ron wyatt videos

All this is really funny UNTIL you stop and think that these are actually real adults, spending real money, and wasting real time and lives looking for a supposed boat that carried the world's wildlife for 40 day while the entire planet was underwater. This man has about a dozen of Rons tapes, but he has not sat down and catalogued them, and to do so would necessarily take up a fair bit of time. Bill Fry: Ron, could you speak up? Ron Wyatt: I think we ought to just skip that. Ron traced the earthquake crack, and indeed it was the same crack as the one at the cross hole. At the age of 27 he saw a picture in Life Magazine of the Durupinar site in eastern Turkey. He talks, "The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave." Ron Wyatt: I was going to make an attempt to get some video footage. Ron Wyatt: Right. Ron spent 22 years of his life looking for the sites described in the early writings of the Bible. I guess we will see. Therefore, 23 chromosomes come from the mother and 23 from the father. No. Expdition 2007 1 529 Dec 7, 2016 l'Arche de No et le Dluge Preuves Historiques et Scientifiques 1 588 Dec 7, 2016 l'Arche de No la recherche de l'Arche de No The World to Come Trad. 21 & 22, The Intercessor Trad. And he (or the "Institute") might be claiming more, now, of course. And then I just stood there with the tables of stone, and the angel came and got them, and took them from my hands, and put them on a stone shelf, or ledge, whatever. In each pair of chromosomes, one of the pair is from the mother and the other member is from the father. Discovery News . "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" is a song from Disney's 1994 animated film The Lion King composed by English musician Elton John with lyrics by Tim Rice. May YHVH bless all with the HOLY SPIRIT to discern what is and is not truth, Yes he was, really Gods archaeologist. Steady? This video is part 1 of an event held at Biola University called Part 1 Part 2 [], Records of the Grand Historian Annals of Yin Qi of Yins mother was Jian Di, who was one of the daughters of Yousong and the secondary wife of Emperor Ku. play the audio & video files. The discovery of the deep grain bins near the Saqqara Step Pyramid of Imhotep, who therefore is proven to be identical to the Biblical Joseph, son of Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham, who [], Ancient Patriarchs editors introduction to article below: Wodan or Woden is the early patriarch of many Germanic tribes like the Anglos & Saxons as well as others. ScienceBlogs is a registered trademark of Science 2.0, a science media nonprofit operating under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. But for what its worth Im happy to answer any questions I can about the tape, and what I saw on it. What quality is it? The Romans crucified people there, of course. Friday came from Freyas day, while Saturday came from Saturns Day. And I got a phone call on this that Ill share which was kind of unusual, its one of those things that made me decide to talk about it, to say something about it. to the message Ron Wyatt got, the Ark will be revealed around the time of the institution of the 666 Mark of the Beast. . The new think tank will work to promote science and reason in public policy. . Audio recording of Ron Wyatt just before his death from cancer in August of 1999 regarding his claim/experience in the Ark of the Covenant and the Chamber it was in. Earth's 2.345 BC Axial Tilt & Other Cover-Ups Never Mentioned & Fully Ignored even by 'Alternative' Historians! Ron Wyatt, 1933-1999, at the Gatlinburg Tennessee museum c. 1995. Once I discovered the Temple Institute claims to know exactly where the original Ark of the Covenant is, I have changed my opinion. It's all quite amusing and ridiculous. I was never into amateur video (I worked with B&W 1-inch tape on 12-inch reels) so I couldnt guess which system it was. Sinai As Ron panned round the cave the light moved with the camera; off-centre the edges of the frame were quite dark. The dimensions and character of New Jerusalem that our departed loved ones are already enjoying. Bill Fry: Was it sitting on top of something else? 3:14 Turn, O backsliding children, saith the LORD; for I am married unto you: and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion: Did you see any other object in the cave and if so what were they? NEW GLARUS (WKOW) A New Glarus man is dead after a three-vehicle crash in the village Friday morning, according to the Green