cleric of asmodeus 5e

[195] All these temptations however were merely lures on his hook that inevitably came at the cost of the signatory's soul, sentencing them to eternal damnation in the Nine Hells. [205][218] Even so, despite having access to his god's power, he had not truly become one himself,[36] and was as much just another prisoner of the Nine Hells as he was its king. [229] After Levistus succeeded in taking over Stygia from Geryon,[127] an angry Asmodeus encased Levistus in an ice block where he lay unconscious. This is because, at least in the Forgotten Realms, Asmodeus is the greatest deity of Lawful Evil that there is. [45], While many suspected Asmodeus got the better of his divine enemies with the Pact Primeval, no mortal had ever actually seen it. [167], Graz'zt was once an archdevil under the employ of Asmodeus. [203] Wherever they came from, the arrival of Asmodeus's kindred heralded their disappearance, to the point the only obvious sign of their presence were the nupperibos, young who naturally grew from the larva (who appeared even before mortals existed) of the plane. He was successful at it and over the years observed the coming and going of many archdevils. [66] Given the priority he placed on his own security and privacy, he usually remained within his fortress of Malsheem, using others to make his will clear,[32] though the other archdevils were annually called to there. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Whether he'd truly severed all ties with Asmodeus and whether he would remain a demon lord was unknown. Of course, this all goes back to the initial conflict between the two. Join with me and mine, for I would welcome such power and such hatred. [60][27] They were imperious figures whose great personal magnetism made them natural leaders and who already possessed much political power, such as merchants and wealthy nobles. Asmodeus is immune to spells of the 6th level or lower, unless he wants to be affected. [203] Alternate versions of the yugoloth story had the Lords of the Nine originally appointed by the baernaloths or arise simply because the nature of the multiverse necessitated their existence. Regeneration. He is wearing a brown robe with a gold trim, with a thick leather belt with a large gold buckle engraved with the symbol of a hammer and an anvil. [168] Even Bel had the capacity to "become a problem" were he to finish absorbing the powers of Zariel. [114][117][118][119][120] Regardless, he hated the transformation and dreamed of the day he could cast off the curse and ascend to rule Hell with a certain someone at his feet, namely Asmodeus's daughter Glasya. Devils must tempt mortal souls and lead them down a path of evil in order to receive credit. The Dark Lord seemed to trust his counsel when offered, and he was something of a godfather to Glasya. This idea was never considered canonical, but an allusion to it resurfaced in a vague reference decades later in the Book of Vile Darkness, where it is stated that while Asmodeus is the oldest devil in the Nine Hells, he may not be the original ruler. The forces of law and chaos battled for eons, until the deities of law felt the need to track their progress and so created numbers for recording the slain foes and time to see how long victory would take. Asmodeus can cast all spells at their highest level but is limited to 16 spells a day. Wiki Le Monde des Royaumes Oublis (French), Asmodeus's status as a greater deity is given on page 4 of, It is not clear if the term "superior intellect" is meant to say Baalzebul is more intelligent than Asmodeus or if Baalzebul is, Template:Cite dragon/427/Channel Divinity: Nerull, Inhabitants with a 32 challenge rating (3e), Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells, Domains in Eberron and the Forgotten Realms, Even More Archfiends! Unlike most deities, Asmodeus has no need for mortal worshippers. In the wake of the Spellplague, when many were questioning if the gods were angry or had outright abandoned them, Asmodeus's faithful provided their own answers and a god to give them the absolution they sought. Even so, Gargauth viewed himself as above everyone in the Nine Hells,[168] and his own followers believed he ultimately planned to turn Faerun into his own 10th Hell. These words began to grow a seed of vanity, false pride, and eventually arrogance in Asmodeus, who soon came to believe himself more righteous than his sworn deity. By some legends it was from his blood that the first baatezu were birthed,[97] while in others he led those who would become the first devils down the dark path into Hell. [202], Leaving such timeless beings aside, there were rumors that Asmodeus was not the original ruler of the Nine Hells. This was arguably the only point the histories of the Abyss all agreed on and,[202] by some interpretations, could be argued correct. [145][151] Yet the slug archduke still burned with undying ambition for Asmodeus's throne just as he did with undying anger towards Asmodeus himself. [27] Given his access to ten avatars, Asmoeus could station one on each layer of Hell as needed, with a tenth leftover for extraplanar activity. Rather than kill his opponents, he preferred using these abilities to force would-be-foes to submit to him, or failing that flee for their lives. Unbeknownst to him, this advice was fed to him as part of a vast conspiracy to dethrone him, and his refusal to bow before his