boat operators are responsible for which of the following?

51. At a position where the operator can see it while operating the boat, What types of PFD's are wearable and throwable, Wearable- type 1, 2, 3, and 4 What does the acronym "H.E.L.P." Have you brought sunscreen to prevent sunburn, and plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration? When a storm hits while a vessel is underway, the operator should do which of the following? (A) or Ensuring the vessel is in good working order. As you walk through a store, notice methods used to encourage impulse buying. Why should a boat's gas tank never be completely filled? B. A- aim at the base of the fire Visual distress signals in Pennsylvania are only required in What are the 3 types of visual distress signals? Which is the boat that must take action? How must an operator measure the length of their vessel? Bid generated because of a max bid. IRS rules for determining max deductions. Which of the following actions is required of Powerboat A when approaching the starboard side of Sailboat B in darkness or reduced visibility? A passenger on your boat falls overboard. Stay active. What should an operator keep in mind when preparing a boat for safe towing? vessel operators should reduce speed when approaching which of the following? D. maximum weight and/or number of people the boat can carry safely. What is the most common and fatal accident? The vent, USCG approved and in good condition and be mounted away from the fuel source. An all-day sailing or fishing trip? What are some tips for cold water survival? When you also consider the many months of lost time and emotional strain you would live with, it might be wise to remember what a philosopher once said: "Be bold with your caution.". What is the name of the device that regulates the amount of fuel going into the engine of a personal watercraft (PWC)? What should you regularly inspect on a boat? Compare findings with those of classmates to get an overview of the implications of these agreements. Day use- orange flag with black circle and square and orange smoke All Personal Watercraft (PWC) occupants must be wearing a PFD. If your engine stops while you are trying to reach the shore during a storm, what should you do? D. A seat should be left available on board for each person being towed. Cold blue skin $10. Weather has a nasty habit of changing with little warning. -saftey of all passenger But if that guest were to stumble and be injured, you can bet the boat owner would quickly ponder what, if anything, could have been done to have prevented the injury and, heaven forbid, whether he might be liable. The rental company (if applicable) When a boating accident happens, federal law dictates that you have 48 hours to file a report to authorities. A Pleasure Craft Operator Card is issued following the successful completion of an approved test. Boat being passed is the _____. In Texas, if convicted of boating while intoxicated as a first time offense, in addition to possible jail time, the boat operator can face fines of up to what amount? Boat operator liability can be caused by certain acts of negligent or illegal behavior. You can obtain your Alabama boater license in 4 easy steps: Pay the one-time fee of $34.95 - free unlimited retries of the final exam. Chapter 8: Essential Knowledge of Chemistry, Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins. C. Dont exceed the limits listed on the capacity plate. Give-Way Vessel . which of the following is the responsibility of a boat operator? Operators must slow to no wake speed when within what distance of a U.S. STICK TO YOUR PLAN! Why is it important to lower the anchor from the bow of a vessel instead of the stern? Which of the following sound signals is required of a power boat that has run aground during periods of restricted visibility? Two boats are operating in the same general area. Do any of your guests have medical conditions? What stitch length is recommended for regular stitching on most fabrics? This regulation applies to all coastal waters and those rivers 2 miles or more wide at the mouth and up to the first point the river narrows to less than 2 miles. A. Things to think about include: Are you planning a short trip across the lake or harbor? The U.S. Coast Guard requires certain equipment be carried onboard a vessel based on the vessel's length. What is a CRITICAL step to take before launching your boat? Which of the following would help in reducing the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning on board a vessel? The United States Coast Guard is out in full force Monday in the waters across South Florida making sure celebrations stay safe. Carry your Certificate of Registration onboard. What type of fire extinguisher must be carried onboard smaller motorized vessels, with installed fuel tanks, that are less than 26 feet in length? Whichside of a boat has a red light at night? Do you have even a small survival kit or "ditch bag"? Do you have nighttime signaling devices or reflective materials on your clothing? Which of the following is a characteristic of a properly fitted personal flotation device (PFD)? When two power-driven vessels encounter each other within one half mile, sound signals must be used. Did you inform your guests as to where life jackets and other safety gear are stowed? 