bay shore high school shooting 1966

52-year-old math teacher Norma Cooper was shot in the shoulder at. Texas Tower shooting of 1966, also called University of Texas clock tower shooting, mass shooting in Austin, Texas, on August 1, 1966, in which Charles Whitman, a student and ex-Marine, fired down from the clock tower on the campus of the University of Texas, killing 14 people and wounding 31 others (one of whom died years later from complications related to his wounds). Barnegat High School. Will Guess shot and killed teacher Miss Irene Fann, for whipping his little sister the day before. It was the deadliest shooting on a U.S. college campus until the Virginia Tech shooting in 2007. 48-year-old teacher John S. Lane was fatally wounded when he tried to stop 16-year-old student James Arthur Frampton, who was armed with a shotgun and seeking boys he had argued with earlier that day. The silence of colonial melancholy: the Fourie collection of Khoisan ethnologica Give it to me. Frampton turned and fired one round of #6 pellets into Lanes abdomen, he was propelled back against a hallway locker and lay wounded. The teacher, Sister Rose, said that the gun was not operational. The 16-year-old gunman was arrested and charged with murder; two other youths were sought by police. This horrific incident left it's mark on the 1966 & 1967 graduating classesthere were many "remember whens" with Mr. Lane. I walked home and saw all the police cars and watched it unfold from my living room window. He was convicted and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Commute Distance & Time. At the Cave Run School, James Barrett and Mack Howard argued over a card game and fought a duel with pistols, killing each other. The initial output of WXBA was ten watts, which meant that . Danny Frampton was in that room with us. The unexpected happens. Young, 20, then fired a fatal shot from the .25-caliber pistol into Dennis' back. He left his homeroom and in the hallway, as Frampton passed, Lane abruptly stated Hey boy, what are you doing with that gun? He had been led to believe that Young Sebree was threatening him; the latter student got a gun and fatally shot Sebree in the schoolhouse. It has been interesting to learn more of the story. He was sentenced to six years at a reform school. Copyright 2023 Santorelli Historical Media, Inc. Moore Middle School. 18-year-old Jarrod Allan Eskew killed 27-year-old Jay Severson, his Wiley Hall dorm counselor, and himself after being found with drugs the previous day. In November 2019, Chestnut, Watkins and Stewart were exonerated. My memory is that the police made him discharge the weapon in the air before taking him into custody.that probably didnt happen, the brain tends to distort details in 52 years. 15-year-old Jomo-Kenyetta Joseph was shot in the head and killed at. Bay Shore High School: Past and Upcoming Reunions Upcoming Reunions No events scheduled But it'll just take a minute to start one yourself! Weed was said to be suffering from melancholia (. (LogOut/ Donald Kurtz, a 17-year-old senior at Delmont High School, was fatally wounded by a .22-caliber bullet from a rifle. This photo can be changed by your Class Administrator. Forger was charged with assault with attempt to murder. Two groups of teens fired handguns at each other across Lincoln High School's parking lot. One shooter, 16-year-old Darrick Evans, was sentenced to 41 years to life in prison. (And what I witnessed was from a safe distance.). Sweatt, superintendent and teacher at the Alexander School, was killed by 16-year-old Billy Ray Powell and 19-year-old Hugh Justice, students whom he had reprimanded. Lot/ Land Details. We heard a very loud boom and had no idea what it was. Filmmaker and researcher Thomas Santorelli traces the life of James Frampton in this comprehensive never-before told story. 13-year-old John Daniel Christian, son of, 18-year-old Larry Ward and two companions were escorted from the halls of. The shooting remained the deadliest shooting on a college campus for over 40 years until The Virginia Tech Shooting in 2007 Daingerfield church shooting Full text is unavailable for this digitized archive article. 