5e new weapons

Cestus are not held in the hand but are worn as gloves or wrapped around the forearm. (Though again I'll stress, I believe most of that value comes in the hit-bonus.) Exotic weapons are unwieldy, niche, or novel. All weapons are grouped into two main categories simple and martial weapons as well as the subcategories of melee and ranged. Obsidian. May 8, 2020. This weapon can make be wielded in melee combat as a quarterstaff. Of course, there are plenty of other tools that people in D&D have adapted to kill and maim one another, whether that means grabbing the first thing you have to hand and smashing an orc over the head with a bar stool or shooting a lich with a ray gun. The rules make no distinction between a kukri and a stiletto; theyre both daggers, and its up to you to decide how you want to flavor that type of weapon. Modifies: a weapon or three pieces of ammunition Sometimes dragons collect their cast-off scales and gift them to humanoids. A weapon can have more than one modification, and modifications are permanent. Filled with liquid and suspended above a gate, wall, or portcullis, creatures in a 5-foot-radius cylinder extending from the cauldron to the ground must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take damage, or half as much on a successful saving throw. Ammunition. Poison in the reservoir never dries. If you dont want to pick up the Crossbow Expert feature, then the Longbow (d8 piercing damage) is the best option for a ranged weapon, assuming you have proficiency. Elemental weapon requires a third-level spell slot, concentration, only lasts an hour, and only gives a d4 of extra damage in addition to a +1 to hit. Whether you want to flesh out the lore of your world, create a plot hook for your next adventure to revolve around, or just give your players a new way to crack skulls, creating your own magic weapons is a great way to make your world feel unique and create memorable experiences for your players. There arent feats for every weapon in D&D 5e, but there are some very powerful options that let you maximize the impact of one sort of weapon or another. Swords, spears, axes, hammers, and many other kinds of weapons are designed for use in melee. ( Info / ^ Contact) HazeZero 7 yr. ago The bludgeoning damage increases by 1d10 for every size above Small. These large shields have a large triangular boss and hooks and blades built into the rim. Consecrated weapons are considered magical for the purposes of overcoming the resistances and immunities to nonmagical damage of fiends and undead. This device attached to a crossbow allows you to fire it 5 times before reloading. Mithral. The "v.3.5 revised edition" of the game has both spiked gauntlets and punch daggers as core weaponsand they are both simple. Create new weapon. When wearing furred armor, you make saving throws against extremely cold environments and weather with advantage, and against hot environments at disadvantage. An attack with any part of your body, such as a fist or knee. When wielded it adds +2 to your Armor Class, can be used to make a melee weapon attack that deals 1d4 piercing damage, and can store a lit bullseye lantern, which you wield while holding this shield. My approach is more like: if those things get fixed (by houserules or whatever), then this weapons list should still work with the fixes. 0wlington 8 yr. ago It takes an action to don or doff a gauntlet sword. Futuristic firearms are powered by a special type of ammunition called energy cells. Trebuchets can be loaded with a variety of other projectiles with different damage and areas of effect. For example, crossbows and arquebuses used both wood and metal, bows use specific types of wood or horn for the arms and sinew for the string, and so on. If lit, the oil burns for 4 rounds and deals 10 fire damage to any creature that enters the area or ends its turn there. On a failed save, a creature or flammable object is set alight and takes 3d4 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. Angled and ignited to fire hundreds of light projectiles in a shower of flame, it attacks all creatures in a 15-foot-radius sphere centered at a point within range chosen by the crew. Most weapons are made of a combination of wood and a metal (typically iron), and very few weapons use only one. Elementals aligned with fire or water are vulnerable to damage from true ice weapons. Grabbing the nearest thing to hand and using it to hit someone over the head is a time-honored tradition among adventuring parties. Most classes that have martial weapon proficiency start with one or two for free, as listed in their starting gear. Organ Gun. Therefore, it can be helpful to think of the different types of weapons in D&D as archetypes, rather than specific items. Martial weapons, which include swords, axes, longbows, heavy crossbows, and polearms, require more specialized training to use effectively the kind usually only provided to nobles, soldiers, and adventuring folk. Additionally, I have included 4 new equipment packs. Mithral weapons with the Heavy property can be used to make extra attacks regardless of the user's strength and can be wielded normally by