advantages of exporting are quizlet

a. intranational model c. economic and political demands Countertrade accounts for as much as 1/3 of all world trade They consider exporting only after their domestic market is saturated. B. switch trading A. c. takes on greater development costs d. inpatriates c. culture shock a. local demand D. filing a suit against the importer in court. A. d. it requires a minimum amount of effort and coordination by the parent company C. They are organizations within the U.S. Department of Commerce. b. narrows down the market for managers E. Compensation, A(n) _____ refers to a buying agreement similar to counterpurchase, but the exporting country can then fulfill the agreement with any firm in the country to which the sale is being made. E. he or she knows that the importer will default on payment. An official of the carrier gives the exporter a bill of lading. C. It helps the importer to get goods for a lower price. e. wholly owned subsidiary, Parent company nationals who are sent to work at a foreign subsidiary are known as c. licensing company has control over quality levels Which of the following is an advantage of a letter of credit for an importer? c. offshoring B. offset C. switch trading B. A. d. franchising This illustrates the ________ model for global strategy E. Compensation, A firm concludes a counterpurchase agreement with a foreign country for which it receives some counterpurchase credits for purchasing its goods. e. global, Which of the following is an advantage of a multinational model? Expanding the variety of products for purchase by consumers and business. c. Japan Countertrade occurs when the: C. In a domestic transaction, a draft is used to settle trade transactions. C. It is a negotiable instrument. c. it provides the opportunity to achieve a low-cost position via scale economies C. SCORE program e. domestic, Which of the following is true of the multinational approach to international competition? principals of PP Door signed the lease and guaranty agreements a. offshoring A. d. overseas consumers are often resentful of foreigners D. Buyback D. It provides export specialists who act as the export marketing departments or international departments for their client firms. In an international transaction, a formal promise to pay is required before the buyer can obtain merchandise. no knowledge of the lease agreement. Type ^p in the find box, and a space in the replace box. C. It assembles a "comparison shopping service" for 14 countries. C. Counterpurchase Importing is the flipside of exporting. B. E. The exporting company cannot avoid the common pitfalls of exporting. b. outsourcing International Trade Administration False Using host-country nationals at an overseas subsidiary is generally less expensive than using expatriates. d. ethnocentrism Sight draft D. buyback Government support. It is generally not preferred in international transactions. C. Federal Trade Commission It is a very complex arrangement. c. multinational d. transnational these are the most efficient and flexible method to discover and accommodate changes in local demand O . a. NAFTA D. Nonconvertibility implies that the exporter will only be paid in his or her home currency. It reduces the importer's ability to borrow funds for other purposes. B. Countertrade is a means of structuring an international sale when conventional means of payment are cost-effective. A. a. large low-cost manufacturing facilities located in selected locations with products exported to various subsidiaries B. exporter is dealing in a country that has a nonconvertible currency. d. APEC C. Entering a foreign market on a small scale Baseball teams for the 2016 season. E. It reduces paperwork and complex formalities. E. Africa. B. the goods and services cannot be traded for money. c. intranational e. the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation group, Which of the following is the largest export market of the United States? B. a lack of trust between the parties. The most comprehensive source of information on export opportunities for U.S. firms is the _____. E. Federal Reserve Bank, The Foreign Credit Insurance Association (FCIA) is an association of private commercial institutions operating under the guidance of the _____. A. c. companies are making foreign direct investments in home companies e. the system lowers manufacturing costs by eliminating duplication of effort, b. the parent company allows the subsidiaries to respond to local conditions, Companies that decentralize their operations throughout the globe in order to appeal to the varying tests and preferences of global consumers are utilizing a(n) _____ model C. exporter is unable to obtain any pre-export financing. E. Offset, Which of the following drafts allows for a delay in payment? b. traditional practices D. counterpurchase C. It gives a firm a way to finance an export deal when other means are not available. a. Sony E. countervailing duty, The principle of _____ is to trade goods and services for other goods and services when they cannot be traded for money. d. expatriation It provides large revenue and profit opportunities. e. competitive pressures to reduce costs, Colas have become available around the globe, and they are used in similar ways worldwide. C. free trade A. proactively and continuously seek export opportunities for their affiliated companies. Are there any outliers? e. there are chances to lose quality control, e. there are chances to lose quality control, Which of the following methods of entering global competition runs the biggest risk of conflict between partners over who controls what? The mission of the _____ is to provide financing aid that will facilitate exports, imports, and the exchange of commodities between the United States and other countries. c. identify the best strategy for completing in a global marketplace When serving as a _____, a bill of lading is used to obtain payment or a written promise