jacques cousteau population control

This is happening at a time when doctors in Britain are warning of the spread of obesity. Human nature does not change, since mankind is created in Gods image. For the process of the burning up of the weeds which have grown so furiously has indeed begun. Jacques-Yves Cousteau, AC was a French naval officer, explorer, conservationist, filmmaker, innovator, scientist, photographer, author, and researcher who studied the sea and all forms of life in water. THE NEW AGE POPULATION SELECTION PROCESS If New Age and utopian movements show unity and consistent purpose internationally or historically, it arises from the dark spirit they follow, rather than from human conspiratorial skill. Ruether told those who attended a May 1998 conference that "We need to seek the most compassionate way of weeding out people. [23] An homage was paid to him by the town by naming the street which runs out to the house of his birth "rue du Commandant Cousteau", where a commemorative plaque was placed. He also composed the music for Cousteau's documentary "Palawan, the last refuge". Birth Year: 1910. In a November 1991 interview with The UNESCO Courier, he said: [In response to an interviewer's question, "Some snakes, mosquitoes, and other animal species pose threats or dangers for humankind. Of course, it is not our model German Republic, but the United States.". [242] Bahgat Elnadi and Adel Rifaat, Interview With Jacques-Yves Cousteau, The UNESCO Courier, November 1991, p. 13 And he's largely been right so far. La glace et le feu, Cousteau in the Antarctic. The CEA claimed that there was little circulation (and hence little need for concern) at the dump site between Nice and Corsica, but French public opinion sided with the oceanographers rather than with the CEA atomic energy scientists. That works out to 127,750,000 people per year, and 1.27 billion people over 10 years. But far from completing his first film, Eighteen Metres Deep, in 1945 as Cousteau and several flattering French magazine portraits have claimed, the feature was first screened on April 10 1943. Birth City: Saint-Andr-de-Cubzac. Rough estimates suggest that about one billion people, using renewable energy and other technologies that reduce ecological impacts, could survive sustainably on Earth at a level of consumption close to that of modern industrial peoples." I talked about this problem with the director of the Egyptian Academy of Sciences. Because the radical New Age adepts extol each others writings, speak at the same workshops, and share board memberships in the same organizations, its fair to assess their teachings as a group. [249] Catechism Of The Catholic Church, Image Books/Doubleday edition, 1995, ISBN 0-385-47967-0, He called for seizure of all illegitimate children from their mothers, forced abortions and sterilizations for unmarried women, mandatory implantation of a reversible infertility drug in all adolescent children, a national two-child policy, and the addition of sterilizing agents to the water supplies of our nation (so long as they did not affect 154-157 In 1993, Jacques Cousteau started a campaign for the office of Mayor of New Orleans. And if you liked this post, be sure to check out these popular posts: The eugenics movement will forever be associated with Adolf Hitler, whose quest to build an Aryan master race during the 1930s and '40s culminated in the extermination of millions. Some of these forward-thinking people want to go further, and reduce Earths population to 2 billion or less. [243] In an interview with the environmentalist E Magazine, he added, I think the population should be closer to when we had indigenous populations, back before the advent of farming. " (1128). [249] Catechism Of The Catholic Church, Image Books/Doubleday edition, 1995, ISBN 0-385-47967-0, [250] Catechism Of The Catholic Church, Image Books/Doubleday edition, 1995, ISBN 0-385-47967-0, sections. At that time, he kept his distance from his brother Pierre-Antoine Cousteau, a "pen anti-semite" who wrote the collaborationist newspaper Je suis partout (I am everywhere) and who received the death sentence in 1946. However, an automobile accident, which broke both his arms, cut short his career in naval aviation. In 1913, Roosevelt wrote a letter to eugenics supporter and biologist C.B. The so-called "divulgationism", a simple way of sharing scientific concepts, was soon employed in other disciplines and became one of the most important characteristics of modern television broadcasting. (1134) She also said, "The world of nature, plants and animals existed billions of years before we came on the scene. 