savage model 720 16 gauge serial numbers
Next week I am going to be working on distributing the several firearms my grandpa had when he passed away and for the last week I have been compiling a list with the value and background info on each. $375.00. The barrel is pulled off the spent case and almost as an afterthought, a small ejector stub on the end of the barrel extension rudely hurls the spent hull out of the action. This is a testimony to the stress that occurs as the shot load stretches the barrel during constriction. But it is far more economical to get searches and letters as a member than buying multiple letters as a non-member.Start your Center Of The West letter request here:, Models 10/110 (excluding 'LE SERIES'), 11/111, 14/114 and 16/116 Bolt Action Centerfire Rifles . of Israeli Defense Forces, joins David Fortier for an exclusive interview for Shotgun News. A few 1971 rifles have a Y stamp, but most rifles in 1971 dont have one. Antique (Pre-1899) Rifles - Flintlock Misc, Antique (Pre-1899) Rifles - Matchlock/Wheellock Misc, Century Arms International (CAI) - Rifles, Muzzleloading Modern & Replica Rifles (perc), Winchester Rifles - Modern Bolt/Auto/Single, Winchester Rifles - Pre-1899 Bolt/Single Shot, Century Arms International (CAI) - Pistols, Colt Automatic Pistols (.25, .32, & .380 cal), Colt Single Action Revolvers - Modern (22 Cal. Model 24 Rifle/Shotgun. Out of Greg's 34-inch Krieghoff, they produce a smidge over 1,300 fps, but the abbreviated barrel of the 720 offered them at just 1,239 fps. $34.95. If you do not see a confirmation message on the screen after clicking Submit Order, please scroll the form to make sure you have filled out all required fields then re-submit. IT IS A 30" MODIFIED BARREL.SERIAL #101694. Who knew wild turkey's were so stupid!? Senior Member . Savage records typically include basic configuration data, manufacturing dates, and . I'm hard pressed to see what's the difference between "selling the rights" and "licensing". $52.95. Lighter and tougher and more precise than ever, it's the perfect back country hunting rifle. Standard delivery fee waived on member benefit letter orders and on orders using pre-purchased letter packs. Fox Savage model B double barrel shotgun: Savage model 24C-DL combination gun: Savage, A 20 gauge/.30-30 Savage Model 24V combination, A 20 gauge/.222 Remington Savage Model 24V, J. Stevens 12-gauge SxS shotgun and Lefever12-gauge, *Harrington & Richardson Topper Shotgun/Rifle, *SAVAGE ARMS "AMERICAN GUN COMPANY" SIDE-BY-SIDE, LADY'S 16 GAUGE SHOTGUN BY FOX 16 Gauge Double, Two 12-gauge Shotguns and Two . For help determining your 1895 or 1899 model, refer to my book or the internet forums on the Contact page. Part Key: 79. Model 64. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. That is because Savage Arms never assigned model letters until the 99s came out in 1921. PolyChoke had the contract to installed the adjustable chokes, but not all were done. Combo, Two guns, Savage shotgun, model 30F, twelve. Estimated Value *Using 80% condition for calculating used Values. Find Savage/Springfield/Stevens Model 720 parts and accessories today with Numrich Gun Parts. Savage Serial Numbers 110. Joseph Von Benedikt is with Jorge Spat to learn all about it. . by Savage arms corp. Most of the models were pretty easy to identify and research, but the Savage 720 threw me for a loop when I found out the serial number was consistent with the WWII period where arms were sold to the US Army. I'm hard pressed to see what's the difference between "selling the rights" and "licensing". Mikey Hartman, Lt. Col. Thank you, and if you have any questions, please contact us at [emailprotected] or 307-578-4031. Also dates, checkering, engraving.. Find at You can adjust the mechanism for light or heavy loads by varying the position of the friction ring with relation to the recoil spring (another Browning feature). The design was made by Browning, Remington, Savage, and other companies, in several different variations, for nearly 100 years. Savage/Stevens Model 9478 Single Barrel Shotgun: *Stevens Model 94 12 Gauge Single Shot Shotgun. The Savage Model 720 shotgun was a pre-WWII authorized copy of John Browning's Auto 5 semi-automatic shotgun. ** Description. This site utilizes affiliate programs to generate revenue and as such purchasing a product reached by clicking on a link on this site may earn us a small commission on that sale. $9.00 shipping. So, what does a Date returned from a web site or book for your Savage rifle actually mean? BASED ON THE BROWNING A5 / REMINGTON MODEL 11. Postage & Handling fee is added per order, not per letter. More information may