queen of snakes mythology

[51][52][53] Some stories mention that the king of the grass snakes was wearing an amber crown or that he lived in an amber palace - a motif that recalls another Baltic fairy tale: Jrat and Kastytis. When the youngest sister leaves and looks for her garments, the maiden sees a huge snake sitting on her garments. [11], This tale is classified, in the AarneThompsonUther Index, as tale type ATU 425M, "The Snake as Bridegroom"[12] (formerly "Bathing Girl's garments kept [until promise of marriage with aquatic being]"). When the snake is older, he goes to a neighbour to court his daughters. " 425M ". The girl, dismissing the snake's fanciful notion, agreed to anyway. ""Egl ali karalien": pasakos topografijos paiekos" ["Egl - the Queen of Serpents": in search of the tale's topography]. She agrees; the snake returns the garments and teaches her a command to summon him, Yaku. Throughout art history, snakes have been represented as women. Her brothers want to kill the underwater husband, so they leave early and wait by the lake with wooden bats. FACTS ABOUT HERA. [55], The tale type is recognized as being "most at home in the Balto-Slavic regions". ""Egl ali karalien": gyvybs ir mirties domenas" ["Egl the queen of serpents": domain of life and death]. Suddenly, the girl's mother asks her how she can summon her reptile husband, and the girl reveals the secret. Z zagadnie przysowioznawstwa, https://doi.org/10.17161/folklorica.v3i2.3670, HISTORY OF RECORDING OF FOLKTALE GRASS-SNAKE AS A HUSBAND (BATHING GIRLS GARMENT KEPT UNTIL PROMISE OF MARRIAGE) (425 M) AMONG RUSSIANS, The Complete Russian Folktale. In: Bleckwenn, Helga (Hg.). " ". In: Palmaitis, Letas. One warm summer day, Egl, the youngest daughter of a local farmer, went bathing in the sea with her two sisters. The Serpent Queen Reveals Just How Modern Catherine De Medici's Story Really Was "In a world where we talk about glass ceilings, she was somebody who broke a concrete ceiling, and she did it. According to historian Joseph Campbell (1904-1987), the Greeks used the Medusa story to justify the destruction of idols and temples of an ancient goddess mother wherever they found them. " ". Zuhra and her children go back to the surface world and visit the grandparents. Afraid to utter any word, the Black Snake then assures her it will come back when she is eighteen, and slithers back into the lake. As soon as the lacustrine king emerges, his brothers-in-law try to grab him, but his magic turns them into stones. Ein Schlangenmrchen als identittsstiftende Erzhlung der Balten". , no. "Apuleius' Cupid Considered as a Lamia (Metamorphoses 5.17-18).". The snake promises to give it back if she marries it. [22], In another version of the tale, the king of snakes is named altys, they live in his palace at the bottom of the sea, and the tale ends with the transformation of her four children and herself into trees: her into a pine tree, her sons into an oak, an ash, and a birch, and her daughter into a weeping willow. [76] Rausmaa also stated that the tale type was rare ("Harvinaisesta", in the original) in Finland, with its four variants collected from Ingria (Finnish: Inkeri). Many were a mix of animal and human characteristics, but none were more prolific and older than Wadjet. [107], Tale type ATU 425M is reported in the Bulgarian Folktale Catalogue with the name " "[108] or "Die Frau des Drachen verflucht ihre Kinder"[109] ("The Wife of the Dragon curses her children"): a dragon sits on the girl's garments in exchange for marrying her; they wed and move to his palace at the bottom of the sea, where she gives birth to two children; the girl visits her family with her children and her daughter betrays the dragon's secret, which leads to him being killed by his brothers-in-law; the girl then curses her children to become trees. Hecate. The religious reception ties into this, as does the Freudian interpretation that . One day, their daughters wish to visit their grandparents. When they leave to get her clothes, the youngest finds a snake on her garments, which promises to return them if she becomes his wife. The third time, he gets his bride and takes her to his underwater kingdom. The king and queen of Trachis were deeply in love, but he was killed when his ship was caught in a storm at sea. Egl the Queen of Serpents is one of the best-known Lithuanian fairy tales with many references to the Baltic mythology. [15] 81-82. In mythology, the serpent symbolises fertility and procreation, wisdom, death, and resurrection (due to the shedding of its skin, which is not akin to rebirth), and in the earliest schools of mysticism, the symbol of 'The Word' was the serpent. A snake slithers from beneath the well, goes to the king's court, and guesses the right answer. She was a woman from the waist up with the tail of a serpent in place of legs. Zuhra runs back home and tells her mother everything, and they fence the house, hoping it will keep the snake out. In Greek mythology, the Gorgons were snake-women whose gazes would turn people to stone; they had serpents for hair, long claws, sharp teeth and scales covering their bodies. They transfer to the nearby island, and from there to the underground underneath the sea, where a nicely decorated palace is located - Egl's new home for eternity. Back to her castle, the princess's brothers express their distaste about their snake brother-in-law, and question their nieces about their home life. After some years, the girl wants to visit her human family, but the water snake sets a task: to wear down some pairs of iron shoes. . . . On the other hand, if the tale ends with the transformation of the family into birds or reptiles, it is a tale from East Slavic origin. For the next week, her mother forbids her to set foot outside their yurt. Later, an old woman pays a visit to Jegle in search of her, and she turns into a woman, saying she brings news from Jegle's bridegroom, Zaltis, and bids the girl meets him by the edge of the lake the following day. Egl the Queen of Serpents is one of the best-known Lithuanian fairy tales with many references to the Baltic mythology. The girl and her mother board up the doors and windows and wait for a sudden storm to pass. Jrmungandr is a famous sea creature from Norse mythology known as the Midgard Serpent or the World Serpent. Barag, Lev. The narrative tells that the human maiden marries another "kidnapped" person that was living with the "lake people", named Osip Tsarevich. That evening, a giant snake comes out of the sea and knocks at the girl's door. Facts: Hephaestus made all of the weapons and armor for Mount Olympus. Some time later, as the old woman waits near the shore, she sees her daughter coming to her with two children, her sons. "Popularno motywu "O onie wa" w folklorze i literaturze Batw". When the mother tells him to go away and eat whatever he has for dinner in his lair, he knocks again, saying his bed needs to be made. The princess asks which of her daughters spilled the secret song (the youngest), and curses herself to become a birch tree, and her daughters to turn into parts of the tree (foliage, tree bark and membrane). 585 ff (trans. "Romeo Moses and Psyche Brunhild? Past the gate, the snake uncoils itself, hits a golden staircase and becomes a human man. He is usually associated with the Tuatha D Danann. [81] In addition, in these variants, the mother-in-law is the one that kills the snake husband. They come to claim Egl as their master's bride and their future queen, but are tricked by her relatives each time. [20], The story has also been considered an oikotype, i.e., a form of the tale that is specific to a certain region (in this case, the Baltic geographical area). Hecate often carries a torch in her connection with the night. [104], In a tale from the Mari people titled " " ("Blind Love"), some sisters go to bathe in the water. " ". [83], Researcher Galina Kabakova translated and published a variant from Ukraine titled Les coucous, les alouettes et les reptiles. [42], Although its ultimate time and place of origin cannot be settled with certainty, the Lithuanian myth has been compared with similar stories found among Native American peoples (Wayampi, Yahgan and Coos), which could be the result of an inherited Ancient North Eurasian motif featuring a woman marrying an aquatic animal, violating human laws on exogamy and connecting the terrestrial and aquatic worlds. [15] As such, some versions avert the tragic ending by following the narrative of other tale types, like ATU 425A and ATU 425C. The feast is going on for three weeks, and thereafter the couple lives happily together. [40] Another line of scholarship states that the tale refers to an ancient "Balto-Slavic totemic myth". In addition to these areas of influence, Hera was . "Krybikumo proveriai pasakoje "Egl ali karalien"" [Outbreaks of creativity in the tale "Egl - the queen of serpents"]. However, the princess's younger brother mimics her voice and tricks the snake into coming out of the water, only to be beheaded by the princess's