pathfinder wild shape feats

This 256-page Pathfinder Second Edition rulebook contains a wealth of new information, tools, and rules systems to add to your game. Light theme with purplish hues and a simpler font. Legal Information/Open Game License. | Cepheus SRD Sep 4, 2003. However, since my level is not very high atm I've only been able to turn into a wolf - my defense stats and evasion is kind of horrible and my main char tends to die a lot (for example by taking 3 15-18 dmg-hits from a couple of . These powerful abilities are a crucial component to crafting Builds, as . Wild Shape: Dragon Wild Shape: Wis 19+, Knowledge (Nature) 15+ ranks, Wild Shape: Eagle's Wings: Wild Shape: Elemental Essence: Wild Shape, any other Druid Only Feat: Elephant's Hide: Wild Shape: Extra Wild Shape: Wild Shape: Fast Wild Shape: Dex 13+, Wild Shape: Frozen Wild Shape: Base Fortitude save bonus 6+, wild shape ability: Gatekeeper . | ACK-SRD Check out our other SRD sites! Obviously the Druid comes to mind first, but the campaign we'll be in starts at lv. The druid has strong buffs that will aid the party's defenses. At lvl 9. | Cairn SRD Prerequisites: Wild shape class feature, druid level 8th. Is it possible to cast full round spells (Natural Spell feat) while flying? | 2d20SRD 14 con so you're slightly better than paper and 12 dex to round out your saves. Web wild shape focus 1 uncommon druid polymorph transmutation source core rulebook pg. While some feats specifically interact with a PC's race or class, most are available to anyone who meets the prerequisites. Strength can't be used in wild shape (mostly) for attack rolls and damage. Core Rulebook The Savage Species (Feb. 2003) description of feats with the type monstrous says. Specifically, it would be nice to be capable of casting Summon Nature's Ally while in the air and out of reach of an enemy. ( Lords of Madness, p. 178) [ Aberrant ] Most druids detest aberrations and think of them as outside nature, but some view them simply as examples of nature from an extreme and alien world. 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C. When wild shaped does the armor check penalty still apply what about max dex bonus, same question only armor has wild enhancement. | Dungeon World SRD Answer the Call Wild,untamed lands hold a wealth of mystery and danger, providing the perfectbackdrop for heroic adventure. Style Feats You gain the wild shape order spell, which lets you transform into a variety of forms that you can expand with druid feats. Pathfinder Unchained Make additional attack if opponent is knocked out. Mythic Abilities are unique abilities bestowed upon Mystic Heroes when they ascend to certain levels on the respective Mythic Path. Feats represent special tricks or abilities a character has acquired through training, luck, or as a quirk of his birth. As the title asks, I'm looking for guidance on a really solid wild shape focused build. You keep the 18 wis for saves, initiative, skills and the occasional offensive spell. "any of the natural attacks of the base creature, including proficiency in those attacks": Claws, bite, tail, gore, wing slam, etc. | Dungeon World SRD Prerequisites Wild Shape. When I did a comparison of wild shape druid vs pet, both buffed up with wizard (not sure if I used enlarge or not, I know I had a size penalty on AC so possible), bard and cleric buffs. | Here Be Monsters | ACK-SRD Due to a life dedicated to hunting and stalking, you gain bonuses to skills when in rural or wild areas. Stephens, and Russ Taylor. Legal Information/Open Game License. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Magic, Latest Pathfinder products in the Open Gaming Store, Week 43: Playable Ancestries: Headless (PF1e), Week 18: Master Class: Cantripothurge (PF1e). Human: Fantastic for any build, and you might consider the alternate human traits which give you +2 to two ability scores if you want to use Wild Shape and don't need an extra feat. Power Attack, Jabbing Dancer; base attack bonus +12, monk level 8th, or brawler level 8th, Increase the damage dealt with Jabbing Style, Take only a 1 AC penalty when charging, flanking opponents only gain +1 attack bonus against you, After successful unarmed attack, gain +4 on combat maneuver checks to bull rush or trip, Always count as having a running start for jumping, and deal double damage on a jumping charge, Gain +2 insight bonus to identify a creature, You may take 10 to identify a creature using, Gain +2 damage per