'And that's roughly three times what the planet should have. From 1966 to 1976, he hosted The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau, a documentary television series, presented on American commercial television stations. [11] Cousteau won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival in 1956 for The Silent World co-produced with Malle. He had one brother, Pierre-Antoine. 'The first step,' said the first, 'is to abolish the Bible.' "Abolish mankind" a true case of reductio ad absurdum, right? Presidents, economists, activists, and philosophers many of which you'd never think would be supporters all once spoke out in support of the eugenics movement. The projects are best known as Conshelf I (1962), Conshelf II (1963), and Conshelf III (1965). They view most people as an inferior sub-species, akin to Cave Men, that must be made extinct. And with supporters of the early eugenics movement believing that people inherited traits like feeble-mindedness and poverty, this meant to them that society had an obligation to thin this growing herd. This time, let us heed the warning! He also found the wreck of the French 17th-century ship-of-the-line La Therese in coastal waters of Crete. This is immoral. Human Population Reduction to the tune of 90% is the foundational agenda of New World Order/New Age/Freemasonry/Antichurch. The successful experiment was quickly repeated in 1965 with two vehicles which reached 500 meters. Thomas Malthus, . She stated that birth control is nothing more or less than the facilitation of the process of weeding out the unfit [and] of preventing the birth of defectives. He co-developed the Aqua-Lung, pioneered marine conservation and was a member of the . In 1973, along with his two sons and Frederick Hyman, he created the Cousteau Society for the Protection of Ocean Life, Frederick Hyman being its first President. "We still have not found accommodation and are obliged to camp in the small pavilion of a family pension on the Corniche," he wrote. [5] When making paves, Cousteau could not find the necessary blank reels of movie film, but had to buy hundreds of small still camera film reels the same width, intended for a make of child's camera, and cemented them together to make long reels.[6][7]. The University of California Press, not the Unabomber Press, published these misanthropic sentiments. On 28 June 1979, while the Calypso was on an expedition to Portugal, his second son Philippe, his preferred and designated successor and with whom he had co-produced all his films since 1969, died in a PBY Catalina flying boat crash in the Tagus river near Lisbon. [18] This resulted in Jean-Michel Cousteau being ordered by the court to not encourage confusion between his for-profit business and his father's non-profit endeavours. Cousteau, who later became so popular in France that he received 80,000 letters in 1981 asking him to run for president, gave evidence at the trial wearing his naval uniform and medals. A second documentary series, The Cousteau Odyssey, ran from 1977 to 1982 on public television stations. ", Cousteau was born on 11 June 1910, in Saint-Andr-de-Cubzac, Gironde, France, to Daniel and lisabeth Cousteau. The Friendly Foe, Jacques-Yves Cousteau: mes premier 75 ans (1), Jacques-Yves Cousteau: mes premier 75 ans (2), The Marquesas Islands: Mountains from the Sea, les du Dtroit: l'approche d'une mare humaine, Nouvelle-Zlande: au pays du long nuage blanc, New Zealand: The Heron of the Single Flight, Nouvelle-Zlande: le Pch et la Rdemption, Pacific Northwest: Land of the Living Totems, Mer de Bring: Le crpuscule du chasseur en Alaska, Bering Sea: Twilight of the Alaskan Hunter, Papouasie Nouvelle-Guine I: La machine remonter le temps, Papua New Guinea I: Into the Time Machine, Papouasie Nouvelle-Guine II: La rivire des hommes crocodiles, Papua New Guinea II: River of Crocodile Men, Papouasie Nouvelle-Guine III: La coeur de feu, Indonesia II: Sumatra, the Heart of the Sea, La grand requin blanc, seigneur solitaire des mers, The Great White Shark Lonely Lord of the Sea, Bahamas: The Secret Societies of Dolphins and Whales, Vietnam et Cambodge: le riz et les fusils, Vietnam and Cambodia: Children of Rice and Guns, China: Across China with the Yellow River, length of the film is about 45 minutes, Hazard identification and risk assessment, This page was last edited on 17 April 2023, at 23:01. [6] Cousteau was not satisfied with the length of time he could spend underwater with the Le Prieur apparatus so he improved it to extend underwater duration by adding a demand regulator, invented in 1942 by mile Gagnan. La vie sous un ocan de glace, Cousteau in the Antarctic. Our current pro-life movement is really killing people through disease and poverty,' she said. , Barbara Marx Hubbard has predicted personal extinction[224] for people who will not get with the New Age program. Paul Ehrlich, the Stanford University population biologist who achieved fame by writing The Population Bomb in the late 1960s, agrees with Ted Turner that the Earth's population should decrease to 2 billion. After the war, Pierre-Antoine fled to Austria, living under a false name for several months before being arrested and sent back to France, where he was sentenced to death. 