be available at the This field is required Savage arms serial numbers lookup Savage arms serial numbers lookup Savage arms serial number lookup The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in gove. I've killed pheasant roosters dead at 60 yards with it, but it probably has taken several thousand miles off my rotator cuff. Jump to . Rifles werent always shipped in order, and some models/chamberings sold better than others and thus sat in the shipping dept longer. I don't have the serial number database for the 720, but your serial number is inside the range of the military contract, and close as I can guess, about 1941-42. The student cut off the compensator for me and installed a Colonial removable Full choke. Arthur Savage was the first to invent the hammerless rifle. It shows as being made in Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts. They received the old Savage ledgers in the fall of 2020 but they dont have records for ALL Savage rifles. All Shooting Times subscribers now have digital access to their magazine content. The best way to look up serial number information for a Savage rifle is to visit the gun manufacturer's web site and select the Part Finder tab. This was done to clearly identify which firearms were manufactured after the Gun Control Act of 1968 went into effect. I'm no expert, but I have one of these, and can share with you what others have shared with me. 0 bids. Payment Methods: MONEY ORDERS-CHECKS. 7 shot at 1,309 fps. I bought the subject gun some years ago from a fellow member of the Los Angeles Adventurers Club. But do you know how to properly use them? Cart 0. As the storm clouds of World War II loomed on the horizon, the services struggled to train fighter pilots and gunners in the voodoo science of deflection shooting. Alas, the beautiful blackpowder loads didn't have enough poop, their action being insufficient to provoke a complete reaction from the Savage 720. Savage's offering, the Model 720, was built between 1930 and 1949. The Staying Power of the .257 Roberts Cartridge, Savage Impulse Straight-Pull Rifle: Full Review, 10mm Firepower: Springfield XD-M Elite 3.8 Compact Pistol Review, A World Record Attempt: Practice Round and Media Day, Interview with Israeli Defense Forces, Part 1. Savage Arms Springfield Model 67 Series D. Fox 12 gauge side-by-side shotgun, by Savage, Fox 12 gauge side-by-side shotgun, Sterling, Fox Mdl. The Savage M720 existed as a semi-automatic, repeat-fire shotgun delivered by the Savage Arms Company. Make sure to watch till the end. 16 1000 - 1028 - 1029 - 1100 - 1250 - 1400 - Manual: Winchester Repeating Arms Airgun 2 1000 Series - Over & Under: Webley & Scott Shotgun 19 1000 Series - Over & Under - Manual: Webley & Scott Shotgun 36 10044S C7 Family of Combat Wearpons - Manual - Par Subscriber Services. Pay your invoice as soon as you are able. Savage Model 720 riot shotguns are perhaps the most difficult of the military semi-automatic riot guns to obtain. check out the. If records are not available for your firearm we will notify you and return your check. GS2-6. Seller's Description: LSB#: 120228JM16 Make: Savage Model: 720 Military Aerial Trainer Serial Number: 82195 Year of Manufacture: 1941-1945 Caliber: 12 Gauge Action Type: Semi-Auto Markings: The left side of the receiver is stamped with the Flaming Ordnance Bomb, "P" proof mark, and "U.S." The left side of the barrel is stamped, "Savage / Savage Arms Corporation / Utica, New York, USA / Model . 8 shot, finally topped with an over-shot card. This releases the barrel, which is pushed forward by the recoil spring on the magazine tube. As said many times before, the current value of any used shotgun, modern, antique or curio and relic will depend on its condition, how much of the original finish is remaining on the metal and wood. The 720-745-750-775 where John Browning's design and since he could not make them had sold the rights to Remingtion and Savage to make them. Later Savage also made the same gun as the Remington model 11, but under the model 720, 755, & the lightweight 745 & 775 (aluminum . Savage Model 775A Shotgun: United States, Savage Arms Model 24S-D over-and-under conbination, *Savage Model 101 22 LR Single Shot PistolProduced. The Savage Model 720 was used extensively during World War II and post-War by US Military personnel and police. On Savage 99s it is on the front of the lever above the serial number, and is a letter inside an oval stamp preceded by 1 or 2 numbers. By carthago in forum Vintage Savage/Stevens/Fox Firearms, By bcamicia in forum Vintage Savage/Stevens/Fox Firearms, By danjurista in forum Savage & Stevens Rimfire Rifles. The 1895 and 1899 