ohhh i won't let you go tik tok original

Oh whats across the street?, Aizawa smirked at Shinsou and then turned to address the green haired boy. Alright Denki, you got off easier, but you still need a doctor too, Kirishima chided. Shinsous body followed automatically as he silently trailed behind Todoroki and Deku, too stunned to protest. Todoroki stepped back and nodded. Define aggravated the situation, Aizawa pressed. np!! But I still get to say I told you so in regards to the danger of loud blondes, although even I didnt expect it to be so literal.. Kaminari was too happy to even feel the tiniest bit embarrassed by his own response, brain momentarily short-circuiting at the use of his given name. Kaminari realized at that moment that maybe Bakugou was just as scared of losing the people he cared about as he was. this chapter is the last real one and then chapter 14 is more of an epilogue situation and i wrote both in one go :) so ill be posting that final chapter tomorrow! It all makes perfect sense. Because youre smiling right now, she said sweetly. Uraraka, what the hell? Shit, shit, shit! Are you oka. Oh check it out! Overwhelmed by emotion he jumped forward to tackle the purple-haired girl with a hug. Sure, what the heck, Ill have an iced coffee.. Just focus on being good friends and employees. He blinked a few times until a look of understanding passed over his face. He tried to let Seros whispered words of comfort and Minas fingers repetitively running through his hair wash away the bad thoughts. !, Mina jumped up and down in place, curls bouncing energetically as she squealed. !, Tsu scoffed. I really gotta go but Ill see you tomorrow, yeah?. Make me.. Uraraka and Momo cooed while Tsu and Jirou smiled softly. Im actually really impressed, Denki! Todoroki Shoto [9:45am]: I dont understand, why are we introducing a pot and a kettle? And lives very far away! Kaminari said, all while throwing Shinsou the most pathetic and pained look hed ever seen. He hoped everything he felt had been conveyed through the performance but even if not, he had put it clear as day in writing. With that she gave him a small smile and headed off to take her lunch break. Welcome to the estate! she said warmly. i feel like probably yes)- yall getting mad at bakugou back in chapter 4 for hitting denki's hand rly had me like "no i can't laugh yet i gotta hold it in" knowing full well deku was gonna go all detruck smash on shinsou <33- and on that note, i have been foreshadowing this for like 8 chapters so really you can only be mad at yourselves for not taking the many MANY hints i dropped >:) (truly it wouldn't be romeo and juliet if i wasn't shoving the ending in your face throughout the whole thing)- if y'all caught that iCarly reference, shoutout to freddie for being the blueprint and getting hit with a taco truck, king fr! Is that even allowed? _______________________________________. Mina released her nose and gave an experimental sniff before immediately coughing, eyes stinging from the overwhelming scent of grease. If yous are quites done with that debauched behoovers, I woulds like to use bathroom.. And now Im hungry too lol, Haha thank you so much! Kaminari froze with his phone in his hand, lips pressed tightly together to suppress the laughter. Whistling as he walked, he dragged his gaze up to the sky in nonchalance until he reached the collection of green foldable tables with red and white checkered tablecloths. He felt his vision swim with tears and that persistent numb feeling that hed fruitlessly tried to chase away with burgers and booze. Can it have meat in it at least?, Bakugou leveled a bored glare at her. ?Ashido Mina [2:24pm]: denkiAshido Mina [2:24pm]: denkiiiiAshido Mina [2:24pm]: denkiiiiiiiii we wanna HANG OUT, Sero Hanta [2:25pm]: BRO WE CAN PLAY MARIO KART CMON, Bakugou Katsuki [2:25pm]: STOP BLOWING UP THE GC. I get you think hes super into me or something, but what if all this drama is too much for him! He felt a tad ridiculous but he couldnt deny how fun it was. Suddenly, Eri bounded forward and plopped herself onto Kaminaris bed, causing him to wince as his foot bumped against the bed railing. Oh. Uraraka flashed him a sweet grin. He already came out, like, 6 years ago.. Youre not making any sense, Katsuki! Kaminari heard more than felt himself let out a choked sob. Sweetie, are you alright? I see. He felt an elbow nudge his hip and a phony cough come from behind that finally shook him out of his reverie. After clearing the line of fire, Kaminari weaved his way through the red and orange foldable tables, taking extra care not to bump into the edges. You know I cant control the cravings!, Iida leveled his gaze, squinting at Kaminari over his glasses. If Kendo noticed, she didnt say anything, she simply smiled more as she pointed to the menu hanging above her head. What are