king got him angrily demoted and banished by Asmodeus for his impertinence. Asmodeus to Geryon in the Codex of Betrayal. My original intent was to show how magnificent I am (my charisma is higher than my Wisdom) and the wonderful powers I possess . Harkening back to 2nd edition, Manual of the Planes 3rd edition mentions "brutally repressed rumors" that the form of Asmodeus seen by the other archdukes and visitors was merely a specter or aspect, and that his true form, that of a titanic, serpent-like devil, hundreds of miles long, resided at the bottom of the canyon known as Serpent's Coil, so named for the outline he made when he hit the surface of Nessus, still wounded from his fall out of the upper planes. My intent this game is to convert my party as an LE cleric of Asmodeus to his worship. Baator Both were weakened by this struggle, having invested much of their power into defining the planes and their later battle. Asmodeus's true form was that of a scaled serpent hundreds of miles long, his acid-black blood, a substance beyond foul, exuding from eons-old wounds. [83][156], With no allies in the hierarchy, Bel adopted the policy of supporting Asmodeus in the hopes of further advancement, feeding him information on the other lords through his spy network, efforts appreciated by Asmodeus if not always of actual use. Ill run you through both potential origins, and then we can catch up to recent events. She can use her Profession (barrister) skill for Bluff and Diplomacy checks. [60], Asmodeus's avatar radiated an 120feet (37meters) diameter awe effect that made it incredibly difficult to bring one's self to attack him unless attacked by him first. [231] But it was all for naught, as Asmodeus had secured the loyalty of Geryon and infiltrated the eight armies up to the highest level. A comforting thought, I imagine, for those seeking redemption, but, I tell you, put such thoughts from your mind. He managed to imprison her for a time before Asmodeus reinstated her again, declaring Bel's defensive tactics inadequate for fending off demonkind. [19][60], In predominantly lawful evil societies, Asmodeus's temples dominated the landscape and typically operated openly. At the very least the strongest archdevil,[21][28] weaker interpretations cast him as not even a full-fledged god[34][46] or possessed only of the powers of a lesser god. Even he dreaded the idea of a unified front against him,[175] for if they managed to overcome their differences, the archdukes might prove able to overpower him. When Mephistopheles was donning his Molikroth persona, he appeared as an obese man whose gross levels of fatness were frankly absurd. Glasya, daughter of Asmodeus, standing in front of a picture of her father. Portfolio If Asmodeus takes more than 66 points of damage from a single attack, a pit fiend is summoned in an unoccupied space closest to him. 5e also changes it up with Druids and Paladins, now, who aren't as intrinsically linked to a deity as they once were. He paid night hags to create them so he would have an army not tied to Baator. A very important piece of this is actually part of Asmodeuss rise to power. Keep in mind that this stat block is a bit more free form than your average 5e stat block. For the player who wants it all: the Warlock/Cleric. Asmodeus (Deity) Titles The Archfiend Dark Prince The First God-Fiend King of Hell Lord of Darkness Lord of Hell Lord of the Pit Master of Witches Prince of Darkness Prince of Devils Prince of Hell Prince of Law Ruler of Hell Adjective Asmodean Realm The Catafalque, Nessus, Hell Alignment Lawful evil Areas of Concern Contracts Pride Slavery How Temporary Hit Points Work in D&D 5e (With Examples), Torm: the True and Loyal Fury - DnD 5e Deity Guide, Tyr: Lawful Good God of Law and Justice - 5e Deity Guide, Water Weird 5e: Stats & Guide for Players & DMs, Back From the Dead! [83] Furthermore, not even the King of Hell was above the law, as was made clear with the Phlegethos-based Diabolical Court, an independent institution filled with constant plots by various devils to introuce new rules or set favorable precedents. If anything would hold you off from a fight with a god, it should be that they are a god, capable of reducing you to a pillar of ash in seconds. [45], Every devil within Hell's hierarchy served Asmodeus, either directly or via a line of authority tracing back to him. [33][34] He was the most well-mannered of the archdevils,[12] soft-spoken and eloquent as he lured others into serving his ends. At that point, they become lesser devils such as lemures or nupperibos. Alignment He generally left the archdevils with their realms: Zariel, Dispater, and Mephistopheles were allowed to keep their layers; Mammon embarrassed himself begging Asmodeus for forgiveness, who did by allowing him to keep his layer but forbade him to keep his relationship with his daughter; and Belial went into the background to evade responsibility and managed to hold power by accepting Asmodeus's condition that he hold power jointly with his daughter, Fierna. [29][5][30], Asmodeus had absolute control over the Nine Hells and with his mind he could change not only the landscape of any layer but the forms of his archdevils in any way he wanted whenever he wanted. [63], Asmodeus owned one of the original copies of the Pact Primeval. To do that, he believes that he must destroy the outer planes and dismantle the rules that currently govern the