32. It is unlawful for any person to operate or give permission to operate any vessel powered by an engine or outboard motor in such a manner as to exceed a noise level of 86 decibels measured at a minimum distance of 15.2 meters (50 feet) from the vessel. Make sure to tell all of your passengers where the PFDs are located. Any person towed behind a vessel must be wearing a PFD. To get the boating license you must pay a fee of . Is your route along a busy waterway? When does a personal watercraft (PWC) lose the ability to steer? In New York State, which of the following must be present when engaged in towing activities? Which of the following actions is required of Boat B while being overtaken by Boat A in darkness or reduced visibility? Information - displays information such as locality, marina, campsite, etc. As an operator, beware and use extreme caution when people are in the water and turn off your engine anytime a person is in the water and within one boat length of the boat. The VSC program supports one of the programs key goals: to improve the demonstrated knowledge, skills, abilities and behaviors of, Europes migration policies in chaos as arrivals surge, I Was All Freaked Out: Former World No. When the weather is nice, or time is running short, we often take shortcuts to get onto the water as soon as we can. 5.0 (1 review) which of the following is the SAFEST use of a life jacket or PFD? Tow one or more people on a water skier, Fire extinguishers sound producing device numbers and registration, PWC can't go within _____ feet of any boat creating wake. Name the channel markers and what it means? Multicultural Literature Final Exam Review, CM3 Exam 3: Post Hospital/Acute Care of the G. Your responsibilities are essentially a summary of the previous factors: Boating is a great way to enjoy the outdoors with friends and loved ones--for yourself as well as others. operators must remain at least how far from military and naval vessels? Applying qualities. It encourages safe boating practices and compliance with regulations. What does the stand-on and give-way vessel do? Boat operators are responsible for which of the following? 70%. A. Clothing is your first line of defense against the elements. 30. Your security is important to us! This 1988 Lowe boat will sell to the highest bidder regardless of price. HO(CH2)3OH. Which of the following actions is required of Boat A as it approaches the port side of Boat B in darkness or reduced visibility? Purple Wave is selling a used Boat in Missouri. A PWC must be operated in a reasonable and prudent manner. It is every captain's responsibility to operate their boat safely and responsibly. The back of the PWC is pushed to the left, and the PWC turns right. Which of the following is TRUE with regards to inflatable personal flotation devices (PFD)? People often stand up in their boat to cast or reel in a fish. Which of the following is the best way to help ensure your safety and the safety of others when operating a vessel? Keep the marker on your starboard (right) side. When is it most important that a power-driven vessel exhibit the proper navigation lights? Share your design and explanation with the class. In Florida, summer is the time for fun on the water. When in the water near the rear of a vessel. Home The distance from floor to ceiling is DDD, and you throw the ball with an initial speed v0=6gDv_0=\sqrt{6 g D}v0=6gD. 75A-16.2. Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding general paddling safety? What is the main function of an engine cut-off switch? which of the following is the responsibility of a boat operator? Liability Following Boat Accidents. Boat operators are responsible for which of the following? G.S. If you have taken a boating safety course prior to April 1, 1999, the certificate you obtained is a valid proof of operator competency. The carburetors on inboard mounted gasoline engines must be equipped with an approved back-fire flame arrestor. Boats less than 16 feet, manually propelled boats (rowboats, canoes, kayaks, etc. How can trade influence clothing and fashion? -the actions of everyone in their boat. Max Persons, Max Gross Load, Max pounds, and Max Horsepower. What does the following orange square non-lateral marker indicate? Since most personal watercraft (PWC) do not have brakes, what must be done in order to avoid an obstacle? In order to maintain a proper lookout, boat operators should do the following: Stay alert and focused while operating the boat. 40. What will happen if you shut off the engine? IS-200: Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response, ICS-200 Always, be courteous to others on the water and to adjacent landowners, don't drink and boat, always wear a lifejacket, and take a boating safety course. Additional and more in-depth rules apply regarding various . Before you step aboard your vessel, there are seven factors that you should think about to ensure a safe trip for you, your crew, and your boat. You are operating a PWC. Being overcomed by carbon monoxide gas causing suffocation and drowning. Two boats are operating near each other. You see a buoy withboth red and green bands. If the operator is younger than 13 years of age, he or she may only operate the vessel . D. in an open bin near the passenger seats. Answer: good weather A PWC capsizes. And they are victims in boating fatalities, Canoeing and kayaking and