you talking about? Shinsou asked, incredibly confused at this point. Kaminari involuntarily let out a shrill wheeze at that. Shinsou felt his phone buzz and pulled it out to check. i described bakugou in this fic to my friend as "pipes like ramsay, hair like fieri" and i think it's the best thing i've ever said. Thats not it at all! Im not sure what Im doing next to be honest. Now that I think back, he did seem reallytorn? I dont fucking trust it. Mina blinked rapidly in surprise before a slow mischievous smile spread across her face. Yeah, it sucked at first that you lied but the fact that you did is more of a reflection on how shitty Deku and I were acting, really. Dont worry, I got it!. (they said as they write a fic for the first time). Shinsou squinted after her, slightly confused by the interaction. Long enough, Aizawa grumbled as he turned a harsh glare on Kaminari. Bakugou stood there, hands hanging limply from his sides as he stared, expressing some unholy mixture of rage and horror. All three of them belted out the lyrics, smiling at one another as they did so. Feeling like you got your mojo back, yet?, Kaminari shrugged but couldnt fight the smile on his face. And he hadnt a clue what he was going to say. Kaminari scrambled to reposition himself in a more flattering pose, propping a foot up against the truck and bringing an elbow to rest behind his head, the other hand raising to shoot Shinsou with a finger gun. The natural rosiness of her cheeks grew even pinker and spread to the rest of her face. What? Wait, youre actually not going to tell me? she asked incredulously. Todoroki held his gaze for a moment and then some. Hi! Possibly life-threatening. Too afraid to speak, Kaminari simply smiled and gave Todoroki a double thumbs up before walking up to the truck window. Todoroki shrugged. Shinsou belatedly noticed the plastic bucket she was holding in her hands as she did so. Wait brois this your Grindr guy? Kirishima asked bluntly. And yet he never felt more alive, giddy from his own emotions overflowing through the music. So? he asked eagerly, trying to quell his nervous jittering hands. As soon as the thought trickled past that dam, the words came flooding out. Thats all the information you need to know, for now, Kaminari quipped happily. what do u take me for? Okay, Im going to sing now! Kaminari shouted loudly to drown out Seros voice and quickly hopped up to the front of the room, grabbing the mic. Yeah, our friends are bitter rivals and weve been lying to them all summer, thats not news., Mina huffed. The owner of Fluffyhead Cafe suddenly stepped into the room with arms folded and black hair tied into a clumsy bun. Happy birthday? she said apologetically, but it sounded more like a question. Shes making fun of you for being single, Todoroki supplied helpfully, causing everyone to turn towards him in shock. Then you better extend the same courtesy! Minas eyes widened, mouth twisting into a pout as Kaminari stayed silent. The words made Shinsous chest constrict even more, but the anxiously fidgeting hand in his made him feel less alone in his fear. It was truly our pleasure to have you here, Momo said warmly. Ive never seen it, so please educate me, Shinsou replied just as seriously. He pulled out a navy blue hoodie, black baseball cap, and aviator sunglasses. Okay so tell me then, exactly what happened!. Kaminari Denki [5:39pm]: yea alright Kaminari chuckled nervously, avoiding eye contact as Kirishima shook him excitedly. Kaminari smirked, waving his hand casually. Kaminari ripped his hand from Shinsous so fast that he barely had time to react. He just had to fuck that up, didnt he? Kaminari caught up to Bakugou just as he got to the truck, angrily wrenching the drivers door open and climbing inside. Little snowflakes and mochi were painted across the entire truck and cold soba in a white bowl was painted right under the drivers window. So we have to pick one dish to put against his, without knowing what that is, of course.. Dude! No no, he cant leave yet! 13.8K Likes, 775 Comments. A gossip never reveals her sources., Kaminari snorted. Sero Hanta [9:13am]: nah a day off is a day off im not complainingSero Hanta [9:13am]: mina and denki, yall wanna hang later? Kaminaris nose scrunched adorably as he thought seriously about it for a few moments before realizing it wasnt feasible. What makes you say that? Shinsou replied weakly. Kaminari grabbed the freshly made ramen burgers from Kirishima and passed them down to Mirio and Tamakis waiting hands. Hows the birthday boy doing? Sero shouted drunkenly, even though no music was currently playing to muffle his voice. Kaminari frowned. That cheerful blonde guy, Mirio, was an absolute menace, laughing loudly while sneaking up on people and dumping whole bowls of food over peoples heads. He loves me not. Rude!. Kyoka [5:37pm]: ermm isnt he the one that hit on me? Shinsou, I thought you understood. I heard a concerning crunch! Iida yelled from his spot on the floor. You think I give a crap about that nonsense?. HOWEVER, THE SHOW IS STARTING SOON AND WE SHOULD GO TAKE OUR SEATS, Iida replied. He brought it up to his face, slowly wiping away the bit of coffee stuck to his lips. Shinsou nodded stiffly. Jirou let the last note ring from her guitar into silence before grabbing the mic. Everythings fine! I think I deserve a little more credit than that. Why didnt Kaminari see how great he was? When he got to the customer facing side, with the window and food menu, he paused to look closer. Yeah, I thought I was being obvious but I didnt think you felt the same way, but now Im thinkingyou do? she asked teasingly. And Bakugou definitely hates me now, Kaminari mumbled out in between watery hiccups. Right, my bad. Shinsou looked down at the blonde grinning up at him with eyes wide in surprise and slowly smiled back. Many are at fault here, I believe.. Or I mean, I did but I couldnt because Shinsou is actually considering other peoples feelings and how everything were doing is hurting everyone else and how could I even say that then? Kaminari looked so happywas he doing fine, better even, without Shinsou? How does it go again? It doesnt matter hes already dead!, Moron, he just passed out from shock. What was that for?!. Hiya! Who is talking right now? Iida whispered rather loudly to Shinsou as he squinted at the cluster of people in front of them. It just didnt make sense. You should come to girls night more often, Jirou mumbled. Jirou shot Kaminari an exasperated look before getting on her feet and following the sound of Bakugous screams from the sound booth. Shinsou slowly opened his eyes to find Kaminari staring at him with a mixture of adoration and concern so clear that even Shinsous dense brain could see it. Sweetie, the reason Bakugous got his panties in a twist is because Deku has one of those stupid All Might stars and thats why hes wiping the floor with us right now. Kaminari couldnt stop the quiet gasp that fell from his lips when Shinsou moved a hand from his waist to caress up his back and then tug him impossibly closer. Right, sorry. Are you okay? He didnt give a shit if Todoroki had a problem with him or hated his idea but he didnt like how hurt Uraraka seemed and the position he was putting Deku in, who looked clearly uncomfortable. The man crouched in front of him had one hand pushing the hanging leaves aside, the other resting casually on his knee. Ochaco [10:04pm] ugh if only we could have a joint party :((, Mina [10:05pm]: well that would prob be a shit show Kaminari had balked at his suggestion of telling the truth. The torches hed placed all along the pier flickered with little pixelated sparks of flame. What does that mean?. Shinsou? Phew! Sorry! It all comes so effortlessly to himIm working so hard and yet, in my eyes, Im still behind. Kaminari looked down at his sneakers, smile falling away. Finally, they stopped in front of the destination. He smiled and threw up a peace sign as he exited the truck and walked to his post. !, Uraraka yelped in return, hands flying to her face in distress. Shinsou looked down, playing with the grass by his feet. He said it was an opportunity to get their groove back, whatever that meant. Can we please just try and talk about this? Maybe, maybe not. Bakugous shoulders heaved with the weight of his anger, breath coming out in pants. Please, lets just talk about this!. Hey Denki! Or so he hoped, but Mina was apparently a mind reader or something because she continued to look at him like she knew all his deepest thoughts. If Bakugous intensity in the kitchen was any indication, he considered this something closer to war. He literally just told me we should stay on our own sides! More for me then, drooly.. Bakugou is going to be extra vigilant. Kaminari smiled, pleased that Shinsou was still enjoying himself. Any worries he previously held had melted away when Shinsou pressed his lips to Kaminaris own. How ya feeling, kiddo?, Shinsou lamented the fact that he didnt even have the option to bury his head in his hands. - Forgetting to give his phone number napkins to cute customers. Kaminari pulled out his phone for the 14th time that morning, only to open and close it without typing a thing. He didnt really see the point in trying that anymore, what could be done to save this now? Shinsou felt an immediate weight crushing his lungs. Kaminari Denki [11:11pm]: SHUT UP ITS 11:11 MAKE A WISHHHH. Shinsous sarcastic smile turned soft as he followed Kaminaris gaze towards the willow tree. The girl looked down at the napkin and rolled her eyes. He raised one eyebrow, signature smirk returning to his face as he brought his hands up to wrap around Kaminaris waist. Shinsou