soul contract decoded calculator

If you have come to me for a, You can look at the energy of a business name, using the, Some business names carry numbers that tend to, 2) Also, if you run a business that carries one of the numbers above (, 3) The same line of thinking applies if you try to launch a, I used to think very negatively about the, With this in mind, looking at the link between, To learn more about how I use astrology in my practice go, But I digress, while also adding that - yes you can look up the names of your, Also, be mindful when you ask for input from someone who carries a, This could be because they carry a number in their talents that you carry in your karma or goal. There may also be several other opportunities to leave the earth plane during the course of your life, which present themselves as exit points. But timing is everything. Kim is a natural reader of signs of the universe and she is into all things that can help her connect to the spiritual world and therefore to herself and her own power. You can use the Soul Contract Calculator to cut through the BS and see truth! Many years later, as a young mother, I read a book that one of my neighbors gave me, where I first read about the idea that we pick our parents, which I thought was really cool. Your insight explains a lot of what Ive experienced, and most importantly it gives me the confirmation that I am following exactly what Im here to do. Each person, no matter how brief your encounter is, is meant to add value to your spirituality. There are minor cosmetic defects on the cover (from normal wear). An open system of interpretation 77. See 3) and 4) above for more on what it means to be aligned with the energies of your (business) offering. or Any Other Name (i.e., nickname, the name of a business, pet, address, website, etc.). Create your OWN Soul Contract charts using the Soul Contract Calculator. So, if someone is deliberately named "Anna dash Marie" for "Anna-Maire" then you include the "dash" when you enter it into the calculator, but if someone is called "Mary Jo" even though their name is spelt "Mary-Jo" you would not enter the word "dash" into the calculator because it is not said out loud. . This karma/goal to talent match must be within the same category (physical or spiritual) to apply. I would say that free will is the most important thing that we can take from the pandemic. It normally takes me a month or more to finish reading a book but I read this in only a few days. I highly recommend this book. Spiritual Karma. Wow, maybe its beneficial for some kids to be schooled at home, because for some of them its better, for some of them definitely not! I have the kindle version and books like these with information that needs to be cross-referenced are a bit tricky to read through, but I found it well organised and could navigate easily by using the table of contents. There are 21 letters in the name, but only 20 numbers as C-H is considered a combination letter. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products. Release ancestral agreements by stating the following with focussed intent: I now reject any and all vows that I accepted in order to experience the illusion of unconsciousness and separation from Source. You incarnated on this planet at a specific time and place with a soul purpose. Our names are sound, which is in itself energy; so the letters of your name are translated into Hebrew letters which then translate to numbers. I went into my reading expecting very little and with an open, yet, excited mind. For more information on the origins of this work, this was written by my original teacher, Nicolas David Ngan. Ive always felt drawn to my spiritual energy but never had a full understanding of it or its connection to a higher purpose. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Focusing on the essence of each number 79. For example, I could have an interaction with my neighbor, who I bump into at the grocery store and I may misperceive her reaction and I could take it personal. With the power of my higher self, I release this fear back to the Universe for the greatest good, to be transformed into the highest form of Divine Love and Light.. Then your cup will overflow into other peoples lives, and you wont even have to try! I was surprised at the accuracy of some of the insights that Nicolas gave me into my way of being in the world and his assessment of my relationships to date was spot-on. Some business names carry numbers that tend to trigger hurt feelings in people who are not ready to face tough lessons. Being neutral and respecting other peoples free will, being compassionate and understanding of other peoples fears. ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. BUT, people living a mainstream life tend to be a pretty good match to their common name, and, sometimes they dont even resonate with their birth name (because they are so off course from their souls path, thanks to the heavy social conditioning, in our present publicly funded, aka brainwashed, society). Then the field of New Biology demonstrated that our DNA is actually controlled by signals from outside the cell. Abundant Blessings. Whatever that emotion is, when it doesnt feel good, its false. Nothing can be taken as fact, because we are not them, and there are more things at play than their soul contract. Because its based on your birth name, it is specific to you. So, your total is 18. Whenever we are afraid or have a negative emotion such as anxiety or frustration, its important to stop, notice it and give it a name. Also, for Soul Contract, generally we want their full birth name, with adjustments for phonetics. 2) Look above at the repeating numbers and the numbers in the names of the people falling for the plan and those not falling for it, with grace or with anger. To add the following enhancements to your purchase, choose a different seller. Its like taking the wrong medicine for a physical symptom. I reclaim my natural power and co-create my reality with Source.. karma (main challenges in life , that can be transmuted into your gifts). Go here to download the Soul Contract Calculator, very affordable, free 24hr trial before you buy, and reach out if you have any questions. 4) Ill add a bit more to the 17-8, as naming our family dog with this lesson not only may have contributed to her bark, but also to my need to step into this painful role to be a voice (17) and set my self-care boundaries, knowing when to share and when to self-care, and feeling the pain of being a sensitive soul in a body (all lessons of the 8, one of my personal dominant energies). And if you do, maybe you want to know why (on a deeper soul level)? "Nicolas David Ngans "Your Soul Contract Decoded" for me was comprehensive and profoundly affecting. This is often arranged for the purpose of releasing karma. 