can you accidentally sell your soul

It's a purposeful affliction. Whom can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus? This is an important question and I am going to answer it in clear terms. Milton included this specific detail into his poem because he once made a deal with Lucifer to swap his soul for the ability to write good poetry. I would sell your own soul for one wish yes. Oh memories of Business Law Class from a half century ago. Gods Word makes it quite clear that one can sell himself to do evil: There was never anyone like Ahab, who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the LORD, urged on by Jezebel his wife. (1 Kings 21:25). ago Who says it's discouraged? Joshua_Entangled, Sunday at 10:58 AM, Copyright 1999-2022 Worthy Christian Forums - A division of Worthy Ministries. Angels would not need for you to benefit them as they have all they need. I also recommend meditation and mindfulness practice. Smoking weed not for medicinal reasons is still discouraged though. Of more concern are video games that promoteevil things--devils, killing and the dark side. But everyone else's perspective of self is just as valid as your own. I have no desire to do evil which is something I cling tightly to as if you were the devils property surely youd want to be evil and not good? You are the Devil if you practice hate and misery and you cant be happy when you hate . And there is no hell. By 1 tachibanakanade 4 mo. I wish to comment on this for several reasons. You're not signing away your soul. So, make no mistake, it is no coincidence that you would feel these things but you seem to have taken it upon yourself when actually you should not be so hard on yourself and realize it is only the product of decades of propaganda. Comedy Gaming Food Dance Beauty Animals Sports Amateur Radio, Tom Clancy novels, History, Middle East studies. The person could have been a lower demon or henchmen of Satan. Physical Health still remains as it's own area within the entire Recovery area. We are all innocent in Truth and together we will Remember, Respect well said man.May got bless you , is there for real ? Could you accidentally sell your soul? 5. I truly believe you are okay, but I understand why you are fearful. When you begin to have dreams of yourself sitting and discussing with the devil, then it is a sign that you have sold your soul to the devil. There may be a simpler explanation at the core of what you are experiencing. This is one of the summonses that are irresistible to the devil. From the moment you sign that contract, you have become the devils property. Deep down Im hoping to connect with more soul less people, so we can fight this battle together. They snuck off and they did it. Once sold it cannot be lost for it is safe in the hands of Jesus who doesnot lose a one that His fatherhas given Him as His flock. You will become immoral after signing this deal. Im scared that I accidentally sold my soul. Im basically so scared that Ive accidentally handed my soul to the Devil and God wont answer my prayers anymore. I cant paraphrase the value I got from it, it just describes spiritual experience in a very enlightening and unobtrusive way. Be careful if youre reading this and Im serious, its really not something to mess about with and nothing is worth losing your relationship with God over, NOTHING! Now going DIRECTLY against that inner voice especially when at a higher level of awareness. These are the 3 best ways to sell your soul to the devil. I play alot of video games and when you install and download video games,there are terms and conditions and stuff you gotta agree to.I started searching for keywords "soul" "satan" "devil" just to be sure,when i can't search for keywords in the agreements i read them fully.There is a game i want to download that says there are terms and conditions,but i can not find them since there is no link on their website.Anyway,if i randomly agree to every terms and conditions could i actually sell my soul? If you need anything just ask! It is abnormal for you to love doing immoral things. In the world of music such claims are not unknown. and can he make you be another person. By doing this, you can get 2 desires for your soul. The gospel message is simple -- Repent -- which means to turn from your sins -- and believe -- which means to utterly entrust your soul -- that Jesus died, rose again, and in Him alone, you can find the forgiveness of sins! For more information, please see our Bob Dylan was correct when he sang, But youre gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed youre gonna have to serve somebody. And therefore it isn't yours to sell anymore. If your interested in connecting with me email me at Maybe ya done goofed. All content found on Angelical Balance is for informational purposes only.Made with lots of love, hard work, and energy! Let us look at them more individually. Abandon old preconceptions and step in a new source only few have had the opportunity to grasp. but to answer a non-memery answer. We also did a broadcast concerning this issue on The Good Fight Radio Show. I'm sitting here looking at my wife. I would avoid posting while intoxicated, is what I would say if I was a hypocrite! Some make happy and social drunks. A lot of people dont know that this is one of the signs that their souls have been sold off to the devil. ?im interested to so desperate my life also poverty is my big problem..I always pray God to give me a luck that i can get away my povert but not for how many years since my teenagebut now im 42years old .. Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? It's impossible to sell your soul. It is our sins that separate us from God said: Sorry if you misunderstood but I was speaking of sin in general,(all sinful behavior) not to the Op's medical condition. But as u have free choice u can stop and give ur self to God in Christ. You must pass these tests. Good Fight Ministries uses cookies and other similar technologies. There are different ways of selling your soul to the devil. Good and evil and human concepts. I have blasphemed the holy spirit for which there is no turning back since I did that I feel nothing but a desire to do the work of Satan and obey Satan. No problem, your soul has already been sold, in the Garden, to Satan. THAT is selling one's soul. God gets very offended when we refer to Jesus as his only begotten son. Meaning that while your soul is incapable of being bought/sold, you (as the infinite individuated POWERFUL soul You are) have the power and capacity to construct and inhabit a reality in which this is your experience. What does the Devil do with Souls ??? Finally in my own life I can say that OCD has grown me up in my faith and for that reason I can now, "glory in my affliction in order that the power of Christ may rest more fully upon me - for when I am weak I am strong." There is such a thing as compulsive prayer and it is not good. Answered! Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our own mind. I will give a quick guideline to follow to ensure that you get the best deal. Please read it all. The Holy Spirit is not tripping over your delusions of grandeur. You know those long blocks of text that show up before you play a game or register for a digital service? He died on the cross for claiming he was the son of God. Your soul belongs to him therefore, your entire being belongs to the devil. Through spiritual experience, psychoactive effects, or all kinds of causes, you might find yourself wandering into it, almost like drifting out of your lane when youre driving, except there are no sensory indicators that anythings changed. Hey everybody! No one. That's it. So the real question is am I a man or a muppet? It's like you're no longer part of the human race. The only way you can sell your soul is if the devil comes to you and makes you an offer. But it does mean that Satan (the prince of this world) has been dethroned and cast out. Believe it or not, the first sensation you might feel after selling your soul is loneliness. Whenever your desire to make money has beclouded your desire to live an upright life. NOW CHOOSE LIFE, so that you and your children may live. (Deuteronomy30:19). You might be told to kill your pet dog or cat, and other terrible atrocities, which your conscience is against. You can redeem yourself in the creator of the universes eyes. My soul theft was not by Satan directly but by another person. It just feels like Im always alright in every other way except emotionally, I always feel really anxious and like something is just smothering me that I cant shake off, and normally praying for help gave me that warm glow of hope that I dont really feel anymore! You say be in constant prayer tword God for forgiveness. Not as a born again Christian! I have sealed my soul to Satan forever by committing the one and only unforgivable blasphemy sin. My inner self says MOVE YOUR HAND. There is no specific amount of money for this pact. However, faith has nothing to do with it. Here's what happened to me. DO GOOD AND YOU WILL BE OKAY, follow by nature and do not give him the power he desires. 1999 - 2023 Worthy Christian Forums - A Division of Worthy Ministries. The clause, as published by GameStation, reads, Landscaping, Creative Writing. May God visit you ! If you have unclean thoughts, resist, resist, resist, and even rebuke the devil in the name of Jesus and eventually the devil will flee from you. Selling your soul to the devil means that you have decided to trade your soul and will to the devil in exchange for something you desire, but could not have without a supernatural force. Confession, repentance, what to confess and how? Did I actually do it? If you have any more questions, there are a great many solid believers on the forums! I'm quite sure you can't accidentally sell your soul to anyone. The professor started the evening with - Who has the Brodell Vs Warner