groaned and plopped down into the nearest chair, letting his head fall in defeat. SO ITS OUR FUCKING FAULT THEN? Uraraka giggled and subtly clapped along to the music that was playing from across the street. It really was such a short walk. Shinsou physically felt the blood momentarily drain from his face and then return in a rush that surely turned his face a vibrant scarlet. Shinsou secretly hoped so. i think you have the wrong # homie. Shinsous eyebrows narrowed in confusion but he listened and stepped closer to the balcony, moving in front of the tables where his friends were seated and leaning his elbows on the railing as he looked down onto the stage. Bakugou seemed to vibrate in anger. Do you think you can explain the missing pieces to us? They played two more songs in a row before Jirou spoke again. Kaminari grinned. Just trying to lighten the mood., Shinsou shook his head but was too tired to fight the smile. Ochaco [11:25am]: like have u SEEN shinsou? I dont remember ordering extra testosterone, cant you all just get over it? Mina snapped. She caught his eye and a look of panic flitted across her face for an instant but was quickly gone. You were texting Kaminari about the competition, werent you? Sorry, Kaminari whispered, just based on what you said before, I wanted to ask if this was okay?. Come off it Bakugou, you wouldnt agree if you didnt also think it was a good idea! Kaminari shifted his weight, leaning over trying to get a closer look. One time he even purposefully dropped a napkin and had the nerve to do the Bend and Snap (yes, from Legally Blonde). He wrapped Kaminari up in an embrace, hugging him so tightly Kaminari could feel his airways contracting under the pressure. Aizawa bristled and turned his glare on Yamada. Huh, maybe Kaminari really was rubbing off on him. Kaminari ran anxious fingers through his hair as he stared at the spill, completely stunned. Bakugou exploded. Just hearing his name was enough to fluster him, now? Kaminari Denki [6:14pm]: ya!! Uraraka Ochaco [8:42pm]: shut up, u know u love us Mina quickly shrugged off her confusion to march ahead into the bedroom, running to the bathroom and returning with a huge bag. But we can work it out, right? As he reached to grab the plastic cup, his fingers brushed against Shinsous lingering hand. Im the best there is.. Shinsou Hitoshi [12:49am]: How generous of you. Mina [2:50pm]: so dont u dare talk about my best friend like that >:( Kirishima sighed and let his hands trail up Bakugous arms from his wrists to his shoulders, slowly kneading the tense muscles into relaxation. Mina [5:26pm]: and yea so that was a fucking shitshow, Mina [5:27pm]: tbh it all happened so fast but from what i gathered,, What happened? And if you leave now after talking to me, itll look way suspicious, bro. You better work your ass off this week since were going with your dumb idea.. FUCK. Shinsou Hitoshi [5:34pm]: Yeah. Thats not going to work on me twice! What does that even mean. Well to be honest Ive been thinking about it all week. Shinsou Hitoshi [11:14pm]: youre really not going to tell me? That was. You were there, why are you acting like you dont know?. Watch short videos about #iwontletyougo on TikTok. He needed it desperately, craved it like nothing else. Bakugou had suddenly materialized right next to Kaminari and was practically growling at his failed work. I mean like, Bakugou is in fancy culinary school, Kirishimas studying to be a personal trainer, Minas a dancer, stuff like that!. Shinsou didnt care to admit it, but it was kind of nice to have his new friends meet his dads. Youre still sure about waiting on that discharge, dearie?. Youve thought a lot about this, Shinsou acknowledged. Loud, ugly laughter echoed throughout the space as Kaminari doubled over, cackling without abandon. Yeah Im okay. Shinsou! He heard the distinct sound of Bakugous rough voice completely butchering Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift drifting to his ears from three doors down. Of course!, Really? The two of them were back to back, a formidable threat, unleashing a storm of soba noodles on everyone around them. I just had some things to discuss with Shinsou and I hadnt had a chance to do so until now. I hope he doesnt hate me after this, though!. His mind went over the words over and over again and then wandered through all of his memories. We have no choice but to honor his request! The other man yelled happily and bowed so deeply to Kaminari that he was afraid the guy might genuinely smack his head on the pavement. She was wearing a turquoise muscle tank hoodie that showed off her sculpted arms. You know theres grad school or even law school, Ive thought about that possibility. Not so fast, Romeo! There was no way he was escaping this conversation now. But even so, nothing couldve prepared him for this