County Sheriff's Office. It was only when he viewed the tape afterwards that he saw that the light had covered the Ark for the purpose of the recording. This man is a Spirit-filled believer in the Lord, and is deeply appreciative of the significance of these matters. Well, Ill certainly do it that way. He'll show you a piece of genuine petrified wood from Noah's Ark. Some lists of such discoveries by Wyatt include close to 100 such claims made by him. He supported Ron and contributed significantly to Rons work, so he isnt ignorant. I had done some work prior to this, but my work, uh, apparently, well, just to be perfectly honest, this whole system, if they want you to see and get through, its easy, you know, quick and easy. and then click subscribe, ____________________________________________, ________________________________________________________, Ron Wyatt answers questions from the audience in this 1997, Q & A session. Ron Wyatt: And there is a little bit of conundrum: it wasnt stated as the mark of the beast law, it was stated, when the Sunday law, but I tell people, and I think its wiser to tell people that, since its not lying or deceiving, is that when the mark of the beast law is in force. Noah's Ark Selke Trophy. Yeah, I leaned in and picked the tables of stone and backed away, and they lowered the mercy seat back into position. I did all my getting in the dark, so when the things kind of lighted up, I was really shocked by what I saw, that is the place had been cleaned out, and that there were four people in there. I remember that guy. Bill Fry: This is the wall behind the ark? Lots of them. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "abad0cf0918d349a58dc662bdba3ab99" );document.getElementById("f63b135fb9").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Thank you for helping us continue this research and to get the word out to the world, Ron Wyatt, Noah's Ark, Sodom & Gomorrah, Red Sea Crossing, Ark of the Covenant. And so basically, I was going to ask, What are you doing here? because Im the only one I knew of that had permission or the right to be in there, and at that point, I became aware that my physical condition was altered so that I knew I was in the presence of angels, you know, that these were not just people, because I couldnt breathe, I couldnt move, I couldnt talk, couldnt do anything. That afternoon he had some specimens from the Red Sea Crossing and Noah's Ark for us to look at . I too believe Rons testimony of his findings and look forward to the privilege of seeing the ark for myself. Nothing really changes, 10% Of Female Gamers Report Being Stalked, Abu Dhabi Research Highlights Gender Gap Among Western Scientific Editors, Marijuana Causes 1800% Surge In Emergency Room Visits. At that point, I turned it on and went on to the angels went and took the corners of each of the ark, of the mercy seat, and lifted it, and the one angel that talked with me said, Get the tables of stone out of the Ark of the Covenant. So I went over and leaned down, and took them out. Ron Wyatt: For the simple reason that, and I think you probably know this, that the Bishop of the Anglican Church, who is basically the head of the Garden Tomb died within a month of telling me that I couldnt excavate out there anymore. Ron Wyatt videos, Richard Rives RON WYATT ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH INC This is a discussion of the inter-connectivity of the Hebrew Roots movement, the late Ron Wyatt of Wyatt Archaeological Research Inc, and Seventh Day Adventism. Add to Cart. Ron was the cameraman, but he didnt appear in front of the camera, and I dont recall his giving any verbal commentary on the sequence inside the cave. An amazing account, proving again that Israelis are definitely not the Chosen People by race, as it is now fully by grace for any race! And so, anyway, theres a whole bunch of people that, you know I didnt say that, Ive never said that he died because of that to anybody, I didnt verbalize it. Wouldnt it be empty of God? Download A5 4 pager. (THINK: treatment of Palestinians.) Ron Wyatt's Discoveries - Part 3 of 4 - Ark of the Covenant, 2017 (mirrored): Ron Wyatt's.. News video on One News Page on Tuesday, 17 January 2023 Bill Fry: Cause when you told me this before, you know, you told me you took the tables of stone out, and then the angel told you something about the tables of stone? December 6, 2014 @ Ron Wyatt video page Ark of the Covenant. It was only when Bill Fry intercepted a post of mine to this list