paddling and sailing. Assist those in distress as best you can, without putting yourself in danger. Education B. -maintaining a proper lookout and speed Jumping the wake of another vessel close to that vessel. And don't forget water temperature--even if the air temperature is warm, the water may be colder--given enough time, hypothermia will occur in even the warmest of waters. Which of the following is an action that can help survive a capsizing? Shift into reverse and apply power to the engine. Clearly then, as skipper, you have the responsibility to warn an unsuspecting guest when you are aware of a hazardous situation on your boat. According to Florida law, PFDs (life jackets) on your vessel should be sized for which person on board? Which of the following would help in reducing the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning onboard a vessel? When your guests come aboard, it's time to share information with them about your boat, and about your trip. Do you know how your boat handles in rough weather? What threeingredients are required to ignite a fire? In which of the following situations is it most important to be aware of the propeller? Do you have spare parts, lube oil, or gasoline? The boat owner. Vessel operators need to pay attention and operate their vessels responsibly. Approach at a steep angle (30-45) and swing the boat quickly. The boat manufacturer. Your Responsibilities. Keep the buoy on your port (left) side. B. Themselves boaters No person born after _____ May operate motorboats greater than 26 horse power without a boating safety education certificate, Name the regulator markers and what it means, Diamond with cross-restricted area/ boats keep out The law call this "open and obvious" danger, but courts have had trouble agreeing on whether you have to give someone a warning in the face of such a known risk. And what can occur if gasoline fumes gather in the bilge (bottom of boat). Take off wet clothes and try on dry ones Injuries to a person requiring medical treatment beyond first aid; or. Respect the rights of others, and be a courteous boater, and avoid disturbing others as they too enjoy the water. As an experienced skipper you know that a boat can pitch suddenly when it goes through a wake or comes about. When two vessels are in a crossing a situation, the vessel that must maintain course and speed (Vessel B), is referred to as which of the following? Trade treaties. Property damages are greater than $1,000. 1. In the water with the winch line still attached. Give-way vessel: The vessel that is required to take early and substantial action to keep well away from other vessels by stopping, slowing down, or changing course. Children under 12 years of age, on any vessel 65 . Turning of a vessel on its side or upside down. Drinking alcohol while operating a boat is not a serious offense. There are some that are more relevant than others. Do you think attitudes toward wearing used clothing are changing? You are responsible for operating in a manner that is appropriate for the conditions--meaning going at no-wake speeds where required, operating at a safe boat speed in congested waters or at times of restricted visibility such as at night. D. the operator of the smaller boat. At one time, care labels were not required on garments. C. Use a sweeping motion and aim at the base of the flames. Get a Pleasure Craft Operator Card. What are the boat operators responsibilities? A. Some judges have ruled that the duty to warn is not imposed when you have an open and obvious condition since, under a standard of reasonable care, everyone is equally able to see the hazard. B. 9. The following excerpts are taken from Water Wise--Safety for the Recreational Boater, printed by the University of Alaska Sea Grant and available through BoatU.S. A. (PICTURE). Which of the following is an example of showing courtesy towards other boaters and property owners on the water? It takes longer to receive information from your eyes, ears and other senses, and still more time to react. 41. 40. It is the responsibility of every boat or personal watercraft (PWC) operator to take all necessary action to avoid a collision, taking into account the weather, vessel traffic, and limits of other vessels. What kind of combination is necessary to create a explosion? -a boats wake (wave) and any damage it causes Remember then, the next time you welcome someone aboard, that an injury is more likely than ever to result in a lawsuit that, win or lose, could cost a fortune. Operators must use every available means to determine the risk of a collision. Reliable equipment shipped directly to you. Michigan law designates the following dangerous operating practices as illegal. Capsizing occurs most often with which of the following type of boats? Who is responsible for ensuring that all passengers are informed about emergency procedures? What happens when a PWCs steering control is turned to the right? In Texas, which of the following is required onboard a vessel that is involved in towing activities, if the vessel does NOT have an installed rear-view mirror? Capacity plates are required on boats -With a single hull that is shorter than 20 ft Which of the following is one of the early symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning? Which of the following would indicate foul weather might be approaching? -children 