model names that we use now (1899A, 1899C, 1899F, etc) are based on the first letter of the telegraph codes used to order that configuration, and were coined by Douglas Murray in his book The Ninety-Nine in the 1970s. This shotgun has very strong ejector becareful when you open it will ejecct a fully lo .Click for more info. With the Cutts compensator removed, the 720 becomes quite the handy defensive gun. savage model 720 semi auto. If the forend is to far foreward or rearward it will not fire. warsaw pastor new life christian church. If you do not see your PayPal invoice within 2 business days of order confirmation, contact the Records Office. If this was a legal forum I'd really be impressed with your superior knowledge of licensing and patent issues. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! The A.H. Fox records start close to serial number 1 and run through serial number 450099 with some gaps in the records. Manufactured between 1930 and 1949. Privacy Policy. Humpbacks were used across the Atlantic: An interesting photo exists of Luftwaffe ace Adolf Galland hunting upland game with an Auto-5 during a lull in the Battle of Britain. Serial number/part number for bottom metal from Savage for 111 ITH? Walther's new Performance Duty Pistol is ready for both concealed carry and conventional service situations. Taurus has redesigned this sporting pistol for performance. By fptdgc in forum Vintage Savage/Stevens/Fox Firearms, By The Machinist in forum Vintage Savage/Stevens/Fox Firearms, By admiral1960 in forum Vintage Savage/Stevens/Fox Firearms, By TrekJeff in forum Savage & Stevens Rimfire Rifles, Dating Serial Numbers with a Letter Prefix, Trying to verify non-prefixed Savage 340 serial numbers, Model 99 Serial Numbers and years of manufacture, If this is your first visit, be sure to
When it returns to battery, it trips the bolt release. This date code is on 99's only from 1949 to 1970, and is always preceded by numbers. If anybody needs it, I've got an old handbook that shows the positions; contact me for a photocopy. Bolt-Action Centerfire Rifles, Shotguns, Varminters, Striker. Most if not all price guides assume that the gun is complete and safe to shoot. Video Search Engine results for savage arms serial numbers from Searchm.Savage Serial Numbers 110. . 30-30 Bolt Action Rifle:Savage Model 340 . SAVAGE 16 GAUGE Search our price guide for your own treasures Savage Model 720 12 Gauge Repeating Shotgun: Savage Model 720 12 Gauge Repeating Shotgun: For bidding is a Savage Model 720 semi-automatic shotgun chambered in the 12 gauge. The left side of the receiver is marked "SAVAGE AUTOMATIC / MANUFACTURED BY SAVAGE ARMS CORPORATION / UTICA, N.Y. U.S.A." / JOHN M. BROWNING . Barrel Length: 20" Chamber: 2 - 3/4" Choke: Cylinder FFL Status: Curio & Relic Gauge: 12 Gauge Manufacturer: Savage Model: 720 Serial Number: 76144 Buyer's Premium 28% (C) US MARKED SAVAGE 720 SEMI AUTO SHOTGUN. Seller: jerkweed. Barrel could be had in 20" riot, 26, 28 & 32" plain or matted rib barrels. Add to cart. Make: Savage Model: 720 Gauge: 16 gauge SN#: 6332X Action Type: Semi Auto Action Barrel Length / Condition: 28"; Excellent with light wear Ribbing (Y/N): No Receiver Condition (ie. Skip to main content. For most other models, only a range of years is given. Because we are still processing this collection, please allow at least four business days for Savage and A.H. Fox serial number searches to be returned and five weeks for factory letters to be mailed. Model 65. Our Savage serial number lookup allows you to date your vintage rifle. Gun Type: Shotgun NIB $0000 Excellent $0000 Very Good $0000 Good $0000 Fair $0000 Poor $0000 Login Get Prices Available Serial Number Ranges PDF (Savage on page 1; A.H. Fox on page 2). On Savage 99's it is on the front of the lever above the serial number, and is a letter inside an oval stamp preceded by 1 or 2 numbers. Three 12-gauge factory loads and two handloads were used for the shooting portion of this report. SALE PENDING. World War II issued Model 720 12 gauge riot gun. 1 Single Shot Shotgun: Ranger Repeating 12 Gauge Shotgun: For your, Ansley H. Fox 12-gauge AE grade boxlock ejector, *Stevens Model 94 Series M 12 ga. ShotgunProduced. Copyright 2000-2023, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The six digit (always) numbers, stamped only on the left side of the frame, not on the barrels or fore end or on the wood, are preceded by capital letters from A to E. Last month a pristine M720 with it's original packing box sold, at auction, for $3200. Model 40 Varmint Hunter with AccuTrigger. If records are not available, credit card information will be destroyed. By devoted health plans florida. JavaScript is disabled. 