multiverse. Do they default to try to get people to follow Asmodeus or do they promote atheism. [74][210], Asmodeus's victory was short-lived however,[71] for the devil's prize soon twisted into a damnation by the will of He Who Was and his dying curse. Asmodeus leading an infernal force into the Abyss. [27] Most sects were based in the settlements of humans, halflings, dwarves, elves, and gnomes, although the cult did claim some monstrous adherents. [148], Afterward, Asmodeus instituted the Dark Eight, giving an effective promotion to the pit fiends loyal to him. [193][194] He was even willing, through authorized intermediaries, to send a priest to cast true resurrection on one who had died. The Nine Hells The form of Asmodeus that youll almost always be encountering is an avatar of the archdevil, not the real thing. [135], For Asmodeus's part, Levistus was in poor standing with him. Some made secret pacts, akin to the Pact Primeval, which led to Asmodeus channeling divine energy from the torture of mortal souls. Furthermore, souls condemned to Baator were conscripted into the infernal army against the Abyss's forces of chaos, thereby protecting the cause of law and good from the forces of chaos and evil, which meant the souls were also used to further and protect the cause of law. [53] This changed after Asmodeus consumed Azuth and thus obtained true godhood, allowing him to grant spells to his followers and remove the vile rituals previously required to access such power. [174], Asmodeus was so powerful that he feared no individual archdevil, but his position was not invincible. Touched by this, Asmodeus held a great ceremony formally titling Tiamat Guardian to the Gate of the Second Layer", yet he betrayed her all the same. DnD 5e - Races. Like most fiends, these castes dictate more than just status. So, if youre up for the challenge, beyond just running a god with the foremost tactical mind in the multiverse, I would like to suggest one more thing. [181] Furthermore, the exile Gargauth rivaled Asmodeus in posturing and wiliness, and through his stronger sense of humor surpassed him in self-control and strategy, such was his ability that he would prove dangerous competition if he ever desired Asmodeus's throne. Adjective(s) [135] Some speculated his later struggle against Geryon was orchestrated by Asmodeus to either make them overcome their worst impulses or lay the foundation for a superior lord.[137]. [126] Levistus's infamous deed, should the truth behind it be made clear, had the potential to utterly undermine Asmodeus's authority,[102] and his sly trickery had turned many former members of his own spy network against him. [102][142], Baalzebul: Baalzebul was originally an archon of Mount Celestia named Triel before his relentless and selfish pursuit of perfection got him thrown into the Nine Hells. Additionally, if Asmodeus could collect all of the shards of evil from the Abyss, he could enslave and control the entirety of demonkind. [210] He was a god of kingship, the sky, wisdom,[209] arguably knowledge,[208] and stated in some circles to have been the creator of humanity. [144] He had a special hatred for Asmodeus, for his curse was not simply an impediment, but an intolerable humiliation. [41] The Prince of Evil was confident in his position as one of the multiverse's strongest beings,[30] and genuinely believed his rule was for the best. Infernal Legacy: 1st level Nothing Asmodeus could do would change the countenance or demands of Laduguer, who would accept only the original deal, infernal aid in overthrowing the illithids oppressing his people in exchange for assisstance against the demon queen Lolth in the Underdark, and grimly accepted it as nothing but his due when Asmodeus finally relented. [66] None who shared knowledge of its existence, both of the form itself and where it allegedly came from, lived for more than a day, although it was still recorded in ancient and difficult to reach libraries, such as Demogorgon's citadel of Abysm. [79], Even while many devils continually damned souls to expand Hell's infernal army,[59] Asmodeus exempted himself from the duty of each archduke to provide soldiers or other aid to fight the Blood War. However, the gods realized that mortals were the next threat as they followed their own free will rather than law. [67], His personal palace was Malsheem, a giant fortress so large that it was considered unmappable. Asmodeus regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn. [77] More to the point, while he viewed them as nothing more than a nuisance,[70] he knew they stood a chance of overwhelming the Hells were they to be united. [153][154], For some reason Asmodeus usually tolerated this brazen and arrogant covetousness, seemingly content to let Mephistopheles make his claims. According to the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, Asmodeus is the god of indulgence. [27] Regardless, he desired the souls of mortals and maintained a following among them. Before Combat The cleric casts freedom of movement and resist energy (electricity). Asmodeus is a tyrant who sees chaos and its agents as the multiverse's greatest threat, so it makes sense that a cleric of his would be similar. [19] He courted influence among organized races of lawful evil humanoids, such as hobgoblins,[189] with many creatures of evil revering him as the patron of might and tyranny. [242] In a ritual performed in Djerad Thymar amid the First Tymanther-Unther War, on Hammer 10 of 1487 DR, Ilstan sacrificed his life to allow Azuth to become an individual god once more.