return to white plume mountain pdf 5e

The first version of this adventure was written by Lawrence Schick. Adventure Lookup is made possible by Please sign in to rate or leave a review. Report DMCA. Keraptis. For him, it was the "amusement park of dungeons". Additional resources include the following: DUNGEON MASTER@ Guide and Player's Handbook by Zeb Cook, MONSTROUS MANUAL?" Encounter 26 involves negotiating a magical ziggurat populated by various monsters (including sea lions, giant crayfish, giant scorpions, and manticores) before encounter 28, a battle against an ogre mage who possesses Blackrazor. My long running (almost a year and a half) campaign had reached the point where my ability to homebrew content was beginning to be hindered by how little time I had available between sessions. Sometimes TOO unique! I found it easy enough to run, though I skipped most of the descriptions to make it feel more like my own. I feel as if I hit the jackpot in this one-shot! As a result I started to look back towards pre-published content. This is often how adventures used to be back in the early days, but DCC RPG apart, its an adventure style which has largely fallen out of favour of late. He took what he felt were the best parts from his previously created dungeons and put them together to create White Plume Mountain. Two decades ago, however, Keraptis reappeared in White Plume. Both download and print editions of such books should be high quality. The three treasures are: Blackrazor, the sword; Whelm, the war hammer; and Wave, the trident.Their powers are enumerated in the module, and the . Recently, Ive been playing more than writing about D&D, hence the long gap between posts. The first encounter is with Kelpies in a section of the caves that opens up and is filled with water. Death raises its grisly visage at every turn: whether from shawl insufficiency or too many novels, a Regency-era lady can never be too cautious.. Change). Concerning the permanently dark room that houses a vampire, he commented on the ease with which one player's character can easily hit that of another in the gloom. Encounter 17 occurs in a giant but fragile bubble located above a boiling lake, with the players needing to defeat a giant crab and retrieve Wave without damaging the bubble. Within the magma domes and steam vents of an active volcano, he conducted his arcane experiments. $4.99. Return to White Plume Mountain 5E Conversion, DM's Guide to the Dragon of Icespire Keep. It was a fun character moment, and I very much wish I had thought of similar things for Wave and Whelm! (LogOut/ "[13], In 2005, an online version of the adventure was released as a free download, updated to conform with v3.5 rules (Wizards of the Coast periodically alters the rules of Dungeons & Dragons and releases a new version). Check. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content, All other original material in this work is copyright 2022 by. The revised module is designed for characters of the seventh level of experience. The party is seeking a "Word of Making" believed to be buried in the dungeon - they can use this Word to right the Ordning of the Giants which is broken and causing all kinds of trouble (Storm King's Thunder). Return to White Plume Mountain[1] is an adventure module for the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game released in 1999 by Wizards of the Coast under its then recently acquired "TSR" imprint. Ranked the 9th greatest Dungeons and Dragons adventure of all time by 2004s Dungeon magazine, it is a game that requires brute force and creative solutions in order to find three very cool sentient weapons. If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA [6], Ken Denmead of Wired says that White Plume Mountain is his favorite adventure, if not necessarily the best. Lacking the sapience of the other three, Frostrazor went on to appear in the web enhancement to "White Plume Mountain Revisited", a free 3.5 update of White Plume Mountain that WoTC published on their website back in 2007. sip is lethal, affecting the imbiber as described in "Sub-. This title was added to our catalog on January 18, 2022. Do not sell or share my personal information, Credits .. 1, Table of Contents 2, Session 0 .. 3, Theme. 3, Seven Truths About White Plume Mountain .. 3, Party Building .. 3, Story Synopsis .4, Dramatis Persona .4, Story Flowchart .4, Notes on Running . 5, Imprints 5, Locations Around White Plume Mountain . 6, General Areas .. 6, 7, The Great Swamp ..7, The Dungeon 8, Deck of Destinies .. 20, Frostrazor .. 