3. We are truly blessed to be alive during the most exciting, transformational time on the planet. And remember, its never about proving the other or the agency/company wrong, its about grasping and learning the lesson that is available to you, and spirit will always show you what you need to see, even if it takes you making a mistake to see what is needed. Si tienes un vaso medio vaco, solo dars gotas a las personas. Learning what the Author is teaching has changed how I view my life, Reviewed in the United States on October 24, 2021. However the Blue Marsden book gives a lot more suggestion for working out challenges for each Soul type so perhaps I will be using both as references. The information we get comes through those numbers. The way the "Soul Contract Decoded" works is based on the energy of your name and the idea that we choose our names, just like we choose our parents, where we're born and our life challenges. Nicolas David Ngan has developed this powerful, profoundly transformative body of Soul Contract work at the Center For Conscious Ascension in conjunction with Dr Ahlmeirah Ariel Hallaire. In our case, A + O + O + E = 1 + 6 + 6 + 5 = 18. With this in mind, looking at the link between Uranus and the 21-3, the Sun and trust (4-4), and Mercury and speaking up for the little guy (17-8 energy), I can appreciate why living my life purpose is so painful at times. Unless you can uncouple your selves from the victim stance of these lessons, and = find your personal power, ground your soul into your body, feel your painful emotions, find your truth within, and step by step create the positive change you want to see in this world! This is called a lock. This book will teach you how to correlate the sounds in your birth name with Ancient . Reflecting on my life at the time I realized that I was feeling pain in the way that I was seeing my daughter, and when I recognized it the stye disappeared! I found that by applying the calculations required to chart out my "contract", I learned some very valuable insights. Integrity is so important, please be honest. The reality is that she is just having an ungood day or whatever. While searching online, I found the book Your Soul Contract Decoded and read it. I am gaining so much insight into who I am and why my life has been the way it is and most of all, what I can do to change it. , it is always handy to know the other person's Soul Contract, so you know what buttons they are likely to push in you and how they are there to support your growth, development, and success. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. "I was referred to Alahnnaa by my friend, when I lost my husband very suddenly and tragically. Would you enjoy knowing how to move through your challenges, how to attain your goals, and what your life was meant to be all about? ps. Very intriguing. Soul Contracts: Find Harmony and Unlock Your Brilliance, The Highly Sensitive: How to Find Inner Peace, Develop Your Gifts, and Thrive. I forgive anyone I think has harmed me in this any lifetime, anywhere, on any dimension. Your time, date and place of birth are no coincidence. Reviewed in the United States on September 7, 2022. Discover why you are in the perfect place in your life, be it in crisis, stuck, seeking a new way forward or just needing to make sense of everything. You may have met a partner only to be hurt in the end. We drove here from Florida, and when we arrived, we decided it was a magical place where we wanted to live forever and we made it our goal to get back here. It felt like a therapy session with someone who already knew all of my issues. For phonetic translations or any other questions, go here to book a paid session, and I would be happy to guide you further. Sometimes, spending time with a person who creates a lock with you can help you grow. For me it's about being connected with oneself, others and the environment., Taking responsibility for ourselves, which is the most important thing in life to say: Im responsible for myself, for my thoughts, for my actions, for my health., You need to walk to unfold the path. Its about getting into a space of gratitude, feeling strong and clear, and then sending love wherever you need it in your own body or to another person. Another healing modality that I have used is called Logosynthesis, which means putting together with words. The fact that youre reading this, means youre on the right path. Surrender to your patterns and embrace your life . How much better would you feel about your life if you could align with your Spiritual Signature and flow with life? My daughter helped me learn that. No one is just a passerby in your life. Reviewed in the United States on April 1, 2014. Please do not do readings for others without proper training. But here I am doing the work I was meant to do in this life-time and Im glad that you found me. If there something you feel I missed in explaining above, to give you more comfort in using this app, please ask me below. It gave me understanding on astrology of my personality. What is interesting is the way I calculated my name came out different from the site calculation. 2 page corners have fold lines from being dog-eared. I felt it was worth it. It will empower you to move forward from there, Pick up the right tools to overcome your life challenges and deliver your gift of your service to the world hidden within them, Connect with and start to manifest your dreams, Access and start to manifest your soul purpose, Create a much more fulfilling life at all levels. It brings meaning and understanding to all of the stress and chaos of our life and explains the real reason "WHY" we are creating our reality the way we are. For hyphenated names, you would include the hyphen/dash only if it is said explicitly (same goes for a "/", or any other symbol, do you say "slash" when you read it, or do you say "and or" etc). Spiritual seekers are feeling an increasingly strong urge from within to connect with and manifest their life purpose. If you have come to me for a Soul Contract reading, or had Soul Contract as part of one of your sessions with me (for your self, your child, your relationships, family, or business), then you know enough to make use of this handy app. And, for businesses you generally want their full registered business name (LLCs