2 on the charts. In a 1991 interview he proclaimed: 'World population must be stabilised and to . Jacques Cousteau, the oceanographer and film-maker was another supporter of wiping out vast swathes of humanity. These prototypes were made in Boulogne-Billancourt by the Air Liquide company, following instructions from Cousteau and mile Gagnan. But the general situation in which we are involved is lamentable".[17]. The small team also undertook the exploration of the Roman wreck of Mahdia (Tunisia). This is so horrible to contemplate that we ", Celebrated writer George Bernard Shaw explored the biology of eugenics in his political writing. Where the Plan takes root no weeds shall grow." Ted Turner, one of the co-chairs of the State of the World Forum, is more patient than Cousteau is. Widely quoted on the internet are these two paragraphs from the interview: "What should we do to eliminate suffering and disease? 10, p. 7, [236] Kirstin Miller, The Story Angels Want Told: An Interview with Nick Bunick, Psychic Reader, October 1997, Vol. In a November 1991 interview with The UNESCO Courier, Jacques-Yves Cousteau said: "World population must be stabilized and to do that we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. Today, this type of underwater breathing apparatus is called a demand valve or a diving regulator. reproduction control refers to the surgical process of making an animal sterile. With his iconic red beanie and famed ship Calypso, the French marine explorer, inventor, filmmaker, and conservationist sailed . [2] 25 Wild Tales Of Rock Star Excess Gone Way Too Far, The True Story Of John Rolfe And Pocahontas, What Stephen Hawking Thinks Threatens Humankind The Most, 27 Raw Images Of When Punk Ruled New York, Join The All That's Interesting Weekly Dispatch, Theodore Roosevelt was a proponent of the sterilization of criminals and the supposedly feeble-minded. The Cousteau Society and its French counterpart, l'quipe Cousteau, both of which Jacques-Yves Cousteau founded, are still active today. We need to seek the most compassionate way of weeding out people. We are living in an interminable succession of absurdities imposed by the myopic logic of short-term thinking, Cousteau said. Cousteau and Marcel Ichac brought back from there the Carnets diving film (presented and preceded with the Cannes Film Festival 1951). Bishop Swing, the founder of the United Religions Initiative (URI), told the 1997 summit meeting of the URI that "a spirit of colossal energy is being born in the loins of earth.". A former French naval pilot, Cousteau had become increasingly interested in ocean exploration. But [population researchers] Paul and Anne Ehrlich have convinced me that if we're going to have a modern infrastructure, with commercial airlines and interstate highways around the world, we're going to need about two billion people to support it." It's going to take a lot of education and improvements in health care. The two neighbors took the first ex-aequo prize of the Congress of Documentary Film in 1943, for the first French underwater film: Par dix-huit mtres de fond (18 meters deep), made without breathing apparatus the previous year in the Embiez islands in Var, with Philippe Tailliez and Frdric Dumas, using a depth-pressure-proof camera case developed by mechanical engineer Lon Vche, an engineer of Arts and Measures at the Naval College. Alli et adversaire, Cousteau at Mississippi. You didn't have the global warming problem then, or all these problems that have occurred since the population has built up. The ecological spirit and desire for transcendence expressed at that time in Germany became corrupted and channeled into the Nazi movement, which had many roots in occultism.[248] An orthodox Christian might also offer all of these criticisms. On 24 November 1988, he was elected to the Acadmie franaise, chair 17, succeeding Jean Delay. But the general situation in which we are involved is lamentable." Blizzard Esperanza, Cousteau in the Antarctic. [13] Cousteau organized a publicity campaign which in less than two weeks gained wide popular support. In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. [238] Barbara Marx Hubbard, The Book of Co-Creation Part II The Promise Will Be Kept: The Gospels, The Acts, the Epistles, Foundation for Conscious Evolution, San Rafael, California, 1993 (privately published), p. 120 (1144). We need to compost ourselves.