that I realised that this was not so. , Below is a 4 minute video of Ron Wyatt talking about the blood karyotype performed in Jerusalem. As this is exactly the sort of thing Hezekiah or Josiah might have done, I found that one plausible at least. Kaelyn is a nursing student at Lewis and Clark College in Lewiston and will soon . No. Perlman who separated from his wife of 38 years in November 2019 just a few days before he was spotted kissing Dunbar raved that his wife is "better than me in every way." The couple met . Presentations Ron Wyatt And so basically, I was going to ask, What are you doing here? because Im the only one I knew of that had permission or the right to be in there, and at that point, I became aware that my physical condition was altered so that I knew I was in the presence of angels, you know, that these were not just people, because I couldnt breathe, I couldnt move, I couldnt talk, couldnt do anything. Ed has a ministry? I wasnt with him when he shot it, but I saw the tape not very long afterwards. Indeed, Ron himself was keen that the tape should be seen widely. Did you see the 7 branch candlestick and if so what did it look like? I just wanted to comment on your statement on 7 years of tribulation. Richard Rives (president of Wyatt Archaeological Research) believes that findings of Ron Wyatt along shores of Dead Sea in Israel are indeed the ashen remains of the cities of the plain. Joey Barta, Dimercia Spooner and Bryan Chase. Bill Fry: Okay. And that is, that I got a phone call from this fellow, and he says, Ron, he says, would you describe what the Ark of the Covenant, what it looked like, to me? page 2. I learned about this most recent "discovery" on the ABC nightly news, and have heard that other stations were reporting it as well. Ron Wyatt: When I got in there, the light, the room has its own light, and I made that inference that it didnt happen until I had gotten inside the chamber and was just standing on the floor of the chamber. And so, anyway, at that point, just basically kept in mind that I was very, very stunned, by the whole thing. I was wondering as the angels in the room where he finally got to the Ark of the Covenant had him seal up the opening as it will be reviewed at the right time, I am thinking it will be in the 7 years of tribulation before the second coming of Jesus. Bill Fry: Okay, they apparently had cleaned that out, too. one, I might add, that indicates that God, you know, wanted people to, didnt mind people having a description of it, at least, and at least this one fellow. Thank you for providing this information. The video playlist above includes a number of videos about the remarkable story of Ron Wyatt's (1933-1999) discovery of the Ark of the Covenant. The DVD, Revealing God's Treasure, was so excellent. I hope I have given you something of the picture. Joseph Ron was indeed led by God in locating the Ark and also the other furnishings of the sanctuary. Ron Wyatt's Death Bed Confession Confirms He's Telling The Truth About The Ark of The Covenant & Mark of The BeastCheck out Ron Wyatt Video Presentation of h. Here's the email I just received from someone named James Albright: Noah's ark was discovered by Ron Wyatt, whose ministry is named Wyatt Archeological Research. Wyatt is so bad that other creationist and Christian groups have put up webpages debunking his work. The person(s) who have the tape are they waiting for the right time to release it? Meranda Devan - FacebookMeranda - FacebookWebsites - The Most Important NewsWebsites - Hersite, Underground chamber reveals Temple treasures, Dangerous underground excavations explore radar anomalies, Ron Wyatt Chromosome count in blood sample, Prophecies Of Comet, Meteor Or Asteroid Impacts, Prophecies Of California Falling Into The Ocean, 6 Confirmations - UN Police In America Prophecies, Creative Miracles Abilities For The Last Days Church, 4 Angels In The Chamber Where The Ark Sits, 10 Events After Attempting To Divide Israel, 1981 - Supernatural Food & Heat Provision, 1989 MAP Vision Of The Coming Disasters . The Set It Up actress and husband Wyatt Russell, who share son Buddy, welcomed a new puppy in January 2023. I assumed at the time that everybody who knew anything of Rons work had seen this tape along with all his other material. Ron Wyatt: Im sorry. If you landed here, stay a while and look around. He was such a humble man in every presentation he gave, always desiring to lead people to the Lord. 27:51). Human cells normally have 46 chromosomes. If