brothers. Her sons change into water and she returns to her human family. As the wife of Zeus, the king of the gods, she was considered the queen of the gods. She tries to calm him down and pleads to be allowed ashore to visit her mother once. known as slayer . She is worshipped by many in India, particularly in Bengal . The fisherman is thankful for the rescue, and asks what he can offer in return; Zaltis says he wants the fisherman's most valuable thing, and promises to grant him fish for hiw whole life. Folktale Type 425-M: A Study in Oicotype and Folk Belief, Les contes du peuple lituanien dans la littrature contemporaine, English translation of the tale (following Salomja Neris' version), A version of the tale from Suwalski, Poland, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Egl_the_Queen_of_Serpents&oldid=1150329812, Eugenijus muida Egl ali karalien: gyvybs ir mirties domenas. "Egl, die Knigin der Nattern. online streamer | 3.6K views, 269 likes, 139 loves, 419 comments, 27 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Irina Allyson: Hoppy Easter! [41], A quantitative study, published by folklorist Sara Graa da Silva and anthropologist Jamshid J. Tehrani in 2016, seemed to indicate that the tale type shows a certain antiquity: based on a phylogenetic model, both researchers estimated that the ATU 425M type belongs to an "ancestral tale corpora" of the Balto-Slavic languages. She returns home. Before they enter her parents' house, the girl warns her daughters to keep quiet about their life. The other girls flee in fear, while Mirzhan runs to the shore to get her clothes, but a snake sits on them. His legs were the same. Snakes were associated with death and thunder which link with Ryujin's role as a bringer of rain and storms. [94] Researcher Varvara Dobrovolskaya states that variants in Russia were collected in Kursk, Bashkiria, Ryazan, Voronezh and in East Siberia by the Lena river. and snake. Zaltis agrees to let her visit his father-in-law, and he brings her to the surface world. 137-138 (text), 422 (source for entry nr. [49] The tale is also said to be known in Germany, Finland and among the "Cheremis" (Mari people). They do not say a word to their sister about the horrible crime they have just committed. When Egl hears her dead husband's voice and discovers how her beloved has died, as a punishment for betrayal she whispers an enchantment, which turns her fragile fearful daughter into a quaking aspen. Masha's mother is the one to kill the snake husband with a hatchet. The earliest records in existence indicate this snake god was closely tied to the rain and water god, Tlaloc, and that his original domain was vegetation. She was a daughter of Poseidon and a queen of Libya. Both of them had twelve sons and three daughters. The poem is about a water goblin who is sitting on a poplar by his lake, singing to the moon and sewing clothes for his wedding soon to come. Delighted, she made another figure, and another and another, and each came to life in the same way. The girl accepts, if only to get her garments back. One day, the princess finds a louse in her father's hair, who decides to fatten the bug and use its hide as part of a suitor riddle: whoever guesses the nature of the hide shall marry the princess. Also Kekrops, an early king of Athens who was depicted as being Closer to Earth by having the lower body of a snake. Lamia is a devastatingly beautiful monster, part woman and part serpent. [8] Hungarian scholar Endre Bjtar[hu] called it Egle (Silver Pine), the Snake Goddess and Egle (Silver Fir), the Snake Queen. During the wedding festivities, the snake climbs onto her lap, but the girl shoos him away. Tom 2. " ( 425) ". The water goblin gets angry and thumps on the door, ordering the girl to go with him because his dinner has to be made. The god of the sea has a handy dispensary of useful medicines, too, especially those which can guarantee a long life. He also claimed that this narrative was "a common African variation on the Cupid and Psyche theme". Like many beautiful demi goddesses in Greek mythology, she became the object of Zeus's affections. Subcategories This category has the following 7 subcategories, out of 7 total. Three years pass, and the girl has been living in a splendid underwater castle, but begins to long for home. [86], According to scholarship, variants collected in northern Poland, in the ancient territories of the Yotvingians (Jatvings), show the gle's twelve brothers are eventually punished by Baltic thunder god Perknas. Mictlntcutli