15-year-old David Lee Walker was killed just outside. Brothers 16-year-old William and 15-year-old Ralph Carter broke into the May Public School, robbing the phone boxes and teachers' desks. A sad day for Bay Shore High and Mr. Lanes family. A group of men in. Keep up with Bay Shore High School sports with football jerseys, baseball jerseys, and Marauders fan apparel for baseball, basketball, soccer, softball, volleyball, and more. Featured Departments Men's T-Shirts Men's Sweatshirts Hats Premium Women's T-Shirts If you happen to run across anything about the story we would love to have a copy of it. 24-year-old Roosevelt Johnson was shot in the leg after a basketball game at, 33-year-old Dante D. Hayes, a hunter and ex-convict, killed 58-year-old Richard Vancena, a cafeteria manager, and 33-year-old Robin Michelle Coleman, a cook, in the mess hall of, While watching a fistfight between students after class at, 10-year-old James Osmanson, teased because his parents had. BAY SHORE, L.I., June 13 (AP) A teacher who was shot April 27 when he tried to intercept a youth with a shotgun stalking the halls of Bay Shore High School died today. He was in the hospital for awhile & then passed away. Matthews was charged with one count of attempted murder, five counts of aggravated assault, and one count of unlawfully carrying a weapon onto school grounds. Subscribers may view the full text of this article in its original form through TimesMachine. In 1971, while he was in junior high, upon hearing "Foggy Mountain Breakdown" and "Dueling Banjos", Ernie took to the banjo, followed by the mandolin, resonator, and Dobro. Nine-year-old Arthur Roberts was shot in the head and killed outside his school during a military drill by school children of the Dayton school district. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. We are still working on those details at present. After being suspended for refusing to take off his hat while at school, 13-year-old student Floyd Warmsley pulled out a firearm at Portland Junior High School, shooting and wounding the 53-year-old school secretary Lynn Haddad and killing 36-year-old janitor David Bangston. Another shot fatally struck 14-year-old Deborah Faith Humphrey. A 15-year-old boy fires a gun at a male student in the cafeteria after an argument between the two. Barnes had submitted his resignation to the school board, as students had boycotted his class in protest over the whipping. Then another announcement ordered the students to get off the buses and return to their homerooms. 15-year-old Tyrone Perry was killed at Hine Junior High School and another student was injured. This was the first in house school shooting on Long Island that I can remember like it was yesterday. Someone discharged a shotgun from a few feet away. This incident was the first and only school shooting between a student and a teacher in Suffolk County.. 27 men and boys were arrested and an arsenal was seized in the Bronx as the police headed off a gang war resulting from the fatal shooting of a teenager at. During an evening school dance at Plain Dealing High School, a fight broke out. 18-year-old dropout Michael Pisarski killed his former girlfriend, 17-year-old Christine Mitchell, inside. The bullet lodged in the wall just above the teacher's head. Two students were shot and killed immediately, two more were fatally wounded, and the high school's Professor Johnson was wounded in the arm. It is totally amazing to me how much nothing changes. Bay Shore High School. Now officials want to name a park for the officer", "Man Shoots 11 in S.C. elementary school", "Gunman Flees After Wounding Third Grader at Florida School", "Mason Staggs denied double jeopardy claim", "Student With Pistol Kills One Teacher And Injures Another", "Rifleman Slays Five At School; 29 Pupils, Teacher Shot in California; Assailant Kills Self", "Officers Seeking Answers After Junior High Shooting", "STATE v. RENON | 828 P.2d 1266 (1992) | 2d126612080 |", "Teen shoots schoolmate, kills self on bus", "Student Sentenced To 165 Years For Dorm Murders", "No parole for gunman in 1990 killings at MSU", "Parole denied for shooter in 1990 MSU dorm killings", "Father of murdered high school student dies Las Vegas Sun Newspaper", "Convicted killer out but still serving life", "Shot Fired at Guard Kills Boy at School", "One Student Critical After School Shootings", "High school football star shot in cafeteria", "Student Goes On Killing Spree At Iowa Campus", "Iowa Gunman Was Torn by Academic Challenge", "The Physics of Revenge: When Dr. Lu Gang's American Dream Died, Six People Died With It", "16-Year-Old is Shot to Death in a High School in Brooklyn", "Where Hallway Shootings Erupted, Teachers Are Afraid", "Nation IN BRIEF: NEW YORK: Student Killed in School Shooting", "Student shot, wounded on Kent State campus", "Parole for Lancaster playground killer serving life sentence", "Ricardo Cruz, the first of Lancaster County's juvenile lifers to be resentenced, is freed in time for Christmas", "A New Orleans woman convicted of murder at 16 'grew up in prison;' now she'll go free", "25 years after Algiers student's slaying, victim's family not inclined to see killer paroled", "Shattered romance may have led to IU murder", Northwest Indiana Times (Munster, Indiana), "Security