20. Encounters are varied and each presents its own challenges. NPCs of Note. You can use cities of the south and west. [9] The adventure was included as part of the Realms of Horror abridged compilation produced in 1987. Adventure Game Industry Market Research Summary (RPGs) V1.0, TSR, WotC, & Paizo: A Comparative History, Eric Noah's Unofficial D&D 3rd Edition News, [Let's Read] The Test of High Sorcery, a CYOA Dragonlance Adventure, [Let's Read] Keep of the Kobold Queen, a JRPG-inspired adventure, An Analysis of the Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves Trailer, Ignore/Block Essentials, Paid Registrations by. Which is exactly what this module is. [14], All four modules of the S-series were included as part of the Dungeons of Dread hardcover collection, released on March 19, 2013. July 2022 0. White Plume Mountain runs very well as three independent adventures, one for each of the three main wings. Uploaded by One-click unsubscribe later if you don't enjoy the newsletter. I have also drawn the map on 5' grid for use with miniatures (see . Well, not RetConning that. I'm a bit concerned that the vampire fight is going to be waay too tough for them. More details. Games, Movies, Writing and other Creative Nonsense, Sometimes With Friends! web pages In this article I am going to use pieces of art from this epic walkthrough map. The one big flaw with having the goal being to recover magic weapons is that you might have a group that cant make use of them. I loved my delve into the be-trapped abyss called White Plume Mountain! As originally written, White Plume Mountain was intended for four to ten characters between levels 5 and 10. 1 Plot summary 2 Publication history 3 Finally, in 2005, an online version of the adventure was released as a free download, updated to conform with 3.5 rules. Also, after reading through the conversion, it seems to me like the conversion suffers from the same problem as the Tomb of Horrors conversion: traps are way too weak, as are many of the combat encounters. Falling causes fall damage. The ceiling is 50 feet above the level of the platforms. Check out my Gold best sellingDM's Guide to the Dragon of Icespire Keep! Frostrazor is an enchanted greatsword made entirely from a viciously jagged slab of solid, never-melting ice. other fine people. it. White Plume Mountain (S2) 1st print : Item Code: 9027: Type: Adventure: Author: Lawrence Schick: Published: 1979: Format: 12-page book w/cover . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. The 16-page adventure bears the code "S2" ("S" for "special"). The maps are designed with a 5 ft. grid, but there is also a gridless option included. The maps and the images in the adventure are well done and thematically in tune with the original module. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. . Administrative Information for more detailed information. Its not a hex crawl and there isnt the frustration of just not being able to figure out which way to go to progress the session. We need your help to expand the catalog and ensure each entry is reasonably accurate. (LogOut/ In particular, they really latched onto the flesh golem in the Numbered Golems room (#5). It wasn't until August 2017 before This group is a pretty optimized Level 7 and prefers hack and slash with plenty of long rests mixed in. Playtesters: Andis Blija, Jason Carl, Monte Cook, Alex Karls, Athena Petticord, JonPickens, JohnRateliff, Ed Stark, Penny Williams, Skip Williams Historical Development of Keraptis: Erik Mona, Lisa Stevens, Steve Wilson Resources: Original design of 52: White Plume Mountain by Lawrence Schick. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Return to White Plume Mountain details a lonely volcanic spire and the inhabited spaces inside it. GitHub Repository. A final challenge on departing is an encounter with two to four efreet if the characters have succeeded in taking two or three of the magical weapons. There was so much freedom to play in ways that were offbeat, fun, guilt-free, and rewarded us for ingenuity! White Plume Mountain for 5e: A reflection. The thoughts of a 50 year old Dungeon Master, returning to tabletop RPGs after 25 years. It was certainly challenging for our group and felt deadly! The mountain and its insane lord proved too much for most, but eventually courage and justice triumphed. Download & View S2 - White Plume Mountain.pdf as PDF for free. White Plume Mountain is a 13-page dungeon crawl adventure for a group of level 8 characters. benefits of a heal and a res to ration spell. Another Judge, Clark Peterson, said that he liked the three magical weapons: Wave, Whelm, and Blackrazor. Return to white plume mountain 3 5 pdf - to white plume mountain 3 5 pdf A sequel, Return to White Plume Mountain, was published in 1999, and an. Curators and the adventure's author will then be able to incorporate your requested changes into the adventure. To save the city, they must find three weapons of power, which lie in the most trap-laden, monster-infested place this side of Acererak's tomb: White Plume . /r/AdventureLookup Suggested Price $5.00. It is set in the World of Greyhawk campaign setting and is a sequel to Lawrence Schick's 1979 module White Plume Mountain.. My players made it clear early on that they were interested in defeating him, so I made some alterations to the campaign to make that happen. [1] The weapons' former owners each received a copy of a taunting