sneak attack when dealing nonlethal sneak damage, Use d8s for sneak attacks with unarmed strike nonlethal damage, Count half your non-monk levels as monk levels for unarmed strike damage, Add 1/2 your non-monk class levels to determine AC bonus, and expend mythic power to increase your unarmed strike damage and AC bonus, While fighting in magical darkness, you deal +2 damage, Retaliate against opponents that take attacks of opportunity against you, Retaliate as a free action instead of as a swift action, Retaliatory attacks are resolved before the attack, Dex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +14, Roll twice for attacks with monk weapons and take the better roll, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +6, brawler's flurry, or flurry of blows, When using Pummeling Style, attempt a reposition or trip combat maneuver as a free action, Knock down or push back foes with unarmed strikes, Improve Unarmed Strike, revelation class feature, Affect an opponent with revelation as part of a melee attack, May deliver magic school effect as swift action after melee attack, Make 2 extra attacks against a hindered foe, Turn a target to stone with a critical hit, Gain a bonus to avoid being knocked prone, and use, If opponent misses you, make an attack of opportunity as an immediate action, Gain +1 shield bonus to AC when at least one hand is free, Your shield bonus applies to your CMD and touch AC, AC bonus increases by 2, and opponents receive 4 on critical confirmations, Apply a bloodline ability as part of a melee attack, Dex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +2, May deal Str or Dex damage to pinned opponent, Treat half your non-monk levels as monk levels for, Increase the DC of Stunning Fist based on mythic tier, Gain +2 to CMD against bull rush, overrun, and trip, and deal slashing damage, Make a single attack with both hands, and combine the results, Your unarmed strike deals damage as if you were one size category larger, Foes hit by unarmed strikes cannot attack or cast spells, Use elemental assault in 1-round increments, Arcane spellcaster, caster level 4th, serpentfolk, Expend two arcane spell slots or prepared spells to cast a racial spell-like ability, You are immune to effects that require breathing and you no longer need to breathe, Slay at least 50 intelligent noncombatants; have Bloodthirsty, First Kill, or The Kill background, Gain +2 bonus on Intimidate checks; gaint +1 to attack and caster level checks for 1 minute after slaying an intelligent creature, Poison use class feature, studied strike +4d6, Increase the DC of poison delivered with studied strike, Ability to create 2nd-level extracts, alchemy class feature, inspiration class feature, Spend time and inspiration to recreate a consumed extract, You and allies in your dirge of doom effect gain a +4 bonus against fear, Inspiration and studied combat class features, Expend inspiration to increase the damage dealt with the studied combat, May pronounce or change a judgment as an immediate action, Move up to your speed to intercept charging foe as an immediate action, Work together to unleash a composite blast, Demoralize hypnotic stare target as a swift action, Ability to start performances or raging song as move action, bardic performance or raging song class feature, When melee attacks reduce a foe to fewer than 0 hit points, demoralize those around you, Creatures demoralized by Killing Flourish could become sickened, Attempt Intimidate check when you act in the surprise round as a free action, +2 on saves against nausea, sickening, and ingested poisons, Attempt a new saving throw against a harmful condition affecting you, When you make a Will save from a non-mythic source, roll twice and take the higher result, Retrieve an unattended item as a swift action. Panache Feats Two questions. | PF2 SRD Interested in flipbooks about Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide ( PDFDrive )? Advanced Race Guide Channel energy and flurry of blows class feature, May use flurry of blows with deity's favored melee weapon, Use Dazzling Display faster and expend mythic power to frighten opponents, Dazzling Display, Weapon Focus, base attack bonus +6, proficiency with selected weapon, Use Dazzling Display to increase a fear effect, Gain +2 on Performance checks, attack rolls, and combat maneuver checks, Gain +2 on performance combat checks; may demoralize opponents, Can make combat performance checks in any combat, Make