[245] Several months later, Ruether told a national conference of Call To Action, a liberal Catholic organization, how many people must go onto the compost pile: We must return to the population level of 1930[246] about 2 billion people. "The sea, the great unifier, is man's only hope. "We must eliminate 350,000 people per day." A second documentary series, The Cousteau Odyssey, ran from 1977 to 1982 on public television stations. The year prior to this, Churchill wrote a letter advocating for sterilization saying, "The unnatural and increasingly rapid growth of the Feeble-Minded and Insane classes constitutes a national and race danger which it is impossible to exaggerate. A Quantum Transformation is the time of selection of what evolves from what devolves. The names "Precontinent", and "Continental Shelf Station" (Conshelf) were used interchangeably by Cousteau. Aquanauts could reside and work in these underwater habitats. The species known as self-centered humanity will become extinct. He once noted, "The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man. gtag('js', new Date()); In an interview with E Magazine, an environmentalist publication, Turner explained: "The simplest answer is that the world's population should be about two billion, and we've got about six billion now. African-American activist and writer who called for dividing the black community into four groups. Each ensuing project was aimed at increasing the depth at which people continuously lived under water, and were an attempt at creating an environment in which men could live and work on the sea floor. Can they be eliminated like viruses that cause certain diseases?," Cousteau said:] "Getting rid of viruses is an admirable idea, but it raises enormous problems. [237], Barbara Marx Hubbard says that survivors of the selection will go with the flow of evolution, will love choice, diversity, flexibility, ambiguity, uncertainty, responsibility, and response-ability, and will be able to co-create, unite, synergize and love everyone as a member of your body.[238]. population must be stabilized and to do that It seems likely that in the next several decades, one way or another, their combined impacts will bring breakdowns in food production, health protection, and social order. The popularity of eugenics and related ideas in the U.S. (as well as Western Europe) at the time was in part a reactionary response to increased industrialization and immigration. 1-880455-07-2, pp. ", Winston Churchill advocated for compulsory labor camps for mental defectives in 1911. However, this was later commuted to a life sentence, and Pierre-Antoine was released in 1954. Cousteau is known as one of the fathers of scuba diving, which he helped pioneer in the mid-20th century. [20] In a Chapter entitled "The Holy Scriptures and The Environment" in the posthumous work The Human, the Orchid, and the Octopus, he is quoted as stating that "The glory of nature provides evidence that God exists". Part III. He had one brother, Pierre-Antoine. Among those accompanying him was Louis Malle who made a black-and-white film of the expedition for the company. ", This item 3486 digitally provided courtesy of CatholicCulture.org. You may order the complete story from the Journal, or subscribe to the Journal, by calling (510) 540-0300, or by writing to the Spiritual Counterfeits Project, Post Office Box 4308, Berkeley, CA 94704, or by visiting the SCP web site, http://www.scp-inc.org/. [240] Virginia Lee, Science and Spirit: Conversations with Matthew Fox, Ph.D. & Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D., Common Ground, Summer 1997, Internet version;http://www.comngrnd.com/fox.html, pp. In 1991, oceanographer Jacques Cousteau reportedly said: "It's terrible to have to say this." "World population must be stabilized, and to do that we must eliminate 350,000 people per day." Britain's Prince Philip once declared his ambition to solve the "population explosion" by being reincarnated as a "particularly deadly virus." He was, in reality, a sophisticated showman, teacher, and lover of nature. Paralyzed Best Known For: Jacques Cousteau was a French undersea . Jacques Cousteau pioneered scuba gear. 