and incorporateds included), but, Im willing to guess, like with mainstream people, the common name tells you something. I am at a stage in my life where I am ready to explore numerology. I found that by applying the calculations required to chart out my "contract", I learned some very valuable insights. A Soul Contract Reading (also known as the Spiritual Numerology of Moses) is an accurate, in depth, channeled system of spiritual interpretations of your birth name. This could be because they carry a number in their talents that you carry in your karma or goal. Top-level interpretations 1-22 80. What you can do with the Soul Contract Calculator Well, don't sell your self short! I didnt understand how my friends didnt see the same things I did. Empowering & Synchronistic Confirmed many intuitive feelings I've received throughout my life about why things have happened the way they have and my overarching theme. This literally is our last look at duality as we ascend from 3D to 4D and 5D consciousness. A spiritual guide on how to use the powers of numerology to better understand yourself and your life more fullyfrom your purpose and goals to your talents and karmic patterns. Thats what I learned from the Dr. Yuen method, because he would always say: When you know the real answer to a problem, the problem goes away. Perhaps you didnt get that huge mortgage because you are being called by Spirit to start a different spiritual journey? Thats our story of Costa Rica in a nutshell. Neither is your name you thought you were given by your parents. Please note the Soul Contract Calculator only works on devices running the Windows platform at this time, go here for more details. This is one of the reasons I love astrology and the gene keys: self acceptance, and our life lessons, are not always easy, but when you can see this on paper, you can love, accept, and forgive your self a lot more. Kim tells us about her own experience with this process, which for her is like looking into a mirror. For a while, this is just what Person A needs, to get going on the 2 in their Physical Goal and the 11 in their Spiritual Karma and Goal (explained in a) above). It takes unconditional love, and being very conscious that there is more at play, in order to grow and overcome this experience. I became interested in understanding soul contracts and this book came recommended. . At a higher level, we even sometimes agree to endure abusive or extreme relationships, to help us to reawaken to our purpose on the planet. This book will teach you how to correlate the sounds in your birth name with Ancient Hebrew glyphs. Life changing! Your Soul Contract Decoded, by Nicolas David Ngan, is a #1 Bestseller on Amazon. This is called a clash. I know its not easy at the start, and can seem overwhelming, with how do I know what name, and how can I remember what means what and what is important. RELATED POST: 5 Healing Exercises To Open Your Karmic Chakra & Release Your Ancestral Baggage. Primero tienes que encontrar tu libertad, tu felicidad, tu individualidad y trabajar en ti mismo, para que puedas llenar tu vaso. Well, Im 53 years young. soul destiny (what your life is meant to be all about). Based on the Kabbalah Tree of Life, it decodes the Spiritual Map of Your Life, so you can align with and manifest your soul purpose. Growing up, I assumed everyone else was like me. Neither is your name you thought you were given by your parents. This book along with the chart is amazingly accurate. Oh, it gives me so much relief! .. and bought both formats .. 3) The same line of thinking applies if you try to launch a business or product that carries numbers with a lesson that you yourself are not ready to work on. As the light bearer of my genetic lineage, I break these vows for myself and my ancestors. Very empowering, very thorough, a great tool for those consciously on their paths. This item can be returned in its original condition for a full refund or replacement within 30 days of receipt. Access your deepest soul purpose. Use the Life Purpose App to: gain insight into your life path information or anyone* in your Address Book, or on Facebook, using the built-in Life-Purpose Calculator. It will get people out of fear and into love, because thats where we all need to be. This is my second book on this topic, the first was the Blue Marsden version and I have to say I prefer this one A LOT more. They are regarded as world leaders in this field and he will be sharing with you over 45 years of their combined experience in helping thousands of people around the world. I love the work that you do because it helps people feel at peace with who they are, without constantly tryingto fight who they are, because they lack awareness. But whatever your soul contract entails, remember you have chosen each and every experience, to help you to learn and grow. Also, I was recently referred to a book called Wisdom of the Mystic Masters written by Joseph Weed who describes breathing and healing exercises that I now use all the time. I'm a novice in numerology, but the information provided in this book is useful enough to prepare a chart and attempt an interpretation. I did it with both my husband and my kids. But when I have a thought like: this person is bummed at me, that makes me feel ungood, so its not true! Soul Origin & Past Lives, Soul Purpose, Spirituality & Healing, Guiding Your Kids Through Spiritually Tough Times, Jan 2022 Starseed Forecast (Pt 1): Explore Your Life's Mysteries. A Beginner's Guide to Numerology: Decode Relationships, Maximize Opportunities, and Discover Your Destiny. Soul contracts are guaranteed to strengthen our souls. A soul contract reading is an accurate, in depth, channeled system of spiritual interpretation that will empower you by decoding the secrets of the blueprint of your life hidden within your birth name. Wouldn't you like to remember your plan for this life and what you came here to try to overcome (so you could see your everyday challenges as opportunities to learn your lessons)? Jesus and many other masters said the same. It is based on an ancient system of numerology that uses Hebrew glyphs, revealing the true essence of the reader's life purpose as well as . Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology - read free eBook by Nicolas David Ngan in online reader directly on the web page. And while Ive been intuitive my whole life and have the gift of knowing, its been a journey to be openly state this to the world. Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. 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