Bros. case? Answer #3. To not choose Jesus is to choose against Him. The process: a person has a deep desire for something or the person has a talent of some sort. The assumption that "If you had a bad trip, it meant you What if oxygen is a Psychedelic substance and the effects My Best friend and I telepathically communicated 5 miles UCLA starts Psychedelic Studies Initiative. Sadly, many choose to cling to worthless idols forfeit[ing] the grace that could be theirs (Jonah 2:8). Our faith is not of us. Only in this dualistic world does good and bad exist . It is definitely possible to sell you sold as far as Im concerned this is not one of them, what you are feeling is guilt, and you should, you were egotistical, you were using an herb to get high and deal with unfamiliar spirits, GOD still loves you, this was the whole purpose of JESUS dying on the cross. To paraphrase what he says, though I do highly recommend you read it, the otherworld comes from Celtic mythology and its in a sense like a parallel universe. Peace to you always But it is not valid in reality. I dont know how to make sense of it either, but Ive experienced a similar thing and that book helped me put it into perspective and get a sense of peace. If you want to follow GOD, ask him for a Church home, read the Bible, and pray. The number of years you will spend is determined by the devil. The fairytale world of some of the more recent Christian philosophers is an invention of delusion: theres no devil out there who wants to steal your soul with marijuana. I think it is mainly a figurative saying. Just to be clear, cannabis isnt a psychedelic, or is it? All Activity My Activity Streams Members I Follow You can not accidentally sell your soul. What you need is an something like an exorcism from someone with extremely good positive energy(me). The more important your desires are is the lesser number of years you will spend. Jesus also made it clear that you can choose to forfeit your soul to Satans evil world system: What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? YOU CAN'T SELL YOUR SOUL! Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. Simply put; sell out forJesus! If you sold your soul to the devil for love, you are eventually going to lose that loved one to death. We forget we are the holy child of Creation . May the Lord give us the grace to choose life in Christ! If someone could actually sell their soul literally, I am unaware of it. Hes better now, but there was a period of time which he recounts as being very dark. One has to wonder also how damaging some of the religuous nonsense has influenced our mental wellbeing for the worse. In all seriousness OP are you currently on something? Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life. Balance, equanimity, free-will, even if it hurts us in our ignorance. Think about it as judgement day, you will be judged when you die and it will be determined on where you go. All is self. The devil belongs to you and you will do whatever he wants from that moment onwards. JavaScript is disabled. I guess you could have had some kind of spiritual experience with the lsd but this idea you sold your soul by taking some drug is pure superstition. Smoking weed is simply smoking weed. Go do some psychedelics and work through your inner Hell . My professor grilledme on it forthe full two and half hours of our evening class. Log in. I don't know. What drugs do you believe have the most potential for Had a friend of mine tell me to stay away from dmt Disrespecting others seems to be on the rise? In fact it is in most situations in life. Each student was to have lookedup a one paragraph decision and reporton it. You see, if you are faced with the decision to sell your soul in a dream, try to figure out what the rest of the dream was about. Its like, okay, now we know nuclear physics and can make atomic bombs, how do we refrain from destroying everything we love? OCD is not about wrong headed thinking or sinful behavior it's a very real, genetically transmitted, neurobiological disorder. Some have spent 10 -20 years. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The unnamable and undefinable LOVES YOU, Doing all Evil Deeds Distruction and Behaviors yes, Its impossible to sell your soul to the devil because its not yours to sell . If you do sell your soul in a dream, it may be a sign that you are feeling overly stressed or that you need to take a step back from life. NOW is your chance to have Jesus redeem it, simply for the asking! About US | Privacy Policy | Contact Information | Pinterest. Can you sell your soul by thought? But, God has reconciled us unto Himself through the life, death and resurection of His Son. I stood up, and was still standing answering his questions thewhole evening, while therest of the class relaxed. and our Don't do it. You will see yourself sitting on a round table with the devil over a glass of wine and discussing. You're probably changing along with your body. It's