is the Aztec god of death, king of Mictlan. Medusa - whose name probably comes from the Ancient Greek word for "guardian" - was one of the three Gorgons, daughters of the sea gods Phorcys and Ceto, and sisters of the Graeae, Echidna, and Ladon. The serpent frequently appears in myths and legends. Moscow: , 2009. p. 54. [129] In his tale, titled The Snake, the serpent lies on the smock of a girl named Masha. Her old mother seizes a sickle and "rushed into the country". . The girl sees the dead husband and commands the son to become a lark and the daughter a cuckoo, while she is washed away by the waves, never to be seen again. Sira bakes flour breads with "hydromel" (mead) to take to a mysterious person. Three years pass, and the snake's human wife has given birth to a boy and a girl. " (425 ) " [HISTORY OF RECORDING OF FOLKTALE GRASS-SNAKE AS A HUSBAND (BATHING GIRLS GARMENT KEPT UNTIL PROMISE OF MARRIAGE) (425 M) AMONG RUSSIANS]. [48] Altogether, the variants collected outside Lithuania and Latvia, from 11 countries, amount to 106 versions. After meeting the long lost family member, Egl's relatives do not wish to let her return to the sea and decide to kill ilvinas. [24], Researcher Galina Kabakova cites that most variants feature a serpent husband: a snake, a boa, a winged serpent, even a Hydra-like dragon. Egl almost forgets about her homeland, but one day, after being questioned by her oldest son uolas about her parents, she decides to visit her home. [110], The tale is also said to be "very popular" in the Pomeranian region. Gorgon Medusa. [3] [4] [5] Camasb gets stuck in a cave after he tries to steal honey with a few friends, his friends leave him alone in the cave. , . They are known as Nagas, and they played a very important role in shaping the consciousness of this nation and many other cultures. Sensing something wrong, she inquires her daughters about it: the youngest confesses. [57] Following a less mythological approach, scholar Endre Bjtar suggested that its diffusion across Lithuania owes to the local snake cult,[58] recorded in historical sources. [3] They found her in the middle of the Red Sea, surrounded by demons, where she was employed in her new role, namely giving birth to a hundred-plus monsters a day, known as lilim. " - " [NON-FAIRY PROZE OF VELIZHSKY REGION IN SMOLENSK DISTRICT - GENERAL AND SPECIAL IN LOCAL TRADITION]. The story can be subdivided into a number of sections each having parallels with motifs of other folk tales, yet a combination of them is unique. Suddenly, a booming voice echoes from below the water asking the girl to marry it. ("How did the cuckoo appear? She takes her sons to visit her brothers, and the brothers pry the children for anything. In his analysis of Lithuanian folktales (published in 1936), he previously classified the tale as 425D*, alio mona ("The Girl as Wife to a Snake"), with 27 variants reported until then. It is also a noun meaning tree species spruce (Latin: Picea) and fir,[4] with cognates in other Baltic languages: Latvian egle 'spruce, fir', and Old Prussian addle 'spruce, fir'.[5]. The Black Snake then appears and demands Zuhra as his bride. [75], Tale type 425M is known in Finland as Uuza Vedenkuningas ("Uuza the King of Waters"), according to the Finnish Folktale Catalogue, established by scholar Pirkko-Liisa Rausmaa. [19], The tale has become the object of scholarly interest of ethnologist Jonas Balys[lt]. The uncles go to the beach, summon the sea prince and kill him with spears. Shahmaran is a mythical creature, half snake and half woman, the first human she encounters is a young man named Camasb (also known as Yada Jamsab, Jamisav, Jamasp in other versions of the story). Afterwards, returning to the shore to get dressed, she found a serpent in her clothes. A bronze sculpture displaying Egl and the Serpent by Robertas Antinis has been constructed in Palanga Botanical Garden, Lithuania in 1960. [102][103], According to scholarship, only one Belarusian variant of the tale contains the daughter's transformation into a frog. Before she was cursed with her terrible new form, she was a powerful but relatively innocent woman. 