a performance combat check as a free action, Gain +2 on Performance checks and +1d6 on damage rolls, Expend mythic power to instantly kill non-mythic targets, Your attacks ignore 5 points of damage reduction, Your attacks ignore 10 points of damage reduction, Ignore additional DR based on mythic tier, Take a reduced penalty to your AC against melee attacks while prone, Weapon Focus with chosen weapon, studied combat class feature, Choose a ranged weapon and use studied combat with that weapon, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (lasso), Weapon Focus (lasso), Target cannot speak above a whisper when entangled, Weapon Focus with deity's favored weapon, worship and receive spells from a deity, As a swift action, your first attack with weapon counts as magical, Gain the benefits of Weapon of the Chosen until the start of your next turn, Roll twice with your favored weapon and take the better roll, Double the bonuses on attack rolls and expend mythic power to gain a higher bonus, Do not provoke attacks of opportunity while firing one ranged weapon, Increase bonus to damage rolls based on mythic tier, Using a whip does not provoke attacks of opportunity, Threaten with your whip and grasp Tiny objects, Retrieve a specific mundane item from your person, Wild shape class feature, druid level 6th, Turn up to 180 as a free action without a, Use dagger as focus for witch patron spells, Use your witch knife as a focus for all spells, not just patron spells, Disable Device 5 ranks, Knowledge (engineering) 5 ranks, Jury-rig a depleted battery to hold 1 charge, Use Linguistics to communicate with creatures with which you don't share a language. Benefit: When in wild shape, treat your size as one category larger for the purpose of calculating CMB, CMD, carrying capacity, and any size-based special attacks you use or that are used against you (such as grab, swallow whole, and trample ). So you could be a crocodile with a pet crocodile, or a desmodu hunting bat with a pet dire bat. Add the purple worm and sea serpent forms listed in monstrosity form to your wild shape list. Class Features are generally passive benefits that characters gain based on their Class but can also sometimes be active Skills that you can use in combat. Story Feats There are a few very OP builds at later levels. | d20 Anime SRD | Warrior, Rogue, Mage SRD Technology Guide Benefit: When you use wild shape to take the form of an animal, you can expend an additional daily use of your wild shape class feature to add the celestial template or fiendish template to your animal form. (The special ability wild shape causes the druid to retain the druid's original type.) You must be trained or better in the corresponding skill to select a skill feat. Sentinel, Moon Druid are already the damage sponge and now enemies can't get out of melee that easily. Ultimate Magic, Alignment Feats Scribe Scroll is always a good feat for Druids and Clerics. Performance Feats | PF2 SRD Source: feral hunter with planer wildshape and planer focus as feats casting frostbite on itself and full attacking as an octopus can dish out ungodly amounts of damage. | FateCoreSRD If he's smart enough (i.e. In pathfinder wild shape works like a polymorph spell, and polymorph spells in pathfinder are broken and not in a good way. Check out our other SRD sites! If you're building a melee or DPS Druid, this Feat is one of the best in D&D. Your feat might grant you some or all of the forms from a given polymorph spell. New Pages Crocodile, Leopard, Desmodu Hunting Bat, Dire Hawk. They grant characters abilities that others lack, giving them an edge in the right situation. | True20 SRD MMF does stack with druid for HD (according to the errata ) so you can go into 15 HD creatures which include Legendary Ape (medium-sized form, 30str, 17dex, 16con, 6 natural armor, rend, lowlight, scent) amazing combo n can pass for human easily with disguise self spell. See the Mammoth for instance : Stomp. Learn more. The feat Form Control allows you to extend the duration of Wild Shape considerably by reducing the effective spell level, which may allow you to mitigate this size increase issue, but you'll likely have better results by using higher-level forms instead because they'll provide better statistics and more effective attacks. Stare Feats Teamwork Feats #2. | Open Fantasy SRD Every level at which you gain a Druid feat, select one of the following feats. | d20HeroSRD A variant of the Dark theme, with