'We must abolish marriage,' said the second. The key phrase in all this is: 'Where the Plan takes root.' The Calypso was refloated and towed home to France. should be 2 billion people on earth or fewer, a steep decrease from the current 6 billion population. Cousteau refitted the Calypso as a mobile laboratory for field research and as his principal vessel for diving and filming. They will have moved from an active state to a relatively passive one.[231] Relatively passive like a corpse? Box 1153, Anacortes, Washington 98221; ISBN The species known as whole-centered humanity will evolve.[225] At the time of the quantum transformation, humans capable of cooperating to self-transcend will do so; elements who maintain the illusion of separation will become extinct just as Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal humans became extinct.[226]. (1133). [21], Cousteau said that just because fish are cold-blooded does not mean they do not feel pain, and that recreational fishermen only say so to reassure their conscience.[22]. If we try to implement it we may jeopardize the future of our species. All rights reserved. a pioneer of undersea investigation, he has sailed all over the world on oceanographic expeditions and has also written and produced films about the oceans which have attracted immense audiences. With a population around 20,000, this small town by the shore offers fun by the beach, bay, or beautiful wooded areas. For several decades, in books with titles such asHappy Birth Day, Planet Earth,The Revelation: A Message of Hope for the New Millennium, andThe Book of Co-Creation, Barbara Marx Hubbard has predicted personal extinction[224] for people who will not get with the New Age program. Haitians are beautiful, proud, intelligent, good-humored and hard-working, Cousteau said. It's a wonderful idea but perhaps not altogether a beneficial one in the long run. Show them the same mercy that is shown beasts that are no longer fit to live. Kara Goldfarb is a writer living in New York City. Name: Jacques Cousteau. (Pauling had said carries of genetic diseases shouldnt procreate.) He is said to have used his influence to get his brother's sentence commuted to life imprisonment. Ted Turner proposes to reach the goal via a global, "voluntary" one-child policy for the next 80-100 years; others do not specify how they would achieve their goal of depopulating the earth. Bernard Violet, whose biography of Cousteau was published four years before the underwater explorer's death in 1997, said he had new evidence that Cousteau was an anti-semite who lied about his wartime resistance activities, may have been falsely honoured by the French government, and hid the fact that his first film was screened to a hall full of Nazi officers. He promoted marriage and reproduction within the most desirable group, the talented tenth, and wanted to breed out the lowest group, the submerged tenth. 1125 Robert Louis Stevenson, "The Four Reformers," reprinted in The Portable Conservative Reader, ed. In 1933, he was commissioned as a second lieutenant and spent most of the next two years sailing the world's seas. [239] Alice A. Bailey, Education in the New Age. [250] Catechism Of The Catholic Church, Image Books/Doubleday edition, 1995, ISBN 0-385-47967-0, sections2116-2117, pp. [247] David Spangler, Emergence: The Rebirth of the Sacred, Delta/Merloyd Lawrence; pp. He invented the Aqua-Lung, which revolutionized undersea exploration. His work also created a new kind of scientific communication, criticized at the time by some academics. This is so horrible to contemplate that we shouldn't even say it. [235] Kirstin Miller, The Story Angels Want Told: An Interview with Nick Bunick, Psychic Reader, October 1997, Vol. 22, no. 22, no. ", English economist Thomas Malthus, who died before the eugenics movement truly took hold, believed in eugenics because he was concerned about food shortages. http://www.inplainsite.org/html/beware_the_new_age.html, P.O. Those who can stand to read New Age and theosophical books in detail will find that these writers make clear their intentions for us all just as Hitler did withMein Kampfand as the Communists have done since Marx and Lenin. "It is not very much fun for Simone, but no suitable apartment will become available until we have booted out all the vile yids who are burdening us.". function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} 'The first thing,' said the second, 'is to give freedom to the sexes.' Alice Lee Moqu was an American newspaper correspondent, photographer, and suffragist. His official reception under the cupola took place on 22 June 1989, the response to his speech of reception being given by Bertrand Poirot-Delpech. [230] Robert Muller, My Testament to the UN: A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, World