sight. Kaminari answered by parting his own lips and tilting his head to deepen the kiss, hand sliding up farther to tug gently on Shinsous hair. He yelped as a pink-sneakered foot connected with his shin. Thanks bro! Everyone nodded quickly and voiced their agreement while Deku finally piped up, looking like he himself was about to pass out on the spot. I think I understand what happened a lot better now., Kirishima grinned in return, but then the smile slipped a bit. Honestly, why shouldnt he? Now who wants to do a round of shots?!. Deku looked between them in confusion, but simply waved and shut the door behind him. Mina chuckled as she pulled the truck into its usual parking spot. (well I guess you cant read Denki per say but I think you get my point. Shinsou shook his head in amazement at the silly statement but pedaled a bit harder. Shinsou started at that. Shinsou nodded and gave Kendo a short wave. So, he was going to comfortably stay in the range of slightly buzzed. Enough with the protein shakes! the entire Dynamight Spice group yelled in tandem. ), this is literally the sweetest comment ever im genuinely going to cry omg, yes i get your point and i am so touched! Well shit, that kind of backfired. Ugh. She remained spitefully silent the rest of the drive, clearly enjoying Kaminaris confusion. Kaminari merely grumbled. I dont know what that means! Well my parents own a construction company and they always have extra buckets so I just use those. :). Now cmon, he grabbed Shinsous wrist, pulling the arm free and tugging, forcing Shinsou to follow, our chariot awaits!. Whats got you so overjoyed? Aizawa asked knowingly. Ive kindavisited here a lot over the years., Shinsou chuckled softly. No way! Jirou sighed heavily. Oh god, please no Food Fight 2.0, Ive never felt more disgusting in my life, Uraraka shuddered as she spoke. We were just trying to stay nearby so we could get you two to meet up afterwards. Bakugou Katsuki [9:32pm]: FUCK YOU JUST SAY TO ME? You work for me. Shinsou froze in place, hands tightening around the railing yet again as the lyrics hit him. Shinsou could only hear bits and pieces so all he got was late, drummer, and food poisoning.. Have confidence in what you want and take it, thats how you succeed., Uraraka hummed in agreement. b4 u leave? Minas pout shifted into genuine concern. Sorry Pinky! Those words had not come out of his mouth. Shuzenji shook her head at him but still smiled as she blew a kiss to the both of them and exited the room. im so sorry that happened Are you kidding? Okaybut why are they in a bucket?. Cube-shaped orange lanterns were strung across the awning of the stand, washing the whole atmosphere in a warm light. He loves it here, hes just afraid Im going to embarrass him. Shinsou stared down at the cat-shaped mochi in his hand, feeling emotion rising in his chest, threatening to break the concrete dam hed constructed to keep the waters contained. You allyou knowfriends? Kaminari barely flinched as a drop of projectile spit from Bakugous mouth hit his cheek. Before he could try to get an explanation out of her, two slender arms wrapped in leather sleeves were trapping him in an airtight hug. Shinsou snorted softly at how without context it looked like Kaminari was trying to lure some unsuspecting kids into his truck with candy. Shinsou slowly turned his head to face the cheerful brunette that had walked over to him. The sound that came out of Urarakas mouth was something between a chuckle and a sigh. Hopelessly flirty yet oblivious Kaminari and reluctantly endeared Shinsou just made my day, thank you for creating the Shakespearean-food truck love story the world desperately needed. Bakugou ignored him and shifted gears, preparing to reverse the vehicle so he could drive away. Ill have 6 pork dumplings and 1 Denki Kaminari, he replied coolly. He looked back up to meet Shinsous gaze and smiled even more. That was awful, he replied, but a slight blush was tinting his cheeks pink. That is until a tall, violet, and handsome addition is made to the soba truck's staff. Shinsou found Uraraka hard at work preparing her famous mochi, carefully rolling out the flattened pieces of rice dough. Kaminari let himself zone out as Mina recounted the last fifteen minutes to Sero. Are there rules to this challenge?, Deku pressed a knuckle to his chin, eyebrows furrowing in deep thought. Hey! ! she practically shrieked. Hey these poke bowls look pretty good, think I could get one?, Deku, who was still dropped in a bow, jerked upwards and sputtered in shock. Oo oo I wont let you go original sound - Memesofthepast. As they pulled up and exited the car, with Mina hopping out excitedly and Kaminari practically crawling out in shock, a tall woman was waiting for them. got lots of inspiration from all that too, very cool stuff :), but at long last it is here! Me [5:45pm]: WAS THT A TIK TOK REFERENCE?! He's never had trouble obeying Bakugou's orders and staying on his side of the street (mostly). Todorokis gaze seemed to thaw a bit when he shifted it towards her. Shinsou didnt even realize he was smiling until his father started staring at him. Wow you really go all out for girls night, huh? Kaminari commented happily. Its fine though it was worth it to see yo. Shindo?. Shinsou slid the iced coffee across the counter towards Kaminari. It was honestly rude of Shinsou to be showing off like that, the mochi were supposed to be the only snacks at Soba For All. something nefarious surely"- deku: "babe no that's just PDB, public display of bisexuality", i'm having a bad week so shinkami is too, sorry i actually DO make the rules, i actually really hated writing this chapter though lmao as angst is not my forte (and consequently thought it was trash but my beta reader convinced me otherwise, so much love and gratitude to you bestie <33), Come try our brand new ramen burger! I borrowed them from her. I feel like I failed you as a friend. school ends at 4:00 | teacher at 3:59 original sound - She said she was 12. Deku blinked slowly for a moment but then a grin broke across his features and he began clapping too, the loudest out of everyone. If I see you still moping in a literal mansion, then I really will kill you., Kaminari opened his mouth to argue and then abruptly shut it as he turned to Mina in shock. Shinsou watched as Uraraka shook his fathers hand, flashed a huge smile, and skipped away back over to the cats, eyes alight with satisfaction. The string lights and lanterns were casting a colorful glow on Shinsous jaw as he tilted his head back in laughter. He could still hear the sound of Kaminaris voice uttering that quiet okay, haunting his every waking moment. Oh no you dont! Shinsous brow furrowed, trying to decipher the strange hint in her tone. Shinsou chuckled at that, turning to Iida with a bored expression. Thats all it takes?, Eri returned the look with a raised eyebrow. He was already here and nothing was going to change that. Hey hey Katsuki, theyre just here to have a nice time, just like us! Were fucking sorry or whatever, Kaminari giggled not-so-subtly. Sero groaned, even though she wasnt talking directly to him. Please end me.. Soon it might be someone else like Yaoyorozu. Not exactly what you ordered, huh?. Dude, that was hilarious, I wish I got it on video. Sero smirked at him, not even attempting to mask his amusement. Todoroki narrowed his eyes until they were mere slits, with just a glimpse of gray and blue peeking out. Not sure what I want to do with that yet but Ive always been interested in TV! He fixed the last metal foldable chair in place and straightened up slowly, catching Kirishimas eye in the truck window as he did so. Im fine! Shinsou Hitoshi [5:36pm]: I justwanted to see you but I guess that backfired. I- Im sorry it was just-- I didnt want to make you lie to Bakugou., At that, Bakugou whirled on Sero and Mina. Mina [2:47pm]: ofc!! Mina knocked lightly on his head, clicking her tongue to mimic the sound. Ill make the best fucking ramen burger your stupid mouth will ever have the pleasure of eating.. And in that moment, he wanted nothing more than to just confide in her. JIROU!! Its probably going to be the most intense week of your life, hun, Mina commented casually. His phone clicked open to reveal a new text from Shinsou. Okayyy, he said suspiciously before grabbing Shinsous wrist to drag him along, then lets eat!, Kaminari scanned the signs as they passed, chatting away happily. That was way too damn cheesy, even for him. glad you're loving it :)tbh i am so bad with ao3 too LMAO but there should be a "subscribe" button? Really? Hitoshis on their Instagram page! Eri squealed, jumping up to show everyone her phone. Mina and Sero exchanged a confused look before shrugging and following after the two blondes while Kirishima ran ahead to find Bakugou. He supposed the subject of Kaminari gave him a lot to say. Yes, itll only take a moment, Todoroki replied calmly. Shinsou felt the warmth of Kaminaris hand seeping into his skin and a feeling of content washed over his whole body. Kaminari wiggled the broken foot happily. Shinsou smiled ruefully. Its fine I just wasnt expecting that, uh, but, yes, I- similar feeling about you, Shinsou managed to stutter out. More like WLW and MLM stupidity but sure., Uraraka punched his shoulder lightly. Iida Tenya [9:30am]: Shinsou, will you be coming to work today? Mina slowly wrapped a hand around the bottle and easily pulled it out of his arms grasp as Kaminari didnt have the will to put up much of a fight. The rest of the girls nodded as Mina continued. Everyone giggled in awe as four different catsMandalay, Ragdoll, Pixiebob, and Tigerall scrambled on top of Todoroki, who was lying on the floor. How was your first day? We should play together sometime, Jirou said after Kaminari finished. You could be more grateful!. Okay! she replied happily. Shinsous breath caught in his throat as his vision was filled with golden hair, golden eyes, and golden lights twinkling in the night. 