[243]. Do they default to try to get people to follow Asmodeus or do they promote atheism. BelDispaterMammonFieranaBelialLevistusMalagardeBaalzebulMephistopheles Gods and demons have obliterated it many times, but like evil itself, the book always returns to enslave, corrupt, and destroy. For example, he changed Baalzebul's formerly (mostly) beautiful form into that of a giant slug. In fact, the most common origin of warlocks in the Realms was infernal, and of all the archdevils, it was Asmodeus who maintained the most of such pacts, at least among those with fiendish blood. They adhere to a strict caste system and can advance through the ranks to reach the level of pit fiend and even possibly become an archdevil. Asmodean[9] While the gods maintained a position of condemnation toward Asmodeuss war, they knew that He Who Was had been an incompetent god, one who couldve led to their defeat in the Dawn War. Asmodeuss deeds further corrupted him, and he began to hear the shards of evil. [2][190], Asmodeus also mantained several unconventional mortal casters. [95], The couatl deity Jazirian knew something of Asmodeus's true nature, having worked with the fellow being of law in some ancient deed. Civilization, as he understood it, was a means of gaining power, the structures and technology created by society instruments to crush his enemies. Then, in a move that surprised everyone, Asmodeus punished his only loyal lord with exile, raising entombed Levistus back to the rank of archduke. [233] The third was Asmodeus's hunger for faithless people: at least for a moment, Geryon believed life was pointless and became food for Asmodeus. While it would be a bit extreme to say that Asmodeus has a past shrouded in mystery, there are definitely historic disputes over his exact origin. Guide to Hell claimed that his wish was to destroy all creation by making all sentient beings atheists, thus negating the belief energy holding the Outer Planes together, so that he might fill the void and create it entirely in his own image, without the help of any other deity. However, after conquering three Abyssal layers, he could not advance further because of the resistance he faced from Demogorgon and Orcus. [111], To avoid the advent of this scenario, Asmodeus plied his skill in diplomacy and intrigue to carefully foster rivalry, distrust, and feuding across the Hells, always managing to seemingly align himself with the winning side in any conflict. Gargauth left either because he tried and failed to oust Asmodeus and had to flee or because Asmodeus killed Beherit, Gargauth's closest ally, which prompted the Outcast to leave. I can imagine the character being a cleric of Asmodeus first. If Asmodeus fails a concentration save at any time, he may choose which spell ends. [143][144][102][146] However, the conspriatorial politics of Hell put the two at greater odds over time,[147] culminating in the Reckoning when his move to overthrow Asmodeus offended the Dark Lord and saw him suffer a series of cruel and unusual punishments, the worst being his transformation into a hideous, degenerate slug. [32], The horn of Zargon Asmodeus abandoned landed where the city of Cynidicea eventually arose. [208] Only a handful of mortal scholars remembered the name and it was whispered Asmodeus dispatched powerful devils to kill any mortal who spoke it aloud, fearing it even in modern times. [201] The demonic tanar'ri however would say that they themselves were ultimately the source of devilkind, that their baatezu archenemies were simply corrupted versions of themselves, a root of chaos so twisted that it became law. All other alignment-based planes configured around it, creating the Great Ring, more commonly known as the Outer Planes. An evil cleric is not just evil themselves, they are advocates and salespeople for Evil. [33], Asmodeus had spies on every layer of the Nine Hells and plants in each of the courts, with none certain who amongst their ranks were truly loyal to Asmodeus, creating a climate of justified paranoia. Pantheon It was also a great way to keep the demon population in check since demons could eventually control the multiverse if they werent otherwise occupied. [82] There stood comparisons to be made between him and Zaphkiel, the similarly inscrutable and ancient ruler of the archons and the Seven Heavens of Mount Celestia, one of the first mortal martyrs to die for the cause of lawful good. Asmodeus killed most himself, but despite the destruction of all their lords, Zargon himself, even against one as mighty as Asmodeus, was resistant to the worst he could muster. [39] Torture was his tool to break the wills of others and impose his own,[40] and knowledge of secrets and dealings his desired instrument to claim others as his. +20 to hit). [45], Asmodeus slew more demons than anyone, whether angel or deity, but as the eons wore on he and his company became ugly and fearsome, taking on demonic traits to better combat them[45] (thus in a way devils could be said to have come from demons). Avernus, for example, was originally created by Asmodeus as an obscenely beautiful paradise, a wonderland of infinite, alluring, enrapturing delights designed to tempt and ensnare mortals. Their horns, tails, and thick tails can make the more pronounced tieflings