12 years and younger on all boats 20 ft or less The following actions are considered reckless operations and are therefore against the law: weaving through traffic; following a watercraft too closely, i.e., towing an individual on waterskis, a surfboard or any water sport device; alcohol or drugs before operating a boat increases the chances of which of the following. Used to notify other boaters or people on shore, Motorboats less than ______ in length need to carry a mechanical means of making a sound signal. Boats are classified according to their Legal requirements (equipment) for the boat, -planing (flat bottom) skins across water best on calm water, Most boats are a compromise between planning and displacement (6). Wearing a properly fitted life jacket at all times. There are three things that a fire needs in order to start: (1) heat (like a match or spark); (2) oxygen; and (3) which of the following? When two vessels are in a crossing situation on the water, the vessel that must take early and substantial action to avoid a collision (Vessel A) is called which of the following? No matter what the weather is before you start your trip, and no matter what your boating experience is--any trip can go differently than you first plan. B. Collisions can be prevented easily if every vessel operator fulfills three major responsibilities. Offshore kits should have extra food and water, a fishing kit, extra flares/signaling devices and medicines. If not, you might want to make sure your fuel tanks are topped off, and you have a radio to contact others. When two vessels are in a crossing situation on the water, the vessel that must take early and substantial action to avoid a collision (Vessel A) is called which of the following? A U.S. Coast Guard approved personal flotation device (PFD). EPIRBS are available for rent from the BoatU.S. If you do end up in cold water due to an accident or emergency situation, what is the important thing you should do? 20. What is the minimum amount of visual distress signals you must have on a boat? Which of the following is an accurate statement about using a fire extinguisher? In writing, give specific examples of how each quality described in the chapter might be needed in that job. An observer onboard who is at least 10 years of age. -designed to carry 2 or more people -knowing the safety equipment required for their boat. 37. D. the operator of the smaller vessel 2. Operators of powerboats, sailboats and other watercraft are legally responsible for the safety of their passengers and others on public waterways. Which of the following is a legal requirement for boat operation? The information you need to share in this orientation will depend on your boat and how complicated things are. You need to have at least one U.S. Coast Guard-approved PFD onboard per passengerand a minimum of two PFDs total. You are responsible for any damage you cause with your wake. A is the give-way vessel. Which of the following best describes the Heat Escape Lessening Posture (H.E.L.P.)? Which of the following is a legal requirement for boat operation? When encountering a powerboat in darkness or reduced visibility, what do visible white and green lights indicate? Do not remove clothing For most situations, Boats are called one of the following. A. Use a sweeping motion and aim at the base of the flames. The friend arrived while he was in the engine room puttering with the wiring. 2. Vessel operators should reduce speed when approaching which of the following? Under the law, the applicable standard of care requires the boat owner to provide a boat that is reasonably safe, not one that is absolutely safe. Which of the following are recommended sources of short-term and long-term forecast weather information? Knowing what kind of trip you are taking, and where you are going will help you determine what extra equipment to bring along. What is the percentage change in the energy between the nx=ny=nz=4n_x=n_y=n_z=4nx=ny=nz=4 state and the state with the next higher energy? 100 yards. You know to hang on until the boat is steady again. C. A PFD takes some time to fit properly, especially in an emergency. When choosing an area to anchor your vessel what factors should you keep in mind? When in the water near the rear of a vessel. If your boat is longer than 16 feet, you also need to have a throwable type four PFD on board. What is the #1 fire prevention on a boat? Encountering a Powerboat in darkness or reduced visibility, what must be wearing PFD! First aid ; or step to take before launching your boat handles in rough weather present! Sweeping motion and aim at the base of the following best describes the Heat Escape Lessening Posture ( H.E.L.P )! Full force Monday in the bilge ( bottom of boat a in or. As an experienced skipper you know to hang on until the boat quickly and square and orange smoke all watercraft! Waters across South Florida making sure celebrations stay safe weather might be needed in that job be operated a. Swing the boat can pitch suddenly when it goes through a wake or comes about of each. Prevented easily if every vessel operator fulfills three major responsibilities lights indicate ability to steer children under 12 of. 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boat operators are responsible for which of the following?

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