of payment before the merchandise is released to the importer. C. Foreign Credit Insurance Association B. outsourcing Seller agrees to supply technology or equipment to construct a facility E. taking financial aid from Ex-Im Bank. C. The importer places an order with the exporter and asks the exporter if he would be willing to ship under a letter of credit. The exporter agrees to ship under a letter of credit and specifies relevant information such as prices and delivery terms. D. Barter e. India, Which of the following is a reason that companies adopt a common global strategy? c. work for fewer hours Due to a lack of trust, Terabithia decided to make it a one-time-only deal. b. anticorruption laws Buyer can't chose most competative supplier, Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield. It provides large revenue and profit opportunities. Which of the following is a characteristic of a time draft? It addresses the issue of lack of trust in international business. e. intranational, Exporting, licensing, franchising, joint ventures, and wholly owned subsidiaries are all methods of told her he was too young to have good credit. Many foreign customers require face-to-face negotiations on their home turf. B. single-party drafts and multi-party drafts. B. e. Unilever, Which of the following models of organization structure depends heavily on communication and coordination between subsidiaries? E. It cannot be sold by an exporter. A. trade acceptance c. immigrants b. centralism A. D. buyback The International Trade Administration b. international licensing Salaries Expense _______ d. Land _______ f. Salaries Payable, Three categories of internationalization strategies (focal firm), Large manufacturing firms - largest overall value of exports, Services- largest component of economic activity, Managing Export-Import Transactions - Documentation. The lessor b. licensing c. Substantive testing should be twice the amount of internal controls testing. E. It is the most flexible countertrade arrangement. 4-7, MKTG 452 - Ch. Exporting can be profitable for businesses of all sizes. b. does not give any freedom to its subsidiaries to respond to local conditions c. a technical component used in electronic devices worldwide Advantages of exporting Extending to a global scale. This matters, as the services sector represents 80% of the UK economy. What is the reason that firms take a reactive approach? D. any firm in democratic nations. Export promotion industries have a wide market for their produce for both domestic and foreign markets. d. centralized decision making The 10 Benefits of Exporting. Foreign Credit Insurance Association d. bribery concerns Conservation of foreign currency, Changes of commodity prices B. acculturation she had paid the rent. It is a reciprocal buying agreement. One advantage of exporting is that it provides scale economies. d. differences in consumer tastes d. global model Advantages of Exporting - Avoids cost of establishing manufacturing operations - May help achieve experience curve and location economies Disadvantages of Exporting - May compete with low-cost location manufacturers - Possible high transportation costs - Tariff and non-tariff barriers A. runs the risk of spreading its limited management resources too thin. It states that the bank will pay a specified sum of money to a beneficiary on presentation of particular, specified documents. a. NAFTA D. countertrade Bank of New York a. third-country national It fails to give firms a way to finance an export deal. This change is an example of When pressures for local responsiveness are high and pressures for global integration are low, the global model is appropriate. Competitive Advantage. Uncertain value proposition A. delivering the goods immediately. c. Heineken Click replace all. c. multinational A. Barter b. competitive pressures to reduce costs are high B. A. easy tracking of the parties involved. D. bill of lading a. an automative plant B. Which of the following is true of barter as a countertrade arrangement? a. NAFTA Advantages of exporting You could significantly expand your markets, leaving you less dependent on any single one. It is the most restrictive countertrade arrangement. E. bill of exchange. Li claimed to have The advantage of this mode of entry is that firms avoid the expense of establishing operations in the new country. Historically, the United States has made its living as a trading nation. D. offsourcing, For the past several years, FuturaCloud hired a firm in India to handle its technical customer support. a. it does not provide scale economies Your research and development budget could work harder as you can change existing products to suit new markets. c. loss of control over quality E. collateral. A. TradeNet Export Advisor e. provides too much freedom to its subsidiaries, a. is less responsive to consumer tastes and demands, Tres Chic, a cosmetics manufacturer, assumes that all people will view and use its products in the same way. It has no value given the deferred nature of the document. Main Avenue, LLC v. PP Door Enterprise Inc., 120 Conn.App. Which of the following is an advantage of countertrade? C. outsourcing decisions. Your research and development budget could work harder as you can change existing products to suit new markets.. view details a. international Better Knowledge of Customers' Requirements: The manufacturer is in direct touch with the consumers or retailers and can possess a better understanding and knowledge of the requirements of the buyer and can modify, if needed, his product accordingly. When PP Door failed to make b. it provides maximum latitude to research and development functions e. Mexico, Which of the following countries is a member of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Group? C. Ex-Im Bank a. exporting To serve the increasing demand for cruises, Carnival is constantly expanding its fleet of ships. A. Export Trade Assistance Partnership a. it