hard to miss in any society. [213], In any event, it was by the goodwill and kindness of He Who Was that he allowed his archangels to rise to nearly equal exarchs and demigods in power. You need only peer into a. 2e As the flame disappeared, in its place stood Amon, eyes like aizles, horns thick as two of his arms and long as two trident prongs stuck end-to-end. Technically he was not an archduke however, instead ruling Malbolge as viceroy of Baalzebul whom was also granted dominion over it. Those who worshiped Asmodeus directly formed an intricately built secret society. [58] Even so, Asmodeus had strategies alliances with several powers of the lower planes, such as Set and Hecate (at least back when he needed assitance to grant spells),[87] and even a secret alliance with the demon lord Pazuzu. [5][99] However, Asmodeus could simply take powerful beings, even mortal ones, and first transform them into archdevils to add them to his roster before appointing them to archdukedom. Ability Score Increase: Adding an INT bonus to the tiefling's CHA isn't very helpful. [8][162][85][135][137][163], Whatever the case, Geryon eventually returned to Stygia and maintained a war against Levistus for it with the tacit permission of Asmodeus. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks). However, this didnt mean that he didnt amass a large number of cults devoted to him. [110] It was commonly said Asmodeus permitted the coup so as to take a useful but conniving tactician and leave him too harried to scheme against his patron. Even so, many tieflings did choose to follow the Lord of the Nine,[196] the most frequent provider of warlock pacts to their kind. His labyrinthine, insidious intrigues could seem inexplicable to most outside observers, for Asmodeus let even his own servants stew in fear of his next move. Asmodeus approved this under the condition that Bel would concentrate on the Blood War with the Dark Eight. In his traitorous quest to usurp Asmodeus he performed acts so heinous that his punishment, being sealed in a giant block of ice, almost seemed like a mercy, and while later returned archdukedom he was not released from his tomb. [196] Even in modern times he was still willing to offer transformation into a tiefling with a direct infernal bloodline to himself, at the cost of the soul of whoever would seek such a thing. [60], Having no soul quota of his own,[104] Asmodeus was no stranger to subcontracting cults to other figures and inventing fictional figures for devotion (such as in his schemes to inspire faithlessness)[87] and had an interesting relationship with the cults of his two most powerful rivals. On dying in Toril, a mortal's soul was shunted to the Fugue Plane, where it waited until whatever god they worshiped in life cared to take the soul to itself, for a length of time depending on how well the soul adhered to the deity's tenets. While this isnt a hard and fast 5e mechanic, I leave it to your discretion to decide if a spell is too good natured for this devil to use. My question is more, does he want me to get people to follow him or to believe that there is no afterlife (which I guess kind of ties into the get what you want now kind of thing). A creature can repeat this saving throw at the end of their turn to end the effect. Archdevils[10] His voice carried an irresistible suggestion that could make those without incredible willpower subservient to him for ten to a hundred days. Last edited by Rob76: Aug 25, 2020 long time fantasist and part time creator of Homebrew bits and bobs. Holy day(s) He had the foresight and economic saavy to create many pacts that seemed indiviually innocuous, but together, given the state of the cosmos, allowed him to avoid the diminished soul income of other realms and convert his master's domain into a torturous extractor of magical energy. Running a campaign centered on Asmodeus may seem like a lot of work, but it really boils down to a general theme of Lawful Evil plots and schemes. He annually called the archdevils to his court in Malsheem, a summons that none ever refused.[5]. [30] Baator ran on a divine energy derived from the souls of the damned, a magical force that could be extracted through the merciless torture, destruction of identity, and overall breakdown of corrupt souls. [126], On Toril, Asmodeus's worshipers comprised two groups: those who wanted to have some form of independence from gods, and those who had no intention of dealing with devils, only wanting fun and/or clemency from Asmodeus. [28][206][207] From this disgraced and generally poorly understood position however he had begin to rise again, advancing plans uncountable eons in the making. Some things happen which causes Asmodeus to have to intervene and while saving the character's life. For now, the brief imagery should at least show you that Baator is not a cozy travel destination. Essentially, I see him as treating people that go to him in 2 ways. ( mostly ) beautiful form into that of a picture of her father can catch up to events! 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Wants it all: the Warlock/Cleric or lower, unless he wants to be affected Forgotten Realms, Asmodeus mantained... For the player who wants it all: the Warlock/Cleric of a picture of her father any time he. More than just status original copies of the 6th level or lower, unless he wants to be....

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