small creatures. A goblin with a dagger was as much a threat as a orc with a great sword and it was the characters inherent attributes and 'skill . Originally Posted by Sindeloke. When you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points with a sweeping weapon, you can target another creature within 5 feet of the first that you can reach and, if the original attack roll can hit it, apply any remaining damage to it. This can be amazing, especially at earlier levels. When exposed to sunlight, adamantite weapons disintegrate. Weapons made from steel by default are listed with their cost when made of steel. The rest are magical materials (and weapons made from them are considered magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage), and cannot be purchased; they must be found or created as other magical items are. Simple Weapons Rocco Giusto August 8, 2022. Medium or smaller creatures can use the siege tower to reach the top of walls up to 40 feet high. The weapon of choice for bards, rogues, and any Dexterity-based adventurer looking to keep up with more traditional martial combatants in terms of melee damage output. Improvised weapons may inflict status depending on their damage type and the discretion of your DM. If you are wielding a cestus, you can use that hand to grapple or shove an enemy, but you cannot make attacks with that hand without ending the grapple. You must decide to do this before making the attack roll. A solid feat for high-Strength damage dealers who want to really maximize the feeling of being a greatsword-wielding death machine. First, it can be helpful to think about the kind of adventurer you want to be, as your playstyle can go a long way toward dictating which weapon is right for you. Also, before you make a melee attack with a heavy weapon that you are proficient with, you can choose to take a -5 penalty to the attack roll. Firing a piece of flaming ammunition more than half its weapon's normal range extinguishes it, which removes this modification. Upon firing, the projectiles fly in a line 5 foot wide and as long as the gun's normal range. When you damage a prone creature with a finisher weapon, you roll an additional weapon damage die. The corpse of a Small creature deals 1d10 bludgeoning damage and 1d10 poison damage. Each time you attack with the weapon, you expend one piece of ammunition. The exotic shields and the Shield Master feat (detailed in Part IV) allow attacks with shields. Some are less effective weapons than popularly conceived and require expertise to use effectively. Two-handed should be a positive trait, though. A creature can use its action to make a DC 10 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach on a success. A melee weapon is used to Attack a target within 5 feet of you, whereas a ranged weapon is used to attack a target at a distance. Think about your characters strengths and weaknesses as well as the role you fulfill within the party. You can inflict status with this weapon, and when you do you inflict the effects of both status: piercing and status: bludgeoning, regardless of the damage type dealt. For example, both a +3 weapon and +3 shield are very rare, but a dueling shield that grants a +3 bonus to both AC and attack and damage rolls is a legendary item. Unlike most materials, a weapon that is silvered retains all the properties of its original material. Dragonguard. Unless a creature has a Strength score of 12 or higher, it has disadvantage on attacks made with heavy weapons. If an improvised weapon is similar enough to an actual weapon, the DM can rule that it can be treated as such. If you are playing a class that has multiattack but you havent unlocked it yet, a heavy crossbow is still a great early-game investment. D&D 5e comes with a good variety of weapons to choose from, but there are a few redundancies, as well as some combat styles that lack a good weapon. A cleric, paladin, or other creature with sufficient divine power as determined by the DM can create a consecrated weapon by performing an 8-hour ritual where it submerges the weapon or three pieces of ammunition in 200 gp of holy water and stands vigil for the duration. If you damage a creature with a cavalry weapon after moving at least 30 feet straight toward a target while mounted, you deal an extra 1d6 damage. All in all, there are 37 different weapons in the D&D 5e equipment list. Location With every single step, the average damage increases by 1, the maximum damage increases by 2. Plating a weapon or ten pieces of ammo costs 100 GP. A Large or smaller creature hit by a net is restrained until freed. Modifies: armor Gauntlet-Sword. When attacking with one of those weapons, you indicate which damage type you use before you make the attack roll. D&D 5e wouldnt be a fantasy property without including some fantasy metals with properties beyond those of normal iron and steel. There are two special weapons in the D&D 5e Players Handbook. A explosive barrel packed with gunpowder and pellets attached to the end of a polearm. Materials, extras, and other customizations for weapons diversify them even further. Magma. Whether youre a new player or a haggard grognard (like me) looking for a quick refresher, were here to talk through the ins and outs of choosing a weapon for your next character in D&D 5e. Resembles a crossbow in apperance, but not mechanical design. There are hundreds of thousands of different types of weapons throughout real world history and even more in the pages of science fiction and fantasy literature. Similar sidenote - Could always add a saber. To do so, each weapon has a combination of several unique properties, which add new functions, passive bonuses, or options. Modifies: armor Bone. You can load 5 pieces of ammunition instead of 1 when you load this weapon. On a hit, the target is automatically grappled and restrained. Reach weapons should deal less damage than non-reach weapons, because reach is a useful property. It can keep a martial level with others, without letting them dominate the game. Lastly, special weapons have their own unique rules that set them apart from other options on the list. Pavise. Modifies: boar spear, goedendag, glaive, guisarme, lance, lucerne, pike, ranseur, spear Pikes, polearms, and glaives weapons with the reach property can hit targets up to 10 feet away instead of 5 feet. Hammer of Thunderbolts (Best for Half-Orcs, Fighters) It's Hammer time! A substance grown and tempered by warrior-druids for weapons and armor, this fireproof wood is as dense and resilient as steel. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message View Blog Entries View Articles Moderators Immortal Supreme Deity. Reason: Added proper credits. Native to the material planes of Eberron, this dark gray metal takes on a reddish sheen when refined. If you are disarmed of this shield or doff it, the lantern moves with it. It confers no benefits on the battlefield, but may grant advantage on Persuasion checks while you wear it by creating an aura of wealth and prestige. A weapon's composition is just as important as its wielder's skill. This feat also makes crossbows less debilitating in close combat and basically allows two-weapon fighting with a hand crossbow in your off-hand. All weapons and armor made with stone have the heavy property, lose finesse and light properties if they have them, weigh 4 times as much as usual, and cost twice as much. A weapon that can be used to make a ranged attack has a range in parentheses after the ammunition or thrown property. This is pretty close to being a tie with the scimitar, but as theres not a huge amount of difference between these d6 damage light weapons, I think the shortsword takes it on price. November 25th, 2016, 10:49 #7. The creature which aims the trebuchet chooses a point in range at least 60 feet away. Drawing the ammunition from a quiver, case, or other container is counted as being part of the attacking action (you need a free hand to load a one-handed weapon). Dwarves: All dwarves are proficient with the battleaxe, handaxe, light hammer, and warhammer. In this state it is no longer wielded and stands on its own to act as 1/2 cover for an upright creature, or total cover for a prone one. Flametouched Iron. The blast forces all creatures and objects within 20 feet to make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw. If the target takes any fire damage before the oil dries (after 1 minute), the target takes an additional 10 fire damage from the burning oil. It does improve them slightly, but the ultimate goal is diversification and the overall increase is minimal. This +1 breastplate has a gold dragon motif worked into its design. Drawing the ammunition from a quiver, case, or other container is part of the attack you make with this weapon (you need a free hand to load a one-handed weapon). They cannot be used underwater, and ammunition from these weapons cannot be reused. Only the strongest magical cauldrons can withstand the heat of boiling magma, but it can be a potent siege weapon in battles with magically-gifted combatants. Melee might not be for you. Blowgun. The keyword, then, is style. Bronze weapons cost 50% more than their iron counterparts, but are produced and sold by few smiths. Ranged weapons are used to attack targets farther away than melee range, and can hit a target up to several hundred feet away. A middling feat that mixes a +1 Strength or Dexterity increase with proficiency in four simple or martial weapons of your choice. Its size daunts newcomers. These weapons are unwieldier than most. Whether or not a character is proficient with firearms is left up to the DM and the content of their campaign. This reduction ends if it leaves your reach or you make another attack roll with the winged weapon. Morningstar. Special And Unusual Weapons In addition to normal weapons forged of wood and steel, sometimes you'll encounter weapons made of special materials or which are otherwise unusual. Wood. Chain Whip. These weapons strike in broad motions. They are a specialization with an enormous opportunity cost and should be treated as such. Weapons with the Loading property take more time and energy to get ready to fire again after being used. 2d6 damage is always going to average out higher than 1d12, and you have no chance of rolling a 1. Larger, weightier, and more difficult to use, Heavy Weapons are too large for a Small or Tiny creature to use effectively, imposing disadvantage on their attack rolls made with these weapons. Lance. At 1st level, the greatsword is always the right choice over its more swingy cousin, the greataxe. 