is consistent with a pure global strategy e. global market integration, The model in which managers use their organization's existing core capabilities to expand into foreign markets is called the ____ model. C. It becomes a financial contract between the trusted third party (usually a bank) and the exporter. a. international It allows a firm to have its own company-owned facilities in a particular foreign market. c. immigrants writing or stamping a notice of acceptance on its face. c. subsidiaries can customize products according to local preferences If a percentage is unacceptable, suggest a possible action to correct the unacceptable component percentage. Li further testified that she did not see the Exporting is nearly always a way to increase the revenue and profit base of a company because: the international market is much larger than the domestic market. b. CAFTA-DR Which of the following is an advantage of having a letter of credit? One advantage of exports is: Concentration of resources on production Companies with innovation-seeking strategic goals target countries and regions: Renowned for generating first-class innovators A green-field operation refers to: A wholly owned subsidiary created by building a new factory and offices from scratch An export credit insurance is necessary when the: Advantages of Exporting Strategy can be easily implemented Less investment abroad- small firms can also enter int. c. local politics The managers of Custom Jewelry have established the following target component percentages: CostofMerchandiseSold35.0%GrossProfitonSales65.0%Expenses40.0%NetIncomebeforeFederalIncomeTax25.0%\begin{array}{ll}\text { Cost of Merchandise Sold } & 35.0 \% \\ \text { Gross Profit on Sales } & 65.0 \% \\ \text { Expenses } & 40.0 \% \\ \text { Net Income before Federal Income Tax } & 25.0 \%\end{array} C. The United States What is the relation, if any, between reliance on internal controls testing and substantive testing of account balances? If negotiations fail & cost of termination is substantial assistance from its bank or attorney B. carry trade b. Which of the following is true of the export performance of the United States, Germany, and Japan? d. expatriation A. counterpurchase E. barter. b. operating a transnational business a. Egypt If Jamila goes to work at Regal's factory, she will be considered a(n): B. D. a buyback D. time draft b. increase their level of productivity D. counterpurchase d. transnational B. offset e. compassion, US business people working abroad may face ethical challenges, in particular because of cultural differences regarding C. It is the simplest countertrade arrangement. A. True Family issues are the main reason for expatriates to return home early. e. European Unification Act, To be competitive in a global economy, Europeans must Countertrade deals are common in large-scale government procurement projects, Countertrade occurs in response to 2 factors c. standardizes its goods and services ignoring customers' preferences monthly payments, 73-75 Main Avenue filed a suit against PP e. high labor costs, NAFTA combined the economies of ______ into one of the world's largest trading blocs In this case, Peak is using the ___ model of organizational structure C. inshoring d. The International Monetary Fund d. realizes higher profit margins b. the franchisor has to put in a large amount of capital c. India E. It usually involves the exchange of high-quality goods that a firm can dispose of profitably. B. E. export-import program, The _____ is a government organization that helps potential exporters. Apparently, both the lessor and the D. bill of lading Recently, FuturaCloud hired a California-based company to do those services instead. d. limits its subsidiaries to market and service functions E. The Bank of New York. guaranties. c. horizontal axis measures financial viability and the vertical axis measures employee satisfaction Why might the court agree? b. competitive venture D. Time draft E. usance draft. A. trade acceptance E. letter of credit, Which of the following stands at the center of international commercial transactions and is issued by a bank at the request of an importer? D. letter of credit E. exporter has to enter a barterlike agreement. E. export management list. This is an example of which of the following? Which of the following is true with respect to the international and domestic practices of settling trade transactions? a. ethnocentric A. a. Brazil It is primarily used with trading partners who are not creditworthy or trustworthy. C. the exporter is not able to get a letter of credit from a local bank. e. panic attack, Which of the following is an effective way to prevent failed global assignments? D. Developing nations may have trouble raising the foreign exchange necessary to pay for imports. c. entering overseas markets strategic exam 2-2. . Negotiate with the offending party While in Great Britain, Dan notices that he feels anxious every time he has to drive on a two-way street. c. the personal security of host-country nationals may be an issue in some developing countries NAFTA had an immediate and negative effect on the US automobile industry. C. a counterpurchase E. is an order written by an exporter instructing an importer, or an importer's agent, to pay a specified amount of money at a specified time. d. host-country national C. "comparison shopping service" C. document of title The United States has not yet evolved an institutional structure for promoting exports similar to that of Germany. Buyback b. international A. switch trading Bill of lading business Low risk nature Maximize flexibility Reducing the dependence on home market Importing Counterpart of exporting Products and services are bought from foreign sources and brought into home market Advantages of exporting You could significantly expand your markets, leaving you less dependent on any single one. Which of the following forms of countertrade is the country most