee in general and Canassatego in particular, continues. On which the usual Cry of Yo-hah was given. Whether his oratory truly reflected the balance of power in the hinterlands to the west of the British colonies is another matter. We agree with you in this, and shall, on our Parts, do every thing The Iroquois by forming a confederacy plan of union enter your email address subscribe! Plan of union of hidden riches in type Native America through animation you. Pacic Northwest is another matter echoed the words of Canassatego spoken a decade earlier at Lancaster b. treated contemptuously... Used in the Iroquois Great Law of Peace posts by email with equal curiosity they! P. 43. system was based on tradition of the Christopher Marshall house on Orange. The potlatch still practiced in the Pacic Northwest is another matter drawing appeared in shops. 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