32 FREE. SAVAGE-STEVENS MODEL 67, 12 GAUGE WOODEN SHOTGUN FOREND W/PARTS. Receiver is very good with surface wear. These were originally cooked up for Single Action Society doin's. 6.5 Creedmoor vs. 6.5 PRC: Which is Better? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. This semi-automatic model was based on Browning's patents, and was very similar to the Remington Model 11, and those made in Belgium by FN. Their ribald commentary can't be repeated here. The Savage 720 is a variation of a shotgun called the Auto 5, designed by John Browning. What Is The Date? After submitting your order form(s), you will receive a confirmation e-mail indicating record availability and letter price within two days of order form receipt. Small "P" with Ordnance bomb inspection on chamber of barrel. The oil finished walnut forearm and stock are not checkered. Skip to main content. Serial Number: Catalog Page: 224. . Savage factory records cover manufacture from 1899 into the late 1940s including records on the Model 1899/99, the Model 1907/1915/1917 semi-automatic pistol, and other models. The sole purpose of this site is to provide an online community for those who wish to interact with other Savage firearm enthusiasts. This date code is on 99s only from 1949 to 1970, and is always preceded by numbers. $24.50. A World Record Attempt and everyone is out at the range shooting and practicing. 30-30 rifle. Join Date: March 18, 2006. Mine is a 12ga and I liked it well enough to sell the browning and keep the savage. The demand of new MODEL 720 shotgun's has not changed over the past 12 months. Between 1942 - 1945, the U.S. government procured 14527 of the Model 720 guns, relatively few of which were riot guns. 2023 Buffalo Bill Center of the West. All rights reserved. Model 40/45 1-22281 Model 720 1000-39636 Models . SOLD FOR: $1100. The ledgers are.. interesting.. and the Cody folks will tell you exactly whats in it for your rifle. 2023 Buffalo Bill Center of the West. In 1949 the date code was A, and it increased . Not all Savage rifles have a serial number; many firearms made prior to 1968 . The seller advises that it has a six digit serial number. It appears we may only be able to provide invoice numbers for some models and no production data. Savage makes a variety of rimfire and centerfire rifles, as well as Stevens single-shot rifles and shotguns. . Ithaca Gun Company 1886-1985 Use this form to order factory letters for Savage and A.H. Fox firearms. Since this is a Savage Collector's forum and most of us just come here to swap a few ideas, facts and the occasional lie - I really don't give a flip. " The Savage 99 Pocket Reference ". Estimate $750 - $1,500 Sep 11, 2019 See Sold Price Sell a Similar Item Shipping, Payment & Auction Policies Read MoreThe Savage 440B 12 gauge over and under shotgun is valued at $700 in excellent condition. 720 Sheridan Avenue . Description: sale pending rick c-THIS SAVAGE SHOTGUN IS A MODEL 720 SEMI AUTO. All rights reserved. Springfield Armory SA-35 Pistol: Rebirth of the Browning P-35 Hi-Power, 5 Best Long-Range Hunting Bullets Available Right Now, The .284 Winchester Cartridge: Still A Long-Range Champ, Ruger MAX-9 9mm Micro-Sized High-Capacity Pistol: Review. BUFFALO BILL CENTER OF THE WEST - 720 Sheridan Avenue - Cody, WY 82414, Learn more about firearms membership here, Priority (US $14, International starting at $35), Standard delivery fee waived on member benefit letter orders, Standard delivery fee waived on orders using pre-purchased letter packs. THE GOOD NEWS- IT IS IN VERY GOOD MECHANICAL CONDITION AND FUNCTIONS WELL. 8 shot, finally topped with an over-shot card. Hmmm - blackpowder - long recoil. SAVAGE MODEL 21-1921 12 GAUGE FOREND. Blued, with walnut stock. . Trap and skeet were found to be excellent low-cost methods of teaching lead, and the services bought shotguns for gunnery schools across the country. I heard no mention of patents changing hands or the like. I swapped the friction collar after the first monster Federal round and begged off after two more. Find more information on record availability here (Savage on page 1). After you click "submit" you will receive an on-screen acknowledgement. Joseph Von Benedikt visits with Aaron Oelger from Hodgdon about the unprecedented demand on the shooting supply industry. Each model was only offered for a year. Model 53. Make: Savage Model: 720 Shotgun Gauge: 12 Gauge Serial #: 53979 Barrel Length: 28in Condition: Fair WILL BENEFIT FROM A GOOD CLEANING. I traded for a box of reloads with serious trap competitor Greg Holden. All Rights Reserved. Dating with the Savage Date Codes 1949 1970From sometime in 1949 through 1970, Savage Arms and Stevens stamped a date code on almost all firearms. Savage Fox Model BSE 12 Ga. Walnut Forend SXS FREE SHIPPING. AAM Available in different sizes and red dot ready, it'll fit your needs, whatever they are. SAVAGE ARMS CORPORATION > Model 720 Model 720 A 12- or 16-gauge semi-automatic shotgun, with 26" to 32" barrels. . The information and opinions expressed within this site are those of its contributors, and in no way should be viewed as the opinions or recommendations of Savage Arms. To me they are one and the same. Give a Gift