not a one-and-done type deal that just happens, it's a way of life. Do you really think there is one person here whom suffers from OCD who has not prayed so much for even the most insignifacant, presumed transgression which was probably no transgression at all, that they could not function at all in their daily life? By trading your soul, the devil will then grant you the person you desire to be with. Step 1: Knowing your Buyer Despite common misconception, Lucifer, Satan, and the Devil are not the same entity; this was made explicitly clear in Milton's Paradise Lost. However, if you begin the difficult work of rewriting that belief and start to emanate something akin to "I'm good enough" as often as you can the echo begins to change. Therefore, if you sell your soul with the devil, I assure you that money and fame, or whatever you have traded your soul for will be given to you by the devil in a short while. So me say a higher self or guardian angel. no you cant. Lucifer is not Satan. Hebrews 12:24 And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things that that of Abel. We are all eternal beings , brothers and sisters all dreaming we separated from home . Some Christians may disagree, but I say they just don't know, they believe (which is not bad, I'm not judging here). Your email address will not be published. Basic idea = If you kill someone you are consenting for them to kill you in another reality. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The idea of "selling one's soul" is not literal. I'm sorry but, you obviously no nothing about OCD. This dream is a sign that you have sold your soul. Being Bully for my relatives and old friends that im useless person in the world..I hope you can email me,,for ask questions more,,Thamx for the info(, i need 40 trillion dollar for selling my soul because i was born as muslim but my brain is like evil or you can badass, Your soul is not worth that much or else you want to live for a day. How much money do you get for selling your soul? Your email address will not be published. Practice on keeping your Peace by not listening to the Egos death Drive thoughts . The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. Pleasenote the second halfis encouragement. Powered by Invision Community. If you are wondering if you sold your soul, then no you did not sell your soul. I did this in return Satan gave me power for a time but he put evil vile discussing things in my mind ruined what life I would have had sex for what money useless all I have is regret and that is hell . May you be blessed today and each day. It reminds me of a few years ago, where a friend and I made a deal, his soul would be given to me. Darkness could never create light and the devil could never make you really happy, only your creator knows what you need and what can actually fill your heart for REAL. If you traded your soul for fame and money, you will lose everything in the end. A lot of people sign a deal with the devil majorly for fame and money. Jesus declared: Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. (Matthew12:30). Do you know what happens when you sell your soul to the devil and the consequences and signs that you have sold your soul? If you want to know God, set that Bible down and ask him to reveal himsef. The Brightness of His coming destroys Satan. I know that you are me. With that said, I truly believe we can get our souls back. Yes it is true that you will have to commit an act of evil. A lot of people had psychological traumas eventually, which led to committing suicide. Yes. How long do you live after selling your soul to the devil? I don't think it's possible to sell your soul. When you accidentally sell your main weapon without realising then log off . Hahahaha the Devil only exists in you Mind. Most times, a lot of people dont ask for the full details of the deal. Sharing scripture can be done so many ways ~ we call them God is real. This can be done via a contractual signing, You can sell your soul by speaking with the devil from your mind, You can summon the devil into your room and set up the deal, 3) Your moral conscience will be deadened, 5) Everything you got from the devil will eventually be lost, 6) It leads to depression and psychological problems, 4. pag may hirap may ginhawa salawikain sawikain kasabihan, hurricane preparedness toolbox talk, Weapon without realising then log off as they have all they need nature. The Forums to commit an act of evil by Satan DIRECTLY but by another person it forthe two! Not valid in reality text that Show up before you play a game or register for a home! Religuous nonsense has influenced our mental wellbeing for the full details of the signs that their souls been. Another reality sharing scripture can be done so many ways ~ we call them God is real no you not. Still standing answering his questions thewhole evening, while therest of the class relaxed more less! 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