Ivan Panin found 43,000 pages of Math in the scriptures, we have barely scratched the surface to God's ways. Ron says he was told by angels in the chamber that the information would be made known to the world after the Mark of The Beast was introduced. (be careful what version of God's word you use to do the testing! Please stop this approach in the name of Jesus. In June of 1999, the late Bill Fry, former president of Anchorstone International interviewed Ron Wyatt by phone concerning his experiences in the Ark of the Covenant chamber. We want every living soul that walks this earth to know about Noah's Ark , Ark of the Covenant, the Red Sea Crossing, Sodom and Gomorrah, the real Mount Sinai, The Mystery and many others. Ron Wyatt: I was going to make an attempt to get some video footage. The Ark was there, but was covered by a brilliant white light which hid it from the camera as Ron panned around the cave. Wyatt claimed the blood is still alive and multiplying. Ron Wyatt: Right, you know its part of the wall right near the exit. Wyatt's "evidences" disappeared as quickly as he discovered them. Okay, I kind of got you off track, okay, after he took the tables of stone and put them on the niche near the original exit, I kind of interrupted you there. I want to know what kind of flashlight he had. January 8, 2016 @ This evidences that the person to whom this blood belonged to had a mother but no human father, because the normal contribution of paternal chromosomes is missing. 2006-2020 Science 2.0. Best to just let it all be as Ron left it. Its the most popular question after the Ark itself). That would explain all those other virgin births Ed, the way that letter reads to me, it sounds like he thinks you believe that ark was found, but you're giving credit to the wrong man. the Covenant " he ends his talk with a prophetic word, that in the last days when the temple is up there would be a *new set of man made Commandments . My powers of visual observation and retention are famously bad. Bill Fry: Now, if I remember correctly, at that point you said, I dont, you didnt know what to do with the tables of stone, because you were holding them. Post Views: 11,526. Totally reliable, it was his only source of light in an otherwise literally pitch-black environment and small enough to carry through very tight spaces. Ron Wyatt: Yeah, and on top of the tables of stone, they were both there. 4 pager A5 format. 12:26 pm, I as an SDA have studied and believe Ron Wyatts claims to be True. If they contribute an X, the child is female, whereas if they contribute a Y, the child is male. And so, anyway, I said, Why do you ask? and he seemed a little distressed with the whole thing, you know, and he said, Well, I had a dream. And I dont remember if it was the night before I was talking to him, or that day, or anyway, it hadnt been too long since he had this dream, and he said, Ive been praying since I heard about the Ark of the Covenant, that the Lord would let me see what it looked like, I just felt a real burden to see what it looked like, and he said, I had this dream, and I was in this chamber in this dream, and he said, The Ark of the Covenant was right there in front of me. Basically, and he said, However, the wall behind the Ark of the Covenant, and he described it perfectly, you know. While routinely examining aerial photos of his country, a Turkish army captain suddenly gaped at the picture shown above. Our site never asks for donations, in order to spread genuine historical truth, far & wide! [Please continue to pray for dear Kent Hovind that he may be released from his cruelly much too long prison sentence he didnt deserve, but got anyway because they hate his guts for having destroyed the Evolutionary paradigm through his amazing ministry, debating the Darwinists so much that they didnt want to face him anymore! Where does Jer. Ararat" ( 2015 ) Watch this video. And there are several things that are rather remarkable about what had happened there: the place was cleaned up, and the Ark of the Covenant was sitting against the wall at the east end of the cave, and the cave is not perfectly oriented east, west, north, or south, its just on the eastern end, basically, of that. Midseason winner: Patrice Bergeron Just a few months ago, Bergeron broke Bob Gainey's record for most Selke awards by winning his sixth. And then I just stood there with the tables of stone, and the angel came and got them, and took them from my hands, and put them on a stone shelf, or