The 720-745-750-775 where John Browning's design and since he could not make them had sold the rights to Remingtion and Savage to make them. The sole purpose of this site is to provide an online community for those who wish to interact with other Savage firearm enthusiasts. Please send all support inquiries to, 2022 | Designed & Hosted by, Radical Firearms FR24 24" 6.5 Grendel Budget AR (1 MOA Rifle), Dance Moms: An Unhappy Mini (Season 6 Flashback) | Lifetime. Model 1894 (Mod 94) Model 1895. I found a replacement stock by calling a now-defunct mom-n-pop, and gunsmith friend Danny Pedersen (928-772- 4060) located a student at his alma mater, the Yavapai College gunsmithing program, interested in working on the gun. There are a LOT of them out there. Joseph VonBenedikt is with Joel Hodgdon to talk about the improved accuracy and long-range potential of the already reliable Core-Lokt ammo line. SAVAGE Model 220 Bolt Action Shotgun ~ 2 SPRINGFIELD (SAVAGE) MODEL 944 20 GAUGE Trades Accepted: Sorry, no trades, no layaway. Well, what it means varies by time periods. Upon firing, both the barrel and bolt travel locked together, like cars on an express train, the full length of the receiver. It is virtually identical to the A-5 but lacks the magazine cutoff and has a. Note: If you do not see a confirmation message on the screen after clicking "Submit Order" below, please scroll down and review the form to make sure you have filled out all required fields and then re-submit. Impulse. Thanks for the referral I just purchased a good dL lookup site from *thomas davy* on telegram he is so nice. Inspected "P" over ordnance bomb and U.S. on left side of receiver. Indicate whether your firearm is a Savage or an A.H. Fox. He said his father had purchased the worn 720 just after World War II and had hunted waterfowl with it for years. Joseph Von Benedikt is with Rafe Nielsen of Browning to take a look at a new X-Bolt series rifle. We show you how. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. This can be placed at the front to slow down the action for high-base shells or placed at the rear for garden-variety target loads. JavaScript is disabled. To me they are one and the same. Federal has created a safer, easier and more reliable way to shoot a muzzleloader. Product #: 1632490 Shipment prohibited outside USA. rust gazebo; failed to start an agent on one of the extents; At the Mojave Sportsman's Club's Seven Mile Range, the 720 patterned about 2 feet wide at 40 yards, the Colonial choke and wicked Federal No. LSB#: 220209FH006 Make: Savage Model: U.S. Property 720 Serial Number: 75858 Year of Manufacture: 1942-1945 Gauge: 12 Gauge, 2 3/4 Shells Action Type: Long-Recoil Semi-Automatic with Tubular Magazine Markings: The left side of the barrel is marked "SAVAGE", "SAVAGE ARMS CORPORATION / UTICA, NEW YORK, U.S.A", "MODEL 720", with a U.S. flaming bomb, "P", "SP . Notifications . LSB#: 140320KC01 Make: Savage Arms Corporation Model: Automatic Serial Number: 21105 Year of Manufacture: 1930-1949 Gauge: 16 Gauge Action Type: Semi-Automatic with tubular magazine Markings: The underside of the receiver is marked "16 / 211085". Smithsonian Affiliations A forum community dedicated to Shotgun owners and enthusiasts including the Remington, Beretta, and Mossberg shotguns brands. Once payment has been received, we will process your order. Model 1892. The War Department purchased over 14,500 Savage Model 720 shotguns in 1943 and 1944. The original Auto-5 has a magazine cutoff, but the 720 dispenses with it to save on production costs. After you click `` submit '' you will receive an on-screen acknowledgement of 1968 into! Save on production costs than others and thus sat in the shipping dept longer originally cooked for! Inspected & quot ; P & quot ; over Ordnance bomb inspection on chamber of barrel thomas! ; over Ordnance bomb and U.S. on left side of receiver doin 's added order. Angeles Adventurers Club received the old Savage ledgers in the records, classifieds, and some models/chamberings sold than. 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