1998. [79], Galina Kabakova notes that, among the East Slavic populations, the tale type ATU 425M assumes the features of an etiological tale:[80] as remarked by professor Natalie Kononenko, it shows the origins of the cuckoo, the lark and the nightingale. In the first type, the girl drowns herself in the sea; in the other, she sinks to the ground after she sees the dead fish. Finally, they take the non-fake bride, Egl, to the bottom of the sea lagoon to their king. [56], According to scholar Norbertas Vlius, the tale is "more common" in the eastern area of Lithuania, where "more than two thirds" of the variants have been collected. Eckert, Rainer. [78], Professor Jack V. Haney stated that variants of type 425M appear "frequently recorded among the Russians", but "less frequently by Belarusians and Ukrainians". Egl the Queen of Serpents, alternatively Egl the Queen of Grass Snakes ( Lithuanian: Egl ali karalien ), is a Lithuanian folk tale, first published by M. Jasewicz in 1837. . Its mythological background has been an interest of Lithuanian and foreign researchers of Indo-European mythology. Born during the Qing dynasty, Hu Tianbao found himself attracted to an official of the local government, spying on him naked through a hole in his bathroom wall. Again the mother tells him to leave them alone, after which the goblin says their child is hungry and crying. She warns her daughter not to go to the lake but the daughter is drawn to the lake anyway. Some time later, the princess takes her daughters and prepares to return home by summoning her snake husband, the boat appears dirtied with her husband's blood. [77], Author August Lwis de Menar[de] collected a variant from the village of Voloitsa (Valyanitsy), on the Soikino peninsula. The fisherman returns home and discovers his wife had given birth to a baby girl named Jegle. In this tale, titled Wie die Trauerbirke entstanden ist ("How the weeping birch came to be"), a rich man finds a louse on his daughter's hair, fattens it, kills it and makes a pair of shoes out of its hide. [111], In a Kazakh variant, " " ("Beautiful Mirzhan and the Ruler of the Underwater Khanate"), Mirzhan, the beautiful only daughter of an old woman, is bathing in the water with some friends. Over a hundred slightly diverging versions of the story have been collected. "Egl ali karalien: slibino ir mergels motyvo kilm" [Egl, the queen of serpents: origins of the motif of dragon and maiden]. In mythology, there are Naga Lokas in the netherworld - a whole society of not just snakes, but human beings who belong to the snake clan. [84] She also cited variants wherein the daughter becomes an ortie (nettle) or a cuckoo, and the son becomes a basilisk or a nightingale. "Pastangos velninti krin: pasakos "Egl ali karalien" periferiniai variantai" [Attempts at mitigating the narrative: peripheral variants of the tale "Egl - the queen of serpents"]. To this plea the mother tells him to bring the child to them. [119][d] Indian scholarship states that the tale exists in the oral repertoire of the region, with multiple renditions appearing in both Persian and Kashmiri in the 18th and 19th centuries. Nagas and Lamias In: , . The youngest being named Egle. [3], gl is a popular female name in Lithuania. The storm ends with a loud crash that stirs up the mother and her daughter. In: Sauka, Leonardas. The girl visits her family and one of her sisters asks her what she does to return to her palace in the bottom of the lake. The serpent is so large that it can wrap itself around the earth and bite its own tail. She accepts it and goes back home. They terrorized anyone who had the misfortune to see them. She then curses her daughter to become a swallow, her son a nightingale and herself into a cuckoo. Legends have it that she was rejected by her father Shiva and husband Jagatkru, and hated by her stepmother, Chandi, who scooped out one of Manasa's eyes. [117], In another West African folktale from the Mandinga people, A noiva da serpente ("The Serpent's Bride"), there lived two sisters, Cumba and Sira. She explains she lives underwater and to return she only has to call on her husband's name: Ahmet. She reaches home and spends some time there. The girl becomes a weeping birch and her son a tree branch. [1] The tale features not only humanreptile shapeshifting, but irreversible humantree shapeshifting as well. The snake asks the girl to be his wife and to live with him in his crystal palace. [101], Another Russian variant of tale type ATU 425M was collected in Tver with the title " " ("Uzhenka and Masha"). Zaltis takes Jegle back to their palace, and explains her brothers will be restored to normal after a while. Hg. ). `` week, her son a tree branch not only humanreptile shapeshifting, but are tricked her! Crash that stirs up the doors and windows and wait by the lake with wooden bats she summon. 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