stronger color contrast. At this point she should have 1 Focus Point (none taken from Ranger . An alternative feel, based on the Rulebooks. You can transform into a powerful magical creature. | Gods and Monsters SRD Recent Changes Skill feats have the skill trait. New Pages The classic look for the Archives of Nethys. Amateur Swashbuckler or panache class feature; Canny Tumble, When you avoid attacks of opportunity and hit a foe, you can deny it its Dex bonus to AC for 1 round, Do not provoke attacks of opportunity while shooting or reloading firearms as long as you have 1 grit point, If tripped, move 5 feet as an immediate action, May move your speed and make firearm attacks, Gain a +6 bonus instead of +4 and when an attack misses move 5 feet, Make 5-foot step immediately after an opponent misses, Dodge, Mobility, Underfoot, goblin, Small size or smaller, Make an opponent lose its balance as a free action with a successful Acrobatics check, When you make a performance combat check after a critical, move 5 feet, Aura of courage class feature, caster level 8th, Aura of courage expands and grants protection against dragon breath weapons, Take ally's result on Reflex saving throw, Gain acid, cold, electricity, or fire resistance 5, Gain a breath weapon and a +2 bonus against sleep and paralysis effects, Gain wings that you can use to fall and glide safely; gain a +2 bonus against sleep and paralysis effects, Draconic Aspect, Draconic Breath, Draconic Glide, character level 10th, kobold, Use breath weapon additional 1/day; gain a fly speed of 20 feet; gain +2 bonus against sleep and paralysis effects, Gain spell-like abilities based on dragon aspect, Able to use drow spell-like abilities, drow, Cha 13, Drow Nobility, able to use drow spell-like abilities, drow, Cha 13, Drow Nobility, Improved Drow Nobility, able to use drow spell-like abilities, drow, Cha 13, Wis 13, Greater Drow Nobility, character level 13th, drow, Cha 13, Wis 13, Drow Nobility, Greater Drow Nobility, Improved Drow Nobility, able to use drow spell-like abilities, drow, Cha 13, Wis 13, Drow Nobility, Greater Drow Nobility, Improved Drow Nobility, Umbral Scion, able to use drow spell-like abilities, drow, You gain the slow and steady and stonecunning dwarven racial traits, Ignore up to 5 due to distance on visual, Gain a +4 racial bonus to Perception underground and on Survival checks to avoid becoming lost in caverns and rocky areas, Echoes of Stone, character level 9th, oread, Gain tremorsense 15 ft. to detect creatures in contact with the ground, Spell fully affects incorporeal and ethereal creatures, Shift mental focus points without losing any 2/day, Str 15, natural weapons, base attack bonus +6, Natural weapons treated as magic and silver, Create a new spell; have The Way Things Work background, Gain 1 caster level when casting the spell you created; gain a +2 bonus on Spellcraft checks, Channel energy can harm or heal elementals, Increase the DCs and expend mythic power to force opponents to roll twice and take the lowest result when saving against focus spells, Character level 15th, ifrit, oread, sylph, or undine, Inflict energy damage instead of regular spell damage, Gain bonuses and penalties based on head shape, Reroll miss chance due to concealment when using a bow, Gaint a +2 bonus to CMD against disarm and sunder against elven weapons; make an additional attack of opportunity with elven melee weapon, Gain a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance and on Spellcraft checks made to identify magic items, Gain new spells tied to phantom's emotional focus, Spell-like ability at caster level 6th or higher, Use spell-like ability as an empowered spell-like ability 3/day (or less), +4 bonus on checks to avoid nonlethal damage, Automatically stabilize and remain conscious below 0 hp, Foes must reroll critical confirmation attacks, Increase bonus on checks and saves based on mythic tier, Regain additional hit points when healing, Once per day, delay onset of harmful condition for 1 round, Once per day, attempt to negate the onset of a harmful condition or affliction, Once per day, gain new saving throw against harmful condition requiring Fort save, Expend mythic power to save again against a condition or affliction, Con 13, Diehard, Endurance, half-orc or orc, Your soul lingers in your body after your have been killed, Reduce the penalty from being grazed, wounded, or critical by 1, Channel energy class feature; Air, Earth, Fire, or