ledge, whatever. Watch Video . Remember to invite friends a. And so, anyway, he told me to set up my, um. What happened after that? The sex-determining ones are the X chromosome and the Y chromosome. Yes sir, the objects tested positive for petrified wood. Con men simply don't get much more transparent than this guy. This location is recorded in our sources, and today, there are those who know exactly where this chamber is. He is now deceased, but his wife still has samples of the blood in her home in Tennessee. Answer (1 of 26): Signed up - just to refute so many deniers/persecutors of R. Wyatt and WAR. Females are XX, so they can only contribute an X chromosome to their offspring, whereas males are XY, which allows them to contribute either an X or a Y. Ron Wyatt (1933-1999) tells his story of finding the Ark of the Covenant and uncovers important truths about the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah. Ron Wyatt: Well, the fact of the matter was, Bill, that I never did get in there and measure everything, and so I really dont know. UFO text on our 2001 site about anti gravity & Alien invasion: What Does Progressive Christianity Smell Like? He claims to have found the Ark of the Covenant in Jerusalem in a secret cave under the actual spot where Christ was crucified, and it had Jesus' blood all over it (the blood had dripped down from the cross). He commanded that a special place be built in the bowels of the earth, where the sacred vessels of the Temple could be hidden in case of approaching danger. Its an earlier tape. I have twice asked the Lord if I should go and get the tape for the purpose of making copies or DVDs (its not in my personal keeping) and each time I was given the same answer from the Lords own mouth. Ron Wyatt's Last Interview Reveals What The 4 Angels Told Him In The Chamber Of Ark Of The Covenant - Why God Why God Evidence Shows God Exists HOME EVIDENCE FOR GOD Categories Meranda Devan Defending Our Faith, Personal Testimonies Ron Wyatt's Last Interview Reveals What The 4 Angels Told Him In The Chamber Of Ark Of The Covenant Ron Wyatt: I think thats about it, Bill. The dried black substance in the crack was tested and proved to be blood, apparently the blood of . And if they dont, you couldnt find it to save your life, or I couldnt. [Here Ron Wyatt is referring to six Israeli men who, dressed up in white clothing as Levite priests, went into the chamber to take out the Ark, presumptuously assuming they possessed Holy authority to move the Ark or even touch it. Bill Fry: Okay. You said he was close to the ceiling any thoughts on how close? The cave sequence opened with a close-up shot of one corner of the table, showing some fine workmanship in its making. The Bible says that when Jesus died there was an earthquake and the rocks were rent (Matt. He claims there are only 24 chromosomes The place looked like a lumber room, with things everywhere all over the floor, and of course all those heaps of skins, so that you would have to clamber over one thing to look at the next. I believe RON on all that Jesus showed him. I believe in the Rapture and that saved believers in the twinkle of an eye will be caught up with the dead with Him in the air just before the tribulation. So, anyway, I at this point said, Well, just be grateful that you got to see inside the chamber, because Ill verify thats what it looks like. But then I said, I guess that I probably ought to do something to give a general idea of what the Ark of the Covenant looked like. Ark of the Covenant, Ross Patterson, Video, Jerrid Rains Ron Wyatt: Looking back on that, I would have had to have been there when the cleanup took place in order to know all of that, and I simply was not there. There were 22 autosomal chromosomes, one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. I find it exciting when new discoveries are made that prove God exists. Who really cares whether or not he found the Ark of the Covenant? Realised that this was not so of Rons work, so he isnt ignorant and are. What did it look like Wyatt answers questions from the audience in this 1997, Q & session... Watch this video blood is still alive and multiplying comment on your on. More transparent than this guy 22 years of his findings and look forward to the of... I as an SDA have studied and believe Ron Wyatts claims to know what kind flashlight..., 1933-1999, at the Gatlinburg Tennessee museum c. 1995 on it about anti gravity & Alien invasion: Does. 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