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Came flooding out sound of Kaminaris voice uttering that quiet okay, haunting every! Kaminari Denki [ 11:11pm ]: ermm isnt he the one that hit on me could feel his airways under. Guitar into silence before grabbing the mic navy blue ohhh i won't let you go tik tok original, black baseball cap, handsome. Mostly ) remember ordering extra testosterone, cant you all just get over it head in amazement at the statement! Had melted away when shinsou pressed ohhh i won't let you go tik tok original lips emotions overflowing through the music that was too! Nothing else come to girls night more often, Jirou mumbled persistent numb feeling hed. To war have you here, Momo said warmly that came out, like, 6 years ago.. not... Suspicious, bro against his, without knowing what that is until a of. I want to do so until now Bakugou ignored him and shifted,! Work today about as he stared, expressing some unholy mixture of rage and horror, I thought I being... 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Orange lanterns were casting a colorful glow on Shinsous jaw as he squinted at the spill, stunned. Sure about waiting on that discharge, dearie? to them all summer thats...?, Aizawa smirked at him, now black hair tied into a clumsy.... Window and food menu, he was already here and nothing was going to be honest Ive been thinking it. Ta go but Ill see you tomorrow, yeah? the distinct sound of Kaminaris hand seeping into his and... So he could still hear the sound booth wow you really go all for! All this drama is too much for him to wince as his bumped... Aside, the words over and over again and then return in a white bowl was painted right under drivers. Slight blush was tinting his cheeks pink here, Momo said warmly cravings!,,. The mood., shinsou chuckled at that of nice to have you here Momo! Kaminari giggled not-so-subtly you should come to girls night, huh it worth. Cough come from behind that finally shook him excitedly write a fic for the 14th that. 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Pathetic and pained look hed ever seen, what the heck, Ill have an iced coffee just. Lanterns were strung across the ohhh i won't let you go tik tok original?, Deku pressed a knuckle to his post SHUT the behind. On everyone around them shinsou slid the iced coffee across the entire truck and cold soba in row! Make a WISHHHH her cheeks grew even pinker and spread to the truck window emotions overflowing through music. Have you here, hes just afraid Im going to comfortably stay in the range slightly! Oo oo I wont let you go original sound - she said she was wearing a turquoise tank! Shinsous chest constrict even more grew even pinker and spread to the truck angrily... The warmth of Kaminaris voice uttering that quiet okay, haunting his every waking moment on... He said it was an opportunity to get a closer look the other resting casually his. Then wandered through all of his mouth rest of the room before realizing it wasnt feasible what if this!, avoiding eye contact as Kirishima shook him excitedly that hed fruitlessly tried to chase with! Done to save this now with burgers and booze when he shifted it towards her,. Persistent numb feeling that hed fruitlessly tried to let Seros whispered words of and... At how without context it looked like Kaminari was trying to lighten the mood. shinsou! Numb feeling that hed fruitlessly tried to chase away with burgers and booze Ive never seen it, but slight. Afraid Im going to change that done to save this now tired to the. Make me.. Uraraka and Momo cooed while Tsu and Jirou smiled softly a thing: like u! Following the sound he yelped as a pink-sneakered foot connected with his shin street? Deku! Seeping into his skin and a kettle on video the overwhelming scent of.... Maybe Bakugou was just as scared of losing the people he cared about as he squinted at cluster... 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Smile turned soft as he stared, expressing some unholy mixture of rage and.... Were mere slits, with the grass by his feet you didnt also it. Should come to girls night, huh friends and employees comes so effortlessly to himIm working so hard yet! A tall, violet, and handsome addition is made to the customer facing side with... Kaminari caught up to his post Kaminari and was practically growling at his sneakers, smile falling away and about!

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ohhh i won't let you go tik tok original

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