Water domain or blessing, Spend channel energy to deal extra energy damage with weapon attacks, Demoralize opponent as free action when you inflict nonlethal damage, Nearby performers can aid your perform checks, You do not provoke attacks of opportunity when moving through spaces adjacent to allies. I've read snippets about the Feral Hunter and a warpriest class, both of which are interesting, but from what I recall don't get to shift till lv. Benefit: When in wild shape, treat your size as one category larger for the purpose of calculating CMB, CMD, carrying capacity, and any size-based special attacks you use or that are used against you (such as grab, swallow whole, and trample). The original alternate theme for the Archives of Nethys. It just gives you lots more options for spells that are nice to have but cruddy to keep memorized. You must satisfy any prerequisites before taking the feat. Feats represent special tricks or abilities a character has acquired through training, luck, or as a quirk of his or her birth. A variant of the Dark theme, with stronger color contrast. The classic look for the Archives of Nethys. | Monad Echo SRD Dealing with the feat type monstrous. When Wild Shape modifies my character's ability scores, say +2 Dex, does this increase skill checks (Fly, for example) associated with that ability? Esoteric Feats Fly (Dex): One rank is plenty. Thanks to your heritage, you are one of these latter, and have learned to channel your inhuman bloodline into your shapeshifting power. Starting at level 3 means she could take SF (C) at level 1, AS at level 3, and skip the two levels of SF (C) being a dead feat. A variant of the Light theme, based on the Rulebooks. This spell also allows you to. Latest Pathfinder products in the Open Gaming Store, Week 43: Playable Ancestries: Headless (PF1e), Week 18: Master Class: Cantripothurge (PF1e). Whether adventurers are climbing mountains insearch of a dragon's lair, carving their way through the jungle, or seeking along-lost holy city covered by desert sands, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Wildernessgives them the tools to survive the wilds. Level 4, take Basic Wilding > Wild Shape to actually gain the Wild Shape Focus spell. 16 str for accuracy so you're useful when shifted. Wild Shape Feat 1 Druid Source Core Rulebook pg. At 2nd level and every even-numbered level, you gain a druid class feat. Hit: (4d10 + 7) bludgeoning damage. Heart of the Kaiju. The same bonus applies if your form has the fiendish template and you score a critical threat against a good creature. I've considered the Shifter, but everything I've read and heard has indicated they're not quite good enough as a class. Advanced Player's Guide Subscribe to the Open Gaming Network and get everything ad-free! | 4 Color SRD (Astonishing Super Heroes) | GumshoeSRD Benefit: When you use wild shape to take the form of an animal, you can expend an additional daily use of your wild shape class feature to add the celestial template or fiendish template to your animal form. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide [P2] - Logan Bonner 2020-03-10 Whether you are a new Game Master or experienced storyteller, you can always find new ways to hone your craft. You use, Deal 1d6 energy damage with an unarmed strike, Con 13, Wis 15, Elemental Fist, base attack bonus +9 or monk level 5th, Can emit a cone of fire that may light opponents on fire, When you successfully avoid damage, spend 1, Upon successful unarmed strike, you may use a hex, Gain cover against attacks while grappling, Dex 13, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, May pin grappled opponent one size category larger than you, Both Improved Unarmed Strike and Improved Grapple or the grab ability, ogre, size Large or larger, Put a grappled creature in your mouth as a move action, Improved Grapple; base attack bonus +6, brawler's flurry, or flurry of blows, Take no penalty for grabbing a foe one-handed, retain your Dex bonus to AC when pinning, Grabbing Style; base attack bonus +8, brawler level 4th, or monk level 4th, Grabbing Drag; base attack bonus +12, brawler level 8th, or monk level 8th, Against a pinned opponent, you may double nonlethal damage with grapple check, Against pinned opponent, you may deal bleed damage with Grapple check, Spend a swift action to make a combat maneuver check to grapple while using, Gain a bonus on grapples based on mythic tier, Str 25, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, ogre, size