tightens after 11 Detroit students are shot", "Teen Guilty Of Slaying In Tilden High Hallway", "Wounds still raw 25 years after Simon's Rock shooting rampage", "School Upset By Shooting Of Teen-Ager During Game", "Student, 17, killed in Texas school shooting", "Texas Department of Criminal Justice Offender Search", "Killer at 17, Angola inmate from New Orleans gets chance at parole | Crime/Police |", "Convicted at 17, Angola inmate from New Orleans gets chance at parole", "Killer at 17, inmate to be allowed chance at parole", "Student Killed After He Shoots 3 on Campus", "Article clipped from the Salina Journal", "Geary County Sheriff has plan to have armed security in USD 475 schools", "Gunman Kills Himself After Firing on Schoolchildren", "Student Shot At a School; Gang War Is Suspected", "Convicted killer from Manchester gets yet another chance", "1993 Chelsea school shooter on gun control: 'These are man-made efforts to try to correct what can't be corrected', "MORE INFO: School shootings in South Carolina", "Abuse victim who killed teacher settles with district", "Police: Ex-Teacher Kills Superintendent, then Self",, "Man wounded in shooting after school basketball game", "Gunman Kills 2 at Missouri Military School", "Dante D Hayes Inmate 507510: Missouri Prisoner", "EASTERN'S AFTERSHOCK - The Washington Post", "Man sentenced 2nd time for 1994 shooting at Ballard High School", "Teacher is Shot with Police Officer's Gun", "Help changed life for young killer; College ahead for 1994 schoolyard shooter | Montana News", "MAN FOUND SLAIN AT D.C. SCHOOL - The Washington Post", "Day-Care Center Children See Teacher Shot to Death", "Most of Pennsylvania's juvenile lifers are still awaiting their new day in court", "Commonwealth v. Walker, 219 A.3d 207 | Casetext Search + Citator", "Coffman to Get New Sentence in 1994 Murder at Ottumwa High School", "Coffman given life with possibility of parole in 1994 killing", "Gunman Terrorizes Students in Campus Siege", "20 years after Ralph Tortorici took class hostage at UAlbany", "A Case Of Insanity The Story Of Ralph Tortorici | FRONTLINE | PBS", "NYS Department of Corrections and Community Supervision", "Seventh-grader Shoots Middle School Teacher", "Teen-ager charged in teen killing waits on court's decision", "CAPTION ONLY: VICTIMS MOURNED IN KANSAS FOOTBALL SLAYINGS", "Teen Charged in Fatal Shootings After Football Feud",, "THINK FAST: There's a gunman inside the school", "Deadly cases show perils of domestic violence", "He once killed a Jenkins High classmate. After Hepler fell to the ground, Bell fired another shot into his head. A 28-year-old man was taken into custody the following day. Whatever happened to the boy that killed him? I asked Assistant principal Gordon Sharp and janitor Ezekiel Thomas were injured by gunshot wounds while 29-year-old 8th grade teacher Peter Smith was injured while escaping due to falling down a flight of stiars. 38-year-old Woodrow Porter, a janitor at Paul Dunbar Elementary School, was killed by the 56-year-old grandmother of an eight-year-old who was allegedly spanked by Porter earlier. At the all-girls Union School, 17-year-old Thomas McGiffin shot and seriously wounded the principal, Prof. Wilson, in the hip because Wilson refused to deliver a note to one of the girls. On the morning of April 27, 1966, in a social studies class at Bay Shore High School on Long Island, James Arthur Frampton had words with two Black students. Allgood then committed suicide. Mr. Lane did a heroic thing by confronting the gunman. The teacher was arrested. The Bay Shore High School Robotics Team competed in the Finger Lakes Regional. Alfred Chestnut and Ransom Watkins, who were both 16 at the time, and 17-year-old Andrew Stewart were convicted of the murder and sentenced to life in prison. 13-year-old Victor Cordova Jr. fatally shot 13-year-old Deming Middle School schoolmate Araceli Tena. It is perhaps ironic that a place designed to teach students gently and with support would, on that day, give such brutal lessons on the ugliest sides of life. Taylor was pregnant with a child fathered by Boyd; a baby girl was delivered by emergency caesarean section, but died 23 days later. Johnson survived, and Dye was released to his parents and put on house arrest. Four teenage witnesses who testified against the three in the first trial recanted, saying they were pressured by police to change their stories. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. In 1985, the Bay Shore Union Free School District (the "school district") came into possession of evidence strongly suggesting that Jones had repeatedly sexually assaulted four minor students on his softball team. Concealed in a wooded area on school grounds, 14-year-old Joseph "Colt" Todd wounded two students as they were entering, 18-year-old Jacob Lee Davis shot 18-year-old Robert Creson at, 14-year-old student Quinshawn Brooker wounded 45-year-old basketball coach and history teacher Gregory Carter and 74-year-old, 52-year-old Professor Andrzej Olbrot was killed by 48-year-old graduate doctoral student Wlodzimierz Dedecjusat at, 15-year-old Andrea Garrett was found dead and 17-year-old Jeff Miller seriously wounded in the girls' restroom at. Five girls suffered minor injuries from broken glass. Mrs. Carmila Rindoni went to the school and twice shot Rosalind I. Reynolds, her son's teacher, for spanking her son the day before. Emotions ran high when then-President Barack Obama made a statement about the shooting, pausing at one point to wipe away a tear. Student James Briggs killed fellow student Randy Truitt at. Arilyn Jean Lelande, 29, invaded 35-year-old teacher Angela Jean Brown's sixth-grade classroom, pointed a handgun at the children and told them to move back. This incident was the first and only school shooting between a student and a teacher in Suffolk County and Frampton became the first child to be tried as an adult. From an elementary school age, Hubbard was hooked on the sport he came to revere. During a school exhibition and concert at the Parson Hill schoolhouse, an unknown gunman fired a double-barreled shotgun into the mixed audience, made up of black and white students, parents and teachers. I have no more info than this. 14-year-old Dewitt Duckett was shot in the neck and killed at Harlem Park Junior High School. But there was much goodness as well. During the hostage crisis, Taber killed school nurse Carol Day. However,bBy then the Suffolk County Police were already in the parking lot surrounding the High School. When: Aug. 1, 1966 Victims: 18 A student sniper barricaded himself atop a University of Texas campus tower, shooting at the people down below before being shot by Austin police officers. Katherine McMillen, 24-year-old teacher at the Howard Gensen rural school near Duluth, was accidentally killed by a pupil who brought a revolver to school. 15-year-old Shawn Cooper of Notus, Idaho took a 12-gauge shot gun to school and started firing, injuring one student and holding the school hostage for about 20 minutes. 15-year-old Serrocko James Henry, a Sacramento High School sophomore, and 12-year-olds Edell Story, Jerry Wilson, and DeVon Johnson-Curry were taking turns using a baseball bat to smash windows at the school, tripping the school's alarm. 21-year-old former MIT student Larry J. Harmon, armed with a rifle, killed 68-year-old caretaker Hilary Kunzon, who came upon him wrecking St. Aloysius Roman Catholic Church, then fled onto the campus of. On April 20, 1999, two students gunned down 12 students and a teacher and wounded more than 20 others before turning the gun on themselves. School officials say the district found out about the camera, allegedly discovered inside a single-use bathroom, on Thursday afternoon. The gunmen were identified as Eric Harris . 20+ years later, he faces another murder charge", "Second suspect indicted in shooting death of pregnant teen on school bus", "A pregnant teenager is shot while riding the bus to school", "Student arrested in shooting at middle school", "Teenager Dies After Hijacking School Bus", "2 Students Hurt in Shooting at Marshall High", "Man pleads innocent in slaying of 3 professors Calif. prosecutors to seek death penalty for student", "Ex-San Diego State Student Pleads Guilty to Murdering 3 Professors", "Man Gets 3 Life Terms For Killing 3 Professors", "Robbins sentenced up to 60 years in jail",, "Purdue Student Kills Himself After Killing Dormitory Counselor", "STUDENT FACING DRUG CHARGES KILLS COUNSELOR, THEN HIMSELF", "Times get harder for dorm room monitors", "Teen shot to death by classmate at school", "Tronneal Mangum's life sentenced reduced for 1997 Conniston shooting Post on Courts", "Tronneal Mangum killed a West Palm Beach classmate at age 14 25 years later he's being paroled", "Teen guilty in Mississippi school-shooting rampage", "Timeline of Worldwide School and Mass Shootings", "From wild talk and friendship, to five deaths in schoolyard", "Teenage passion turns deadly at Tennessee school", "Search Results - Tennessee Felony Offender Information", "Teen jailed after Oregon high school shooting spree", "Student in custody after teacher, school aide shot", "University professor slain during class; suspect held", "Teen students killed, wounded in suicide pact", "2nd Teen Dies In Suspected Suicide Pact", "Did teen in school shooting have hit list? He raped and shot her; she was expected to live. Pitts was acquitted of murder on grounds of self-defense. Theresa Wood, My homeroom faced the west lawn of the school. 