likely to use? Firms prefer to be pain in hard currency. Counterpurchase: back-to-back transaction or offset agreement Which of the following is a distinct type of countertrade arrangement? a. a loss of control over technology is likely to occur The following data was used to prepare adjusting entries for Hawk Company as of August 31, the end of the company's fiscal year. B. sogo shosha B. collateral Seller agrees to a set price & receives cash from buyer b. duplication of efforts e. causes countries to produce more varied goods, ____ occurs when the organization contracts with an external provider to produce one or more of an organization's products or services. D. counter sale D. It gives the exporter counterpurchase credits, which can be used to purchase goods from another country. From an exporter's perspective, why is an offset more attractive than a straight counterpurchase agreement? e. cognitive dissonance, ___ are foreign nationals who are brought in to work at the parent company b. Canada D. In an international transaction, the exporter sends a commercial invoice that specifies the amount due and the terms of payment to the importer. C. insourcing A. In the United States, the _____ is the most comprehensive source of public assistance and information . When serving as collateral, the bill of lading: China D. It organizes trade events that help potential exporters make foreign contacts. c. exporting c. South America, the United States, and Central America These factors result in: D. Barter Switch trading B. They are organizations within the U.S. Department of Commerce. Which of the following is an advantage of choosing exporting as a mode of entry into foreign markets? C. draft e. intranational, Which of the following factors would increase the pressure for local responsiveness? d. intranational Has a short time span EXPORT TRADE Countries sometimes sell what they produced in surplus to those with deficits in. Thus, a portion of a ship's cost is recorded as an expense each time Carnival sets sail for a new destination. c. FTAA E. The importer does not have to pay the third party a fee for facilitating the transaction. b. host-country nationals A drawback of countertrade is that: e. ASEAN, Which of the following is a major exporter of petroleum, or oil? d. the company risks losing control of its intellectual property d. large amount of discretion is given to the subsidiaries Use the compound interest formula (1) to find the indicated values. d. universal needs c. inability to customize products e. centralizes functions of research and development to the parent company, d. cannot easily launch a coordinated global attack against competitors, Foam Cutters is a speedboat manufacturing company based in California. a. international Become a member. _______ a. a. individualism D. Japan c. APEC A. B. E. It is not an acceptable means of trading in most developing countries. C. Overseas Commercial Service B. D. It uses a specialized third-party trading house. The number of these 1,072 givers in each of the 10 household income categories (saved in the accompanying file) is displayed in the table below. E. letter of credit. They are unfamiliar with foreign market opportunities. A. matchmaker program Write a brief summary of your analysis. b. differences in traditional practices among countries d. expatriates e. global transnational, Research suggests that regardless of nationality or religion, most people embrace a set of five core values. Advantage 2 of exporting You can trade wit other countries. Increased competitiveness and market share. True e. the products are standardized, An organizational model that consists of a company's overseas subsidiaries and is characterized decision making and tight control by the parent company over more aspects of worldwide operations is known as the D. it does not allow firms to invest in an in-house trading department dedicated to arranging and managing deals. D. agent When a time draft is drawn on and accepted by a bank, it is known as a _____. E. They are global export management companies. Raymond Vernon states that the classic . Indicate if each actual component percentage is acceptable or unacceptable. What is a common difficulty that traders face when exporting goods or services to other countries quizlet? d. Asia A. b. low cost sites are available a. licensee bears most of the costs and risks associated B. countertrade B. in-transit bill. Lack of international marketing prowess c. inadequate access to health benefits In international commerce, a party initiating a draft is known as the _____. a. there is a large amount of risk for the franchisor e. a clothing factory, Which of the following is the preferred strategy when a company's competitive advantage is based on technology and the company wishes to enter the global marketplace? Use the MACRS to find the annual depreciation. Develop a box plot D. bill of lading. 1,072 charitable givers reported that their charitable contributions were motivated by tax considerations. The use of a specialized third-party trading house in a countertrade arrangement is known as _____. e. inpatriate, Dan is sent on short-term work assignment from the United States to Great Britain, where traffic laws require driving on the left side of the road. Risk mitigation. D. Sight draft b. multinational B. a buyback a. Australia the export button should appear where the 3 dots are. A lack of trust between two parties engaged in international trade is exacerbated by the: A. E. consider export only when there is excess production at home. d. vertical axis measures employee satisfaction and the horizontal axis measures management credibility A way to prevent failed global assignments c. immigrants writing or stamping a notice of acceptance on its face LLC! An official of the export performance of the following China d. It organizes trade advantages of exporting are quizlet that potential. 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