Large or larger, Unarmed strike damage increases by one when grappling creatures smaller than you; gain constrict, Gain a bonus to damage based on mythic tier and expend mythic power to overcome hardness, Improved Unarmed Strike; base attack bonus +6, brawler's flurry class feature or flurry of blows class feature, Gain bonus damage when two or more unarmed strikes hit the same opponent during your turn, Dodge, Jabbing Style, Mobility; base attack bonus +9, monk level 5th, or brawler level 5th. | Forge Engine SRD Feats in Pathfinder are the critical part of your build, there are lots of feats and first you need to have in mind with type of . Plus, this will work well later in Wild Shape. Replaced Features: A Thousand Faces, Resist Nature's Lure, Trackless Step, Venom Immunity, Wild Shape, Woodland Stride Compatible Archetypes: Pack Lord Arctic Druid As you would expect, the Arctic Druid is most effective in arctic environments. Source: gains a swim speed equal to the assumed form's swim speed but not more than 30 ft. "These attacks are based on your base attack bonus, modified by your Strength or Dexterity as appropriate, and use your Strength modifier for determining damage bonuses." Aberration Wild Shape. Picked up at 4th level, this is probably the druid's most iconic ability and sadly also the most confusing. Untyped Feats, Dispel magic target takes a 2 penalty on saves, Add +2 to the DC for all saving throws against selected special attack, Use a single revelation more times each day, Carry a curse or have the Cursed Birth background, Target a creature with a hex a second time that day if it made its save the first time, Smite evil class feature, base attack bonus +5, Trade smite evil damage for bonus on combat maneuver checks, Failed grapples against you cause attacker to fall prone, Pick up items with your tongue, perform steal or disarm combat maneuvers, or make melee touch attacks, +2 bonus on saving throws against effects with the air or electricity descriptors and effects that deal electricity damage; ignore the first 30 feet of falling damage, +2 bonus on saving throws against effects with the air or electricity descriptors and effects that deal electricity damage; gain supernatural fly speed equal to base speed (good maneuverability), Channel energy can heal or harm outsiders, Channeled energy effects creatures with the alignment you choose, not just the subtype, +2 bonus on level checks to overcome spell resistance, Opponent must spend 1 extra manifestation point to defend itself, No levels in a class with grit class feature, Gain limited amount of grit and access to gunslinger deeds, Gain 2 extra grit points per day, and maximum grit increases by 2, Spend 1 grit point to recover powder or ammunition from your person, Gain a minor pool of inspiration for use with, Expend inspiration to gain a limited version of studied combat, Int 13, Studied Combatant, base attack bonus +8, Studied strike grants a +4 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls, Gain a minor pool of panache to use with a 1st-level swashbuckler deed of your choice. | Open Fantasy SRD Druid had 29 AC, +26 attack modifier, 14-19 dmg per attack. He/she will get Wild Shape beginning at level 4 and can also serve as a melee DPS. | Here Be Monsters Alertness 3rd The Smilodon is the best form for straight. The glittering hoard of a terrifying dragon. Ultimate Combat This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. , you gain a druid feat, select one of the light theme with! To keep memorized they ascend to certain levels on the respective mythic Path when wild shaped does the check! Represent special tricks or abilities a character has acquired through training, luck, or as a quirk of birth... Form has the fiendish template and you score a critical threat against a feat! Is it possible to cast full round spells ( Natural spell feat ) while flying in starts at.. Fatecoresrd if he & # x27 ; s defenses and its partners cookies... You gain a druid feat, select one of the Dark theme, with stronger contrast. 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Are unique abilities bestowed upon Mystic Heroes when they ascend to certain levels on Rulebooks! In starts at lv bludgeoning damage while some feats specifically interact with a pet crocodile, Leopard, desmodu bat! A good way may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page 1 source!

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