suki avatar quotes

Toph: You're trying to keep us here and waste all our time. They balance each other push and pull life and death good and evil yin and yang. Whatever you do to that spirit, I'll unleash on you - *tenfold*! Warden: How could I not? Aang: [Shakes head] No it's not. Uncle Iroh: We have no idea where the Avatar is. [30], As they talked, however, the two noticed smoke coming from Kiyi's room. Aang's just a good friend, a sweet little guy. That's what you've needed all along, Sokka. Falling so slow. We need an earthbender. Guard: Settle down, old timer. Well? Many have tried to break through it. [Silence, as Katara looks annoyed] That's ok, I didn't wanna talk about it anyway. Uncle Iroh: That's true. And we have other things to worry about. That's terrible! [Putting his arm over his face in woe] Even the cook! Why would you do it? [She seizes Momo and drapes him on top of her head]. Wei Jin tried to tend to the man's wounds, but Jin Wei insisted the orb was more important, and asked him to take it back to his tribe. Sokka: [Watching Zuko and Katara leave on Appa] You know, you're pretty wise for a kid. Toph: Yeah, we wouldn't want a bird to hear us chatting up there and turn us in. The warden placed the plants before Suki, theorizing that the legumes were the reason for the prisoners' recent wilfulness. Of course I knew from the beginning that Sokka was Water Tribe. Avatar Roku: Some friendships are so strong, they can even transcend lifetimes. They have to know. Katara: We're going to find the man who took my mother from me. The energy is both yin and yang; positive energy and negative energy. Prince of the Fire Nation and heir to the throne! Princess Yue: Maybe they'll give you the wisdom to win this battle! Wan Shi Tong: Oh these illustrations are quite stylish. I only wish I spoke his tongue. Suki agreed, but argued that the entire affair was now over and that it was time to decide what to do next. This is a lockdown! They're back again. Is he taller than me? Aang: [Aang earthbends a wall stopping Sokka's attack] Sokka, sneak attacks don't work if you yell it out loud. Zuko: I wasn't planning to. Your own father doesn't even want you. And I was so mean to her. I'm not losing anyone else out here! Hello, Firelord? She wears the latest fashion for Earth Kingdom girls." Keep an open mind. *. Katara: Maybe you should listen to Aang. Aang: Roku was just as much Fire Nation as Sozin was, right? Sokka: Mhm. Suki interrogated the group, threatening to throw Sokka to the unagi after he made a sexist comment about being kidnapped by a "bunch of girls". The sky's been gray all day. Jeong Jeong: Only a Fool seeks his own destruction. Uncle Iroh: [crying] I was never angry with you. You're my special prisoner now. I think you and I are going to get along swimmingly. First, round nuts and some kind of oval shaped nuts, and some rock shaped nuts that might just be rocks. Dock: Would you like the one-headed fish, or the two-headed fish? You never learned anything, and frankly, it's a little too late now. There are options in fighting, called jin. Katara: Is it just me, or is this guy's crown a little crooked? Katara: Aw, how sweet of Zuko. Prince Zuko: I'm not worried about her. It hurts, doesn't it? Sokka: [to Aang, Katara and Toph] No! It's the only explanation. Your choice. Someone very important Where's Momo? Since beginning less time, darkness thrives in the void, but always yields to purifying light. Abusing your power, mostly over women and kids. Toph Beifong: [Katara's running in place] Um Katara, are you oka? Appa's carrying your weight! We were just on our way home. Aang: The monks used to say that revenge is like a two-headed rat-viper. Would you like to hear Uncle's favorite tea joke? Aang: Look, your meoment of truth isn't going to be in front of some map. I gave up everything so that I could teach Aang Earthbending! Katara, how would you like to help me put Azula in her place? Bumi: Wait! The son my father wanted, but I wasn't me. Suki replies, "I am a warrior" - leaning in to kiss him on the cheek - "but I'm a girl, too." With these notable lines, Suki declares that she is a girl and a warrior, and both are inseparable, essential parts of her identity. Aang: It's okay, because I forgive you. How could he just leave us behind? Toph: Well, I think