the basic purpose of insurance is to:

Although the theoretical purpose of insurance may be protection from catastrophic events, a more common function of health insurance in the United States is far more akin to a club membership than car insurance. a. settlement options. The company pools clients' risks to make payments more affordable for the insured. Life insurance is meant to help protect your family's financial future. Complete the given statement with one of the terms listed here. Here are some of the most common types of life insurance: Another type of insurance islong-term care insurance, which is designed to help manage health care expenses as you age and tends to cover what Medicare and most conventional health insurance policies don't: long-term custodial care expenses. Step 1: Gather Information Needed For Your Claim. c. Lifetime income \text{Total equity} &\$ 492,592 &\$ 663,768\\ \text{Depreciation and amortization} &116,960\\ Risks come in two basic forms, pure risk and speculative risk. He must pay $75 each month for the plan.Later that month, Nelson caused a car accident when he lost control of his vehicle. a. lump sum. Many types of life insurance are available. increasing availability of health care protection a. participating policy To make up for the compensation paid, your insurer can claim the (insured) right over that third party. \text{Marcie Moffet} & 3,800\\ the highest payout by an insurer The probability of a loss occurring can be reduced by d. income. \text{Increase in accounts payable}& 378,560\\ Insurance products often are developed to meet specific objectives. Multiple people pay into the insurance company pool so that if any client experiences a disaster, there will be money to help cover it. In return for a payment called a premium, the insurer assumes the risksthat is, obligates itself to pay the lossesof all the policyholders. A hospital administrator decides to review the costs of three departments of the organisation which are summarised in the table. e. contains no tax benefits. b. whole \textbf{Assets}\\ I still don't understand Advertisement jabushaban729 Answer: protection Explanation: Advertisement Advertisement d. multiple premium c. changed to health or disability protection \text { July } & 295,000 \\ a. the state When an insurance company needs to provide a payout, the money is removed from: the consumer's income. When an insurance company needs to provide a payout, the money is removed from. What percentage of your income should you spend on life insurance? For example, a person might approach an insurer for protection against house fires. AgingClass(NumberofDaysPastDue)030days3160days6190days91120daysMorethan120daysTotalreceivablesReceivablesBalanceonDecember31$480,000100,00040,00025,0005,000$650,000EstimatedPercentofUncollectibleAccounts1%3203040. the best insurance available. e. c and d, ____ and ____ are both relatively expensive types of decreasing-term life insurance. Principal of subrogation: The principle of subrogation enables the insured to claim the amount from the third party responsible for the loss. e. life income. That company will pay out the $250,000 to the owner. \text{Jose Reis} & \underline{ \hspace{10pt}3,500}\\ 3160\ \text{days} & \hspace{4pt}100,000 & \hspace{4pt}3\\ This group of underwriters, who gathered initially at a London coffee house owned by one Edward Lloyd, formed themselves into the association which came to be known, after the coffee house, as Lloyds of London. 50, 10 \text{Common stock (100,000 shares)}& 460,000& 460,000\\ Life Insurance: What It Is, How It Works, and How To Buy a Policy, Fire Insurance: Definition, Elements, How It Works, and Example, Auto Insurance: Definition, How It Works, Coverage Types & Costs, Coinsurance: Definition, How It Works, and Example, Whole Life Insurance Definition: How It Works, With Examples, Personal Injury Protection: What it is, How it Works. c. extra expenses if income producer dies. Still adhering to the practice of individual underwriting by members, Lloyds has become known as a source of coverage for almost any conceivable kind of risk. Most people have some kind of insurance: for their car, their house, or even their life. d. economic identification c. single premium protection. \text{Additions to property, plant, and equipment}& (\$ 711,950)\\ Each type of life insurance has its own pros and cons. Do federal employees get healthcare for life? True False B. d. premium refunds. The basic purpose of insurance is to provide: loans. Her husband, Jack, was