1d12->2d6 is not remotely the same thing. A Large or smaller creature hit by a net is restrained until it is freed. Characters do not usually start with any magic items like the Staff of Striking. If the reach weapon also did more damage, then nobody would ever use a non-reach weapon. You choose the type of grip it has when it is created or purchased. Some ranged weapons have a Strength requirement listed. This means you can stand with an ally between you and your target and still attack, and this is especially powerful when paired with feats that make use of opportunity and bonus attacks like the Polearm Master and Sentinel. These weapons utilize volatile powder as a propellant to fire projectiles or explode. You cannot drop or be disarmed of a gauntlet-sword. They can be altered, gaining add-ons that improve their features or add new ones. This consumes the holy water. You cannot add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls made with this weapon, but it gains the status: slashing property until repaired. An exceptional magical material, True Ice comes from the core of polar caps and mountain peaks, and never melts. When wielded one-handed (allowing you to use your other hand for a torch, a shield, or an arcane focus), the weapon deals 1d8 + STR slashing damage; when wielded two-handed, the weapon deals 1d10 + STR slashing damage. I played my first tabletop RPG (Pathfinder 1e, specifically) in college. If a magical shield applies its bonus to both AC and attack and damage rolls, its rarity tier increases by one. Used in areas without access to wood or metal, items made of this inflexible material are as durable as their standard versions, but weigh half as much and have triple the cost. Status weapons inflict extra effects on powerful hits. This attack deals 1d6 piercing damage. Because finesse weapons like the rapier allow low-Strength, high-Dexterity classes to be effective in melee combat, these weapons are very popular with rogues and bards. Not only do you get to use a bonus action to make a melee attack with the opposite end of your polearm (for a d4 of bludgeoning damage), but while you are wielding a glaive, halberd, pike, quarterstaff, or spear, other creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you when they enter your reach. Pillars of Eternity is a new intellectual property, but it is not the team's first rodeo This week's video features, 2 Druid Builds, a Ranger Build, an Assassin Build and a Monk While some shields list more than one grip type on their table entries, an individual shield of has only one. In the case of classes that focus on martial prowess over magical ability, having the right weapon to hand is essential for using certain class abilities, feats, fighting styles, and even spells. A net has no effect on creatures that are formless or creatures that are Huge or larger. Reload. An organ gun's massive spread allows targets to escape its grasp; it has disadvantage on all attacks. When you hold a parrying dagger in one hand and another weapon in your other hand, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. However, it appeals enormously to martial play, makes choice of weapon have meaning, and it's easy to learn your favorites. An improvised thrown weapon has a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. If you inflict status on an attack but deal no bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing to a creature with the attack, you do not trigger the effects of status. A creature can end this damage by using its action to make a DC 10 Dexterity check, which extinguishes the flames. A corpse targets a space the same size as the creature it was in life (a 5 ft. square for a medium creature, 10 ft. for large, etc). If a creature attempts to parry an attack you made with an adamantine melee weapon and your attack hits in spite of the attempt, both the target and the parrying weapon or shield take damage from the attack. Weapon Proficiency Your race, class, and feats can grant you proficiency with certain weapons or categories of weapons. You start with the armor listed for your class. Modifies: light crossbow, shortbow, greatbow, heavy crossbow, longbow, recurve bow, arquebus Were going to get into stuff like weapon proficiencies (whether or not your class can actually use a particular weapon), different weapon properties, and even magical weapons in a bit. When you inflict this status, the next attack made against the target gains a bonus equal to your proficiency bonus. Hit, the maximum damage increases by 1, the target is automatically grappled restrained. A non-reach weapon costs 100 GP I played my first tabletop RPG ( 1e! Earlier levels the corpse of a gauntlet-sword finisher weapon, you gain a Strength. Melee combat as a quarterstaff wielder 's skill two special weapons in the hit-bonus. makes crossbows debilitating. 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