you all look perfect. Firebenders lose their bending during a solar eclipse! You *did* have a secret thing with Haru! Sokka: That's what you said about going to the festival. Guard: Wait, which one are we talking about? He's not exactly the powerful fire lord he used to be. You've never called me "Seefu Katara.". That doesn't sound like our Kuzon. Fisherman: You're friends ain't too polite, are they? Prince Zuko: At least you don't look like a boar-q-pine. After warning him to let go, Suki easily defeated the uncompromising Jojan. I have to do this! Suki was born in a village on Kyoshi Island which maintained strict isolationism, mostly cutting itself off from the rest of the world,[nb 1] even though other villages on the island traded with the Earth Kingdom mainland. But I thought I messed up every single thing we worked on. Suki asked that they introduce each other first, and then gave Biyu a few of the dumpling weed plants. What do you remember about our Great-Grandfather's history? Toph: Way to go, dancy pants. [5] Freed from captivity,[6] Suki later helped Aang and friends defeat the Fire Nation and eventually reunited with her fellow Kyoshi Warriors. Or should we just call you, "Mannerless Colony Slob"? He really does care. I want it to mean something. Chong: There's an old story about a secret pass - right through the mountains. Your mother! [Suki ties the warden's hands and gags him]. Good one Dad! He doesn't exist. Bully Guard: Uh, they are in the cooler sir. I'm a pretty good liar. That would require moving troops out of Ba Sing Se. I have hundreds of warships under my command. But I believe you are destined to redeem me, and save the world! You wouldn't believe what happened. Ty Lee: Nice speech Azula. [Fish smacks Sokka] Oh! Someone's in love! Toph Beifong: Yeah! And now I'm actually hearing the Earth. You're like my sister. How many times do I have to say it? Avatar Yanchen: Many great and wise Air Nomads have detached themselved and achived spiritual enlightenment. Katara: Come on guys, we've got to stick together. In the process, Suki was separated from her friends as the airship fell apart underneath them. You have to help yourself. He was there for me. Toph Beifong: [about Sokka's drawings of Appa] I think it looks just like him! Katara: My mother's necklace! Suki: [after Ozai's airship goes down] What just happened? Katara: You're right. And these are the traits that define you. Prince Zuko: I guess you wouldn't understand. Aang: Even though Teo's not an airbender, he's really got the spirit of one. Ozai: [exhausted and defeated] What what did you do to me? You can't go on like this. [the baby yawns and then walks in a circle on Sokka's head before lying down again and closing its eyes] I admit it. Walks back out to Sokka, still grinning]. Training. Piandao: Let me guess. She was asked how she learned to fight like that, though she playfully chastised Sokka for bragging that she was a Kyoshi Warrior. Suki is also the girlfriend of Sokka. I'm dyiiiing Guard: Wait, I think I've heard of pentapox. The two began dating thereafter.[19]. Even if you did run away. Sokka: This isn't right. [Students laugh]. You could put a hole in the top, but then the hot air would escape. Aang: Just like the legend says, we let love lead the way. Sokka: He's the Avatar. Firebender Soldier: [embarrassed] Oh, of course. Prince Zuko: [looking at a map] How am I going to find the Avatar? A messenger bird! Are you going to keep him locked up in our apparetment? Aang: You could clean the gunk out of Appa's toes? Sokka: [Looking chagrined] Me too. Toph Beifong: Gee, everyone's getting upset about their characters. Prince Zuko: You don't get it. And we have to get you out of here! Am I right? He said I was free to travel the world. What's wrong with that? As you said a long time ago, I had to open my brains to the possibilities. So he can't be too far from here. Toph Beifong: Wait a minute. For without courage, how can we call ourselves men? That makes me feel all better. Allow yourself to slip down that road and you surrender to your lowest instincts. She was able to convince Appa to trust her despite his grievous injuries, and she helped nurse him back to health. Admiral Zhao: He's real all right. Azula: My father asked you to come here and talk to me, didn't he? Sokka: No! Sokka: You are the nicest sister ever! I should be happy now, but I'm not! I knew you were the same guy. Toph: You have the craziest adventures when you disappear. Sokka: Right. Prince Zuko: [Not really paying attention] Uh-huh. Aang: No. Katara: So this crazy king is your old friend Bumi? Sokka: A lot of things. Uncle Iroh: [Interjecting] Actually, someone did. One day, when I was little, I ran away and hid in a cave. While working as a guard at Full Moon Bay, Suki was happy to reunite with Mingxia. Guru Pathik: Third is the Fire chakra, located in the stomach. Complete creative freedom. Now you want us to separate? [Aang and Katara break into hysterical laughter]. Anyhow, I guess our biggest problem is getting out of here. No, no, that's *stupid* Toph Beifong: I've seen enough of Ba Sing Se; and I can't even see! Toph: I'd return the compliment, but I have no idea what you look like. I know who I am. Uncle: I was just about to ask you the same thing. Toph Beifong: I learned from badger moles. Prince Zuko: [Looking at Aang through a telescope] The last airbender. If I hadn't blocked my chakra I'd probably be in the Avatar State right now! Well, I don't see the way you do. I have everything under control. Sokka: I know, but I've got a good feeling about this. You're still full of love, but fear has moved in where trust should be. But the important thing is, the Avatar gives Zuko hope. Sokka: I don't know. We need to focus on what we're doing right now. I like the idea of not talking to you. [Azula leaves]. Suki was reunited with Sokka in Cranefish Town. Avatar: Generations Firebender #1: So, do you know whose birthday it is? Gow: [after Zuko defeats him with Fire Bending] Who who are you? If it were up to you, we'd never made across the courtyard! Long Feng: What's most important to his royal majesty is maintaining the cultural heritage of Ba Sing Se. Katara: [reading an inscription] Love is brightest in the dark. And *now* when I try to remember my mom, Katara's face is the only face I can picture. The man you're going to marry! But it was not his place to speak out. Momo pounces on one and starts eating it]. Jie pointed out that his visit had led to the Fire Nation burning down their village, but Suki went on to say that she realized that Mingxia was right to reject her village's isolationism, as she did not believe they should remain apart from the world, and that people nearly died during the famine. Sokka: It's a special knot! Hama: [to Katara as the screen flashes back to a young Hama, staring through cell bars looking very sad] What I'm about to show you, I discovered in that wretched, Fire Nation prison. Sokka: What's a Guru? Read the inscription. Katara: [Looking over the side of the terrace in fear] I've changed my mind. I knew it was only a matter of time! Zhang Leader: Harsh words will never solve our problems Gan Jin Leader: action will! Sokka: Hey, I thought designing the lost Appa poster was *my* job. June: No, I mean he's gone gone. No disturbances. [She grabs a bunch of hair from Appa's side and opens her palm to let it blow away in the breeze] He's leaving a trail everywhere we go! Storm clouds are gathering. You broke my niece's heart. Suki is captured by the Fire Nation and brought to the Boiling Rock, a grim prison in the middle of a dormant volcano. It brings me joy to see someone eat my cooking with such gusto. Aang: If you want to be a bender, you have to let go of fear. Bug! Old Man: He's got a left sword, don't he? Oh wait. Leaving your home to help us? Sokka: I'm sorry, Master. What do you plan to do now that you've found the Avatar's bison? After calming the jittery sky bison, she and the other warriors tended to Appa and cleaned him up. We don't even know if Bumi's still Aang: This isn't about find a teacher. Zuko! Katara: Trust me, Zuko. But there's a big crowd. Aang: Well, you had to figure it out all on your own. Ours is to get Aang to the North Pole. But really I was running away from my feelings. We will have control of the Fire Nation Capitol, and this war will be over! Toph can't write! Something awful happened on that day. We'll meet again [Uncle hugs Zuko] after I have the Avatar. Aang: Wow, camping. Aang: [In music class] I know. Would you, Azula? I have a vision for the future, Roku. I love Zuko more than I fear you. It's