the primary beneficiary and their children, Mimi (age 24) and Ann (age 30), were the contingent beneficiaries. The premium is the consideration paid by the insuredusually annually or semiannuallyfor the insurer's promise to reimburse. Term and whole life insurance policies are regulated by state insurance commissioners. a. transferred to the life of another person. Contribution The company was also known as Hand in Hand, after its firemark, a symbol that appeared originally on houses that were insured by the Contributionship. \text{Cash at end of year}& \$ 7,282\\ 1. loans. When an insurance company needs to provide a payout, the money is removed from: Maria's family has a health insurance plan. The policy limit is the maximum amount that an insurer will pay under a policy for a covered loss. ____ is not descriptive of an option of term life insurance. \text{Increase in long-term debt}& 400,000\\ \hline 31 days Assume that you are Jamison's assistant. The insurance company finds that a homeowner intentionally caused damage. What is the purpose of a mortgage calculator? How would the policy proceeds be distributed? The primary purpose of life insurance is to provide: financial security for dependents in the event of death. A claim is the main argument of an essay. The basic purpose of life insurance is to provide financial coverage to your loved ones in case you die. a. a. face value. Through insurance, society is able to ), including your deductible, from the at-fault driver's insurance company, if the accident wasn't your fault. Registered representatives can fulfill Continuing Education requirements, view their industry CRD record and perform other compliance tasks. \end{array} Would the asset expansion have caused the company to experience a cash shortage that required it to raise external capital? technological improvements Protection Explanation: Hello! Insurance is the required (by lenders) safety net that lets entrepreneurs explore opportunity. Pure risk generally includes potential gains and losses of value and is insurable while speculative risk generally is not. Bennett's anticipated sales for the next few months are as follows: April$250,000May290,000June280,000July295,000August300,000\begin{array}{lr} It provides safety and security against special incidents. b. sex. The purchase of insurance is a common form of _____ by the insured. The company doubled its plant capacity, opened new sales offices outside its home territory, and launched an expensive advertising campaign. \hline b. earning potential of surviving children. 030\ \text{days} & \$480,000 & \hspace{12pt}1\%\\ e. b and c. Key features found in most life insurance contracts include Claims processing begins when a healthcare provider has submitted a claim request to the insurance company. The insured party must purchase property. 1. How long is the grace period for health insurance policies with monthly due premiums? False t/f Spreading risk among a large number of people is a major principle of insurance. \text { Percent collected in the month of sale } &25 \\ c. the value of the gain. He was required to pay the first $500 of his repair costs, and then the insurance company covered the rest. a. e. insurance. Having health insurance provides a safety net in case you end up with a serious injury or illness: All non-grandfathered, non-grandmothered major medical health insurance plans will cap your in-network out-of-pocket costs (a combination of copays, deductibles, and coinsurance) at no more than an amount determined by CMS each year, regardless of . The insured party must experience a covered loss. & \textbf{12 / 31 / 2019 }& \mathbf{1 2 / 3 1 / 2 0 1 8} \\ PercentcollectedinthemonthofsalePercentcollectedinthemonthafterthesalePercentcollectedinthesecondmonthafterthesale25685. The most common types of personal insurance policies are auto, health, homeowners, and life. d. high-yield investments. decrease), what will be the operating margin percentage if sales increase by 25%? c. Cash value Disability occurs only when someone is completely incapable of returning to work. Even if you have savings, it's unlikely that it would be enough to cover your family's expenses for several years or even decades if something happens to you . What type of life insurance will give them the most protection for their money? What Determines the Price of an Auto Insurance Policy?, Insurance Information Institute. \end{array}} c. 90 days An insured usually chooses variable life insurance in order to What Is Insurance?, Insurance Information Institute. Insurance Ensures Family and Business Stability Insurance is a safety net for when risks go wrong. The deductible is a specific amount that the policyholder must pay out of pocket before the insurer pays a claim. Decreasing term insurance usually has a decreasing face value and b. limited pay Typically, higher limits carry higher premiums. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. c. tax-advantaged investments. At first operated single-handedly by an entrepreneur named Nicholas Barbon, in 1680 it was organized as a stock company known as the Fire Office. damaging actions and/or violations of contract provisions are not covered by liability insurance. The basic purpose of insurance is to protect you from losses From the standpoint of the person buying insurance, the central purpose of insurance should be: to transfer risks of serious losses Which of the following forms of life insurance requires the lowest premium per dollar of initial death benefits? e. premium reductions. The insurance company covered the rest of the cost of the visit.When Maria's mother went to the hospital, her family was responsible for paying the first $1,000 of the bill. b. \text{Taxes (40\\\%)} &(106,784) &58,640\\ 91120\ \text{days} & \hspace{8pt} 25,000 & 30\\ Please and thank you! Car Insurance for Beginners Tax features \begin{array}{lr} True False Question 3 (1 point) Risk is uncertainty regarding economic loss. \text{Net income}& (\$ 160,176)& \$ 87,960\\ b. Virtually all mortgage companies require borrowers to have insurance coverage for the full or fair value of a property (usually the purchase price) and wont make a loan or finance a residential real estate transaction without proof of it. a. a decreasing premium. In the insurance world there are six basic principles that must be met, ie insurable interest, Utmost good faith, proximate cause, indemnity, subrogation and contribution. \text { Accounts payable } & 22,000 & 15,000 \\ d. 100, 20 Maximums may be set per period (e.g., annual or policy term), per loss or injury, or over the life of the policy, also known as the lifetime maximum. Is structural damage covered by insurance? b. loss prevention. Learn how coverage works. a. has no incontestability clause. c. paid up life \textbf{of Days Past Due)} & \textbf{on December}\ \bm{31} & \textbf{Uncollectible Accounts}\\ 212%of82\small 2 \frac{1}{2}\% \text{ of } 82 a. mortgage insurance. \text{Total liabilities and equity} &\$2,866,592 &\$1,468,800\\ Arbitration and mediation case participants and FINRA neutrals can view case information and submit documents through this Dispute Resolution Portal. In what circumstance would a property insurance claim be rejected? Installing a sprinkler system in your home to reduce insurance premium costs is an example of risk transfer. It lowers the payout the company has to make. d. risk retention. b. multiple earnings 4. liability. If one of the boats was battered to pieces in the rapids, no merchant lost all his goods. The insurance company pays you or someone you choose if something bad happens to you. d. Coinsurance clause The insured (sometimes called the assured) is the one who receives the payment, except in the case of life insurance, where payment goes to the beneficiary named in the life insurance contract. Your insurance company will process the information, and if they accept the claim, you'll receive reimbursement for any damages. What is the relationship between atolls and the development of uniform languages and culture? $100,000 each to Mimi and Ann Many insurance policies stipulate the formula under which contribution among multiple insurers will take place. \text{2016 Net income}& & & (160,176)\\ d. needs analysis Lump sum a. ____ is a common provision in many term policies. b. protection from creditors and lawsuits. The least expensive form of whole life insurance protection is &&\underline{\textbf{Common Stock}}\\ A person's house was seriously damaged during a natural disaster. The purpose of property insurance is to protect policyholders against losses to their 1. It does this substituting payment of a small, known feean insurance premiumto a professional insurer in exchange for the assumption of the risk a large loss, and a promise to pay in the event of such a loss. And repeatedly, insurers have found a way to deal with the highly specialized insurance demands of advancing technologythe airplane, nuclear energy, offshore oil rigs, spacecraft. Depending on the type of life insurance policy and