how to find original tweet from reply
To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. The person can see what tweet prompted your reply by clicking the In Reply To link at the bottom of your tweet to him.
Even though the page is now considered the Mentions page, some Twitterers still call them @replies.
\nYou can send an @reply to someone by just typing the @ symbol and, without a space, his username. As mentioned above, TweetDeleter lets you delete your old tweets quickly and easily. When I do find it my tweet isn't even there but I am still getting likes on the tweet. If you really want to reply to a specific tweet, you're usually better off clicking the Reply icon.
\nIf someone opens your Twitter profile page, they can see all your tweets, including @replies. In this case, were looking for tweets between the start and end of 2016. Go to Streams, and then select the It will display a list of replies that the Twitter user has concealed. Why hasn't the Attorney General investigated Justice Thomas? OpenAI started a bug bounty program on April 12, offering between $200 and $20,000 to ethical hackers who find vulnerabilities in the code. The near: addition filters out exactly where you want to see tweets from. Such searches are generally categorized as positive, negative, and neutral. This includes all tweets, likes, follows, and other data associated with your account. Copyright 2023 ec Estudio Integral. It's easy to find quoted replies and retweets on Twitter. I would also like to clarify that I know that some people have their account set to private, but I doubt all 49 of those people have it set to priv So like this weirdos response is in my twitter feed but I cant figure out what the post is he wrote that to: I cant click anything more except his name, and that doesnt take me to the post (this is on PC if that matters). Its a great tool to get rid of offensive or outdated tweets quickly. If you're using Twitter for iPhone or Android, you can also click the share icon (the icon to the immediate right of the heart icon). % of people told us that this article helped them. Sci-fi episode where children were actually adults. How embarassing! We can also search for another persons tweets during the same timeframe by adding OR from:[Twitter handle] after my name. Is a copyright claim diminished by an owner's refusal to publish? These websites allow you to delete all your old tweets in one go. If you are looking at it from your notifications, sometimes you gotta click on the tweet (if all else fail, clicking on the time stamp works). Step 5 But your @replies will appear in other Twitterers' timelines only if they follow both you and the Twitterer you're replying to. Then add my account to the accounts section. How you approach your Twitter search depends on the information youre seeking. I want to get original tweet from replies, not replies from original tweet. Simply enter the tweets URL into the Wayback Machine, and you should be able to find it. is a website about exciting startup stories and inspiring entrepreneur journeys. Point your cursor over their twitter profile image and click on it to see their profile. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. WebHow to use advanced search. The only way to do that would be to get the, How to get the original tweet of a given reply, The philosopher who believes in Web Assembly, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI. When he tweets I send reply, but it doesn't appear in the expanded tweet but other people's tweets are appearing and always the same people's tweets appear. If your original parameters werent narrow enough, you can easily add more to the existing Twitter search. It has been one of Twitters most divisive features to date. Keep up with tech in just 5 minutes a week! Maybe you tweeted something inappropriate, or you just want to start fresh. Best of all, TweetDeleter lets you keep your deleted tweets on their app. Scroll until you find the tweet you want to respond to. 2023 Techstory Media Pvt Ltd Contact :, A guide on Getting Pet Overlord in Pet Simulator X, A guide on Redeeming Old Navy Super Cash Online. How can I make the following table quickly? As a data-driven investigative journalist on the software and services team, she reviewed VPNs, password managers, antivirus software, anti-surveillance methods and ethics in tech. You may not want other users to see them anymore, but you can re-read them whenever you want. Ohhh OK, I got half of that. Tip: Sometimes, at the end of that 19-digit string of numbers, you'll see a question mark followed by more letters, numbers and symbols. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. 2. All youve got to do is add the - symbol before a keyword, filter, or Twitter user. If you just do your reply manually (as opposed to clicking the Reply icon on a specific tweet that you want to reply to), your reply won't be linked to any particular tweet. WebAlso from another account you can then find that tweet with this one and comment via a reply tweet to their original tweet. I JUST figured it out (I'm on Android), click on the reply and scroll the page down, it was there all along! :O 2 things can be true: 1. Step 1, Log into your Twitter account. WebFrom the Original Tweet, all comments and replies can be accessed from Inspect Post > Conversation Tab. The person can see what tweet prompted your reply by clicking the In Reply To link at the bottom of your tweet to him.
Even though the page is now considered the Mentions page, some Twitterers still call them @replies.
\nYou can send an @reply to someone by just typing the @ symbol and, without a space, his username. Have been retweeted (not always the case). Samsung is trolling Apple for not having a flip phone, How To Get Pet Overlord in Pet Simulator X, Faraday Future pushes back deliveries of FF91 Futurist EV. If you want my team to just do your marketing for you, click here. Enter your password, then click Request archive. Youll get a notification when your .ZIP file is ready to download. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Heres how it will work: while composing the new tweet, choose which older tweet you want to connect the new tweet to. There are more options on the app, though they sometimes change based on current events. In version 2 of the Twitter API, you can use the conversation_id operator to find replies to an original Tweet - but it is a bit less simple if you only have the middle or The reason for this is that you wont get shown images until you choose a day or time for the snapshot. Tweeting regularly is a great way to grow your personal brand and your business, but it can also make it hard to keep track of what you said. This will push your reply to all of your followers' timelines. Take hide replies.. If you look at your reply, or your tweet that was liked, or your tweet that was retweeted. You need it to say tweet at the top, then click th Go to the original tweet, and look at the URL in your browser's address bar. Lets say we want to see what I said about link building in 2016. For example, if you want to find Twitter users talking about smartphones, but you dont want to see tweets from a competitor (lets say Samsung), just search for smartphone -samsung. Dystopian Science Fiction story about virtual reality (called being hooked-up) from the 1960's-70's, New external SSD acting up, no eject option. See this guide for details on creating a Twitter Lets dive in! Finding my first tweet is as simple as going back to the advanced search feature and applying the following filters: Twitters search doesnt list the tweets in chronological order, but it is easy to see what my first tweet was. Brittany Leaning writes about social media strategy for HubSpot’s 1.6 million readers and has managed accounts for several well-known brands.
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