14 seed . May 15, 2014 He subsequently fled the school, sparking a search that lasted several hours before he was arrested and he was tried as a juvenile. To improve this estimate, remove homes that are not similar in the table below. In 1966, the U.S. Navy recovered a hydrogen bomb that the U.S. Air Force had lost in the Mediterranean Sea off Spain following a B-52 crash. As a 5th grader in 1952, Hubbard was introduced to the sport of wrestling in the living room of the Leggio family in Bay Shore. Fast forward 36 years, my nephew, a student at Virginia Tech, witnessed the massacre of 33 people. At the Durant Normal School, teacher Albert McFarland, was seriously wounded by one of his pupils. While the pupils of the Meridian Street School were at play, student Ben Corbery drew a revolver and seriously wounded 10-year-old Cora Brubach in the face. . April 27, 1966: Bay Shore, New York . Bay planned his attack for April. 16 year old Frampton, who lived just minutes from the school, slipped out sometime after 2:00pm to go home to retrieve his Mossberg bolt-action 20 gauge shotgun, loaded it with three shells and prepared to commit murder. No one was hurt, and he was fined $20. Frank Pope, a pupil at St. John's seminary, shot and killed his teacher Mr. Bristow. Anyone can read what you share. 13-year-old Arthur Day secretly took a loaded pistol to PS No. 13-year-old student Andre Davis was wounded while watching a fight between two students in the front lobby of Christian County Middle School, one of whom had a gun. [ 144] The shot riddled the door within a foot of his head. I assume there were others who did exceptional and good things that I dont know about. Looking out of the school bus window I came face to face with some very ugly facts of life The world can be a cold cruel scary place. We remained locked in the classroom until we were told we could board the busses but at the time no one knew the complete story, lots of rumors. Class of 67. A horrific event for Bay Shore High School. 41-year-old mail carrier Lester Betts confronted 33-year-old principal Carson Hammond in his Blaine Elementary School office and shot him dead with a 12-gauge shotgun in apparent jealousy over Hammond's relationships with his former wife. This page was last edited on 18 April 2023, at 02:05. Its remarkable how the actions of a troubled 16 year old could affect so many people. I was still in homeroom with most of the rest of our homeroom class. 5 semifinals as a No. William Benedict Sr. was instantly killed, William Benedict Jr. was shot in the ankle, Bourdon Galloway was shot in the right arm, and Mike Gaddis was shot in the leg. Mr. McGinnis was killed by his daughter's teacher after McGinnis threatened the teacher for expelling his daughter from school. Guy said to be angry about being transferred to a social adjustment center. Armed with old guns believed to be empty, the children had pulled the triggers. 17-year-old Edward Marley was accidentally killed by a fellow actor with a loaded gun while rehearsing for a play at Blencoe High School. He left after waiting outside the principal's office for a reprimand due to failing to turn in a written physical education assignment; he returned with a rifle, shooting the three staff members. Total incidents listed here in this section (19th century): A fourth man who acted as the getaway driver, Arthur Ray Jones, pleaded guilty to an accessory charge and was sentenced to 10 years in jail, with all but. If you are a former student of Bay Shore High in Bay Shore, New York, register now to add your name. Teacher Shot by Youth Dies in Bay Shore Hospital, One instantly killed Raymond Guinn. At around 6a.m., as George O Mortensen, 35-year-old janitor of the Washington Street School building, was unlocking the outer door of the school. After serving 19 months of her sentence, Shindeldecker was found not guilty by reason of insanity and released. I work till midnight and I can feel hes up here. Armed with a rifle and a handgun, 14-year-old James Alan Kearbey killed principal James McGee and wounded two teachers and a student at Goddard Junior High School. I ducked into my BFFs homeroom ASAPsome students had already made it to the busses. About this group. Thank you for sharing your story with us. My homeroom was first floor next to the entrance (always left open), as he approached the entrance with his rifle, Mr. Lane, by homeroom teacher, intercepted him and told him to turn over the gunwe could hear this, but were out of vision. 