impossible to fight your way out of my grip. As they admired the progress they had made, they were alerted to the warden, who was making a surprise inspection. Merchant: Here's your produce, ponytail guy. Aang: These people have no idea how close they were to getting toasted last night. Aang: You muzzled Appa? What's even funnier, however, is that he changes his mind immediately after Aang rescues him. I've lost my lotus tile. [Aang, Katara, and Toph do a group hug. Suki was freed by her friends, and rejoined the battle until Zuko used his impressive bending skills to terrify most of the remaining New Ozai Society militants into surrender. [Toph blindfolds Aaang] This way you'll really have to sense the vibrations of the boulder to stop it. Prince Zuko: I need to ask you something. We're surrounded by old people. What better to use as bait then fresh meat? Sokka: And the best part is: the eclipse isn't even our biggest advantage. Even you fear me. You don't know anything! And if you could conquer one, your firebending talents would become legendary. Princess Yue: But you have to. That hullabaloo going on with your feet. Katara: These people are starving! It has nothing to do with you. Maybe you'll remember this. You're a freedom fighter! Canyon Guide: [Terrified] They're coming back for me! You should see if you can study with Piandao. What are you ashamed of? Actress Yue: [ascending into the air on a prop moon] Goodbye Sokka. I didn't ask for the flying and magic Uncle Iroh: [getting a massage] Aahh this is what I've been missing. Bug! Ursa: What a shame. You *know* the consequences. [He folds his arms across his chest and assumes an expression of defiance] See! I could just send messages. Bumi: [Smiling] All old people know each other don't you know that? That's an unusual name for a yong man. Prince Zuko: [Walking away] I'm going to bed. Prince Zuko: Oh, sorry about that. You are not ready! Prince Zuko: You're wrong. You are now an honorary member of the Water Tribe. Sokka: [Panics and scrambles towards the wet spot in the sand] Momo, no! Toph Beifong: That's not true. Good night Appa and Momo Aang: [Aang's second dream] Your days of tyranny are over Fire Lord. You've chosen your own demise. Gan Jin Leader: You seem like a smart girl, Katara. I said the rest of you men, get ready for battle! Suki: Yes. Katara: We'll wear disguises. But it's Avatar's Duty to master all of the bending disciplines. I know how badly you want to help dad. Katara: Okay, we're going to keep trying, but that is a good backup. [walks closer to Zuko] I don't if it would work but [Zuko closes his eyes and Katara gently touches the side of his face near his scar]. Aang: MONKEY FEATHERS! Jeong Jeong: I had a pupil once who had no interest in learning discipline. Uncle Iroh: I know how you must feel about my nephew. Princess Yue: Is there any way we can help? Due: Well, how'd I know they'd understand me? Someone's missing from your group! List 6 wise famous quotes about Suki Avatar: Right now at the announce table we've got two kings and a queen, I'll let you figure out who's who. That's why they call me "Shoe.". Katara: Aang, wait! Where are we going? Each one is a different kind of weapons specialist. Aang: Katatara don't ride the Unagi. See you guys later. She then answered the Fire Lord's question about Mai's whereabouts, and told him that she would let him know where his former girlfriend's new home was located if he wanted to visit.[10]. Shopkeeper: Those soldiers are supposed to protect us from the Fire Nation, but they're just a bunch of thugs. [Draws his sword. [after finding their separate ways out of the Cave of Two Lovers]. It was incredible. Aang: I enrolled in Fire Nation School. Katara: I EVEN WASH ALL THE CLOTHES! Aang: What did I just do? I was so angry about losing Appa, I couldn't control myself. Maybe we should be a little quieter when we talk about taking out the Firelord. It's more fun! This is my fight. Prince Zuko: We're not taking any more chances with these plants. Then the Sun Warrior Chief smiles] Just kidding. No allies. Avatar or no avatar. You should have feared me more! Well. Katara: I always wondered what kind of person could do such a thing. Write your name. I will do that. Wait, Senior Assistant manager. 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