poem, instructing them that the weapons are located in White Plume Mountain. The events in the sequel are assumed to take place 20 years following those in the original. Initially I was mildly apprehensive, but that feeling quickly dissolved. mandalia has played this adventure and would recommend it. [18] It includes many of the original encounters, challenges, and monsters from the original module. Required fields are marked *. on White Plume Mountain for 5e: Areflection. More Documents from "Felipe Augusto" November 2019 44. Starting with some RaW information. on the Internet. work fine in non-combat dungeon-crawl mode where each round is 1 minute. I also cannot forget my other delver-in-arms friends, Cinder and Kreeth! There are enough potentially deadly encounters to keep it interesting. Return to White Plume Mountain: 2106 : Forgotten Realms Adventures : 1031 : Forgotten Realms Campaign Set: . Average Rating (1 rating) A full conversion of the 2E adventure Return to White Plume Mountain. We rely on contributors from the community to add and curate adventure data. Good catch. Kreeth also gave really great development throughout, whether it be inter party, inner-self, or against opposition; this enthusiastic incorporation made me, as a player, wait on bated breath for what they would do or how I could enhance them or bring more out of them. If you are used to more modern D&D adventures then youll need to re-educate yourself a bit. [1] The adventure contains art by Erol Otus, and a cover by Jeff Dee. The original was again updated for the 5th edition in 2017 as the fourth part of Tales from the Yawning Portal. They named him Dusty, and a really sweet romance developed between his strong silent arms and one of the players! Provides a synopsis and guide to the adventure, room by room dungeon guide, revamped imprint rules, 20 reskinned or new monsters, direct links to monsters, items, and effects on dndbeyond and edited dungeon images suitable for use in a Virtual Table Top. The only thing I would change is my character choice. Simply create an account to start adding adventures or submit change requests! A party I DM is almost sure to take the hook and enter the White Plume Mountain Dungeon as written in Tales From the Yawning Portal. The back of the cave is blocked by a white magical barrier, kill the Kelpies to remove the barrier and move on. Download your FREE copy at our Ko-Fi shop, The 10 Most Popular Posts in 2021! This adventure is not a one-shot (it took my group 4 sessions at 3 hours per session), but it is contained enough to be a nice breather in between campaigns or as a single adventure if you dont want to commit to more, which I didnt! Giant Crabs, Golems, electrified corridors, slippery spinning tunnels, aquariums and Ogre Mages abound, with little narrative link between areas or encounters. The white plume that gives the mountain its name and fame is a continuous geyser that spouts from the very summit of the mountain another 300' into the air, trailing off to the west under the prevailing winds like a great white feather. This handbook lays out the games core rules, character creation instructions, and a list of the surprisingly mundane events that can test a ladys constitution. You can use this product as a stand-alone adventure or, if your players are veterans of the original S2: White Plume Mountain, you could run tkus scenario as a sequel that takes place twenty years later. Let this be a lesson from the Professor to you, foot rubs are the Holy Grail and may one day save your life! White Plume Mountain, originally published in 1979 for the first edition of D&D, was the story of an evil wizard's dungeon housed within the underlying strata of one of the world's greatest natural wonders - a steam-belching volcanic mountaintop rumored to be haunted by demons, devils, and ghosts. I think the DM either needs to communicate this during character creation or be willing to hand wave this aspect of the mechanics. It has a lot of very cool traps and some pretty interesting monsters. This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share Return to White Plume Mountain details a lonely vol- Homeless, the wizard and his followers fled to the canic spire and the inhabited spaces inside it. In the Greyhawk timeline, the events in the module are assumed to occur 20 years after the events described in the original S2 - White Plume Mountain adventure. Recently, I've been playing more than writing about D&D, hence the long gap between posts. A third. White Plume Mountain itself was reprinted in 2005 for the 3.5 Edition rules, making the version in Yawning Portal the third set of rules in which it has appeared. Learn how and when to remove this template message, Against the Giants: The Liberation of Geoff, Dragonlance Classics 15th Anniversary Edition, "Pyramid: Pyramid Pick: Return to White Plume Mountain", Return to White Plume Mountain Backstory Synopsis, Dungeon Master Option: High-Level Campaigns,, Role-playing game supplements introduced in 1999, Articles needing additional references from May 2019, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 21 December 2022, at 02:55. I wish I had done more preparation for the three sentient weapons that characters are meant to find throughout the dungeon. After looking at it, TSR hired him and published the module without making any changes. This challenge, much to the credit of our DM, became a great experience. Dragotha was formerly a powerful red dragon, the mightiest consort of Tiamat. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Adventures, D&D, Digital, DMing, Fantasy Grounds, Review, Supplements. A Three Part Quest. White Plume Mountain for 5e: Areflection. Going only by the riddle left on the thief's note, part ransom part guide, You stand before White Plume Mountain, stronghold of the supposedly long dead Wizard Keraptis. White Plume Mountain is a D&D adventure for four 7th-level player characters (PCs) that utilizes the new material in Weapons of Legacy. It was not how I expected the encounter to run at all, but it was amazingly creative and fun! by Darren Moffett. Judge Mike Mearls commented on the ingenuity required to complete the adventure, describing it as "the puzzle dungeon to end all puzzle dungeons". There will be hints about where to find Blackrazor and Wave (in other dungeons) in White Plume Mountain. ", 30 Years of Adventure: A Celebration of Dungeons & Dragons, "Silver Anniversary Collector's Edition Boxed Set", "Dungeons of Dread: White Plume Mountain", "Dungeons and Dragons Online tells tales of the White Plume Mountain", Dungeon Master Option: High-Level Campaigns,, Role-playing game supplements introduced in 1979, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 15 December 2022, at 01:50. [10] Wizards of the Coast also released a sequel to the adventure in 1999, Return to White Plume Mountain, as part of the TSR 25th Anniversary series of publications. Check. Having read through the module it looks so exciting! Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Return of the Return of the DungeonMaster. It will likely consist of two Paladins, a Wizard, a Valor Bard and perhaps another Wizard or a Draconic Sorcerer. Two decades ago, however, Keraptis reappeared in White Plume. This creates a strange misalignment issue which confuses the eye. The Fantasy Grounds implementation could have been better though. Creatures of Light and Shadow - PDF only: 3147 : Tribes of the Heartless Waste : 3117 : The Book of Magecraft: The adventure is divided into 27 encounters across a 16-page module. White Plume Mountain, the new revised adventure by Andy Collins, Gwendolyn F.M. Whelm is there, but modified to better suit our campaign. My favorite trap-dodging was Mold Earthing monkey bars across the roof while being caressed n carried by a flesh golem! . Or is there an even greater threat building beneath White Plume Mountain? This dungeon has a mix of combat and puzzles. In ancient times, a sorcerer named Keraptis searched for eternal life. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Search the history of over 804 billion Navigate Index. Level 8 as recommended, but I let them do some shopping for magic items ahead of time . Going only by the riddle left on the thief's note, part ransom part guide, You stand before White Plume Mountain, stronghold of the supposedly long dead Wizard Keraptis. I think the moniker of a good adventure, group, or in this case one-shot, is how it leaves you feeling. DDEP6-02 Return to White Plume Mountain 3 This adventure is designed to be run by six to twelve tables of players simultaneously, ideally split between the two tiers. Enter the laboratory of a mad genius! This adventure doesn't have any pending change requests. I really enjoyed this module. "[17], Jim Bambra reviewed White Plume Mountain for the British magazine White Dwarf, and rated it favorably at 8/10 overall. Is the vile wizard immortal after all? +200. It features interior art by Erol Otus and David C. Sutherland III, calligraphy by Darlene Pekul, and a front cover by Sutherland. White Plume Mountain is one of the classic AD&D adventures from the early days of the game. Going in to this, we were warned this would be a no-holds-barred slog, and the impetus was to explore traps as a DM. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. I'm really enjoying this thread. Dread tales told in the dead of night! I could have given them much more depth, almost to the point of NPCs, if I had invested more time in preparing them. Since they had already found Wave, one character created a Cube of Force around the group the size of the corridor, which they used to body slam the monsters into submission. If you have your own fond memories of experiences within the volcano, you will find this adventure just as fascinating, and just as deadly, as its predecessor. The poem is signed by the wizard Keraptis, who thirteen hundred years ago descended into the volcanic mountain with a company of gnomes and disappeared. Keraptis' note, taunting the weapons' former owners. Reverse gravity water tubes with kayaking bad guys? Requires the original adventure to run. White Plume Mountain (via our group) left me wanting to explore all the stories that brought us here and all the stories that will take place after! Interested in flipbooks about TSR 9027B - S2 - White Plume Mountain? Return to White Plume Mountain is an adventure module for the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game released in 1999 by Wizards of the Coast under its recently acquired "TSR" imprint. The floor is 50ft below you. This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. I loved how creative the dungeon is; it is full of riddles, puzzles, and traps to navigate. This will be a one shot and our usual DM will get to play this time! Example, the Ogre HP pool is 300. . Tormenta Rpg - Mundo Dos Deuses September . It took my group 3 sessions to complete the quest. You can use change requests to report missing, wrong or new information for this adventure. Contributions and questions are always welcome! Allows the party a one-time opportunity to buy and sell gear and magic items during the adventure. Three artifact weapons have gone missing and you adventurers have been sent after them. I am curently GMing this module, in a Primeval Thule campaign. They have a copy of Keraptis's note about the stolen artifacts it's a couple of hundred years old. Moreover, I was impressed by how often resolving something in a non-combat way through role-play (not just dice numbers) was encouraged throughout. An irksome pixie who sells intrigue and information. Years later, Return to White Plume Mountain (1998) would much more fully connect up Schick's famous module with Gygax's world. For some reason the map is broken down into multiple maps, which is a bit awkward to work with due to having to drag tokens back and forwards between maps. Share TSR 9027B - S2 - White Plume Mountain everywhere for free. I gave Sir Bluto a key that could be used to unlock the way to his santcum from the Pool and Drain (#9). Further, when speaking to why it is one of the top adventures ever, he said that while it lacked the "sheer brutality" of Tomb of Horrors, it made up for it with "crazy, over the top, pure fun". Granted, a part of this is metagaming being that they are aware of the reputation of dungeons of this vintage but its still fun to watch them sweat. Roar Cat Reads, Your email address will not be published. This is the first monster statblock I've really done, and I . and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. From the beginning, Cinder brought the realism with the reactions to the environment, really selling me this mini-world, which made me want to role-play more and get more reactions out of them, even if they were love-jabs. We will keep fighting for all libraries - stand with us! a video of his One of several classic modules converted to 5e tabletop play. . To Peterson, just the inclusion of Blackrazor makes White Plume Mountain a "classic". PDF. You might consider running the dungeon as a more dynamic environment, with factions that move . You can cross the mud (taking damage), or jump across the platforms (making Dex checks). Requires the original adventure to run. The central NPC of "White Plume Mountain" is dungeon creator Keraptis except the 1,300-year-old wizard is never actually seen. 460166-Return to White Plume Mountain 5E Conversion, 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, Save 460166-Return to White Plume Mountain 5E Conversio For Later, Bruce Cordell for the original adventure, Todd, Nathan Champion, Mariana Studart, Steven Aaron. "[3] A review for British magazine White Dwarf gave it an overall rating of 8/10, noting that the adventure focuses on problem solving. I ran Whiteplume recently as a self-contained adventure (took them 8 or 9 sessions to get through --- my group is extremely thorough) with a group that was usually 6 players. In both of the revised modules, the classic weapons associated with them (Blackrazor, Whelm and Wave for White Plume Mountain, Frostrazor for Return to White Plume Mountain) have been converted into Legacy Weapons. The beautiful thing about any adventure is that it is not just the setting, mechanics, or build, but its the table that makes it wondrous. Return To White Plume Mountain Lvl 7-10 November 2019 97. The didn't find any of the weapons, but survived the tougher battles on luck and quick thinking, which was very fun. Luckily, the party had just hit level 8 and it turned out that this level was ideal for White Plume Mountain from Tales from the Yawning Portal. hi there, I cant find your contact details. White Plume Mountain: A Mountain of Fun. Oops. Watermarked PDF. Pages: 20; Preview; Full text; Download & View S2 - White Plume Mountain.pdf as PDF for free . cudjoe key fishing coordinates, a mirror for witches, , you are used to more modern D & D, Digital,,. 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