Happiness and Cooperation, [231] David Spangler, Revelation: The Birth of a New Age, Lorian Press, 1976 (fifth Lorian Press printing 1984), ISBN 0-936878-00-2, p. 164, [232] David Spangler, Revelation: The Birth of a New Age, Lorian Press, 1976 (fifth Lorian Press printing 1984), ISBN 0-936878-00-2, p. 160, [233] David Spangler, Revelation: The Birth of a New Age, Lorian Press, 1976 (fifth Lorian Press printing 1984), ISBN 0-936878-00-2, p. 161, [234] Barbara Marx Hubbard, Happy Birth Day Planet Earth: The Instant of Co-Operation, Ocean Tree Books, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1986; ISBN 0-943734-08-8; p. 17, [235] Kirstin Miller, The Story Angels Want Told: An Interview with Nick Bunick, Psychic Reader, October 1997, Vol. He will allow 80 to 100 years to reduce the population of the Earth from 6 billion to 2 billion. E Magazine, January/February 1999, Volume X, number 1, p. 10 ", Prominent British economist William Beveridge remarked in 1909, "Those men who through general defects are unable to fill such a whole place in industry are to be recognized as unemployable with complete and permanent loss of all citizen rights including not only the franchise but civil freedom and fatherhood.". In this way, Social Darwinism became a means to construct a supposed hierarchy of race and ensure that white people (and their genes) remained the ideal. In his posthumous autobiography, Cousteau - whose film The Silent World won him an Oscar in 1957, but who has since been accused of faking many of the scenes in his television documentaries - made no mention of Pierre-Antoine. In this book, he predicts and advocates reduction of world population to 1 billion people: "The current world human population of almost six billion is vulnerable to sudden reduction because it is surging toward maximum carrying capacity. On June 20, 1999, the San Francisco Chronicle reported: " 'We're at 6 billion people on the Earth,' said Paul Ehrlich, Bing Professor of Population Studies at Stanford University, who was awarded the prestigious Blue Planet prize last week. In 1976, Cousteau located the wreck of HMHS Britannic. [248] David Spangler, Emergence: The Rebirth of the Sacred, Delta/Merloyd Lawrence; p. 159 After his death, he was replaced by rik Orsenna on 28 May 1998. The CEA argued that the dumps were experimental in nature, and that French oceanographers such as Vsevelod Romanovsky had recommended it. He replied, "It's alright for her [a mother] to be allowed to determine the extent to which she will suffer, but she should not be allowed to produce a child who will suffer. After graduating from France's naval academy in 1933, he was commissioned a second lieutenant. What should we do to eliminate suffering and disease? [2] Population control is based on pseudoscience and ill-founded economic assumptions, [3] along with radical left-wing environmentalism. In the 1960s, Cousteau was involved with a set of three projects to build underwater "villages"; the projects were named Precontinent I, Precontinent II and Precontinent III. In 1995, Jacques quietly shifted his assets to the Cousteau Society, giving the organization total control over his film archive, royalties, and intellectual property. He became a champion of environmental protection and the leading voice of marine environmentalism. It was evident that they knew where the optimal course lay, even if the humans did not. The book was adapted into an underwater documentary called The Silent World. Birth Country: France. Diving Saucer - This was a small submarine invented by Jacques Cousteau and Jean Mollard in 1959. Birth date: June 11, 1910. [243] Tracey C. Rembert, Ted Turner: Billionaire, Media Mogul And Environmentalist (Interview), E Magazine, January/February 1999, Volume X, number 1, p. 10 Later in the war, after a near-fatal car crash, Cousteau perfected the underwater diving and filming technology with which he was to make his name. Bell also published a paper in which he bluntly listed the steps that would prevent the proliferation of the deaf: Jacques Cousteau's Undersea World brought the mysteries of the oceans to life for millions. After the armistice of 1940, the family of Simone and Jacques-Yves Cousteau took refuge in Megve, where he became a friend of the Ichac family who also lived there. Matthew Fox, the apostle of the "Cosmic Christ," was willing to consider going further than any of the others in weeding out excess population. Our species, Conshelf II ( 1963 ), Conshelf II ( 1963 ) and! In 1965 with two vehicles which reached 500 meters left-wing environmentalism published these sentiments. 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