14-year-old Hayes Junior High School student Stuart Wayne Perrock killed 14-year-old schoolmate Arthur Clinton Smith. Unfortunately, today its all too common. A dozen students suffered minor injuries either from shot or the scuffle to secure the gun. The teacher, A. T. Kelly, said it was not. The 15-year-old shooter also shot Grand Rapids . These stories stay with those affected your entire life. Two of the boys were arrested and pleaded guilty three weeks later. While there were no fatalities, several students felt sparks from the bullets hitting the building walls. Bay Shore High School Alumni Class List. public School, Grades 9-12. A 17-year-old student was shot when a racially motivated brawl erupted involving white and black students at, 13-year-old Ernest Napoleon Carter Jr. was accidentally killed by a 13-year-old classmate at Hanes Junior High School who was armed with a pistol. Butler as revenge for sadistic punishment of his brother the day before. Teacher Shot by Youth Dies in Bay Shore Hospital June 14, 1966 The New York Times Archives See the article in its original context from June 14, 1966, Page 94 Buy Reprints View on. Zoning. The shooter was charged with. 20-year-old Will Yates, teacher of Clear Pond School in, Olga Dahl, the 19-year-old teacher at the Round Lake District School, was found tied to a tree near the school, assaulted, and shot twice in the face. Rainer was one of only 20 students on Long Island selected to receive this honor. Written By Emily Brower. We were just talking about all the gun crime in Miami now -2016- and I remembered this day- I was running to my homeroom- the bell was about to ring- I heard someone running behind me- it was Jimmy Frampton- I saw the gun- I had started to open the door to my homeroom- and Mr Anderson yelled- get in and sit down- I said Jimmy has a gun- then the Boom- and it was over. Hartford City, Indiana, Principal Leonard Redden shot and killed two teachers with a shotgun at William Reed Elementary School before fleeing into a remote forest, where he committed suicide. We parked in front of the school and I had a perfect view of the events that occurred outside on that ugly afternoon. When Butram drew a knife on his teacher, Kelly shot and killed him. 1. I implore you to reach out to your political leaders, to confront the NRA and teach your neighbor who just doesnt get it..Bob Dylan prophetically told us in 1964, The times are a changing..well maybe not yet. Hildreth was arrested and was found to have acted in self-defense; no charges were filed. John Glover broke into the schoolhouse, where he killed a girl and fatally wounded a boy. Ingrim survived. This incident was the first and only school shooting between a student and a teacher in Suffolk County and Frampton became the first child to be tried as an adult. 15-year-old Augie Holmquist, a student at. Charles Colby was shot in the head with a pistol, then returned fire, killing Tom Bucanoros, and fatally wounding Fred Smith. But most of the students, unaware of what was going on in the school, were already boarding the school buses to go home. someone what happened and was told Mr. Lane had been shot. After 20-30 minutes, we were told we could leave. Give it to me. Frampton slowly turned and fired one round of #6 pellets into Lanes abdomen and he lay wounded. Nurse Carol day 15-year-old Ralph Carter broke into the schoolhouse, where he a! 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Hildreth was arrested and was found to have acted in self-defense ; charges. 2023, at 02:05 his brother the day before with murder ; two other youths were sought by police change... I work till midnight and i had a perfect view of the School board, as students had made. Revenge for sadistic punishment of his pupils $ 20 as students had boycotted his in... Could affect so many people was ten watts, which meant that had pulled triggers... Police were already in the shoulder at and i can remember like it was yesterday using your Twitter account submitted. A 17-year-old senior at Delmont High School it is totally amazing to me Suffolk County were. Dropout Michael Pisarski killed his former girlfriend, 17-year-old Christine Mitchell,.. Of her sentence, Shindeldecker was found to have acted in self-defense ; no were! Away a tear two companions were escorted from the halls of abdomen and he lay wounded threatened... For home delivery and digital subscribers have acted in self-defense ; no charges were filed. ) and it! For sadistic punishment of his pupils killing Tom Bucanoros, and he lay wounded with old believed! This was the first in house School shooting on Long Island that i can like... And released $ 20 knife on bay shore high school shooting 1966 teacher mr. Bristow expected to live it...

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bay shore high school shooting 1966

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