how it is used, permanent life insurance can be considered a financial asset because of its ability to build cash value or be converted into cash. Example. \hline \text { Accounts receivable } & \$ 14,000 & \$ 18,000 \\ For a general life insurance policy, the maximum amount that the insurer will pay is referred to as the face value, which is the amount paid to a beneficiary upon the death of the insured. The property damage is caused by a natural disaster, such as a flood. This case provides opportunities to analyze the proxy of a publicly held company and to survey the types of information presented in the proxy. A successful subrogation means a refund for you and your insurer. Be sure your investment professional fully understands your financial situation and goals before you purchase an insurance policy. \text{More than}\ 120\ \text{days} & \hspace{12pt} \underline{5,000} & 40\\ \text{Tax rate} & 40.00\% & 40.00\%\\ True Recently your puppy chewed up your shoes and you had to go buy another pair. The premium is determined by the insurer based on your or your businesssrisk profile, which may include creditworthiness. You pay a monthly or yearly fee to the insurance company to insure your life, health, vehicle, property, etc for a certain period. Buying life insurance protects your spouse and children from the potentially devastating financial losses that could result if something happened to you. \text{Net decrease in cash} &(\$ 50,318)\\ Copyright 2023, Insurance Information Institute, Inc. the insured, by paying a definite amount, in exchange for an adequate consideration called as premium. Insurance policies are used to hedge against the risk of financial losses, both big and small, that may result from damage to the insured or their property, or from liability for damage or injury caused to a third party. It can also provide a measure of, is insurance purchased to provide protection against the claims of others suffering losses for, which the insured is considered to be at least partly to blame. The carbon in this CO2 is obtained from _____. Simply put, most permanent life insurance policies have the ability to build cash value over time. Jorge Conseco can work for ABM, Inc. for $437 per week or Zeda, Inc. for$1,408 per month. What two agricultural practices contribute to the region's environmental problems? All three survived Marilyn. c. Column definitions and key terms Suppose xxx is a random variable best described by a uniform probability distribution with c=20c=20c=20 and d=45d=45d=45. To check insurance licensing, contact your state insurance commissioner. For example, if you own several expensive automobiles and have a history of reckless driving, you will likely pay more for an auto policy than someone with a single midrange sedan and a perfect driving record. d. savings. b. the probate court Insurance is a contract (policy) in which an insurer indemnifies another against losses from specific contingencies or perils. Many types of life insurance are available. In the insurance world there are six basic principles that must be met, ie insurable interest, Utmost good faith, proximate cause, indemnity, subrogation and contribution. e. 180 days, Marilyn Simms died with a $200,000 life insurance policy. Risk is uncertainty regarding economic loss. OperatingActivitiesNetincomeDepreciationandamortizationIncreaseinaccountspayableIncreaseinaccrualsIncreaseinaccountsreceivableIncreaseininventoriesNetcashprovidedbyoperatingactivitiesLong-TermInvestingActivitiesAdditionstoproperty,plant,andequipmentNetcashusedininvestingactivitiesFinancingActivitiesIncreaseinnotespayableIncreaseinlong-termdebtPaymentofcashdividendsNetcashprovidedbyfinancingactivitiesSummaryNetdecreaseincashCashatbeginningofyearCashatendofyear($160,176)116,960378,560353,600(280,960)(572,160)($164,176)($711,950)($711,950)$436,808400,000(11,000)$825,808($50,318)57,600$7,282, 20162015Sales$6,034,000$3,432,000Costofgoodssold5,528,0002,864,000Otherexpenses519,988358,672Totaloperatingcostsexcludingdepreciationandamortization$6,047,988$3,222,672Depreciationandamortization116,96018,900EBIT($130,948)$190,428Interestexpense136,01243,828EBT($266,960)$146,600Taxes(40%)(106,784)58,640Netincome($160,176)$87,960EPS($1.602)$0.880DPS$0.110$0.220Bookvaluepershare$4.926$6.638Stockprice$2.25$8.50Sharesoutstanding100,000100,000Taxrate40.00%40.00%Leasepayments$40,000$40,000Sinkingfundpayments00\small{ When you buy or lease a car, its important to protect that investment. b. 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